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  1. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from Tam in Store Move Update (Returning to Normal March 9th)   
    Oh man, so sore
    But it's great to have the store back in California. More importantly, to get things a little back to normal again. Today we're working on barcoding items to ensure things are shipped correctly every time. Additionally I'm bringing in awesome looking purple bags and eventually customized shipping boxes. (It's the little things..)
  2. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from Edna in Store Move Update (Returning to Normal March 9th)   
    Hi Folks, 
    A late and sleepy update. 
    Our move is going well and things are ahead of schedule. Some orders have already shipped out with most if not all orders shipping by the end of tomorrow. The VT online store will fully open as of March 9th. (Though we won't open for local pickup until sometime in April) Additionally, we have quite a lot of open box inventory and other miscellaneous items. (Everything from mini screwdrivers to 801 pipes). I'm going to introduce a new auction system to the store by weeks end with a number of open box and other items that don't fit into the usual categories (more on this later).
    As for now, all of us are pretty exhausted. Will have another update in a couple of days.
  3. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from Tam in Store Move Update (Returning to Normal March 9th)   
    Hi Folks, 
    A late and sleepy update. 
    Our move is going well and things are ahead of schedule. Some orders have already shipped out with most if not all orders shipping by the end of tomorrow. The VT online store will fully open as of March 9th. (Though we won't open for local pickup until sometime in April) Additionally, we have quite a lot of open box inventory and other miscellaneous items. (Everything from mini screwdrivers to 801 pipes). I'm going to introduce a new auction system to the store by weeks end with a number of open box and other items that don't fit into the usual categories (more on this later).
    As for now, all of us are pretty exhausted. Will have another update in a couple of days.
  4. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from Mark in Product Request Mega Thread 2   
    SPEAKING of which... All of your beautiful wood holders were in the boxes  We're spending some time cleaning them gently and restoring them to health. I'm going to use them to take a few of the features images in the store 
    (To everyone else in the thread, if you ever want something really unique to display your mod and/or ecig, check out Mark's website. Who is welcome to plug)
  5. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from hazenyc in Reminder - This sub forum is for posting new found items :)   
    Hi Folks, 
    I noticed this forum has gotten a bit messy. Just a friendly reminder  that this sub forum is for posting new devices you've found, factory releases, etc. Questions and show off your builds should be posted in their own respective sub forums unless otherwise appropriate for the post
  6. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from spydre in A great story....   
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    Christopher got a reaction from Tam in WISMEC Predator 228 with Elabo Full Kit is coming   
    I'm going to allow your post but it we'll keep an eye on it as I know you're from a review website. Keep it cool
  8. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from Tam in A great story....   
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    Christopher got a reaction from Jeffb in A great story....   
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    Christopher got a reaction from Walt in A great story....   
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    Christopher got a reaction from Tam in This looks cool   
    Looks awesome  
    And of course, gotta have some Vapor Talk purple
  12. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from Edna in Product Request Mega Thread 2   
    We only have shetlands at the moment. Free shipping though, they self deliver
  13. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from Tam in Product Request Mega Thread 2   
    We only have shetlands at the moment. Free shipping though, they self deliver
  14. Like
    Christopher reacted to Walt in VT Store Order Cut Off Time before Move to California   
    There's enough power in those mech mods to make great tasers!!!  Like little taser grenades.  "Here catch!"
  15. Like
    Christopher reacted to Adversarious1 in VT Store Order Cut Off Time before Move to California   
    Badge be damned...I have guns and ammo.  I was saving the ammo for the zombie apocalypse, but I'll be happy to use it all up in the vapocalypse in defense of vaping instead.
  16. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from Adversarious1 in VT Store Order Cut Off Time before Move to California   
    There likely won't be new inventory when we re-open (I am not looking forwarded to having to inventory everything we have) BUT We plan to place a huge order once everything is setup Lot of room for new goodies. At least until the FDA comes kicking down the door
  17. Like
    Christopher reacted to Foofightervapegirl in I cut my hair!   
    I was ready for a change,so I got in the bathroom and did it!I don't trust beauty shops,they always screw my hair up no matter where I go,so I just got out my shears and got it how I wanted it!

