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Everything posted by spydre

  1. How does it compare with silica wicks for flavor?
  2. @ vapor - now that you are into mods and rebuilding, and if you keep you keep your juices in there, that case won't hold your stuff for long. I've taken to keeping MOST of my tanks (KPT2s, Davide, evods, and minis) in a repurposed Case Logic case for....something (who knows what, as my SO keeps things like that forever on the chance he'll find another use for it - good for me), although I DO have some tanks sitting on my desk (on a towel, just in case they leak) that I don't have room for in the Case Logic case (which actually, considering the size of the Pro Tanks, holds 6 Pro Tanks, a full sized Davide, and several evods and/or minis). I cart that with me around the house, like when I go from the den to the living room, or go upstairs for the night, so I can find the right flavor juice if I need to switch out because of my taste issues (literally, sometimes I just have to stop vaping one juice on little notice for some reason, and then I have to go through my tanks to see "what tastes right", or rather, what I can tolerate the taste of for that time period. @ aufin - how much stuff do you take with you when you leave the house? For my spare tanks and/or batteries, I end up using my old eGo case when I leave the house (it fits into my purse better, and I don't want that stuff loose in my purse). @joejoevapekill - um, is that fake blood on your shirt on your profile pic? If not, what, exactly, is it?
  3. And yet, another Seattle player, who is hearing impaired and wears hearing aids, just made headlines yesterday because a young girl tweeted him (which he then re-tweeted), basically with a letter of admiration, saying how she and her sister (they both have to wear hearing aids) are inspired by him, because since he wears hearing aids, it makes hearing aids cool, and reminds them to have faith, and she hopes he has a good game in the Super Bowl. He tweeted her back almost IMMEDIATELY (which is amazing given how much Super Bowl prep players on both teams are undergoing right now, with extra practices, press conferences, etc.) with a very positive message, which of course all of his followers re-tweeted as well. I think it truly depends on the player, and their sense of ethics. Granted, Sherman was still high off the play that he made that allowed Seattle to win, but there's still no excuse for it, IMO.
  4. Okay, back in August (August 14th to be exact), when my sister and I went to St. Louis to visit Mom in the hospital for her second femoral blood clot in a month, a couple days before they ended up doing surgery, on the way back to the car, I started talking to my big sister about vaping, and how much cheaper it is than analogs (especially since brand name cigarettes in Illinois run about $7 per pack - I don't know how much a carton is, although that varies by brand sometimes, at least it used to), and she was interested, but she didn't, and doesn't have the start up money. Her sons are two, well, men, really, 24 and 19, big guys, with appetites to match, so I perfectly understand that (BTW, she has great boys, really, incredible boys). Well, I had forgotten about that conversation. Since I got my VTR, so I have my Winder, and my MVP as back ups, I thought about passing on my eGo starter kit to a family member or friend who was interested/ready to try vaping. Well, in my conversation with my sister yesterday, I mentioned that I had a starter kit that I could pass on to anyone who was interested (she has many more friends that still smoke than I do, and I know my Dad won't take the starter kit), and she reminded me that she was. *does happy dance* So I'm taking her to B&M store that's pretty much closest to her, not far from her place at all, on Saturday, to "help" her, as in the tanks (I'm recommending Evods, and two of them), a spare pack of coils, she's going to get her juice (I'm recommending that she get two flavors for variety's sake), and then I get to show her how it all works! So, okay, she's not ACTUALLY converted yet, but I'm sure that once she starts vaping she'll be a convert!
  5. Okay, recently (since I ran out of vodka in December and had to wait until January to get more), I'd gone back to only cleaning my coils under hot water unless they were strong enough flavored juices to warrant going into the vodka (once I got vodka, that is; prior to that, I saved what I THOUGHT would need vodka until I got MORE vodka). Should I doing a vodka soak on all coils I plan to recycle?
  6. Well, coil building isn't something I may be capable of because of my hands. Which is why I am going to have Cloud 9 build the coil for me (they verified that they do that). My SO said you can't lay the AGA T down on it's side, that it would leak, or if it was in your pocket and got tilted, it would leak out the airholes. Is that not the case? And can you use a higher resistance on it than one ohm? I really wasn't wanting to go down that low. And for either of these, are clones from Fast Tech okay? Also, since we are talking about it, what type of RBA is Taifun? I couldn't tell.
  7. Shouldn't the government me be all of this flavor anyway? "It might lead kids to think beer is good! It might lead kids to drinking beer!" No, I'm not saying you should be 21 to buy this particular flavor jelly bean, but, you know, parroting/reversing the whole argument about flavors used in e-juice.....because, you know, we lose our taste buds at 18, evidently.
