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    GeorgeF reacted to Tug in A KPT2 with extras to TWO lucky people!   
    I know,something weird is going on lol.
  2. Like
    GeorgeF got a reaction from Tug in A KPT2 with extras to TWO lucky people!   
    Congrats Tugboat and Cany. Tug you seem to be on a roll with winning stuff.
  3. Like
    GeorgeF reacted to Earthling789 in A KPT2 with extras to TWO lucky people!   
    Okay... I gave an extra hour, but now it's time to draw

    There are 14 entrants, and you are listed below with your order of entry. Two random drawings (screenshots attached), and two winners. Both will be notified by PM, and the First winner will receive first choice in coil resistance. Let the random numbers generate!

    1 Rixter
    2 Jeffb
    3 shen_long86
    4 TugBoat Winner # 2
    5 raiderep
    6 aufin
    7 Mirage
    8 gag8tor
    9 cany Winner # 1
    10 daveo
    11 DarellC
    12 Eaglewtchr
    13 GeorgeF
    14 jgross

    Congrats to the winners! I'll be contacting you shortly to obtain your address and coil preferences!
  4. Like
    GeorgeF reacted to Earthling789 in Building higher ohm for istick 50w   
    It's a common misconception that higher (or lower) resistance (or Wattage, or Voltage) will affect vapor production in some huge fashion.

    Lower resistance coils operate hotter than higher resistance coils (considering same Voltage applied to them), because lower resistance coils will draw more Amps. Higher resistance coils draw fewer Amps, and therefore will prolong the life of your battery.

    Higher resistance coils also take longer to heat up (and longer to cool down), compared to lower resistance coils, which is why chain-vaping with high resistance coils is not desired, because it will heat up the atomizer/tank/juice.

    Study Ohm's Law a bit more, and you'll begin to see the relationship between Resistance, Voltage, Wattage, and Amps. Simply throwing more Voltage or Wattage to a coil does not make it produce more vapor or more flavor... there is a delicate balance between the variables, and it will not be the same for every person, every tank/RTA/RDA, every battery-device... because every person's tastes are different/unique, and we all perceive juice flavors differently.

    So, the short answer, no.. using a higher resistance coil will not give you more vapor. As I said above... VG content of the juice is what determines the potential for vapor production. From there, it's a balance of power, surface-area, heat, volume, and air-flow... There is no magic number of "use this juice, this ratio, this device and get max flavor/vapor"... if that were the case, there would not be thousands of different devices/juices on the market....
  5. Like
    GeorgeF reacted to Tam in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    Earthling learned from me. He just turned things around so it bit me in the behind.
  6. Like
    GeorgeF reacted to WillBlack in Istick fans(50w preorder)   
    You can get one shipped for $42.50 w/cable.


    Shipping is free, use coupon code FORUM.

    Bought one, fast clean transaction.
  7. Like
    GeorgeF got a reaction from Tam in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    Just ordered an iStick 50w from World of Vape for my better half. She has 2-20w and held my 50w and said, " I need one of those, in blue." So ordered it this morning.
    Thanks Tam with your help I was able to spend my money. Earthling has taught you well. LOL
  8. Like
    GeorgeF got a reaction from Earthling789 in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    Just ordered an iStick 50w from World of Vape for my better half. She has 2-20w and held my 50w and said, " I need one of those, in blue." So ordered it this morning.
    Thanks Tam with your help I was able to spend my money. Earthling has taught you well. LOL
  9. Like
    GeorgeF reacted to crush02342002 in Kanger Subtank Mini RBA Head In 25mm Subtank?   
    pbusardo did a review and in it swapped them to see

  10. Like
    GeorgeF reacted to Earthling789 in Not broken, but I know why it didn't work well....   
    On Tuesday, I was vaping outside work and one of my co-workers noticed my gear and struck up a conversation. He realized I was using a Russian 91% and mentioned that he had one that was "junk", and wanted to know if I could use it for parts. Hey, free is free, so I said "sure"... he brought it to me yesterday... in the original box, unopened accessories, and leaking juice like crazy .

