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Everything posted by Tam

  1. If I had more time I might enjoy making coils again, but these days I'm still trying to get over a cold/flu/pneumonia that I had since December, helping to take care of SO's parents, cooking for the week on weekends, working a 50+ hour a week job, losing Saturdays to take puppy and SO to puppy school, and.... you get the picture. Not enough hours in a day and all I want is one or two things I don't have to mess with that... just work.
  2. Moved to "Coil Builds" section.
  3. Well said, @FXRich. The Vapor Talk store is closed right now while Chris takes a well deserved rest but it'll be open in just a few more days.
  4. You're probably right, @Walt about the temp control, but I just can't be bothered to mess with RBA and RDAs these days. If I get an itch to play with some, though, Lord knows I have enough RDA, RBA, RDTA, RQEG, RGDS, etc. to work on, lol. Just need to put in an order for some stainless steel and I should be good to go.
  5. That seems to have cooled the vapor down a bit. Still need to figure out how to make it work for me by tweaking it some more. Thanks for the tip!
  6. Thanks for the tip, @FXRich. Funny, when I first started vaping I used to water down a juice that was too thick for the wicks in a T2 tank. Will give that a try.
  7. That helps, thanks @Bebop and @Walt. So far from what I've experienced, this tank doesn't seem suited for MTL style of vaping.
  8. Because the vapor is so hot I'm barely able to take a hit longer than a second or two max. I'm looking into adjusting my juice ratios now. Thanks for chiming in!
  9. I'm using the Baby Beast on an iPower 80W so it does have TC. I'm not certain but I think it's Kanthal (o.4 ohm V8 Q2 coils), if that helps. I so have some juice in 0 nic so I'll mix enough of that with the 3 mg to get to 1 mg of nic. I really want to like the Baby Beast but so far it's not working out for me.
  10. Seriously, I know I'm doing something wrong, probably something really minor, but I just can't figure out what it is. Argh!
  11. The delrin drip tip stayed nice and cool, I burned my lips on the hot vapor coming out. Right now I've got it set at 39.7W and can only draw on it just a little under two seconds before it gets too hot for me. Don't know how you guys do this all the time.
  12. Physiology is playing just fine here, I even burned my lips a little so I don't think it's just me. My PG/VG ratio is 30PG/70VG and the nic is at 3 mg, which is what I use when I vape on a 1.8 ohm coil. While that increase in nic might be a little mind blowing, I also vape 24 mg nic on a 1.8 from time to time (usually at work when I can't vape as often), so this shouldn't be a problem, should it? I have a couple of 0 nic juices I could try, but I'm still working on the hot vapor problem as well. *sighs*
  13. Nice! Which instrument are you playing?
  14. Okay, so I've heard both you and @Earthling789 tell me that subohm coils and high watts do not necessarily have to mean hot and harsh vapor. I'm using the Q2 coil and have tried everything from 20W to 50W. The higher the watts, the hotter and harsher the vapor. Yes, the airflow is wide open -- so much so that I can see through to the other side. What am I doing wrong?
  15. Right? That "shinyitis" is pretty terminal... or so I've heard.
  16. The Russian 91% is a good RBA, although these days mentioning anything Russian might not be a good thing. lol
  17. Nice! Looks like this one's full. When are you making some more?
  18. Nice work and good thinking outside the box, Walt!
  19. Got my order from the VT store! Everything was all wrapped in beautiful purple tissue paper... my puppy was dancing around the box he was so excited! He loves any kind of paper and tissue paper has the advantage of making a lovely crinkle sound, lol! The best thing was the note on my inventory sheet that said, "We love you Tam!" Made my day.
  20. Mine's a little over 20 years old so it's not as accurate as I'd like. Need to look into replacing it but it still works for other things...
  21. How about, "Trust your Fluke meter" instead?
  22. Instead of using your mod to read the coil resistance, get yourself a dedicated ohm meter. Even though mods have gotten better, I still don't trust them to give me the most accurate reading -- as you can tell with the fluctuations you're seeing. Better safe than being the next story about something blowing up in the news.
  23. If you put in the word, "tutorials" into the search engine (that small magnifying glass at the top of the page), this section comes right up.
  24. You're welcome. This section is pretty quiet, but hopefully, with tutorials like yours, it'll get hopping again.
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