  8. Okay, I just got up, and holy cold front, Batman! Okay, the cold front hit before, but it's sooo much worse today. No snow, but right now the wind chill is -18, and we are hovering just above zero as far as ACTUAL temperature.
  9. ^^ That too. I'm really surprised the vape shop didn't check more stuff, to tell you the truth. Maybe you got the one person there that doesn't know much about APVs?
  10. Check the spring, make sure it didn't compress too much to push the battery up to make contact. Try stretching the spring out a bit, and see if that helps. Could be the battery jolted down hard on the spring, compressed it. Vape shop should have checked that, because Vamos have that happen without being dropped.
  11. Yeah, if you look at my location, I'm in Alton, just by you guys. As a matter of fact, our school district called off at about 6:30 tonight for tomorrow because of the crazy wind chills we're gonna have tomorrow. This mini dachshund is a spoiled prissy *itch. If my in-laws are gone for an especially long time, they may call my SO to go take her out. Once she gets outside, she won't do anything, she won't even walk. Yes, he dragged her across the yard to her "potty place". They have always shoveled almost all the show out of her path, and packed the rest down so she doesn't have to worry about sinking into it. And she starts barking if she can't find my mother in law.....argh. And she's the pickiest eater in the WORLD. For a dog that has gotten no table scraps since she moved in with my in-laws' (she used to be my brother in laws dog when he lived on the other side of MO), she turns her nose up at darn near every treat they buy her. But her refusal is our dog's gain. We have a TON of treats that Buttons won't eat that Dodger just loves. The Beneful dog food? There are certain pieces of it that she wouldn't eat, so they stopped buying it. BTW, everyone else, when I say crazy wind chills - I don't know what the wind is supposed to get up to, but for the entire day, windchills anywhere between -10 and -25. Now, SIUE, the college that son #1 and SO attend, LOTSA space for the wind to ramp up, and they have to walk HUGE distances. They've both stubbornly refused scarves.
  12. Okay, so tonight: 2 15 ml bottle of Kick Ash Tobacco from Vapor Beast - they were out of 30 ml bottles 3 boxes of Kanger coils 8 30 ml glass bottles with eye dropper lids - four for me, four for the other one.
  13. Um, ewwwww. Even more ewwww than the Harry Potter "Bertie Bott's Jelly Beans".
  14. Okay, so say you went with, say, an RSST, since it's a top wicking system, do I understand this right, um, either ss mesh "cable" or silica wick length has to go down through the hole into the juice, is that right? And is this one that has to stay upright, or can I lie it down on my desk, take it out with me where it would be with my VTR or MVP in my purse, etc.? Getting an RBA, debating which to get.
  15. Here's another gem, Sherman still running his mouth. Sorry, but I don't equate "thug" with the n word. Then again, I wouldn't have used that word - it was just classless, and tasteless, IMO. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/20/richard-sherman-rant-erin-andrews_n_4629510.html?utm_hp_ref=sports
  16. Why am I all of the sudden getting ads for Pancreas Transplants at some Memorial Medical Center? I've never looked up any pancreatic medical conditions, this hard drive is six months, old, so basically, I look up meds, and sometimes things associated with my medical conditions......but I can't remember searching for anything on.....transplants. The way this ad program's algorithm is working is.....weird.
  17. Not sure the OP is even paying attention to this anymore. He hasn't posted anything since 1/6.
  18. After two days of vaping my "alternate" flavors (those in my evods and minis, which aren't full time vapes, or like my Irish Cream and Turkish Honey Tobacco, but mostly in my small tanks), where I would vape until the taste went away - so for a few hours, or like one flavor, I ran out of, I got some quality time in today with my 555, but I think it's time to clean and dry burn the coil already, as I had to drop it down a bit to avoid the burned taste. But, really, I've missed the 555 in the last couple of days, I just didn't want to vape it. It's time to take a couple day break from my Kick Ash. I've over vaped it since I got it, and now I'm not getting the main notes that made me love it so much in the first place. So setting it aside for a few days.
  19. Me, too! And two flavors of joose instead of the one. I couldn't wait to try the mellow, um, spice out. *dances*
  20. Well, my docs - yes, docs - always told me that caffeine was dehydrating. And they have ALL mentioned that the more caffeine you drink, the thirstier you'll get. I mentioned diet cola or something non-coffee or tea related, because the caffeine is added artificially, it does not come in the plant the drink is based on - it's just added for flavoring. While there are many health benefits to caffeine, the first days of vaping, proper hydration is a must as you get used to the drying effects of the vape, or it WILL lead to vaper's tongue.
  21. Oh, okay, WillBlack. Thanks for noticing.
  22. Like I said before, when I try to think, smoke pours outta my ears.
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