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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Yeah, eczema can come at any time. And if it was from VG - from touching it, you would get it other than vaping, as it is too many things to count, not including food, hair products (gel in particular), etc. At least I'm pretty sure.
  2. Just FYI, I find it easier to remove the stem if the coil is screwed into a base, but that's just me.
  3. What about the VTR - I'm assuming that uses it as well? No big deal, just want to know what I'm dealing with. And how is that different from mean?
  4. Today marks my six month date since I started vaping! Woo hoo!
  5. Today I've gotten a bit of relief. Some of my more rarely vaped (anymore) flavors I got the taste for. I was so excited when I got the refills on these flavors, and then I just kind of moved on to other flavors, you know? I guess my taste buds changing, or something. But with Honey Wood, the change was over like, a two week time frame from every other day to hardly ever. But now I'm on hardly ever with my 618 and that was my ADV for quite some time, and an every day vape when it wasn't. I have to be in the right mood for the flavor now of the 618. And with my Irish Cream (no, it still doesn't taste like Bailey's, and I've stopped looking for one that does, probably, unless this untouched EC Blends sample tastes like it), and Honey Wood became flavors that would actually irritate me on a lot of days, but today is a good day for them. Spent some time with Turkish Honey, which earlier in December I was vaping the hell out of, but slowed down because I knew I couldn't get a refill of it until this month, and I lost the taste for it again (one bottle lasted me 5 months), but it was good to me today, too, until it started tasting too bland. Plus, I'm still playing with the VTR. So I got to play with those flavors, play with the settings....but for some reason the honey wood isn't taking much power even on a brand new 2.5 ohm coil. OH, and in the original post in this thread, I said my 555 couldn't take 7 VOLTS even on a fresh Kanger coil, that's NOT what I meant. I meant seven WATTS on a fresh 2.5 ohm Kanger coil. I've never seen an APV that even goes UP to 7 volts, and that, I THINK, might meltdown a Kanger coil, right? Yeah, it would totally melt down anything under say 6 + ohms resistance.
  6. You WANT to screw the coil into the base tightly, like Bebop said. The o ring on that coil is what makes one of the seals. And you want to make sure you put it in straight, as well. EDIT: By the way, when it started leaking after you put the fresh coil in (I'm assuming after checking that the appropriate o rings were in place), how much leaking are we talking? A couple drops, a trickle, a steady run?
  7. My three long drip tips from Empire Mods! Wee hee! Except, in my excitement to try out the longer drip tip on my VTR without using the extension (you know, see how far away it puts it from my face), I grabbed what I THOUGHT was my 555 tank off my desk and topped it off. Then I remembered. I hadn't vaped 555 today. I vaped for a time this morning my Turkish Honey Tobacco in my red KPT2 tank, until I decided it was too bland and moved on to other flavors. Now, I've said, the red looks almost purple depending on the shade of juice you put into it, and I was right.....turns out, my PURPLE KPT2 with the 555 in it was still in my case, looking RED, as it always does (you see why I was getting different drip tips for them in the first place?). I'm gonna let that mix set a bit, and see if maybe it "unblanded" the Turkish Honey enough to vape it today, or check it in the morning, and see if this new mix is vapable, or if I'll just have to dump it and put a fresh tank of Turkish Honey in there. If so, no big loss. It was only 1/2 a tank of Turkish Honey in there or so, and I used less than one eyedropper of my 555 that I recently bought 120 ml of. However, I've discovered that the stainless drip tip I ordered looks a LOT like the silver drip tip I ordered. Luckily, you can tell the difference by holding them, as the silver is aluminum and lighter, plus the aluminum one has a white o ring, and the stainless has a black o ring.
  8. With the leaking, did you change the coil after it started leaking? The only time I had a Pro Tank leak from the bottom, the coil was going off. And, well, there's the whole o ring - the base o ring is in place, and not compressed, right? I mean, under NORMAL circumstances, leaking shouldn't be happening through the coil, unless a few things are going wrong. A bad coil could be one thing, but I've only had that happen on a bad coil once, a missing or compressed o ring is another, or the coil being put in wrong. I'm not familiar with any problem that would require you to keep it upside down to keep it from leaking EXCEPT a missing o ring. As far as juice getting in your mouth - that means juice is getting into your center tube. That could be happening because of a few different reasons. Well, the first one is easy. User error - you accidentally overfill the tank and it falls into the center tube while you still have it upside down, or you accidentally got it in the center tube. OR it could be flooding because the coil is bad, and isn't burning all the juice it's coming in contact with.
