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Everything posted by Adversarious1

  1. In the 6 weeks I've been vaping, I've noticed a lot of people...vapers and non-vapers...have stopped me to ask or talk about vaping. From what I'm using, (battery, tank, juice flavor, PG/VG blend, nic level, etc) to whether or not it is working for me to simple "good job" comments. I don't know why, but this has surprised me. Perhaps it comes from living in "health conscious" Southern California, where it often seems sneezing into 28 layers of tissue while wearing a hazmat suit is considered unhealthy and taboo. My encounters thus far have been nothing less than positive, including those encounters with non-vapers. Fellow vapers will frequently stop me so we can compare setups. Just today, in fact, on a trip to the hardware store, I had a guy and his wife stop me and want to chat about vaping because one of them noticed the top of my tank and drip tip sticking above the top of my back pocket. As it happened, each of them also recognized me from seeing me in one of the two B&M's I frequent in town. Likewise, non-vapers have stopped me, either to commend for getting off analogs or to ask me how it's working out, whether it's because they want to quit analogs themselves or it's because they are trying to encourage someone they know to quit. It was partially through my own pre-vape encounters with other vapers that encouraged me to finally take the step. I'm hoping my small amount of experience and what I have learned (both on my own and here from the VT community) will encourage at least one of these people to give up the analogs. And I sincerely hope the positive reactions I have encountered thus far are a positive sign for California and the rest of the nation.
  2. While I wouldn't necessarily say nicotine isn't dangerous at all, (in high enough doses it can be deadly), and I can argue that it is more than mildly addictive, (my ex is a neuroscientist who works in the biotech industry...her master's thesis was based on the addictive properties of nicotine and the observations of lab mice and rats self-administering, something not even seen with opiates), what Earthling says about nicotine existing in fruits and vefetables is correct. Even people who have never picked up a cigarette are exposed to it on a regular basis. On top of that, nicotine in and of itself has shown evidence in helping with memory retention and could potentially aid in battling Alzheimer's for those who suffer from it and it can also potentially aid in the prevention of it. (Alzheimer's research is the specific field my ex works in.) So there actually are proven benefits and potential benefits to nicotine. That being said, I'm not trying to encourage anybody to stay on nicotine, even at low levels. It's a stimulant and there are adverse side-effects that range from mild to severe, (more on the severe side for those who are less physically active). My personal goal is to get to zero nic. But at the same time, remaining on low levels of nicotine isn't as dangerous as politicians and those with an anti-smoking/anti-vaping agenda, (and those who are purely ignorant of the facts) would like the population to believe.
  3. Okay...this is either turning into a hobby, a disease, or a hobby that acts like a disease. Spent more money yesterday and today. Top: Horizon Arctic sub-ohm tank and Sense Herakles sub-ohm tank. Bottom: Aluminum Limitless Sleeve mech mod with extra sleeve. The arctic digital camo on the right is the one that came with the mod, the black one on the left that says #TUGLYFE is the extra. The other side of the black sleeve has the Tugboat logo. My brother, who happens to be a master machinist, has already taken precise measurements of the sleeves and will be making me some more...including sending them out to be anodized. He is going to have me drive up to his factory later next week so he can laser scan the mod and make me a copper one on the CNC machine at work.
  4. As with dragongunner, I'm definitely not trying to turn this into an argument...only offer a different perspective. I can vouch for both the LEMO and the Subtank Mini. I regularly run 15/85 juice through both of them. Only time I have had a dry hit on either was when I ran out of juice...and that was a 50/50 blend in the Subtank mini. My LEMO has the stock 1 ohm coil (actually came out to 1.11 ohm on my meter) and I'm currently using the .5 ohm occ coil on the subtank. Now, would I ever try to do a high VG in my PT3 mini, Aspire BDC, or Unitank? No. But the airflow on both the LEMO and the Subtank mini is sufficient. On the Subtank mini, the coils and the wicking channels on the coils are large enough that I personally haven't had a problem. Likewise, with the Lemo, since it's rebuildable, wicking hasn't been an issue for me. But as with everything else related to vaping, what works for some and suits our style may not work for others and their style. That's the beauty of having so many options out there. Whatever works best is what works best for each of us as individuals.
  5. Yep. I can relate. Had to sit in bumper to bumper traffic that was almost stopped for 45 minutes today for a fender bender that looked like minimal damage. Two California Highway Patrol cars, a CHP motor unit, a Sheriff's unit and two Border Patrol Units. I have a sneaky feeling there was a partridge in a pear tree lurking somewhere as well.
  6. I paid $45 for my mini at a B&M. I have seen them as low as $40 and as high as $55 at B&M's. $35 to $40 is what I've seen the Arctic going for. I haven't checked online, but they can probably be found for less that way. I might be in the minority, but I personally prefer B&M's.
  7. Didn't know whether I should edit my original comment or comment on my comment. I opted for the latter. I was able to try out an Arctic Subtank today. I rocked. .2 ohm at 50 watts. Biggest cloud I've blown to date...and I wasn't trying to blow a big cloud. Airflow and flavor were both awesome. It comes with a .5 ohm and a .2 ohm coil. They have a 3rd available, but I can't remember off the top of my head...1.2 ohm I think. I checked out a review on Youtube after trying it and the coils look well built and are well wicked. Biggest drawback for me is the 3ml tank. I commute quite a distance and have come really close to finishing a full 5ml in a 2.5 hour drive. I'll probably pick one up anyway, but I hope they release a bigger tank.