  18. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from Edna in VT Store down and shipping question   
    Hey Edna, 
    We had an issue this week with USPS in Highland Park (Who returned a ton of our packages). Highland Park has been thrilled about our Vape Store. At any rate everything is shipping out this morning. (Though if you shoot me your order number via PM or the support system I can actually check where your order is currently) This is a first (and one of the many reasons we're moving the warehouse out of there) I'm sorry about the delay and can assure you it wont' happen again. 
    As for the DB error that's odd. The only time that may happen is around 2am when the server resets (nightly). The store appears to be up and running ok on this end. 
  19. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from Edna in VT Store down and shipping question   
    Just wanted to follow up on this, I verified both your orders were part of the batch (we sent out a mass email but it may not have hit your inbox?) It's been a headache but all of the orders are going out this morning and should update by afternoon. Again, my apologies, it was the Highland Park post office giving us a difficult time. (I'd like to use some choice words...)
    Also you should be able to place your order online now without an issue. 
  20. Like
    Christopher reacted to Edna in VT Store down and shipping question   
    I just got through to it and got the order in...Thanks for being on top of things you're awesome
    I got the email for one order but not the other....All is good Thanks again!
  21. Like
    Christopher reacted to Adversarious1 in Help with ohms?   
    @Christopher beat me to it (almost ).  Those are Panasonic NCR18650B batteries.  I have three words: Get New Batteries.  Even with the 3400 mah (actually tested closer to 3200 mah) they are only rated by the company at something like 6.5 amps.  They were tested closer to 4.9 amps.  I personally wouldn't even use those batteries in the tactical flashlight on my AR-15.
    I recommend any of the batteries I mentioned in my initial response.  There are others as well, but those batteries are all definitely good to go.  After you get new batteries, either I or another member can give a better explanation of what would be a safe build with an unregulated mod.
  22. Like
    Christopher reacted to Walt in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    Insane, maniacal laughter...   Thank you VT store!  Record time!  Seven rolls of SS, two of which are clapton.  Let there be clouds!!!!
  23. Like
    Christopher reacted to Earthling789 in Nicotine free e-liquid?   
    About 10-12 years ago, I needed a bridge, and the dentist I went to refused to install it because I was a smoker... citing some crazy study that smoking/nicotine would degrade/dissolve the cements and would degrade the stainless steel and ceramic.  That was pure BS!  If your dentist is suggesting you quit smoking for reasons of implant failure, find another dentist....
    Now, if he is suggesting you quit smoking by switching to vaping for your overall health... he is correct.  Vaping has been proven by several, reputable sources to be at least 95% less harmful than traditional smoking, and many European studies agree 98% or higher.  If you are a current smoker, you will NEED the nicotine, at least for a while, as you ween yourself from the toxins found in traditional smoking.  If you are quitting Nicotine cold-turkey, you may as well not vape at all, IMO.
    As @Christopher said, regulations have placed a gag-order on vendors/sellers/suppliers/manufacturers to restrict their ability to say anything regarding health benefits, but there are plenty of studies online to help you make your own decision... but I'd suggest reading the reports from the Royal College of Physicians (UK), as opposed to anything put out by the United States' CDC, FDA, or any of our Physicians Journals... as most of those studies are tainted by funding from Big Tobacco.
  24. Like
    Christopher reacted to Adversarious1 in Wanting to try an RDA   
    I have several RDA's in my arsenal and the ones I keep going back to are my Mutation X v3 and v4.  They are relatively easy to build on, the airflow options are out of this world for both and either can do single or dual coil setups.  The Mutation X v5 looks even easier to build on.  The VT store has the v4 and the v5 available right now.  $19 for the v4 and only $5 for the v5.
    Oh @Christopher...methinks the VT store is about to receive an order for a Mutation X v5 from me.
  25. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from DWrainbowvaper36 in Nobody cares   
    If you want to nerd out to vaping supplies you've come to the right place!  I remember vaping back in 2008 and people losing their minds. ARE YOU SMOKING DRUGS SIR???!!!! ARE YOU!?!? 
    ...Calm yourself sir, it's an e-cigarette. 
    Seriously though, welcome to the forum! You're in good company. And if you don't ever just want to hang back, don't forget to hit the lounge sub forum. 
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