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Everything posted by spydre

  1. o I forgot to say, the resistance of your coils plays a part, too. The lower the resistance, more battery power is used. But I REALLY don't know the mathematics and how much of a difference, usage time wise, there is between 1.8 ohms and 2.5 ohms.
  2. It's always been 1040 forms, with the EIC tax credit thrown in. Now, the only income is tax exempt, and nothing is withheld.
  3. Well, it's not like they play the Super Bowl in their home city.
  4. Okay, so I'm resurrecting this necro thread (three months old is necro, right?) because last Friday I bought a large and a small Aspire to try out, because lately, for some reason, even with Kanger coils, I'm not able to put the power through even my 618 that I used to. Oh! The 618 may be because I'm taking it 70/30 now and not 50/50, would that make a difference - I mean, would juice ratio make a difference in how much heat a juice can take? Anyway, my 555 is like 6 watts, or a voltage adjustment, but some juices I can still crank up a bit. So, I think the stem is shorter than the Pro Tank's. I got it the day I tried out the VTR, the day before I ordered it. Each time I used it on my MVP, I had to have my SO pull the center pin up, but I could use it fine on my Winder and my eGos immediately after using ANY of my Pro Tanks and the Davide, so it's not that they've pushed the pin down. I THINK I probably picked the wrong juice to try for the first tank. I mean, I'm still evaluating it, but I put my 555 in it, and at first, like all the flavor was being drowned out by the heat, but now that I've gone through about a tank, eh, I'm still not so sure I'm getting as much flavor out of it on it's best setting on either my VTR or my Winder as I get out of a Pro Tank (single coil). It feels like the 555 flavor is kind of getting lost in the heat, but it COULD be the juice. As for the smaller tank, I'm not sure if I should try a flavor I already have or wait to be able to order from Fadora, and try the Apple Cider out in it (since I know what that tastes like), or maybe my Kick Ash that I have, since I know what that tastes like, something from a different vendor other than Better Vapes, maybe. Any thoughts?
  5. Boge makes juice? Or is that their EQUIPMENT facility?
  6. Just used my Ohm's law calculators (I have 2 of them, one on the phone, one on the PC), and it's just over 5 volts at .4 ohms. The full 5.5 volts puts it closer to 75 watts. SO says says he's seeing something somewhere saying the Gi2 (or another Gi2 MODEL, not sure which) is 100 watts. And can ANYTHING wick that fast?
  7. It's ethylene glycol that's in anti-freeze, and that IS VERY lethal. But that's not in e-cigs.
  8. Well, I've heard with regular, every day use, eGos last about 3 - 6 months, so you could have gotten the full life out of them Joyetechs.
  9. It does. It feels pretty darn awesome! And it's nice to know that even though on the 27th of this month will be the last time I smoked from cigarettes that I BOUGHT, I can't really say I've been analog free for six months until February 14th, six months after my last slip up. EDIT: Freaked out because I thought the sig tag wasn't keeping track of my days right, so I clicked on it to correct the date (I didn't change it for the slip up in August), and then I realized it was the last FULL day without a cigarette - the last purchased cigarette that I smoked was 7/27 @ 2 am. So 7/28 is the first FULL day.
  10. Like I said, it all depends on how much you vape from it. When I was going through 2 - 3 900 mah eGos a day, I was pretty much chain vaping. And I got 1/2 the clock time "people" said to expect from the MVP's battery, again, because of a lot of vaping. The more you vape, the faster it goes. I think when I searched it out shortly after we bought our first kits, it said 1 full charge was a certain number of puffs (if you have the patience and time you could search for it, but I can't remember what search string I entered, I was looking for life expectancy of it), but who counts puffs anyway? And that also depends on vaping style - like I tend to take several short drags followed by one long cut off drag. Anyway, there are variables. Usage, style - if you fill your tank frequently, you'll go through battery frequently as well, use that as a rule of thumb. If it were variable voltage, that would be another variable (and I recommend trying one of those out), but a basic starter stick battery, it comes down to vaping style and vaping amount.
  11. So, I got my glass bottle of 555 down to fill this Aspire that I'm trying out.....still not sure about it, but that's another post. But I needed to refill the tank, so I got the 30 ml glass bottle down that I had put some in. Used about a dropper in the Aspire. So a total of about 4 droppers full have been taken from this glass bottle. I set the cap on it, forgot to screw it back on because supper was getting ready to be ready....and knocked the damn bottle over. I'd say I spilled about 10 mls of 555 on my mouse pad. Didn't get near the mouse, thank goodness, because I'd be in trouble, then, now I just have to figure out a way to get this mouse pad either dried out or dejuiced or something.
  12. Awesome! FYI, I ended up getting a Daryl Walking Dead figurine for my desk. About the size of a bobble head, but no bobble. "Biker Daryl" it's called.
  13. When I think, smoke comes out my ears.
  14. Even when I watched racing I didn't stay up the whole race. Just tuned in for a few hours at a time. Still sponsored by Rolex?
  15. Okay, so are you using GENUINE Kanger coils? Black box, actually says "KangerTech" on the end flap (not a white box that on the back/front of it has boxes to select Kanger Evod or Kanger Pro Tank or even something else - I can't remember what else THAT knock off has on the box, it's been a while since I've had it).
  16. Okay, that place is HUGE! I'm sure they are bigger than some of US places they order from, and I know at least they are cleaner than my B&M - no airlock, etc., there. I wonder which manufacturer that was for - DeKang maybe? I know DeKang has a pretty good reputation, right?
  17. Depends on how much you vape. When I first started, my 900 mah eGo would last me between 18 - 24 real time hours. By, say, three weeks in, no, closer to a month, because of the time it takes to charge them, I had stolen one of my SO's that he didn't use anymore, and was rotating three, from the time I got up until bedtime, because they lasted me between 4 - 6 hours (my SO had his Provari by then). Now, on my VTR, I go through ABOUT 1 1/2 18650 batteries a day or more. I keep three in rotation, just to be safe, but they take, like, no time to charge.
  18. Very cool. I'm just REALLY curious about this. How do you know how much to squeeze? I mean, do you look inside the RDA while you are squeezing?
  19. Okay, found this list of "best jokes of 2013" or whatever. A couple jokes down, bad joke about e-cigs. Boo! http://nypost.com/2013/03/31/the-greatest-gags-tweets-jests-and-jokes-from-the-past-year/ BTW, if you read them, some of the jokes read as good jokes, and some of them, well, while they may have been good jokes on delivery, they pretty much aren't good jokes without the comedian delivering them.....
  20. That may explain why my Honey Wood is wanting to be vaped lower than it was on the MVP, although I recall vaping it higher on the Sigelei. Or maybe I'm just chain vaping it again.....
  21. Yeah, that seems a bit insane, but can .4 ohms take 5 1/2 volts?
  22. In some areas, ordering online is almost imperative, as there aren't any vape shops near. And others, well, if they are selling other vendor's juices, the mark up may be a bit insane, so you'd want to buy at the source.
  23. Nope, just that time of year. I think everyone would get those. Goes off browsing history though, mainly, right? So if you've filed taxes online, either through Turbo Tax, or other software, or Tax Act, bingo. Taxes were never filed by my machines, SO always did them, and I haven't needed to file taxes in 3 years.
  24. Yeah....but, so, you have to keep the mod open, or is it backless?
  25. I THINK the SVD, with the long tube on it, is pretty long as well. I think with adding what you are talking about on to it, you'll look like you've got a weapon.
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