  8. Twisted420's video https://youtu.be/pRqd2Ri_2z8
  9. I just happened to watch this yesterday. As Grimm mentioned toward the beginning of the video, one of his viewers suggested the cig-alike reviews and a lot of the YouTube guys got together and coordinated this effort this week. There are other vids out there as well and I think there are still more to come. All basically say the same thing - cig-alikes suck and if people don't pay attention, the money-grubbing, tax happy politicians and big tobacco are going to regulate the hell out of vaping if not outlaw it outright. At 6 weeks analog free (today, as a matter of fact), I still consider myself new to the vaping scene. But in those short six weeks, the physical differences have been tremendous. The shortness of breath and the hacking up of half a lung every morning - both have decreased dramatically. In fact, both are almost gone. My sense of smell and sense of taste - both have improved dramatically. And believe it or not, the return of the sense of taste has additional benefits, because I can now actually taste my food so I'm not dumping salt all over everything to give it some sort of flavor. Don't let the politicians and big tobacco take away what has become for so many of us a positive life changing alternative to traditional tobacco.
  10. I'm using the Subtank mini on a Sigelei 100w plus and I love it. I use primarily 50/50 or 40/60 PG/VG juices with the .5 ohm coils (haven't used the RBA deck yet). Kanger recommends 30 watt max with the .5 ohm coils, but I've gone a little higher with it. I have found that my favorite daily juice tastes (50/50 PG/VG, lemon/menthol) tastes best at around 40 watts with the airflow wide open. And I get some amazing clouds from it. I would like to hear some thoughts on the Arctic as well though. I've been considering one myself, but Subtank mini definitely rocks.
  11. I ran into that when I got my subtank mini, even with the (is it 1.2 ohm or 1.8?) occ coil. I'm pretty sure it was because of the massively higher airflow on the subtank compared to my EMOW. I had to use the EMOW to finish up the 18mg nic juices and go buy lower nic juices for the subtank. When I switched to the .5 ohm coils, I went to an even lower juice. I couldn't be happier with the results though. I have gone from 18mg juice down to 3-6mg juices (depending on the PG/VG ratio) in 6 weeks.
  12. Gotta order me something from Fadora. I'm starting to feel left out. Until I finally do, I'll keep rockin' Charlie Noble though! I haven't met a CN juice I haven't liked. Think I have some Blue Bay, Poseidon's Punch, Admiral Peary and Siren's Song. But again, I gotta get myself something from Fadora. Hmm...payday is only a couple of days away.
  13. Actually, I was born in North Carolina. I may have been raised in and live in SoCal, but between NC and SoCal, there were stops in Virginia and Texas...so I'm a southern boy at heart.
  14. What a coincidence...that's how I like my bourbon.
  15. Mutation X v3. Just picked it up today.
  16. This isn't anything fancy...but it's my first build and I wanted to share. Standard dual coil build. 26ga Kanthal. I was aiming for .5 ohm, it clocked in at .48 on the ohm meter. It fired exactly as I hoped it would...nice and even from the inside out. And it definitely cranks out the vapor...
  17. A buddy let my try out his Mutation X v2 last night. Loved it. Went and bought a v3 today. Working on my first build right now. I'll be posting additional pics in one of the RBA threads.
  18. It certainly isn't a bad problem to have...lol. I didn't mean for it to sound like it was a bad problem either, (although I can see it does sound that way). It's more frustration geared toward the anti-vaping group for putting us in this position of having to defend because of their scare tactics.
  19. Unfortunately, I live in this state. I only quit smoking and started vaping a little over a month ago. Now I find myself defending vaping as the lesser of two evils to my family. They are happy as hell I have given up the analogs...now I find myself explaining to them those commercials are a lot of hype.
  20. Welcome to VT. You came to the right place. Lots of friendly, knowledgable here.
  21. Just picked up this lemo and an ohm meter (not pictured) from my favorite local B&M. Thinking about heading back and snagging the last of the Kayfun's they have.
  22. Been gone on business for a couple of weeks, but while I was away I got these as a "pay it forward" from JohnHitThingWithRock. A Kanger Unitank and an Aspire BDC. A huge thank you to him. I'll soon have a couple of my own items that I'll be "paying forward" to another vaper.
  23. If there's anything I've learned in the couple of weeks I've been here...other than SAFETY FIRST!!!!...it's that each person's perfect setup is whatever is perfect for them. Palates (taste), throat hit, amount of vapor...whatever makes you happy is what matters most...as long as you remember...SAFETY FIRST!!!
  24. Doin some Charlie Noble Poseidon's Punch (decidedly NOT tobacco or menthol flavored) in the infield at Auto Club Speedway right now. Trying to convince some of my fellow California Rednecks to give up the analogs and start vaping. They may or may not listen to me, but I'm having a blast impressing them with my mediocre clouds. The Poseidon's Punch is an 85/15 VG/PG blend. Smooooth....
  25. I smoked Newports for over 25 years and was looking for that "cool" sensation from menthol cigs. The B&M down the street from where I work suggested everything but tobacco and/or menthol. I was hesitant but they hooked me up with an amazing house blend of lemon and added a hint of menthol for me. Now I'm after anything but menthol or tobacco flavored. Give it a shot as others have suggested. It has worked wonders so far.
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