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    Christopher got a reaction from Alia Baig in VENDORS Please Read FIRST before posting - Updated 11/30/2019   
    Vapor Talk allows vendors and suppliers to post on the forum. 
    To post as a vendor: 
    Click Here - This will take you to the group change setting and your My Account panel Select "Vendor" and press the "save" button. That's it! You can now post in the general suppliers sub forum.
    There are two vendor types: 
    Verified Vendor - You are given full, relatively unrestricted access to the forums. You must abide by the Vendor Rules. Verified vendors can also purchase banner advertising, private sub forums, etc. 
    Regular Vender - If you opt not to become an Authorized Vendor, you may only post in the General Suppliers Forum. You must still abide by the Vendor Rules.
    Vendor Rules
    Vendor Guidelines (Read these carefully, failure to do so may result in your account permanently banned. There are far too many requests for us handle account reconsiderations. These rules are fairly typical) 
    You must be an “established” vendor for 6 months, with a website. No eBay, Craigslist or Facebook sellers. Your website must be 100% e-cigarette related and must have Contact information with a valid mailing address, telephone landline number and email. If your website does not comply, and you ignore our request to update it, you will be reverted to “Unapproved Supplier” and will have no rights on the site. No Drug/Dry Herb related pics, videos, posts, links, or Drug/Dry Herb references are permitted.  Vendors, under no circumstances, may post personally identifiable information.  We take the privacy of our forum members seriously. Vendors who make claims that e-cigarettes are a health product, or that they can be used to quit smoking, or that they are a pharmaceutical product, will not be accepted (or will be removed). All forum contact with members must follow forum rules. We expect both our members and our suppliers to act courteously. Contact a Moderator if you have an issue with a member rather than contribute to the problem. You may not under any circumstance use the PM or Personal Messaging system to spam members. This will result in a permanent, irrevocable ban. Do not post any negative material about other suppliers or their products or service or prices, whether they are verified vendors or not . You may only promote your own business or products. You may not compare other vendors’ products (by exact name) unfavorably. Your supplier privileges apply to you alone. That is to say, you cannot transfer those privileges to another, or have multiple members of staff with the same privileges. Only ONE ID permitted to represent the business. Do not have a third party make promotional posts on your behalf. If this is found to be the case both you and that person will be banned. If your website becomes non-compliant you risk being demoted or classed as Unregistered. We occasionally review vendor websites. If we have multiple reports that your service or products are faulty, and you do not resolve these issues, we may revoke your registration. If we have a report of a serious infringement of our Rules, or of the law, or of an action that will bring Vapor Talk or the industry or the community into disrepute, or place Vapor Talk at risk of legal action, we may revoke your registration. Pay your fees on time No suppliers who trade exclusively or extensively[1] as affiliates[2] or drop-shippers[3] are allowed as Authorized Vendors at Vapor Talk. Such suppliers if identified will be banned without warning. Vapor Talk, like most honest forums, intends to support and protect the trade, and does not regard web marketers with multiple interests (or possible multiple interests) as members of the trade proper. Sales and Promotions (General Suppliers Forum) – limit 2 threads per week – posting more than 2 will result in merged threads and/or removed threads No coaxing or bribing other members to “tag” you so that you can post vendor forbidden content. As things change and situations arise, all of the above rules are subject to change. What all of this essentially boils down to is treating customers right and preventing spam on the forum. If you would like to promote, spam, or market your business do so only in designated areas. 
  2. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from hungryvaper in Electroniccigaretteban.org   
    Great site keeping track of all the current bans and what you can do to stop them

