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Everything posted by iheartvape

  1. I smoked camel menthol for years... and tried every menthol flavor I could get my hands on, the closest I found was medium Menthol by two Peas in a pod. If your looking for a very light menthol flavor try chilling with frosty by two Peas in a pod as well.
  2. I love my RDA and my KPT 2, I still have my EVODs and use them once in awhile, have a mini KPT 2 but I don't really care for it much.
  3. Anything can fail to work I suppose. I have 4 EVOD BCC tanks for almost 4 months and have no issues. The only issue I ever did have was a bad coil.
  4. I can only speak on behalf of a RDA as that's what I have, but I wouldn't mind a RBA. My RDA tastes awesome, but sometimes I get tired of carrying a bottle of juice with me, and people at work look at me funny when I pull everything out and add a few drops to my RDA.... lol
  5. Mouth to lung. That's how I use to smoke my analogs too, so I just carried it over.
  6. No. 8, at the moment, haven't decided if I actually like it or not though.... Lol
  7. I been looking at the pipes as well, mainly for the steam punk appeal like imedic. Never been a pipe smoker so I'm not sure if I would actually use one or not though.... Lol
  8. I will try that today. Hopefully I have a 1/16 drill bit... Lol
  9. What level of nicotine are you using? If it's a lower level like 12 or 18 then I would get a second tank and get some 24mg juice of a tobacco flavor, and see if maybe that helps. Hopefully you can get past this quick. Good luck.
  10. Here is a pic of 2 coils I just did. The bottom one I just hand wrapped a piece of cotton, the top one I actually used a little metal rod I had laying around as support for the wire then threaded the cotton through....
  11. Imedic.. I am using 32g Kanthal with a cotton ball that I rip a piece off and roll it between my thumb and finger then thread it through. I'm just trying to do a standard coil for now till I get the hang of it.
  12. Hey everyone, just wanted to share.. There will be another Vape Meet/Party this coming Saturday the 19th in Bremerton/Kitsap, Washington area for any of you Pacific Northwest Vapers that would like to attend. There will be a few sponsors there and some awesome stuff will be raffled off. You can check out Facebook for more details...... https://m.facebook.com/#!/events/580943675287329?acontext=%7B%22ref%22%3A2%2C%22ref_dashboard_filter%22%3A%22upcoming%22%7D&aref=2&arefdashboardfilter=upcoming&ref=bookmark&__user=1662641422
  13. Thanks uma, my unintentional 3.0 hits marvelously at 6.5 Watts, cloud of vapor like I have never seen before!
  14. Ohhhh that's awesome!!! Thanks 3Rutez!!!!
  15. Yeah I squeezed the coils or compressed them with pliers they didn't stay compressed very well. I also had a hard time trying to get the cotton threaded through without messing the coil up.
  16. I wanna say the diameter or how big around the coils are play a role in the ohms as well. I'm not sure the diameter or gauge of the little rod I used to wrap the coil around to make the coil with.
  17. The only thing I'm having a hard time with is making the coil for the ohms I want. I made a 3ohm coil... I wanted a 2.5.... Lol
  18. So I finally sat down today and actually attempted at a rebuild for the first time. I was aiming for 2.5ohm coil but ended up with a 3.0 ohm instead. I'm using 32g Kanthal and cotton as a wick on a Octupus RDA. I did 8 wraps on the coil I think. Any advice from some of you veterans out there what I need to do to get it down to 2.5 or 2.2 ohms? I read a thread a few days ago that mentioned how many wraps for different ohm levels, but can't find it for the life of me. Other then not hitting my goal on ohms, it was a success, and tastes awesome!
  19. On mine I hit the + and - at the sane time like I'm going to lock it and it tells me ohms. I successfully just did my first coil. The only thing I did that messed me up for a sec, was wrapping the excess cotton wick around both posts, which was causing it to not fire, once I unwrapped the cotton a little it fired perfectly and tastes awesome!!
  20. I'm just glad my kids are all older now. My youngest is 8 and he can care less about the juices, they don't have internet or games... Lol On a serious note though, it is really good the media didn't get wind of this incident, it would have been bad.
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