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  1. Like
    Aquatroy got a reaction from Patricia in Does this annoy anyone else?   
    That where I go to get my buzz on!
  2. Like
    Aquatroy got a reaction from Uma in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    Pics please!
  3. Like
    Aquatroy got a reaction from jessicajvapes in Pineapple Express JVapes   
    I don't usually review juice...it's way to subjective...but this one is worthy...PiNEAPPLE EXPRESS from J Vapes out of Prescott AZ, and a new branch B&M in Colorado Springs Tam!

    If you have ever been to Jazzfest in the spring in New Orleans...they serve a Pineapple freeze to benefit my favorite radio station WWOZ (anyone can listen online at WWOZ.org) This is that exact flavor! Intense abundant over the top pineapple, kinda like the pineapple on an old fashioned banana split, but just pineapple..

    Good throat hit and abundant vapor 50/50 at 12mg, I have tried a half a dozen of their stock,mand all were okay or better..But this one is just fantastic!! Got get more fast!!

  4. Like
    Aquatroy got a reaction from Rixter in Vape night   
    Maybe, sounds fun....but ther are flavors that will never touch my mouth...now f you could get 40 10mls of pluid..we could have a pluid party!
  5. Like
    Aquatroy reacted to IMEDICx90 in Protank has flooding issues.. thinking of trying something else. Opinions?   
    my davides have never leaked onto my battery. except the time i unscrewed the glass from the tank... that was definitely a user error though.... i think.... lol.
  6. Like
    Aquatroy got a reaction from Tam in Pineapple Express JVapes   
    Nice Gal running the store, she was at the vape meet, gave me a dozen 10mls! Tell her Aquatroy sent ya!
  7. Like
    Aquatroy reacted to IMEDICx90 in Anyone familiar with this unit?   
    get it!!!! its an awesome dripper!
    better yet... you buy it... then ill trade you the bolt. he wont ship it most likely since he is on craigslist. but seriously ill trade you plus some cash for it if you buy it.
  8. Like
    Aquatroy got a reaction from Tam in Glass tanks for eVod?   
    Best iju
    Best is so subjective as far as flavor, I stick with 50/50 liquids as they work fine, and only pro tank problems I've had is manufacture defects, and not enough quality control...
  9. Like
    Aquatroy reacted to Rixter in Vaping and tooth decay?   
    You know, it seems odd to me that whenever folks go to the doctor or dentist, they always say that the e-cig is what's causing all your problems. Strange.

    I've been vaping steadily since April 8, 2012. Since that day, I've not had a single cold or respiratory ailment of any kind. I've also had no dental problems other than the normal things that 48-year-old people go to the dentist for. My overall health is great since I quit smoking cigarettes.

    Since so many people are starting to embrace e-cigs as a healthier alternative to tobacco, I think it's high time for medical professionals to start using a little common sense and arm themselves with more facts, and stop lying so much about vaping. Would they rather you continue smoking?
  10. Like
    Aquatroy reacted to bcartervol98 in Vaping and tooth decay?   
    Agreed, I am not a dentist so follow what your dentist says. I am only relaying what I was told by my father in law and uncle, both cosmetic dental specialists. I am in no way a dental expert.
  11. Like
    Aquatroy got a reaction from edgie13 in For the guys   
    I just don't tell, don't show off a new toy, wait for her to see it or figure it out. This spring, it took her a month before she realized the TV in the family room grew 14 inches!
  12. Like
    Aquatroy got a reaction from Christie in Davide Glassomizer and Mini Davide by Anyvape on sale now   
    Wow the thread was rescued from the highjackers!!
  13. Like
    Aquatroy reacted to Tam in Is your e-liquid AEMSA certified?   
    In theory certification is a good thing. I hope to see more e-liquid suppliers adopt excellence standards. That said I'm pretty happy with the vendors I currently use on a regular basis. They're very transparent in their business practices and offer great customer service. As I branch out little by little to DIY juices I doubt I'll notice if a vendor is certified or not.
  14. Like
    Aquatroy got a reaction from Tam in Is your e-liquid AEMSA certified?   
    Is your favorite juicemaker AEMSA certified? After recieving some really bad, I mean terrible, I mean so freaking bad I had to call the maker and ask WTF is in that juice? So after some great vapes and good discussion, I have made the decision to only buy liquid from AEMSA certified labs, with a few exceptions....