  3. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from cany in Can I please change my username?   
    @masterolive Shoot me a DM and we'll help you change your username. 
  4. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from Atlantic Green Cross in Newbie here   
    First, thanks for respecting the rules  Generally speaking, so long as it's for personal use and you are up front about what you plan to do with the poll for the members sake, there really aren't any restrictions. Just no spamming or marketing and you're basically good to go. 
  5. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from happyare in Please [Tag] Your Posts. [buy] [sell] [trade]   
    In an effort to make this sub forum easier to browse through please kindly tag your topic with either [buy] [sell] [trade] in the title. 
    Thank You
  6. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from Tam in COVID-19 How's everything going in your area?   
    They just update the rules for our area today. No gatherings of any kind except those living under your household, no exceptions including religious gatherings. Everyone must wear face coverings now enforced by law enforcement (fines/jail time). Getting pretty wild out there. 
  7. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from Tam in VENDORS Please Read FIRST before posting - Updated 11/30/2019   
    Vapor Talk allows vendors and suppliers to post on the forum. 
    To post as a vendor: 
    Click Here - This will take you to the group change setting and your My Account panel Select "Vendor" and press the "save" button. That's it! You can now post in the general suppliers sub forum.
    There are two vendor types: 
    Verified Vendor - You are given full, relatively unrestricted access to the forums. You must abide by the Vendor Rules. Verified vendors can also purchase banner advertising, private sub forums, etc. 
    Regular Vender - If you opt not to become an Authorized Vendor, you may only post in the General Suppliers Forum. You must still abide by the Vendor Rules.
    Vendor Rules
    Vendor Guidelines (Read these carefully, failure to do so may result in your account permanently banned. There are far too many requests for us handle account reconsiderations. These rules are fairly typical) 
    You must be an “established” vendor for 6 months, with a website. No eBay, Craigslist or Facebook sellers. Your website must be 100% e-cigarette related and must have Contact information with a valid mailing address, telephone landline number and email. If your website does not comply, and you ignore our request to update it, you will be reverted to “Unapproved Supplier” and will have no rights on the site. No Drug/Dry Herb related pics, videos, posts, links, or Drug/Dry Herb references are permitted.  Vendors, under no circumstances, may post personally identifiable information.  We take the privacy of our forum members seriously. Vendors who make claims that e-cigarettes are a health product, or that they can be used to quit smoking, or that they are a pharmaceutical product, will not be accepted (or will be removed). All forum contact with members must follow forum rules. We expect both our members and our suppliers to act courteously. Contact a Moderator if you have an issue with a member rather than contribute to the problem. You may not under any circumstance use the PM or Personal Messaging system to spam members. This will result in a permanent, irrevocable ban. Do not post any negative material about other suppliers or their products or service or prices, whether they are verified vendors or not . You may only promote your own business or products. You may not compare other vendors’ products (by exact name) unfavorably. Your supplier privileges apply to you alone. That is to say, you cannot transfer those privileges to another, or have multiple members of staff with the same privileges. Only ONE ID permitted to represent the business. Do not have a third party make promotional posts on your behalf. If this is found to be the case both you and that person will be banned. If your website becomes non-compliant you risk being demoted or classed as Unregistered. We occasionally review vendor websites. If we have multiple reports that your service or products are faulty, and you do not resolve these issues, we may revoke your registration. If we have a report of a serious infringement of our Rules, or of the law, or of an action that will bring Vapor Talk or the industry or the community into disrepute, or place Vapor Talk at risk of legal action, we may revoke your registration. Pay your fees on time No suppliers who trade exclusively or extensively[1] as affiliates[2] or drop-shippers[3] are allowed as Authorized Vendors at Vapor Talk. Such suppliers if identified will be banned without warning. Vapor Talk, like most honest forums, intends to support and protect the trade, and does not regard web marketers with multiple interests (or possible multiple interests) as members of the trade proper. Sales and Promotions (General Suppliers Forum) – limit 2 threads per week – posting more than 2 will result in merged threads and/or removed threads No coaxing or bribing other members to “tag” you so that you can post vendor forbidden content. As things change and situations arise, all of the above rules are subject to change. What all of this essentially boils down to is treating customers right and preventing spam on the forum. If you would like to promote, spam, or market your business do so only in designated areas. 
  8. Haha
    Christopher reacted to Bebop in Does anyone else think this is all wrong?   
    I can barely reply I'm laughing so hard.  
  9. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from AggressiveDefiance in Forum Rules Sticky Updated: 4/18/2022   
    Though this post is old, the link is still active! Please make sure you take a moment to read the forum guidelines
  10. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from AggressiveDefiance in New Member Posting / Feature Limitations   
    Hey Vapor Talkers, 
    In an effort to keep spammers in check and to ensure new members take a few moments to get acquainted with Vapor Talk's features, all new members will be required to have 3 posts before being placed into the unrestricted 'VT Member" group. 
    How does it work? What limitations will I have when I first join the forum?
    When first joining the forum you be limited to posting in these sub forums: 
    Introduce Yourself New Vapers Forum Site Features, Requests and Help Vapor Talk Store Support Forum After 3 posts, you will automatically be moved into the standard user or "VT Member" group. From there you can post on the forum normally. 
    But how do I get three posts? What if I don't have a question? What if I want to reply on another topic!
    The easiest method is to simply introduce yourself (see the Introduction Forum). Say hello! At the very least, a staff member will reply. You're also free to ask a question about your new device in the New Vapers Forum. 
    I can't find the forums you mentioned 
    This is partly why we have this minimal restriction. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the forum. This ensures you post in the correct area (ensuring your questions or topic is answers faster) whilst easing the workload on our awesome forum admins and moderators. 
    I feel... feel so chained. I just want to ask my question. 
    We know, we get it. But unfortunately, when dealing with a forum of this size, spam can be a real hassle. We're quite good at spotting it and removing it quickly. But this makes it much easier for us to keep spam limited to a single area. It makes clean up easy. We appreciate it.
    Feel free to start a new topic and jump in. Vapor Talk is well known for it's friendly members, help us keep that vibe going. If you run into any issues, please don't hesitate to contact a staff member.You may also want to take a moment to view the forum rules.

