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    Uma reacted to mwsmith1778 in Quite Possibly The Funniest Thing I've Ever Seen   
  2. Like
    Uma reacted to Brian in Please Help!   
    Did your kit come with more than one atomizer? If you have another atomizer, try using it. Atomizers generally last 2-6 weeks (some much more, some less).

    Also, clean the connection points on the battery and charger to make sure you're getting a good connection and the battery is charging (sometime eliuqid can build up on these and create a poor connection).

    If that doesn't help, I would contact the supplier.

  3. Like
    Uma got a reaction from egoluvr in Dealing With 'haters'   
    As much as I would want to tear that guy in two, I admit I would have stopped because it was making him uncomfortable which would delute my comfort level. Some people are just naturally rude and loud, and some are nice folk who are about to crack. I would have self-preserved by labeling the old man as one who is about to crack due to the recent loss of someone close to him via cancer. It's not my place to judge others, but I can certainly label them and box them in a way that helps me to momentarily cope.

    On the other hand, next time try finding an ashtray and go through the motions of trying to put it out....
  4. Like
    Uma reacted to KaYoTiiC in Kickbassvapor Pleasant Shock!   
    It's a hard decision isn't it... Especially after seeing Aero's reviews on their flavors. I got the Rice Crispity Treat... Lake Placid and OMG

  5. Like
    Uma reacted to ripple in Dealing With 'haters'   
    First let me say I am glad this is my 100th post - I like a good meaty thread!

    I am with the folks who say we do have the responsibility to take advantage of the learning moment. Let's be honest, if you are outside the world of vaping you will no doubt think someone in the corner vaping is smoking. So its an opportunity to educate someone about the difference and what a difference they can make in someones life.

    I also would also speak to the the manager in charge first. I am in the fortunate position in Florida of preferring to sit outside on the patio anyway - at least at this time of year, come August who know? I do frequent my local starbucks and they know me well so I will at some point speak to them and get explicit permission first. I also think it's a good idea to choose your juice carefully - as noted some juices do have a very strong smell, as I type this I am vaping a very strong smelling black cherry. If I were to vape in a starbucks I think I would bring a coffee flavor so it blends with the smells that loft around the starbucks as part of the everyday starbucks experience, who could claim they smell my coffee vape over the smell of the business itself!

    I go to a local pub quite often - go figure - and have had a long conversation with the owners about this. They are happy to allow me and others to vape on the outside patio and at the inside bar, but would prefer not in the dining area. His argument is he wants to accommodate all and provide a comfortable experience for all. Their thinking around the dining room is since there is such a knowledge gap right now it's likely to bother some - admittedly due to lack of knowledge, but he does not want to lose business over it - I think his solution is a fair happy middle ground and I applaud his openness to a mutual solution.

    Lets be honest, this is our thing, and for years now the anti-smoking crowd has pushed the line - if you can smell it its killing you. So if we want vaping to be socially acceptable we need to honest that to the uninformed person it looks like we are smoking, take a few moments and try to educate a person about the very real difference, and most people will be open to it - its also likely that you might just give some information to someone who knows someone who smokes and they might pass long the information they gain about vaping to that smoker, perhaps changing their life! That did happen to me this past weekend and I just heard last night that person passed along the information and the person ordered and eGO.

    Happy vaping all!
  6. Like
    Uma got a reaction from nana in What Next?   
    Excellent questions, BD.
    And the answers will change after every purchase. lol

    My first big mod? A BSB (black silver bullet). Black for lack of fingerprints. SB for the awesome craftsmanship, button and battery. I needed a standard buy anywhere rechargale 18650 type battery. (20 hr battery, with about 12-14 of it great vaping). Outstanding battery life at that time, and I live off-grid, so that was my motivating factor.
    (as well as the eGo which was the first longest lasting battery). Now days there's the Tekk Mod, Shockwave, Helix, etc.. with days and days of battery life. (4-5) and even solar ones...

    My 2d mod? An affordable bottom fed juice box. I knew I wanted a fancy smancy expensive one, but had no clue if I would be happy with one... so I bought a tiny and affordable one. and Yes! I now will get a fancy Ali'i as soon as I am able to. (I wish Mark would come up with a curvy bottom feeder). With the JB, I no longer have to contend with carto's and stuff unless I want to, which I do, because I also still keep my eGo rigged up as well.

    Long example... but I hope you get an idea of the types that are enticing us at every turn of the history page.
  7. Like
    Uma reacted to BirdDog in What Next?   
    These are the questions that you have to ask yourself.

    1. Do you want a juice feeder or reservoir?
    2. Are you looking for a longer battery life?
    3. Are you wanting to try a higher voltage?
    4. Will shape and size really matter?
    5. Cost. How much do you want to spend?