  9. What does the Deadly Sin and El Kamino taste like? I'm not getting a really good idea from the descriptions of them.
  10. It really depends on where you get it. Most of the time, I think, it's a blend of caramel, vanilla, and tobacco, but say, Holy Grail RY4 Sweet Tobacco from Vapor Beast is sweeter, and the first RY4 that I actually LIKED, some are more heavy on the tobacco - one I couldn't detect any sweet notes AT ALL. The one I'm vaping now is sweet, but in any of them, although caramel and vanilla are listed as flavors, I've never been able to detect those notes, and to me, the good ones, you can't even detect separately the caramel, the vanilla, or the tobacco notes - it just all melds into goodness. The VT store has an RY4, Dulcis, that I've never tried.
  11. I LOVE my mini Pro Tanks and the Pro Tank 2 is, obviously, the best of the bunch, since it can be taken apart for cleaning, and most importantly, the drip tip replaced. What I will likely do is for my smaller tanks, which are currently Evods with three original mini Pro Tanks and one mini Pro Tank 2, is replace the Evods with the mini 2s, and just use different drip tips to tell them apart (I keep a running list of what flavor is in each tank, identified by the color of the tank or the drip tip).
  12. Proteus, SS body? Does that mean stainless steel? FiveFifteen, I could be wrong - and if I am, someone will correct me - but I don't think thicker juices will cause leaking. Thicker juices can cause flavor wicks in single Kanger coils to not necessarily wick fast enough (I've not had the issue, but others have), but I don't know what effect it will have on dual coils, and whether dual coils even have flavor wicks. As far as me, I'm not sure I like the Aspire. At least for the Aspire, you seem to have to like a much warmer vape. Flavor wise - well, I'll have to try out a different flavor on the second tank, as the first tank I probably didn't choose the best flavor to try with first.
  13. Okay, Medic, saw that you are working on a bottom feeder. Is that because you've never had one before and want to try it out, or is there some sort of advantage to them?
  14. Okay, I got the Chris Christie ad just now.....I guess I've read too many political articles on the web?
  15. Two questions. First, Proteus, is the DNA just the chip or circuit board that goes into the mod? At least, that's what showed up when I did a search on it. Actually, my second question I'll post in IMedic's rebuildable guide, as my question may already be answered in there.
  16. By the way, I can now attest to this....okay, well, this instance, all it's showing are Rocksmith ads, but last night, I bought "Five Days at Memorial" for my Nook - which is about the decisions the doctors and staff had to make at the one hospital in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina and they ended up euthanizing some patients who either wouldn't survive an evacuation, or were too bad off, or they didn't have time (several days in) to get evacuated, or whatever (not sure what led to all the decisions, I'm only 60 pages in). So the first ad I see this morning? An ad for some sort of murder mystery, or murder movie, or something else. All that really caught my eye was the blood dripping down.
  17. So, as I posted, my VTR came yesterday. So far, so good. I'm just having to get used to the fact that the rotational wheel means + going counterclockwise, which seems counter intuitive to me, as that, as you look at it, is going BACKWARDS.
  18. Very cool, Irwink. You know, even though we intended to quit those 10 days when we were smoking the last of our analogs, after about 2 days, we found ourselves hitting our vaporizers WHILE we were smoking the analogs. Why? The juice tasted better. The first time I slipped up, after about a week, although it was nice having that analog, at the time I thought so anyway, the flavor was just meh. I think the second time I slipped up (and hell, at that stage of my "recovery", with what was going on, almost anyone would have, my mom almost lost her leg), the only time I smoked more than one is they were my sister's Kools, and it's like my brain treated the menthol (which I didn't smoke) as a flavor. But like I said, that was August 14, at about 3 pm was my last one that day.
  19. ^^ That too. Irwink, or anyone else, that's the same as pulse width modulation, right? Or am I off base here?
  20. So, it's just been proposed, right? And I'm betting they can ONLY make it apply to juice, because the equipment wouldn't meet the definition. Who knows if it will pass, but at least leaving equipment off MIGHT be a SMALL consolation.
  21. Just an update on this. All my SO did was lower the coil from the position it was in when he purchased it - the throat hit diminished quite a bit - to the point that I could vape, I could inhale, without choking. I could even taste what little there is to taste of that flavor. And with the coil in the first position, although there was plenty of vapor as long as he did a mouth hit, if he did a lung inhale, almost no vapor came out....with lowering that coil, he's getting vapor back when he lung inhales. Never would have thought that would make a difference in either.
  22. Ah, okay, gotcha. My head is hurting like it was hurting last night when I couldn't sleep, so, well, my brain isn't functioning well, either.
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