  11. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from cany in I can't participate in any discussion   
    Please take a moment to read the forum rules. You need 3 posts before you can join the general forum. This is to limit the amount of spam we receive. As of this post, you should now be able to participate.
  12. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from Tam in I can't participate in any discussion   
    Please take a moment to read the forum rules. You need 3 posts before you can join the general forum. This is to limit the amount of spam we receive. As of this post, you should now be able to participate.
  13. Like
    Christopher reacted to Tam in Before We All Panic.....   
    Most of the articles I've read were hysteria-driven "OMG! Don't vape! It's dangerous and it'll kill you!!!" types. There were a few that reported "some" of these people vaped THC/CBD oils (added it in to the pod/tank themselves), and bought their liquid on the street. I'm very suspicious that the people who are suffering respiratory distress vaped something more than just normal e-liquid but aren't saying so because they could get into trouble from their parents and/or it's not legal where they live.
    After over 7 years of vaping my doctor says my lungs sound extremely good, I don't run out of breath like I used to, and I think it would've done something negative before now.
    Just my two cents.
  14. Like
    Christopher reacted to timwis in Ehpro Cold Steel 100 120W TC Box MOD   
    Hi Vapor Talk members, In this review i take a look at the Cold Steel 100 120W TC Box Mod from Ehpro. The Ehpro Cold Steel 100 120W TC Box Mod was supplied for the purpose of this review by Violette from Vapeciga.


    Ehpro were known for manufacturing quality affordable clones but that seems in the distant past as more recently they have been manufacturing some well received products of their own, including many collaborations with reviewers. The Cold Steel 100 is one of two devices Ehpro have designed in collaboration with Youtube reviewers, the Cold steel 200 was in collaboration with Nebelfee (a German Youtube reviewer) and this the Cold Steel 100 with AmbitionZ Vaper (makes me wonder what really is the collaborators contribution to the project). The Cold Steel 100 has the full works of wattage, Voltage, Bypass, Curves and full TC suite. The main marketing of both Cold Steels is their high quality Stainless Steel build quality so let's give the Cold Steel 100 a look! 


    In The Box


    1x Ehpro Cold Steel 100 MOD
    1x Belt Loop Holster
    1x USB Cable
    1x 18650 Battery Adaptor
    1x User Manual
    1x Warranty Card
    1x Certification Card
    1x Battery Safety Card


    Aesthetics and Ergonomics

    The Cold Steel 100 comes in cardboard box packaging with the device placed inside the included belt loop case. I received the Obsidian Black version, the other available versions are Grey Champagne and Old Gold. The form factor is odd looking and i do like it although not original has it looks very similar to a Zen mod from about 4 years ago or more recently the YiHi SL Class. The form factor is a tubular rear with a rectangular vertical protruding face section which houses the PCB, functional buttons, screen etc. The device looks front heavy as if it will topple over at any minute but the rear tubular section is Stainless Steel while the front section is the lighter Zinc Alloy metal so actually is very stable and even more so once the weight of a battery and atty is added. Brass is also listed in the materials so i am assuming the 510 and contacts are brass and maybe the inner threading for the battery cap.
    The protruding face section has "AMBITIONZ VAPER" printed on the tapered roof (i just don't want a reviewers name printed on the device, thanks!). On the face's surface we have a squared light switch style fire button top followed by a narrow elongated screen, we then have a switch style rocker for navigation followed at the bottom by a micro USB port. The tubular rear section is featureless which i like apart from "COLD STEEL" being carved into the metal low down. Moving to the base which is the battery cap we have venting holes and printed safety stamps. Up top we have the 510 plate with inner and outer rim, the 510 i believe is Brass and is spring loaded.
    Like with the Cold Steel 200 the Cold Steel 100 boasts very good build quality but also for a single battery device is on the heavy side, ergonomically it is sound using to either finger or thumb fire the device.


