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Vaping like a dragon?

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I have been sick the last couple of weeks and am slowly coming back. I find myself vaping like that dragon now. I went fom 12mg to 18mg at the suggestion of a wise vaping lady friend here hoping to get enuff nic to calm myself down.

That worked but now am super vaping. I take entirely too much pain meds and lately way too much so was trying to limit it some. I am finding that vaping helps the pain. So I am vaping all day long constantly.

Anyone see a problem forming here? I dont think I do so far. It keeps me from the narcotics so how can the extra nic be bad? I am catching heck from the Mrs but she doesnt know how many pills I am taking either.

So is this just a response to a need or am I going to have a problem?

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If your not feeling any effects associated with nic overdose Id say you're doing OK, especially if its helping you stay away from the narcotics.

I am not a doctor nor do I play one on TV.

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Don't know your circumstance, and I'm no doctor, but just 'my' opinion of any pain medications purpose is that it is ONLY to make pain bearable, not eradicate it. Now of course the word 'bearable' is subjective, depending on the individual, but IMO, pain has purpose, and I never want to 'eliminate' it totally, by artificial means.

I see two drawbacks in doing so, one is that you have a false sense of wellness that could make you do something to do even more damage, and two, it 'allows' you to not try and eliminate the 'source' of the pain, permanently, if possible. If that 'isn't' possible, then that's another story.

That being said, I would take nic anyday over pain meds. But yeah, I have to think that anytime we are increasing the intake of something not good for us, it spells problem. If at all possible, deal with the 'source' of the pain rather than medicate the symptoms.

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Just be careful of how much you take in during two hour windows, as that's how long it takes for nicotine to be metabolized (non-menthol). Unless you are going through 2 ml in 2 hours, I wouldn't think you have anything to worry about.

I was actually going to ask a very similar question tonight - how much is too much? I go through up to 4 mgs a day sometimes, except I'm pretty sure I went through more those first days my mom was in the hospital and it was very, very risky for her. I vape more in the car, or watching TV when I'm doing nothing with my hands, but at the computer or when I'm playing with my phone, my hands are doing something so I don't vape as much (which, smoking, I would frequently have cigarettes going while I was on the computer or messing with my phone, but was preoccupied, so I generally only smoked about half of it. While smoking, the car, though, was my weak spot. One hour drive to work, and I'd have three cigarettes - I'd light up at certain spots along the road.

I guess I'm asking because hubby complained last night that I was vaping almost the entire ride home (45 minutes or so) from the visit with my mother in the hospital. Stress/worry + nothing to do with my hands = vaping, I guess. He also complained that I took my entire kit with me, but I took an extra battery stick because I had a feeling that the one I was using would die in the car, and I took all my flavors because I hadn't been able to settle on a flavor that day (yesterday). As a matter of fact, I was unable to settle on a flavor for more than an hour until after we replaced the coil on the Davide and it started acting like it did when I first got it again - then I stuck with 618 until bedtime, when I switched over to milk chocolate.

But, my question stands, how much is too much?

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keep drinking water or electrolytes. even not being on meds or having no nic in the juice, you will still dehydrate. Eventually, you may want to step down the nic intake. I have gone from 36 to 0 in a year.

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Nicotine CONTENT is measured by the milliliter.

Example: juice rated at 24mg has 24mg of nicotine in every 1ml. Therefore, a 10ml bottle has 240mg of nicotine.

If you are vaping 4ml of 24mg juice per day then you are vaping (4 X 24) 96mg of nicotine per day. HOWEVER - your body may not be absorbing 96mg of nicotine. From everything I have read there is no reliable way to measure the exact amount of nicotine that is absorbed by vaping it. Vaping habits and practice along with your own body's ability to absorb nicotine, which may vary person to person, make the math of it only a guideline at best and do not reflect actual nicotine absorption.

The only truly reliable way to know what "too much" is, is to monitor your own body reactions and adjust accordingly.

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keep drinking water or electrolytes. even not being on meds or having no nic in the juice, you will still dehydrate. Eventually, you may want to step down the nic intake. I have gone from 36 to 0 in a year.


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Thanks all and yes I am drinking water and ice. The condition is hereditary and they keep saying "I am not a surgery candidate" because of diabetes and other things. Even the ins company will not pay for treatment unless it is emergency treatment. I could bleed internally and frequently do in smaller amounts. If it happens in big amounts it is serious. It happened to me twice since 2001 and both times were almost one way trips. The pills help but I hate the effects so try to limit them. They are around forever tho. The nic does help.

I use cartos (boge LR) and keep refilling them as I go. This isnt every day just every so often. I have good days too. Im so glad I have the vape to lean on.

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Thanks all and yes I am drinking water and ice. The condition is hereditary and they keep saying "I am not a surgery candidate" because of diabetes and other things. Even the ins company will not pay for treatment unless it is emergency treatment. I could bleed internally and frequently do in smaller amounts. If it happens in big amounts it is serious. It happened to me twice since 2001 and both times were almost one way trips. The pills help but I hate the effects so try to limit them. They are around forever tho. The nic does help.

I use cartos (boge LR) and keep refilling them as I go. This isnt every day just every so often. I have good days too. Im so glad I have the vape to lean on.

Shepdog- you are under a doctors care anyhow right ? you may as well run it by him just to be safe . None of us know your complete medical history and your doctor does , It would be awful if some miniscule detail made a big difference to your situation , that non of us took into consideration . Just lookin out for ya buddy;)

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Thanks Christie dear, and yes I talk to the doc a lot it seems. He knows my situation and he would alot more I vape than use cigars non stop. It wasnt that long ago I might herf 6 or 8 cigars a day and then some ciggs or a pipe. Same reason, it helped the pains.

He is older but understands that nic is not the same as tobacco. I breath better now too. Everything he would like for me to do or have is impossible on a one income home now. Insurance companies are a real waste even with the large premiums we pay.

I called this afternoon and he said "whatever works for you son" and "If you decide to end up at a hooters or wing house call me to go with you!" He knows my wife wouldnt sit for that so he is making light of the vaping.

Still- maybe with a prescription?? :)

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I go thru at least 4 cartotanks a day. They are 2.5-3ml so I'm guessing 8-10ml day. However I am only vaping 6-8mg depending on juice vendor.

Thank goodness, Proteus. I was starting to feel like I was an over-vaper going through around about 8 mls a day on some days. And that's with smaller tanks, with the exception of my single Davide. The Evods are smaller.

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I have personally noticed a difference in pain levels since about week 4 in my vaping journey, I could normally kill a box of Bc powders in a weeks time when I smoked but now a box will last 2 or more weeks, Granted its not a narcotic but it is still pain medicine.

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We had a customer come in the other day that vapes a 30ml bottle of 32mg a DAY!!!! I know our E-liquids are that good, but can that be healthy?!?

30ml a day??? How can you vape that much and do ANYTHING else? That's like 2 mls an hour. Can you get a speeding ticket for that?

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If its helping the pain and your not showing nicotine toxicity....good !! battling chronic pain is exactly that....a battle. if the nicotine is helping, its actually probably overall safer than taking more pain killers.

Glad you are feeling a bit better !!!!

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