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Everything posted by spydre

  1. If juice isn't splashing up onto your mouth, it's fine, and normal, unless you are getting a burned taste. If you are getting juice with it, you've gotten juice in the center tube. Try putting a tissue loosely over one end, and blowing through the other end, and see if any juice comes out with it, and repeat until no more juice comes out. If it happens again after you've cleared the center tube, then the coil is probably not fully functioning and it's flooding and you may need to change the coil. Some of the Aspire coils don't work very well. If you look at a couple of the other Aspire threads, the coils tend to be.....inconsistent.
  2. Yeah, certain symptoms of quitting analogs can persist for some time, because of the nature of the toxins in them.
  3. OT, I know, but I'm feeling the pain, literally, of the holiday Monday. Both doctor's offices I need are closed, so I can't make an appointment with one (my hand surgeon), and I can't get refill authorization on my pain meds from my primary for my chronic pain.
  4. Yeah, if you look at OEM coils, they extend past the holes.
  5. I wish I could show my dad and sister, but frankly, after this long smoking, we all know what's in there.....even if we choose to ignore it. My dad is almost 70, so he's been hearing it a long time, and even when his diabetes doc suggested e-cigs, recently, he's resisted. He doesn't like people telling him what to do, and he doesn't want to give up the analogs. My sister, well, I think she MIGHT give it up, if I could get her a set, maybe (since I have two APVs PLUS the winder, maybe I can give her my egos now, I'll talk to hubby, and then talk to her and see if she is interested), her is more limited than mine is. I know, OT from the OP's post, put responsive to another response, had to put it out there, though.
  6. I agree that it's unnecessary, but in reality, as I've posted, I wanted to know why the OP feels the need to filter the e cigs....although I think maybe it's possible that there was some juice on that filter in the picture, it just wasn't in focus enough on the filter to tell if it was made that way, or the color came from juice.
  7. In seventh grade, my science teacher used something like an automatic puffer with a handkerchief at the end to show the black tar, and it was gross.
  8. Let's try that link again, since it automatically put me at the end of the video when I clicked play, and wouldn't let me play it from the start: I need to review some other videos, but I'll get back to you.
  9. I have to agree with my two esteemed friends, here. Just what exactly do you think needs filtering out, or do you think you are filtering out? Pipe and filtered cigarettes came about to keep the smoker from inhaling the solids of the tobacco, and to keep from getting it into our mouths. So what are you filtering from your inhalation? The focusing was bad in the pictures. In the pictures of the filters alone, the camera focused on the tabletop instead, so we can't even tell what we are seeing. The camera focal point in the second picture was the battery and the table top, so what should be the drip tip area, well, just looks like the end of a cigarette to me. And, well, I pay money not to have the end of a cigarette in my mouth.
  10. The number depends, but usually a few short, mouth drags followed by a long lung inhale (usually lasts until the cut off timer hits). Sometimes I skip the shorties and go straight for the long slow draw.
  11. Hey, guys, if I could. For those of you that have experience with the Aspire, how it performs, how it compares to other tanks, there's another thread going here: and I would like your feedback on the Aspire.
  12. Let me know, Proteus. I've heard that they are supposed to be the "new big thing", and they are priced better than the Pro Tank or the Davides even. I'm all over putting the extra voltage or power (which, of course, means more voltage) than you would a traditional 1.8 ohm coil, but if you don't get as much flavor as the Pro Tank or the Davide, or the heat of the vape overpowers the flavor, then I certainly wouldn't want to switch to them. Especially since I have probably $100 invested in KPT2s, KPT minis, and the Davide. Replacing six full sized tanks and the 4 mini tanks (not to mention my Evods that I plan to replace with, at least at this time, KPT mini 2s) would be, ah, costly enough for the full sized tanks and KPT minis, to replace them.
  13. Sorry, this just hit me upon re-reading this. How do you screw up the inside of the thing when you take the filler material out?
  14. Rix, is there a certain amount of cotton that you need?
  15. Well, you couldn't actually see WHAT they were doing, just that they were doing it in a clean room, with the assumed/stated anti-germ properties. But I know some/a lot of those precautions are also taken in anti-static (is that the right word) environments when making/working on electronics.
  16. I don't know, well, anything, about RDAs and colors, but if you can't find a black that you are happy with, I bet a red one would look awesome with it.
  17. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/17/cigarettes-more-addictive-study_n_4618612.html?ncid=edlinkusaolp00000009 Seems someone at the Huffington Post Science Division hasn't been doing their homework on the most addictive properties of analogs. IMO, he took the pro forma information contained in the news release, and regurgitated it. Nicotine is NOT the most addictive substance in analogs, and we've known that for a while. And while he does talk about the possible move to lower the nicotine content and analogs, he quotes the person saying "adding other content that would make lowering nicotine useless" based on addictiveness. They fail to mention that content is already THERE. It is heartening to see the FDA is now doing studies on nicotine, but I hope those scientific studies separate nicotine from tobacco - or rather, nicotine from the marketed analogs, to get a true test.
  18. Mouse pad, at this point, seems to be a total loss, but I was going to Microcenter for PC stuff anyway, so I'll just pick up a new one while I'm there. Desk is getting cleaned off more, so I'll have more room, and not be so pinched for space that I set bottles on the mouse pad again.
  19. You know, the funny thing is, I quite literally had a large amount of the generic lozenges sitting in my desk cabinet for two years. Given to us by a family member who purchased it for us when we flat broke "out of concern."
  20. Do those come with a charger, or do you have to use a USB charger of your own?
  21. Sounds like the charger burned up. I don't think you can charge the Blus off the eGo charger.
  22. BTW, if you go to H&R Block, they usually charge by the page, AND they can't do Rapid Refund on EIC Tax Credit. A family member went there and despite losses and expenses on rental property, they said he owed. Re-did it on Turbo Tax, and he was due $400 back.
  23. BTW, is there a secret to finding things on Fast Tech? Sometimes, I've entered manufacturer names that I KNOW they carry, and come up empty, sometimes I've entered pretty specific searches, only to come up with over 1,000 hits. The only time I got a really searchable list was for RDAs, but that still included at least a page of drip tips, and a bunch of non-rebuildables.
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