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cany last won the day on January 8

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  1. Welcome aboard, When I started vaping I found this site the members here helped me more than I ever could imagine
  2. Might be too much and its a salt based NIC try lowering it
  3. Maybe the NIC is too much what NIC are you vaping
  4. Got ya I thought that was the name of the juice My bad
  5. What brand of disposable
  6. What are you using to vape now?
  7. When the coil goes bad you throw the pod away ?
  8. I have so much brand new stuff still in boxes
  9. I miss the days when something new came out we always had someone review it here guess thats why I have a closet full of "shiny stuff"
  10. Have you tried here https://docsvape.com/index.htm Im not from TN but I follow them on FB they seem to be a nice shop with lots of stuff
  11. I usually vape two different flavors during the day If one starts to loose flavor I switch to the other
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