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  1. Like
    HOOKER reacted to GeorgeF in you be the judge...   
    I just saw that before clicking this thread. I call pure BS on the story. More propaganda that wasn't on the web long enough to do any real harm, but it shows fools will write or say anything to discredit the benefits of vaping.
  2. Like
    HOOKER got a reaction from GeorgeF in Yeah, Zombie Apocalypse?   
  3. Like
    HOOKER got a reaction from halfadelic in How does this sound?   
  4. Like
    HOOKER got a reaction from gag8tor in wanna have some fun? gas pump comedy   
    sooo I drive a 1998 Ford f150 4x4 that drinks gas like RedNecks drink beer,,
    I pull up ta gas station & while filling & was looking around at the people fill'n up there cars,,
    a guy blew outta cloud & the people freaked smooth out!!!!

    now me being the ""ULTIMATE RedNeck @$$HOLE""
    I coodnt let him blow a cloud like that without me try'n ta beat his cloud,,
    I turned my airslot wide open on Atlantis & took me a good 7 second Full LUNG hit
    exhaled & did it again...
    the clouds covered the pumps & cars fer 3 isles down..

    the guy in Red Camaro hollars ''VAPE ON BROTHER''
    the people said ''oh its notta cigarette,, we just assumed ya'll were smoking at the pumps''

    I had just pulled out when the Police was pulling in with their gumball machines a flashing...


    now I normally dont vape where a NO Smoking sign is posted due ta now flaunting cloud infront of someone who cant..
    my RedNeck Macho ego got kicked & hadda go fer it.......
  5. Like
    HOOKER got a reaction from stangmama77 in wanna have some fun? gas pump comedy   
    sooo I drive a 1998 Ford f150 4x4 that drinks gas like RedNecks drink beer,,
    I pull up ta gas station & while filling & was looking around at the people fill'n up there cars,,
    a guy blew outta cloud & the people freaked smooth out!!!!

    now me being the ""ULTIMATE RedNeck @$$HOLE""
    I coodnt let him blow a cloud like that without me try'n ta beat his cloud,,
    I turned my airslot wide open on Atlantis & took me a good 7 second Full LUNG hit
    exhaled & did it again...
    the clouds covered the pumps & cars fer 3 isles down..

    the guy in Red Camaro hollars ''VAPE ON BROTHER''
    the people said ''oh its notta cigarette,, we just assumed ya'll were smoking at the pumps''

    I had just pulled out when the Police was pulling in with their gumball machines a flashing...


    now I normally dont vape where a NO Smoking sign is posted due ta now flaunting cloud infront of someone who cant..
    my RedNeck Macho ego got kicked & hadda go fer it.......
  6. Like
    HOOKER got a reaction from jasonculp in Kanger tech vs Aspire Discussion   
    as long as its keep'n ya from smoking its good no matter whose box it came out of...
  7. Like
    HOOKER got a reaction from jasonculp in Bump when you get something in vape mail.   
    mailman is on my good side again,,

    its made in the USA...

    like I really need a competition mod but it fits in my holster & gonna carry Atlantis as long as I can afford the juicehog..

    although I still like the new KATO fer its small size but weighs down my pocket,,,,
  8. Like
    HOOKER got a reaction from jonnoh in yest puff count numbers...   
    A neighbor up the street says my numbers arent right by my technique..
    He mentioned a Puff Puff Lung hit is equal to 4.2 puffs???

    That wood put my total puff count atta astronomical figure....
  9. Like
    HOOKER got a reaction from VapeMama in Milestone   
    One day atta time will tyrn inta 2 then 4 & soooo on... Congrats....
  10. Like
    HOOKER got a reaction from DirtyBoot in Vapor Damages Immune System in Mice   
    The just passed a bill here in OK giving us homeOWNERS the right ta shoot drones down if they are hoving over our property...

    I'm one of those RedNecks that will say..
    Bubba hold my beer & watch this....
  11. Like
    HOOKER reacted to Earthling789 in Quitting smoking   
    The way to quit smoking by substituting vaping is simple... but it's in this order...

    High enough level of nicotine level to help stave off cravings
    Good tasting juice (fruits, candy, bakery... all good things to get you away smoking)
    Reliable tank and battery (at least two of each so you can switch flavors and have one charging while you use the other)
    A good support-group, like the fine folks on this forum!!

    PS, don't feel bad if you don't quit tomorrow... it's not an Olympic event, not a race, and there are no penalty points for having to have a few smokes as you get into vaping... everyone is different!
  12. Like
    HOOKER got a reaction from tazl37 in whatta ya do fer a living...   
    I put my time in atta steelshop...

    My latest project is teaching my invisible guard dog how ta operate this broom...

