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Everything posted by Tam

  1. So far I'm liking it a lot. The Ace of Spades sampler comes with two cartridges (basically cartomizers) filled with a higher nic (16 mg I believe) juice in menthol and one in tobacco flavor. The automatic cut off is about a four second draw? Decent vapor and throat hit too. I would definitely recommend this for those times when you need more nic, less time to vape-types of situations. You'll need a thinner juice for the filler material to absorb -- I would go more VG than a 50/50.
  2. Got these in a few days ago but I've not been feeling well and forgot to post here. All from the VT store: 1 - Kanger Aerotank 2 2 - 5-packs of coils for the above 1 - Aspire Nautilus X (@Christopher's recommendation and I'm really liking it so far!) 1 - 5-pack 1.8 ohm coils for the above Then, @Christopher added Ace of Spades pack, extra cartridges, juice, eGo battery holder... and his generosity knows no bounds! I'm trying the Ace of Spades cig-alike, and so far I'm liking it a lot more than I would've thought for stealth vaping. Still in the testing phase right now but so far I'm pretty impressed at its performance.
  3. Oh, we can get derailed at any point, lol. Seems like our attention spans are -- LOOK! A SQUIRREL!
  4. Hi Dave, I'm moving this over to the General Vaping discussion so it'll be seen more. The Lasted Products is more for rolling out new products that others may not be aware of yet.
  5. Well... I don't know about 'discourse', but we sure can talk up a storm given the right incentive and if it's to derail a thread, lol.
  6. Thank you! With my eye sight being what it is, I have a 25" monitor just so I can blow things up to 150% for easy viewing. Aaaahhh, this is much better. Thanks again!
  7. Noticed that there's a new forum layout where there's the newest topics and new posts on the right hand side. Just my personal preference but it makes the content of the posts feel too squished together and busy. Is there a way for us to customize how we look at the pages and take that out if we want?
  8. http://www.vapingpost.com/2017/05/03/air-sampling-confirms-secondhand-vapor-is-harmless/ There's the link to the original post.
  9. I'm with @Walt about the models. I would like to see a hunky beefcake model one of the men's t-shirts, please.
  10. Personal preference? That would be the first logo and not the distressed one. Guess I'm old school and don't care for the "distressed, it comes looking like the screen printer had an off day" style. On t-shirts, how about one with a small logo on the right breast area only? I would love to see totes with the logo on one side only. That would get lots of use from me. Have you looked into possible vape gear organizers? That with the VT logo might be something to consider? Don't know how many people would be interested, might also do a survey here to see?
  11. Mmmmmm Vanilla bean ice cream. Oh. You're talking about the flavoring. Now you've got me thinking about wanting real ice cream, lol.
  12. I can personally vouch for the Eleaf iPower 80W TC. They're good workhorses, very versatile, and they last forever -- since they hold a 5000 mAh battery inside. Even rotating between two, I only have to charge them about once a week, and I tend to chain vape when not at work.
  13. Any order you make that's coming from China is going to take awhile. Usually a looooong while. If you want something sooner, you need to order from a vendor that's based in the US... you know... like the Vapor Talk store that's warehoused in California.
  14. Can you tell us a brand name? That would be helpful.
  15. Please stop posting the same thing in more than one place. Post once. Wait for someone to reply. If no one does, don't keep posting the same thing over and over. You'll wind up getting a warning or banned for spamming the forum. Thank you for your cooperation. Now, I'm off to delete your duplicate posts.
  16. Next month I'll be celebrating my five year anniversary of vaping. Since then, my dental hygienist tells me that she hardly has to do anything to clean my teeth anymore compared to when I was still smoking cigarettes. My teeth have never been whiter with little to no discoloration other than a slight staining due to the coffee and tea I drink -- not the vaping. That said, I vape dark, sweet juices as my all day vape with no problems, but then I also make sure that the juice in my tank is clean and I change out my coils as soon as the performance starts to drop. Hope you find a fix for your issue.
  17. There's a thread called "Share your coil builds". Just pop those words into the search function of the forum (look at the top for a small magnifying glass and click on that), and you should be able to find it. Sorry, no bueno on knowing anything about the mod you listed. Welcome to Vapor Talk.
  18. No, don't disassemble. Take the center pin of your atomizer and gently pull that out just a tiny bit. That might do the trick if you can't move your center pin of the mod.
  19. Moved to General Vaping Discussion thread. You should get more visibility for your question there.
  20. I agree with @Edna and would also suggest you try to lift the center pin of your mod. Sometimes, the center pin of the mod gets pushed down and old juice will keep it pushed down so your atomizer doesn't make a solid connection. That's when your mod will tell you that it doesn't recognize that an atomizer is on it. Give Edna's suggestions a try and then come back and let us know that it worked.
  21. You only have to post this once and not in multiple threads. You'll get better results if you start your own thread.
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