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Everything posted by iheartvape

  1. I have never heard of it either. Have you tried FastTech or Discount Vapor?
  2. I saw one of these in my local b&m today, but the box just said it was a bottom coil clearomizer, so I didn't even look any further, just assumed it was yet another KPT clone.
  3. mine is the RSST (genesis style) it is a RBA, single coil.
  4. they said they were routing mail to the US differently and not using HK post anymore was your order prior to the change?
  5. sorry it posted the previous twice so I edited the duplicate.
  6. if I am using a prebuilt coil such as Kanger I use 2.2, if I am rebuilding on like my RSST I try to stay at 1.4 or 1.8 alot of it will really depend on your technique and your device. on my SVD I use any ohm but prefer the 2.2 on my mech mods I like lower ohm especially with my rebuildables.
  7. I actually agree, I love my kpt2. surprisingly I use it more on my k100+ then my genesis. I bought my mech mod just for my rebuildables but end up using them on my SVD instead... lol
  8. yeah thats the only downside with FT takes forever to get your stuff, but the prices are just so dam good!... lol one thing I noticed when buying is to pay attention to the note on the items cause it will say ships in 5 days or ships next day etc.
  9. thanks for all the info guys. it's really helping me try different techniques and methods. my recent build I did tightly compressed coil but kept the diameter about the same as the wick hole, so I wouldn't have to do 12 wraps... lol it seems to work pretty good.
  10. Bought some new toys, now I get to wait for vape mail... Rocket Rebuildable Atomizer (5mL) Item# 1481600, $12.93 USD KTS Mechanical Mod Item# 1376100, $17.08 USD Subtotal $30.01 USD Total $30.01 USD
  11. I also bought the wife a iTaste VTR, o never been a fan of the boxy style, but I tried it out, I actually kinda like it....
  12. I was wrong I ended up buying Bowden mate, gambit was the one I was going to buy till I tried the Bowdens mate. I want to say its mint with a little chocolate and vanilla
  13. I actually want to get the kick for mine just cause some of ny juices taste better at different volts to me
  14. I just realized my auto correct failed me in my previous post... Lol. It was suppose to say spendy, not speedy and damn not Damon..... Lol
  15. Picked up a K100 and some "Gambit" juice from Five Pawns... If you guys haven't tried their juice yet... Holy crap, its a little speedy but Damon it's good....
  16. I just picked one up today at a local b&m, I have no issues with it yet.
  17. There is a good app for android that helps out with building coils.... It is called vapers toolbox. You can put in what gauge you are using and what ohms you want and it will tell you how many wraps. It will also tell you what wattage is equal to what voltage if you want to use a variable wattage device or vice versa. I would check it out it helps.
  18. Not too sure, but if it comes with a battery don't order it from fasttech they have issues sending batteries through the mail.
  19. I thought about using cotton in my RSST wasn't sure how well it would wick up the juice from the tank though.
  20. Anyone seen Parkland yet? I watched it tonight it was pretty good, but it ended and I was like oh wait hold on its over!?!?
  21. Mine last about 1 week but I also chain vape and run my volts/watts high alot so it tends to burn them up a little quicker.
  22. My daughter is making me watch curse of chucky with her. I hate horror flicks they bore the hell out of me.
  23. Honestly I don't think I have any Vape related stuff on my list either, I have 50 bottles of juice, a gazillion tanks, several batteries, and a mechanical on the way. So I think this year my list will either consist of a PS4 or maybe a set of coilovers for my car.
  24. I also drilled out the air hole to 1/16 great for producing large clouds but don't get much flavor, oh well that why we have opposable thumbs now I just have a carb... Lol
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