  13. Like
    HOOKER reacted to JohnnyFog in Potential Success Converting a LONG TIME Heavy Smoker   
    My girlfriend's dad has been smoking for the better part of 50 years. Not only a long time smoker but he smokes those "Santa Fe" little cigars/cigarillos or whatever they are called. Just hardcore stuff. 1.5 to 2 packs a day... He suffers from COPD. He gets out of breath very easily and it takes him a while to recover when he gets worked up. He's not on permanent oxygen but he's probably not far from it. Last week he was out shopping with us and after dinner, the walk from the restaurant door to the car got him very out of breath and he was breathing heavy for at least 10 more minutes after the 2 minute walk to the car.

    After we dropped her parents off at their house, I talked with my girlfriend about it and suggested that we try to get him on vapor instead of smoke. She said he'd never go for it because he'd never shell out the money for the equipment to get started because he's tight. He smokes those Santa Fe smokes because they cost less than $20 for a carton.

    That being the case, I decided to buy him some gear to try out. I got him an eLeaf iStick like mine and a Nautilus tank. I got him a 30ml bottle of Space Jam "Eclipse" at 24mg to get him started. We dropped by his house about 430pm this afternoon and I showed him how to work it. He had seen me using mine before and was a bit curious about it. I showed him how to refill the tank, fix any 'gurgling' that might occur, showed him how to not get juice in the wrong places when he fills it, how to hook it to his phone charger at night to charge the battery and got him puffing on it before I left. Since I'm making my own e-juices, I think he's interested in making it work for him since I told him he could essentially smoke for free because I'd keep him in the juices. I also discussed with him how I have switched from analogs to vapor and worked my way down the nicotine chain from 18mg liquids to 4mg liquids in just 2 months time. He knows I'm breathing and feeling better because I have started dieting and exercising again, which includes running that I could never do when I was smoking with 'smoke.'

    We called my gf's mom about 9pm to see how it was going. She said he hadn't smoked an analog since he started puffing vapor and he would have normally had 10 or more during that time.

    I'm hoping this will be a success story!
  14. Like
    HOOKER reacted to T-Bone in One More Like For 3,000!   
    WTG, Vapor Talk! 1 more like and you'll have 3k! Well earned and deserved.
  15. Like
    HOOKER got a reaction from Tug in nice group   
    I think he fergot ta take his meds after I seen that tutu video...
  16. Like
    HOOKER reacted to Tam in Need help!   
    Sugar coating and tact are not on my radar tonight or so it seems. I call a spade a frickin' shovel.
  17. Like
    HOOKER got a reaction from Tam in changing tanks that are not empty yet   
    We better watch out our next election ballot mite have a female from Colorado on it...
    She aint been wrong yet since I've been follow'n her...
    I'd vote fer TAM!!!!
  18. Like
    HOOKER got a reaction from joe2003 in 50 shades of grey spoof...   
  19. Like
    HOOKER reacted to no_smokem in Hi from sunny Leeds :)   
    Howdy, new here,fairly new to vaping. Wife bought us a couple ego twist type cheapy tank cartomizers and after a lot of video watching, gotta love rip tripper, actually a pretty knowledgable dude, and serious coil maker, anyway i,ordered aan aspire atlantis an my wife a,nautilus mini, she has an ipv mini 30 watt an i have the ipv mini ll, 70 watt. And i am loving it! Sometimes id like to be able to take mouth to throat hits like my wifes nautilus, but i really like the flavor from the atlantis. Smoked for 36 yrs, i am 48. And i havent had a camel in almost 3 weeks now. I can already hear a difference in my lungs, no more weezing at night. And i havent woken up suffocating for a couple weeks now. I am so thankful vapimg emerged because i really think i would have smoked roght up to the point i blew my face off from the oxygen tubes catching fire, i really dont think i could have stopped smoking any other way. This friggin rocks! Anyway, srry for the mini saga i have written an i look forward to learnin a few things an swappin stories,lies, whatever ha, thanks.
  20. Like
    HOOKER reacted to DirtyBoot in Cali Declares Ecigs a Health Threat   
    Biggest problem at that point would be lemmings running around figuring out how to get cancer.
  21. Like
    HOOKER reacted to Mplough in Cali Declares Ecigs a Health Threat   
    If California wants to make a good public service announcement they should declare that "Cancer cures Smoking".
  22. Like
    HOOKER got a reaction from T-Bone in Bump when you get something in vape mail.   
    now I can get more precise on measuring my mixtures...

  23. Like
    HOOKER got a reaction from DirtyBoot in New Member   
  24. Like
    HOOKER reacted to joe2003 in Good article from Forbes   

  25. Like
    HOOKER got a reaction from VapeMama in Aspire Nautilus Mini - Hard to Disassemble?   
    I recently gotta Nautilus & havent had any of the problems mentioned above...
    Hope my luck continues??
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