    Cold Steel 100 Specs and Features:

    Dimensions: 39 x 27.5 x 91.5mm 
    Material: Stainless Steel + Brass + Zinc Alloy
    Coil Resistance Range: 0.05-3.0ohm
    Voltage Range: 0.5-8V 
    Wattage Range: 5-120W 
    Output Current: 35A 
    Temperature Range: 100-315℃ / 200-600℉
    Micro-USB Charging: Yes
    Online Software Update: Yes 
    Work Mode: PWR/ TEMP / CURVE / VOLT / BYPASS 
    Battery Type: 1x 18650/20700/21700(not included)
    TC MOD Co-designed with AmbitionZ VapeR
    120W Max Output Powered by Single 21700/20700/18650 Battery
    Fully metal construction and ultra ergonomic design
    Multiple working modes for different style vapers
    0.0018S firing speed
    Micro-USB port for charging and upgrade
    Exquisite design & easy operated buttons
    Thread: 510
    Colours: Grey Champagne, Black Obsidian, Old Gold


    Fitting The Batteries

    The Cold Steel will accommodate a single 21700 or 20700 and also a single 18650 when using the supplied adaptor. We have a screw off battery cap on the base of the device which undoes very smoothly but when screwing back in place is slightly crunchy. The inside of the tube has a reflective surface allowing for the marked orientation at the bottom of the tube to be very visible, also orientation on the underneath of the battery cap is Black on White making it stand out, cracking job! 


    The Display

    The Screen is very narrow but elongated and old school in nature which many still prefer. The Display and fonts might be quite small but i had no problems reading all the information as it's sharp and bright. Top left we have the preheat in Power mode or wire type in TC mode, bottom left we have the battery status indication bar. To the right of what has already been described we have resistance top and the voltage when in Power mode underneath, when in TC, Voltage or Bypass modes instead of voltage this is where we will find the wattage. The right of the screen displays wattage in Power mode, temperature in TC mode or voltage when in Voltage or Bypass modes.


    Navigating The Cold Steel 100

    The device is the usual 5 clicks of the fire button to turn on and 5 clicks to turn off and once on we are met by the already described sharp, bright, old school style screen. We do have some combination key press functions which are - and fire together flips the screen, + and fire locks the navigational buttons but the device will still fire, + and - together locks the entire device so it also will not fire and finally pressing +, - and fire together is stealth mode.
    The device has many modes but a very simple menu system which is 3 clicks of the fire button to enter. The menu gives us the options of Power, Temp, Curve, Bypass, Voltage and Back, when selecting Power it then gives us the options of preheat which are Normal, Soft or Strong. The Curves, Voltage and Bypass are all straightforward but selecting Temp gives us the options of Nickel, Stainless Steel, Titanium, TC and Back. Once we have selected wire material in TC it then allows wattage to be set in 1W increments right up to the maximum 120W. Once wattage is set it then moves to where we set the temperature which adjusts in 5 degree increments and round robins between Celsius and Fahrenheit. That's it!, Very simple and i do like that all screens have a back option and throughout including setting wattage and temperature everything round robins. When adjusting the wattage it adjusts in .1W increments up to 30W and then .5W increments all the way up to 120W, it also scrolls at a really nice speed!



    Short Circuit Protection
    Over Heat Protection
    Over Current Protection
    Weak Battery Protection
    Reverse Polarity Protection
    10S Cut-off Protection
    Low Voltage Protection
    Battery Over-charge Protection