    Think about these questions and this might help you make a decision on what you might want to try next or at least narrow it down.
  8. Like
    Uma reacted to egoluvr in 15 Tips To Get The Most Out Of Your Juice   
    Ok i'm late to dinner on this one but Uma I just read your tongue post lol and I agree, the way you angle your pv when drawing definately affects the flavor hitting your taste buds, also especially with sweet flavors I curl my tongue a little on exhale and it's sooooooo good.
  9. Like
    Uma reacted to Nanna in Happy As A Little Clam Here   
    So, today, the Loranns flavors that Jolly unloaded on me - er, I mean, ghraciously agreed to send me - heh - came in the post, and while I should have been studying Policies in Healthcare, I couldn't resist and added some Strawberry and some Cheesecake flavor to a rather blah juice I had sitting around. Meaning one I couldn't taste anyway.

    And I must tell you that, as we speak, I am contentedly, and somewhat smugly, sitting here vaping away on the smoothest sweetest, nicest tasting thing I have vaped to date.

    DIY for the win! And by the way, Jolly, AMAZING packaging in sending those bottles. Holy cow!
  10. Like
    Uma reacted to AARONH in Dealing With 'haters'   
    I went to go see a concert Fri. night. It was standing room only, no seating..dope filled the air and the show went on. About the time I was taking a big draw on my Ego, a 6ft 3 security guard snatches my Ego out of my hand and said "LETS GO"!....knowing already what they thought I was doing, all I could do was smile as this guy is repeatedly poking me in the back ,and pushing me towards the front entrance. As he was examining my Ego with his flashlight, I pulled out my E-liquid and said "Its an Electronic Cigarette!"........he just looked at me kinda funny, looked back at my stuff, and the poor guy really didn't know what to say ,lol...but he was cool about it.....alls he was trying to do is catch someone blazing w**d........10 min later, another security officer walked past me as I was drawing another vapor cloud, and he said " those things are cool arn't they?"......My guess? he was a vaper. Whats my point?......I really didn't have one, it was just a funny story.
  11. Like
    Uma reacted to Nanna in Dealing With 'haters'   
    I'm with Jeff. You catch more flies with honest, sincere, and mutually respectful sugar than with vinegar. Kids running and playing are also not illegal but I curb mine in places where theory high energy may be a distraction and annoyance to others.
  12. Like
    Uma reacted to Jeffb in Dealing With 'haters'   
    I believe it is our responsibility as a vaping community to educate others. I do not believe we can expect that non-vapors are going to research e-cigs. Yes they may be ignorant and uninformed about vaping, just as many of us are ignorant on topics that dont interest or affect us. It is true that vaping and smoking are different, but perception is some peoples reality. To most people vaping = smoking. As a vaping community we dont have millions of dollars for an all out PR campaign on the benefits of vaping and how it differs from smoking, but we can make a difference one person at a time.
  13. Like
    Uma reacted to Jolly in Dealing With 'haters'   
    it's our job to educate people about these devices, while i can understand your annoyance with the old bastard, that's not really the way to go about it. i would have just explained it like a humidifier or breathing treatment. his old rinkely butt should be able to picture that in his mind. then say this is just a on the go version with flavoring in it. once he is like "huh, what will they think of next". at this point he may ask why i need it and i would say, well my health was crap with smoking, now that i use this i can still use it for the nicotine if i wish or with out, most of my issue with not smoking was the hand to mouth action of it all.
    he doesn't need to know if their is nic or not in the device.

    till we beat all this bs about our government wanting to ban ecigs we need to *** kiss all these people that know nothing about them.
  14. Like
    Uma reacted to kitsune in Joye Ego - T   
    I recently purchase the Joye Ego - T from Liberty-flights and all I can say is WOW. I bought the 1000Mah Ego -T. The only real difference is it can be turned on and off so as not to accidently set it off while in a pocket or what not.
    if you click the button 5 times quickly it will completely turn off (or on) the battery.
    so many times I have felt a strange burning in my pocket or pulled my ego out of my bag and found the atty to be really hot. Being able to disable the battery in between uses is great.
    Not to mention the great battery life. The 1000Mah lasts me about a 1 1/2 days (sometimes more)--

    Just thought I would share this info--I must say, just when I thought the ego couldn't get any better they come up with a way to turn it on and off.

    I love Vaping !!!!!!!!!!
  15. Like
    Uma reacted to McDill87 in Found This On Msn   
    I knew in the sixties and seventies that smoking was harmful. But I chose to smoke anyway. I was and am responsible for my choices. Then I heard about and recently discovered electronic cigarettes, and mistakenly thought they would be universally accepted. My mistake. The social liberals fooled me again. If we are not vigilant, electronic cigarettes and regular cigarettes will be banned. Then they will begin taxing the foods they don't want us to eat to recoup the loss of tax revenue.
  16. Like
    Uma reacted to nana in How Do I Put It Down?   
    Put it down? Stop vaping? What is this of which you speak?

