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Everything posted by Adversarious1

  1. As promised...pics. The Hyon Ruga - #35 (of 50) The Royal Hunter RDA (the scuff mark is actually on the case, not the atty) I forgot to take a pic before I wicked it, but it's a basic dual coil. 5 wraps with 26ga Kanthal around a 2.5mm screwdriver. Metered at .27 ohms. It definitely gets the job done. That would be some of Comp's PBFB in max VG. And finally...
  2. Pictures to come later, but I just picked up a Hyon Ruga Zero Gloss mech mod from my favorite local B&M. That purchase put me over what I needed in customer points to earn a $45 gift certificate, so I walked out with an authentic Royal Hunter RDA also. Waiting for my order of kanthal to get here so I can do a build on the RH, then I'll post a couple of pics.
  3. A couple of other factors to consider are airflow, the length of your draws and the wattage setting on your device. I have used liquids as high as 85% VG in my subtank mini without dry hits, but I keep my draws short...usually 1 to 3 seconds., I usually set my wattage between 26.5 and 27.5 watts, and I like my airflow wide open. Anything longer in terms of length of inhale or higher in terms of wattage and I do get dry hits on it. Basically, whether you end up with dry hits is going to be directly affected by your personal vaping preferences. From my personal experience, if you are trying to cloud chase with the .5 ohm occ coils, you likely will end up with dry hits, but if you want a satisfying vape with decent clouds and good flavor, then you will likely be happy.
  4. A news agency reporting facts? Who has ever heard of such a thing? Geez...before we know it, oil and water will find a way to mix and cats & dogs will be living together in peace and harmony.
  5. I'm thinking of checking out the Atlantis v2 because of the DT with adjustable airflow.
  6. Chalk up another vote for the Sigelei. I have the 100w plus and I love it. I use it pretty much exclusively with several different tanks and a couple of RDA's. Same with the Nitecore Intellicharger. I have both the i2 and the i4 and they both perform flawlessly for me. As far as the batteries are concerned, the LG HE2's recommended by Shen are definitely a good choice (I have one pair of the HE2's). Another good choice would be the Samsung 25R's (my personal preference, not saying they are the best or the worst...they just happen to be what I use for the most part) I'm sure others would recommend the Sony VTC4s or VTC5s or the purple Efest batteries. I don't own any of those though. My only other recommendations regarding batteries would be: Buy a minimum of 4 when starting out. 6 would be a better choice if you can swing it. Along the same lines of having multiple PV's or APV's (backups and backups for your backups), the same rule applies to batteries in my opinion. In my short time vaping, I have learned there is no such thing as having too many 18650 batteries. Don't mix brands when using them (in fact, because I'm anal, I actually mark and "pair" my batteries when I buy them). Battery cases...can't forget cases. They are one of, if not the absolute, cheapest safety devices you can invest in.
  7. Mmmm... Love me some Peach Mayo. It goes well with mashed taters.
  8. Nice looking builds. I just ordered a bunch of kanthal (26, 28, 30 & 32g). I've been wanting to try a dual Clapton but have been putting it off. Think I just found my motivation.
  9. I just heard the term "slipstreaming" the other day, but after researching what it meant, I realized that's the technique I grew intoon my own. For those who haven't heard the term, "slipstreaming" is essentially leaving a small gap between your lips and the drip tip on your atty so you are also taking in air as you take a tug from your atty.
  10. Hi Sarahvault, Click on one of our Vapor Talk Smoke Free Banners and it should take you to a page where you can create your own. You'll have to answer a couple of questions about when you quit and how much you were smoking when you quit. After you do that, you will be given a code to copy and paste into your signature (accessed on your profile page). I may have missed a step because I'm replying from my phone, but I think I have the gist of it.
  11. I have a bunch of those in the 4 oz. variety. I keep them on hand to mix paints for airbrushing model tanks and planes. I usually just snag a few from the salsa bar at my favorite Mexican restaurant. [emoji15]
  12. The top fill on the lemo 2 has me looking at it. I actually like the lemo for 1 - 1.5 ohms, it's just a pain in the @$$ to fill and drain. Speaking of draining...I opted against it out of, as jasonculp alluded to...laziness. Dropped the wattage and I am almost finished with the tank. Not getting the dry hits, but it isn't quite as warm and flavorful as I normally like it. Oh well, a few more hits and it will be done, then I can re-wick and enjoy it as I normally do.
  13. Congrats Tug! I'm about 10 months behind, but I already have no doubt I'll hit that 1 year mark, largely in part because of you and so many others here on VT.
  14. Another great idea. It's too bad I didn't have my phone ready to snap a quick pic when I popped my head into the house to tell my wife not to throw away any nedicine cups from the kids' liquid medicines...ever. The "WTF" look on her face was priceless. I told her not to ask questions because not all men are from Mars..I was stealing an idea from an Earthling.
  15. I think I have a few plastic cups (the small ones that restaurants use) that I can use. Not the same as a beaker, but it might just work.
  16. So there I was, minding my own business as I was grilling some bacon wrapped chicken on a beautiful Southern California evening. I loaded up my LEMO with my favorite juice, grabbed a beer and prepared to start watching the Ducks beat up on the Jets in the NHL Playoffs. I took a hit. Great. Took another. Wonderful. I was vaping along when all of a sudden, "BAM!!!", dry hit. No bueno. I let it sit for a couple minutes, checked to make sure I didn't have the wattage too high and, "BAM!!!", another dry hit. It quickly became apparent to me that it's time to re-wick the LEMO. Problem: Anybody familiar with the LEMO knows the tank does not screw in. Removing the base/deck to re-wick will essentially let it leak like a sieve. I now have almost 5ml of juice I don't want to simply dump, (it's worth saving, trust me). Has anybody else run into a similar situation? Like I said, the juice is worth saving if I can. It's that good. I'll dump if I have to, but only if it becomes obvious there are no other solutions.
  17. I was 42 years and 1 day old (after smoking for 27 years and 1 day). Started analogs on my 15th birthday. My first setup was a birthday present to myself.
  18. Love the 100w plus. My "daily driver". Currently equipped with an Arctic at .2 ohms.
  19. Ahhh...memories. I'm so tempted to have my daughters read this thread. Sticks, mud puddles, trees and rocks to climb, bugs to play with...and...and...and...don't forget group activities like hide & seek.
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