    Last night, I was taking it apart for cleaning, and quickly realized exactly WHY it was such a horrible RTA for him

    He normally uses KPT2's/Nautilus on a Mech-mod or Vamo, and some shop in/near Lexington, KY talked him into buying it (obviously to make a sale of a $139 RTA)... and this is what the shop built for him... with cotton piled-high around the coil, packed in the chimney!

    I checked the resistance, and it's a 0.7 Ohm coil... on an RTA where builds are best in the 1.2-1.8 Ohm range (yes, the upper deck is scorched and insulator slightly melted - yes, it is wrapped around the air-hole). I honestly don't see how this thing could to anything but make the deck hot and leak like screen-doors on a submarine

    I cleaned it up last night, and tonight I'm going to build it RIGHT @ 1.4-1.6 Ohms and organic Japanese cotton... and offer it back to him tomorrow... after-all, it's not his fault the shop is ran/staffed by idiots....
  11. Like
    GeorgeF reacted to Tam in Istick fans(50w preorder)   
    Just ordered one from World of Vape for $52.99.
  12. Like
    GeorgeF got a reaction from HOOKER in you be the judge...   
    I just saw that before clicking this thread. I call pure BS on the story. More propaganda that wasn't on the web long enough to do any real harm, but it shows fools will write or say anything to discredit the benefits of vaping.
  13. Like
    GeorgeF reacted to HOOKER in Yeah, Zombie Apocalypse?   
  14. Like
    GeorgeF got a reaction from jonnoh in BVC Coils   
    Well let me be the one to stop the confusion.
    BVC= Bottom Vertical Coil
    BDC= Bottom Dual Coil
    Those are the two coil types offered by Aspire
    the vertical coil is just that, a coil in the center of the assembly that runs from bottom to top with wicking wrapped around it.
    the dual coils are laid in the assembly horizontally at 90 degrees from one another.
    the bottom vertical coils were reworked lately and they use cotton and the juice flow holes are larger than the original.

    and the one acronym that no one likes is IRS.
  15. Like
    GeorgeF got a reaction from stangmama77 in Increased Crankiness and Hunger.....Withdrawals?   
    Get a Britta filter or pitcher. It removes a lot of the tap water taste and you will grow to like it. I used to drink about 4 large coffee's a day with Pepsi in between. Since I have been vaping and lost my sense of taste due to being dehydrated once in 5 months, I switched to strictly water and have never felt better.

    Vaping and caffeine dehydrate you. Water is great. You could mix it up with flavored sparkling water.
  16. Like
    GeorgeF reacted to jonnoh in BVC Coils   
    I'm confused. BVC, FBI, FYI, BDC, ET-S, BTC, MVP, CIA, NSA, NRA, VIP, NCR, RNC, DNC, GOP, ETC. I'm gonna start a movement for the elimination of the three letter abr.
  17. Like
    GeorgeF reacted to EverPresentNoob in BVC Coils   
    But if you cant tell the chick in tight leather dosent want to discuss Cognitive Behavioral Therapy you might have wandered into the wrong place.....
  18. Like
    GeorgeF got a reaction from Patricia in New Nautilus BVC Coils   
    The original Aspire BVC coils for both Nautilus tanks had a ceramic wicking material. Cotton seems to be the preferred method for a lot of new tanks coming out. The Aspire Atlantis Sub-ohm tanks have it in the coils now. Aspire was getting flack from users about the safety of the ceramic material. Kanger Sub tanks came with cotton in the coils from day one.
    Those who drip and use RTA's, myself included, use cotton as a wicking material. It seems to wick the juice better than silica.
    I still use my Nautilus and Nautilus mini, as well as my Kayfun V4 clones. Sub-ohm tanks are new to the market and seem to be the rage. For the money I personally am looking at the Kanger Sub tank because you can replace the coils, or it has a rebuildable coil section you can use.

    Cotton is a good thing. Comp has a good post about different wicking materials and the performance of each.
    Not sue about better than the Nautilus tanks, except for maybe a rebuildable type.