    The purpose of these Standards is to create a responsible and sustainable practices and process for the safe manufacturing of e-liquids used in electronic cigarettes. Our members believe we have a responsibility to self-regulate the e-liquid manufacturing process based on professional criteria. AEMSA aims to accomplish this by creating, implementing and upholding standards for the manufacture of e-liquids. One of AEMSAs primary goals is to provide consumers with higher degrees of confidence our members products are manufactured with professionalism, accuracy and safety
    AEMSA standards are established based on the following Core Beliefs:
    We have a responsibility to verify the accuracy of any nicotine content in the products we distribute.
    We have a responsibility to ensure the quality and safety of all ingredients in our e-liquids.
    We have a responsibility to prepare our products in a clean, sanitary and safe environment.
    We have a responsibility to ensure our products are packaged and delivered in a safe manner.
    We have a responsibility to provide a level of transparency into the monitoring and verification process.
  15. Like
    Aquatroy reacted to bcartervol98 in FDA to ban online e cigarette sales!   
    And like I said, if it becomes a widely accepted or mandated set of standards I am certain both of my 3 that aren't certified will become so.

    Troy like you I want to help those that are starting out. Help them save their own life like I feel like I have done with my own. I came really close to investing and opening a big shop here, really big, when I first started bet felt like I lacked the knowledge to do it properly, the uncertainty of regulation scared me, and it was for me just too big of a risk. I have not closed the door to that possibility but had pretty in depth affiliate discussions with several liquid suppliers and did more research than the average vaper would I think. I am pretty anal retentive when it comes to investing money. I feel really confident those three suppliers I use personally are producing a safe quality product using all the necessary safety standards and top notch ingredients.
  16. Like
    Aquatroy got a reaction from spydre in Wow, french vanilla sticks around; and CAN you clean a coil so that those "sticky flavors" don't hang around?   
    I clean coils constantly. I think I have 20 in the rotation now. I usually switch the heads out when they don't perform as well, and always start with a clean head on new flavors. And the Kanger heads are so easy compared to a top wick feed to clean.

    Drop the heads in a shot glass and let them tumble under the faucet with very hot water for a couple minutes, then let em soak for at least a half hour. Then drain and refill with alcohol, high % rubbing works fine, and let them soak for at least a couple hours. Then drain and rinse again with hot water. Then allow to dry for a few days. Works great, and helps conserve some cash...
  17. Like
    Aquatroy reacted to bcartervol98 in Davide Glassomizer and Mini Davide by Anyvape on sale now   
    I went to Discount Vapers to find this new "Nook" Glass tank, couldnt find them in stock there.......
  18. Like
    Aquatroy reacted to Uma in Mod holder?   
    Absolutely gorgeous Mark!!!
  19. Like
    Aquatroy got a reaction from spydre in FDA to ban online e cigarette sales!   
    There is usually an effective date, normally minimum 30 days for a rule to go into effect. And I'm sure someone will push legal actions that might give them even more time. Very different from gambling and not paying taxes...
  20. Like
    Aquatroy got a reaction from IMEDICx90 in How many people have you turned into vapers?   
    After starting my new PT gig, I'm doing it all day. It's really a blast to get em started, or solve their issues and get em back on track. It's also really easy to sell something your passionate about...
  21. Like
    Aquatroy reacted to IMEDICx90 in Mod question   
    yeah you will be fine if you take the fuse out. the fuse is meant for people pushing sub-ohm coils in the mechanicals. It gives the mechanical something to trip and cut the connection if something fails.
  22. Like
    Aquatroy got a reaction from Uma in My story from beginning till now (TL-DR)   
    I want a tshirt..........
  23. Like
    Aquatroy reacted to Jeffb in Mobile Vapor Truck!   
    Seems like he should have thought this out when developing his business plan.
  24. Like
    Aquatroy got a reaction from Tam in My story from beginning till now (TL-DR)   
    I want a tshirt..........
  25. Like
    Aquatroy reacted to bcartervol98 in My story from beginning till now (TL-DR)   
    Ok bored a work again but I thought I would chronicle where I started, mistakes I made, and where I am now hopefully to help at least one other person not go through some of the pains I did.

