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Everything posted by iheartvape

  1. Yeah don't think my wife is willing to go that far.... lol
  2. I have noticed through observation that mech mods for some reason seem to produce better clouds then electrical mods. One person I heard say that mech mods provide straight power based on the battery, where a electrical mod is regulated based of user settings. Not sure how accurate this is as I do not have a Mech Mod yet... mine is in the mail.
  3. I like that wooden box wizard!!! My wife has been hitting garage sells and thrift shops trying to find a good one similar for our juices.
  4. A buddy of mine built this for me with some scrap wood he had laying in his garage, not the prettiest stand but it's pretty cool. He even cut out little divets and threaded for the 510 connector so my tanks screw into the stand.
  5. Alright I finally did it!!!! Still using the 28 gauge but I learned that my coils were too small in diameter. So using a brush wheel for my dremmel is the same size as the hole for the wick so I wrapped my coil around it, then pulled the wheel out tested coil with a 12 wrap and it was at like 2.8 ohms so I unwrapped 2 coils 're cut and retest, now I'm sitting at 2.2 ohms. Next build I will do 2 less cause I like mine at 1.8 ohms. I also learned I need a pen torch to hit the mesh with as well it's taking forever to get the nasty taste out even after pulsing the coil for about 20 minutes.
  6. Awesome, yeah I just started using 28, it works good on my RDA but like you were saying it's pretty dam hard to get 12 wraps for the RBA. I do have a washer in my top post butility it's just a small one that came with the RSST. Question though, what does having the top of the coil so close the the + do? I was making mine straight up and down with a little distance between it and the + post. That right there might be 1 issue then.
  7. Ok, so a little background on me, I'm not entirely new to rebuilding, I have my RDA I rebuild on regularly, however I bought a RBA, the RSST, that honestly is just kicking my butt. I can not seem to get a stable coil built on it. I get a dam good coil, evenly spaced, all glows red evenly on pre burn with out the mesh, reading at 1.4ohms. My issue though is I get it to fire once then it says it's only at like .8 ohms, then I just touch the wick or flick it and it's back at 1.4 and it will fire again. I have wasted about a good 2 maybe 3 feet of Kanthal A1 28 gauge wire and about 5 squares of SS mesh trying to figure this out. Any ideas or anything on what the deal is? I thought maybe I wasn't wrapping enough coils, so I tried more then less then micro coils, all do the same.
  8. I still have to sit down and watch walking dead.
  9. Currently hooked on "omega" by Space Jam
  10. Yeah the collars, or beauty ring, as some places call it, can help out alot. The collars can be bought from most b&m's for about $3-$5
  11. If your getting them to allow others to sample juices I'd go with the one Tam linked if your looking for a rebuildable for yourself I would go with something like this..... https://www.fasttech.com/product/1390607 You don't have to go through FastTech, that was just the first and easiest one I knew I could link. Anyways that is the style I got for my first one, and it provides great flavor, clouds and is super easy to rebuild.
  12. Wow this topic has gone so random.... Lol, oh well, let's keep it going, should have a mod change the name to "hearts randomness thread"... Lol
  13. Technically I started at 33 and am now 34 but I started 1 month before my 34th birthday... Lol
  14. Your close actually, the wife was forcing.me to watch "the voice" :@
  15. Yeah they are always busy. The best time to go in there is right at 10am when they open.
  16. The Vaporium, by far the best shop in the Seattle/Tacoma area
  17. I know u even told them I tightened the tank down too tight and they were like ok. I think it's cause I am always in there and they all know my wife and I.
  18. Alright, so good news my b&m is friggin awesome and let me exchange the SVD for a new SVD! I love my local shop!
  19. I'm in Vaper hell right now! My spares aren't doing me justice... They seem to not be letting me get the hits I'm use to.
  20. Yeah I didn't give in to the analogs. I'm gonna see if I can get it replaced under warranty.
  21. So while playing with my RSST RBA I cranked down the center pin on the RBA too much and it punched out my connector on my SVD. So now my lovely SVD is a pretty paperweight.... And of course I spent the last of my money on juice and the RSST. Needless to say I'm so pissed that now I just want a damn cigarette!
  22. Picked up 2 New juices from 2 separate vendors I never heard of before... Space Jam and Uncle Junks and I also picked up my first RBA to try cause I'm too lazy to keep adding drops to my RDA.... Lol went with smoktechs RSST.
  23. Actually it was 30 ft and I paid $10, could have gotten it cheaper online but I was completely out of wire so couldn't wait for shipping.
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