    The Authentic Kayfun V4 has the ability to swap out the 510 connecter to one that directly fits the Provar, if you are into building your own coils..
    Check out this review...http://www.tasteyourjuice.com/wordpress/2014/12/03/the-kayfun-v4-review/
  19. Like
    GeorgeF reacted to WillBlack in Leaving Batteries on Charger overnight?   
    Contain the heat? That makes no sense at all. Unless used with a hobby charger those LiPO bags should be avoided.

    This is how they are meant to be used, batteries only in the bag..

    Here's a thermal pic of a Nitecore charger.

    You can see we have some temps at ~125°F. These chargers need plenty of ventilation, they need to be able to dissipate heat, not 'contain' it. I can't imagine how hot these would get shoved into some insulated bag.
  20. Like
    GeorgeF reacted to jasonculp in Boss Reserve e juice burns   
    And now they have the new, new BVC coils with larger holes and cotton!
  21. Like
    GeorgeF reacted to Tam in Hello   
    Funny, I don't recall any of us ever being accused of being mentally mature before...
  22. Like
    GeorgeF reacted to Glocknug in Intro/newbie review   
    So i have been a smoker for about 13 years. It was hard to believe it when I first realized that! I recently had my first child and said I would quit when he was born. I found myself smoking in the parking lot of the hospital. I then told myself I would quit smoking on my 30th birthday (several months later). I was semi-successful, but found myself substituting with snus. I wasn't smoking much at home, but I would smoke at least a pack a day when at work. I have a stressful job and I am in a car a lot, both are smoking triggers!

    In the past I tried the Blu's and other comparable ecigs. Not much help. I also bought an ego. It didnt help me at the time. I was semi committed to quitting, but i tried to mimic smoking with tobacco flavored juice. I found out quickly that NO juice can replicate smoking a cig.

    So i continued to smoke. I tried to quit again using Snus, using my son as the reason. My Snus use increased, and I was down to a pack a month.

    But, in my stressful job, and driving all the time, it wasn't hard for a co-worker to bum me a smoke. I also made an excuse saying that I could buy just one pack a month.

    Anyway, this is getting longer that I wanted! I purchased an Evod 2 starter kit with two juices... Gummy bear and tobacco. The tobacco didn't taste like smoking and the gummy bear was tasty! I thought to myself, perhaps i need to find something better than smoking, instead of trying to find an equal replacement.

    I then ordered 3 flavors from Fandora... PBFB, Fruity Tootie,, and Hydra Delight. I also went to the local shop and purchased a few new tanks to hold the new juice (mini protank 3's)

    The PBFB was purchased due to all of the great reviews on this site. When I opened it, I could smell the peanut butter. I tried it, and it definitely tasted like the description! It was good, but I have never been a desert person. The more I used it, the more I liked it. I always felt like I needed to be sitting with a glass of milk though!

    I then tried the tootie fruity. I was hooked! It was great! This was my kinda flavor! It has subtle changes and a hint of cream.

    I then went to the store to get one more tank to try the hydra delight. They didnt have anymore Tanks that would use the same coil that the Protank used. I went home and rinsed the tank out that used to hold the tobacco flavor. I couldn't get rid of the tobacco flavors smell until i boiled the tank for 7 minutes.

    I filled it with the hydra delight from fandora. Holy Crap! This is delicious! This is by far the best tasting juice i have had.

    I like my variety, but i have to make sure i get some more Hydra Delight!

    I just wanted to share my experience. If you are a smoker, don't try to duplicate the flavor with vapor. You can get even better results vapin, but nothing mimics it.
  23. Like
    GeorgeF reacted to Tug in need help choosing best battery option   
    I also had a '66 mustang but I never had enough money to get it road worthy.My dream car is a '69 Boss 302 in grabber blue :drool:
  24. Like
    GeorgeF reacted to Tam in whats yer weather? pic...   
    Saw that on the news last night. With my luck I'd fly out there and get stuck in the airport for the duration if I got there at all. You'd think after spending a total of 5 years in Alaska, I'd have had my fill of snow but no...
  25. Like
    GeorgeF reacted to Jeffb in whats yer weather? pic...   
    Looks like its gonna get chilly here this weekend

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