    It all started for me during the University of Tennessee Spring Game weekend. Arian Foster, former UT player and current Houston Texan of the NFL came into town for the weekend. I had hosted a party for him and many other former and current NFL players that went to UT. Just like in any other event, I tried to think of who else were smokers so I could have company by the firepit and only thought of one friend that owns a local radio station. My wife and I were like, cool, at least there will be one. Well when everyone arrived and were drinking, playing cornhole, beer pong, all the things people do at a party...I decided I wanted a smoke and asked my friend if he wanted to have one with me. He said he had quit. WHATTTT? My wife and I are the only smokers? How can this be. He explained to me he had done it with E-cigs. Now he had bought an Njoy King and nursed it only treating his withdrawals when they got the worst they could get. After 2 Njoys he was done, and as of this day he has not touched anything else. Well I thought, I am not gonna do that. We went on and had a great party.

    The next day, the day of the game, I went with my friends and former players to where they spoke to the team. My wife set up our tailgate and then we all came out there. Of course Arian and others got mobbed so we went into the stadium early to hang out on the field and see other people in the UT Football family. I realized I was about to have to go 4-5 hours without a smoke and panicked. What would I do? I was getting crap from a lot of my friends since they couldnt understand my angst about going 4-5 hours without a smoke. I was pretty drunk so I made it through and on my way home said......I may try this e-cig thing. The next day, I went and bought 2 NJoy kings and started my journey. I said I was done with cigarettes, and from that day I have not had another one. I did however quickly realize the NJoys were gonna get expensive! $6.99 each plus tax and going through 2 a day. I had no idea what was available, so we visited the Cigar Store in our local mall and bought 2 starter kits, one for the wife and I, of something called "Topaz". They were $89.99 each and had 2 of the little V2 style cigarette looking automatic batteries and cigarette filter looking cartomizers. WOW these were a step up from the NJoy but I realized how expensive it was gonna be. $24.99 for an extra battery, $8.99 per cartomizer, tiny crappy disposable clearos were $15.99 and 10ml of liquid was $20. Not good.

    Being myself I started searching online and learned about the Ego style batteries. I somehow stumbled upon VapeDudes and bought my wife and I the $38.99 starter kit without very high hopes. After all, how could a $38 kit be better than an $89 kit? Once it arrived I was THRILLED (and pissed at the cigar shop in the mall) with the quality of the hit. I wasnt super fond of the first round of flavors, but Strawberry Fields was in there and we knew right away we liked that. Then we found Spearmint, that led to the Candy Cane. I found a great Tobacco flavor at Sweet-Vapes because, like every other noob, I felt like I HAD TO HAVE a good tobacco. About the same time, I found VaporTalk and then the education started. I learned about VV and found out I had to have that so I ordered some Vision Spinner 1300mah batteries. Then I moved from the CE4 disposables to the Kanger T2s really by accident, thinking they were the same thing. Then I wanted to try BCCs and the T3S was awesome and like most others, at this point, my switch to all glass is complete with Davides and KPT2.

    I really dug into VaporTalk. What a great resource, people that have been there and done that....got the TShirt. I listened, didn't argue even when I felt I was right, and learned. I know now how to handle almost any situation. I have tried 63 liquids of which only 3 are flavors I like. I am a juice snob I guess. I have now switched to glass tanks mainly but still have plenty of my trusty T2s and T3Ss on standby.

    Long story short (too late lol), there are some GREAT people on here that will give GREAT advice if you are willing to take it. Just like in anything else, people tend to go from knowing nothing to knowing everything in not a lot of time lol, so remember to keep an open mind. If I can do it, after 27 years of a pack and a half to 2 packs a day, then so can you. This was my first attempt to quit. I do not like to fail, its not an option. I wanted to make sure I was ready to quit when I did because failure was not an option.

    Probably the most important thing I have learned in this time is this, and if you only pay attention to one thing, pay attention to this:

    EVERYTHING WITH VAPING IS SUBJECTIVE!. Reviews are only a general guideline, and what I love you may hate and what you love may taste like hell to me. Same with batteries, mods, hardware, clearos, tanks, dripping, or any of the other things VaporTalk has opened my eyes to. I celebrate 4 months analog free as of today, and was bored at work, so decided to share my story in the hopes 4 months from now someone else might say that helped them reach a milestone of some sort. I feel such a debt of gratitude to those on here that helped me. You know who you are.
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