    My Experience Using The Cold Steel 100

    First i have to state i did not use the device in temp control and don't have access to data so simply reviewed the device as i personally experienced it. Like the Cold Steel 200 this device fires incredibly quickly and has very impressive ramp up which is great but it makes me think it would of benefited having a select button because every time the fire button is pressed to enter the menu system etc it fire's without fail.
    I used the device at various wattage's up to 80W and as far as i can tell it's pretty accurate and if anything slightly overpowered reminding me very much of the Minikin for the instant hit i got, all modes i tested which was all of them apart from TC worked great. I also did try the device with both a 18650 and 21700 at wattage's between 80 and 120w and while it fared much better with a 21700 it really didn't feel it was doing much above 100W, maybe with a fresh 21700 but not during normal use and as for with a 18650 80W is all this feels like it's giving out.
    I really feel single battery device's that are 100W or 100W+ that will accommodate a 21700, 20700 or a 18650 battery should ask you which battery you are using and if you pick the 18650/20700 option it should switch to a 80W device. Instead the Cold Steel 100 at lower and mid wattage's as i said seems slightly overpowered while when going to higher wattage's we have a situation where especially with an 18650 battery it's severely underpowered! 
    I love the squared light switch style fire button and switch style navigational rocker, also a big pro for the build quality and even if not an original design both aesthetically (in my opinion) and ergonomically the device is spot on.
    The menu is very simple, every screen has a back option and everything round robins which makes it a very user friendly device, also the .5 increment adjustment and scroll speed gets pro's all round. 
    Like the Cold Steel 200 every time the battery is swapped or the battery cap is just unscrewed then screwed back the device resets to 35W and has no memory of what you were vaping at but unlike the Cold Steel 200 it doesn't smartly (always in my case wrongly) set wattage it believes you should be vaping at with the resistance of the coil which i am pleased about. 
    As ever i would never recommend charging batteries in the device unless it's your only option but the device supports 2A charging (1.8A to be precise) and is fully firmware upgradeable, but unlike the Cold Steel 200 it doesn't have a type C USB port which is disappointing. The Cold Steel 100 will accommodate up to a 25mm atty without overhang which is the vast majority of atty's that would suit a single battery device.
    Finally the belt loop case you receive is rather nice but unfortunately they forgot to take into consideration the extra height when an atty is attached so isn't fit for purpose!



    Excellent build quality
    Stainless Steel & Zinc Alloy construction
    Aesthetically classy looking device (even if not original design)
    Very Ergonomic device
    Portable even if slightly heavy
    Accommodates 21700, 20700 or 18650 (with supplied adaptor)
    Squared Light switch style fire button
    Switch style navigational rocker
    Sharp, bright old school style screen
    Lock just navigational rocker or entire device
    Very user friendly menu system
    Adjustment increments spot on also back options and everything round robins
    Curves, Voltage and Bypass work as they should
    TC (not tested)
    Performed great in power mode
    Fires instantly with impressive ramp up
    Very clearly marked battery orientation
    Supports 1.8A charging
    Firmware upgradeable
    Multiple protections
    Belt loop case included


    Heavy for single battery device (subjective to individual)
    Auto sets to 35W after removing battery (no memory of previous wattage)
    Severely underpowered unless using 21700 (Fine up to 80W)
    Does not reduce max wattage when using 18650 or 20700 battery
    Does not have type C USB
    Belt loop case not fit for purpose when atty attached

    I would once again like to thank Violette from Vapeciga for supplying the Ehpro Cold Steel 100 120W TC Box MOD for the purpose of this review.

  15. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from Mark in Favorite ejuice currently??   
    Man... I mean... *sigh*
    I just don't get how hard it is to follow the rules. I mean we've been doing this 10 years... 
    Carry on folks
  16. Like
    Christopher reacted to Tevich59 in How do I find my e-liquid now that you're closed??!!   
    I'm so sorry to hear this!  Good luck to you in the future. I wish you nothing but the best. 
  17. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from Mark in How do I find my e-liquid now that you're closed??!!   
    Boy I wish we could 😞 Unfortunately, due to regulations in California we are simply unable to ship or sell our product lines. 
  18. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from Mark in Twitter Login / Registration Fixed   
    Man, I'm just the worst when I type quickly
  19. Like
    Christopher reacted to Tam in Twitter Login / Registration Fixed   
    You know I love you, right?  😄  Thanks for giving me a much needed giggle tonight.
  20. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from Tam in "Are you a supplier" Login Bug Fixed   
    Some of you may not have been able to use the forum over the last 24 hours. When logging in, you may have received a "are you a supplier" question, which, rather than updating, kept looping back to the same question. My apologies as this was an error on my part. It should be correct and working again