    I love vaping. I vape as much as I can. I don't think it affects the nic amount at all. I started out at 36mg nic, but found out I did just fine on the 24mg that I had, so I quit buying the 36mg. Later I had some 18mg nic in sample bottles and I did just fine on that, so I quit buying the 24mg. I worked my way right on down to 0 nic in no time at all. I still use 0 nic most of the time, but I also have a bunch of nic left, so I mix some up now and then and use it. When I try a new juice, for some reason I tend to buy it in the 11-12mg range, but when I mix I tend to go with 3 or 6. But even vaping at 0 for several days or weeks in a row doesn't bother me at all. And going back to the nic doesn't seem to make a difference either. I've found it's a lot easier to not vape than it was to not smoke. If I had to go very long without smoking, it would drive me crazy. Not vaping for long periods of time doesn't bother me at all. But I still vape as much as I can or as much as I want without any worries at all. But that's just me.
  17. Like
    Uma reacted to Christopher in If History Had Facebook   
    ha ha ha

  18. Like
    Uma reacted to Beans in Dying To Know....   
    Ok so I just have to know what's doing in your PRIVATE forum???

    I've been meditating on this a for while and have come up with a theory.

    Oh no, It's not a nice one. I've seen those bouncers outside the door. Ive watched the foot traffic. I even tried getting in this morning and was told I haven't paid the man yet. So I know it can't be all nice nice in there.
    I just haven't decided what the business is........Illegal gambling, orgies, booze, loud music, fight clubs, easy women, human trafficking, I just can't figure out your angle. However, I am certain that the cash is being used to cover up the fact your hiding Elvis.

    That's my story and I'm stickn to it!
  19. Like
    Uma reacted to Erika in So Stinkin Happy!   
    I bought 2 of those super ego deals from vt and only kept 2 of the batteries for myself. I also bought 60 mls of juce and gave it all to my in-laws and brother in law. Talked to my mother in law this morning and she has only had 5 analogs since yesterday at noon! She is a 2 pack a day smoker. I am sooooooooo excited and didn't have anyone to share it with that would understand what a huge deal this is! My brother in law and father in law are using them too! BIL has been on here watching all of the videos and tuts! Woooohoooooo!
  20. Like
    Uma reacted to flowersbl in Are You Kidding Me   
    Only after 48 hours I noticed something it wasnt immediate but I woke this morning went straight for the E smoke and started my cup of coffee and while I was burning through that tank at an alarming rate I noticed that the coffee tasted a little different. HOLD ON.... I dont remember hacking this morning.. where is that thick mucous in the roof of my mouth!! NO LOOGIES!!! Are you KIDDING ME!! ONLY 2 DAYS!!! Ha Ha Ha
    Lovin it
  21. Like
    Uma reacted to AARONH in People Are Funny...   
    So I got one of my salesman to order and Ego this morning from VT....he's excited. Then just a while ago, I had a set of customers in my office doing financial paperwork on thier new truck, when they spotted my Ego on my desk....asked a bunch of questions, I educated them...then the lady flips me her Mastercard and says "can you order me one of those from here, I'm not too computer smart!"...lol....I gladly ordered her Stainless Ego kit from my work comp and sent them on thier way.
  22. Like
    Uma reacted to SmokeSkins in The Cost Of Vapeing Vs Analogs   
    I agree. Take a tally at the end of the year to see how much you save, start-up costs with e-cigarettes are quite high, but cartridges are cheap.
  23. Like
    Uma reacted to Prouddad in The Cost Of Vapeing Vs Analogs   
    As everyone said is so true ! I sit back and remember how everything was while smoking and I didn't like it. I made a list of reasons to stop smoking to always go back to when things get hard.

    1. Walking up a flight of stairs with out my heart pumping like crazy.

    2. Chest hurting me from chain smoking.

    3. Coughing all the time and throat hurting.

    4. Not being able to Cary my kids in my arms.

    5. The Bad smell on me and everything else.

    6. Being a little on the heavy side worrying about a Heart attack.

    7. Not spending enough time with my kids " always leaving to smoke".

    8. Getting yelled at by my Doctor.

    9. Whiter teeth

    10. Shorthing my life span, and not being around when the kids get older.

    Man I really can wright 100 or more things about why I quiet smoking and let me tell you MONEY has to be in the higher numbers like in the 60's ! IF I have extra money I spend it on vaping and if I don't I save until I do so. Vaping has saved my life and many more people and I am great full for it everyday I wake up and kiss my kids and wife ! So for the price of vaping will never out weigh the price I paid for my good health ! So I never think about turning back, and pray for the people who don't like vaping to not turn back to smoking especially do to money ! God Bless all my vaping Friends !
  24. Like
    Uma reacted to nana in How To Wire A Mod?   
    Madvapes has a whole bunch of instructions on their site - under "how to" on their home page. Here's one to look at...
  25. Like
    Uma reacted to Jeffb in The Best Day Ever   
    Just another unfulfilled campaign promise

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