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Everything posted by Tam

  1. Apparently, no one here found it at all.
  2. After getting off all the scary stuff that's in cigarettes and replacing that with four ingredients in eliquid, why would you want to add more stuff to something that's already less harmful? Sounds like a fun idea but one I wouldn't touch.
  3. If you want a fast-paced movie with plot and strong storyline... well, this isn't it. It's a fun, leave-the-brain-at-home, enjoy the eye candy, lots of jiggling on the parts of both sexes, slow-mo "action" scenes, and lots of sophomoric dick jokes. Just what I needed after a really bad day at work. Just to double check to make sure there's not real plot, I may need to go see it again.
  4. In the past few months I've probably gone to see more movies than I have in the last 20 years, lol. Can't say I remember seeing anyone vaping though. The only one I recall is a TV series that was cancelled: Alcatraz. Oh! And I don't recall seeing anyone vape in Baywatch... but it could be that there were other things vying for my attention.
  5. What's on top of the clams, @cany? Even though it looks like sand, I know that's not what it really is, lol.
  6. Sorry to hear that things didn't go so well, Walt.
  7. Money in bank for debit card to draw from: ? Seriously, though, I wish you the best gigging night ever, @Walt!
  8. Woo hoo! Congrats on a huge milestone, @Edna! I've been waiting to see this post.
  9. You're a wiz with photoshop, @gadget. Thanks.
  10. That's a little beyond my capabilities.
  11. There. How's that? It was more than time I changed my avatar anyway. Good call, Bebop, thanks!
  12. He dyes himself green when he plays on the lawn right after it gets cut. Does that count?
  13. I love my yappy little dog... except, thankfully, he's not so yappy.
  14. I don't know if I should laugh or be very scared, lol!
  15. The first thing you do is a lot of research on how to safely handle nicotine and other safety issues to keep you and your loved ones safe. The rest sounds like it's pretty straight forward.
  16. As @Earthling789 said, everyone vapes differently so getting two tankfuls is about right for your size battery. If you want a no-fuss tank and aren't interested in going sub-ohm, you might want to look into getting a Kanger Aerotank 2 and a larger battery. My own preference is a mod that has internal batteries. The Eleaf iPower 80W TC holds 5000 mAh, and I keep two in constant rotation. With these, I only have to charge about once a week but your mileage may vary.
  17. Smoother throat hit? Get higher VG in your juice. You say you want "cheaper" but don't say in comparison to... what? "Cheap" is relative. @cany already suggested the Vapor Talk store. Their Black Label juices are very good. Other than that, I get juice from EC Blends in 125 ml bottles. Vape Dudes, Mt. Baker Vapor, Kai's Virgin Vapor... Don't go to Five Pawns. Although their juice is very tasty, at $27 per 30 ml bottle, it's not "cheap" at all.
  18. You might get more comments if you start your own thread in General Vaping Discussion instead of commenting/asking on someone else's that's on a different topic. And just on a guess... I'm going to say that 0.00105 is not good and you should change that.
  19. Your English is fine, much better than my Italian. What do you mean by you're looking for something with more "security"? Do you mean you want something safer than mechanical mods? Most regulated mods offer more safety features, although you still need to take care in what kind of batteries you put into it, the storage and charging of these same batteries, etc.
  20. I like it when you're on night shift and have time on your hands, @Adversarious1
  21. Questo è perché sei un sapientone.
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