  21. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from Tam in Twitter Login / Registration Fixed   
    Man, I'm just the worst when I type quickly
  22. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from Tam in New Member Posting / Feature Limitations   
    Hey Vapor Talkers, 
    In an effort to keep spammers in check and to ensure new members take a few moments to get acquainted with Vapor Talk's features, all new members will be required to have 3 posts before being placed into the unrestricted 'VT Member" group. 
    How does it work? What limitations will I have when I first join the forum?
    When first joining the forum you be limited to posting in these sub forums: 
    Introduce Yourself New Vapers Forum Site Features, Requests and Help Vapor Talk Store Support Forum After 3 posts, you will automatically be moved into the standard user or "VT Member" group. From there you can post on the forum normally. 
    But how do I get three posts? What if I don't have a question? What if I want to reply on another topic!
    The easiest method is to simply introduce yourself (see the Introduction Forum). Say hello! At the very least, a staff member will reply. You're also free to ask a question about your new device in the New Vapers Forum. 
    I can't find the forums you mentioned 
    This is partly why we have this minimal restriction. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the forum. This ensures you post in the correct area (ensuring your questions or topic is answers faster) whilst easing the workload on our awesome forum admins and moderators. 
    I feel... feel so chained. I just want to ask my question. 
    We know, we get it. But unfortunately, when dealing with a forum of this size, spam can be a real hassle. We're quite good at spotting it and removing it quickly. But this makes it much easier for us to keep spam limited to a single area. It makes clean up easy. We appreciate it.
    Feel free to start a new topic and jump in. Vapor Talk is well known for it's friendly members, help us keep that vibe going. If you run into any issues, please don't hesitate to contact a staff member.You may also want to take a moment to view the forum rules.

  23. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from Mark in New Member Posting / Feature Limitations   
    Hey Vapor Talkers, 
    In an effort to keep spammers in check and to ensure new members take a few moments to get acquainted with Vapor Talk's features, all new members will be required to have 3 posts before being placed into the unrestricted 'VT Member" group. 
    How does it work? What limitations will I have when I first join the forum?
    When first joining the forum you be limited to posting in these sub forums: 
    Introduce Yourself New Vapers Forum Site Features, Requests and Help Vapor Talk Store Support Forum After 3 posts, you will automatically be moved into the standard user or "VT Member" group. From there you can post on the forum normally. 
    But how do I get three posts? What if I don't have a question? What if I want to reply on another topic!
    The easiest method is to simply introduce yourself (see the Introduction Forum). Say hello! At the very least, a staff member will reply. You're also free to ask a question about your new device in the New Vapers Forum. 
    I can't find the forums you mentioned 
    This is partly why we have this minimal restriction. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the forum. This ensures you post in the correct area (ensuring your questions or topic is answers faster) whilst easing the workload on our awesome forum admins and moderators. 
    I feel... feel so chained. I just want to ask my question. 
    We know, we get it. But unfortunately, when dealing with a forum of this size, spam can be a real hassle. We're quite good at spotting it and removing it quickly. But this makes it much easier for us to keep spam limited to a single area. It makes clean up easy. We appreciate it.
    Feel free to start a new topic and jump in. Vapor Talk is well known for it's friendly members, help us keep that vibe going. If you run into any issues, please don't hesitate to contact a staff member.You may also want to take a moment to view the forum rules.

  24. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from Vapehead101 in This is insane   
    I'm going to sticky this topic with a title change because as has already been said, battery safety is a serious issue. One I think some of the newcomers don't take seriously enough. Great video.
  25. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from Mark in Help   
    e Liquid does not contain THC. I'm not sure how it showed up "not as THC but as Cannabis." When you test for something, you generally need some kind of marker. In the case of Cannabis, they use THC, unless things have drastically changed over the years. In any case, your employer is primarily looking to ensure you are not high on the job and able to perform your duties safely. 
    The only exception to this may be if you are using CBD liquid rather than normal e liquid (this is speculation as it's not something we use or sell). 
    This link will give you a bit more background on CBD products: https://www.thegrowthop.com/cannabis-culture/cbd-consumption-cause-me-to-fail-a-drug-test
    If you are failing your drug test, you're going to need to look into what else is in your diet or perhaps even your surroundings. False positives, while they do happen are unlikely. If you have a good employer and this job is important to you, sit down with your boss. Explain the situation and your concerns. Request that a hair test is done over a urine test. If you really are drug free, as stated, this will allow you to be re-tested while putting the concerns of longevity to rest with your employer as hair tests can go back 6 months or more. You may even wish to bring your e liquid depending on your career. If they're a good company, I'd imagine it's much cheaper for them to investigate and properly asses the situation rather than end up slapped with a wrongful termination lawsuit. 
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