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    Mark reacted to Tektronik in My Way Of Giving Back   
    I don't even remember why I stumbled upon this forum. I think it was because I was doing research for my first MOD. I settled on the VP2 and was looking for reasons not to buy it. I couldn't find any after lurking around here. No WAIT....that's not it. I joined back in November of last year cuz i was looking for a better model of e-cig than my crappy SMOKESTIK. Oh yeah, that's right... It was after seeing a few videos of Christopher on ENS doing some reviews of the 510 and some other smaller one with an exposed wick bridge. I think that led me here to do some exploring.

    When I really started getting serious about Vaping it was everybody here that really made me make the switch. This is one heck of a family of supporters with a common cause. Everybody here is courteous, considerate, amusing, and respectful. This forum is the second place i visit after my emails (because I follow a few threads here and it always leads me here anyhow) and is my little getaway from my busy life.

    What I'd like to see improved here is a new SubForum. It can be labeled something like "E-Cigarette Science" or "The Science of Vaping", or "Vaping Science", or whatever, just put the word "Science" in it. It would be nice to have this thread as a dedicated repository of all things electronics related that pertain to e-cigs. What makes this SubForum different from the rest is that only Moderators and Admins can post to this forum. Basically, when a thread is created in any of the other SubForums and after the discussion is pretty much closed out, It is verified for accuracy and placed there. This will give everybody who wants to know things like "Ohms Law", or how to figure out your wattage, or how to tell how much current your particular atomizer model requires to bring the circuit to equilibrium, or what are the particular characteristics of different batteries......stuff like that. It's a whole mess to try to remember, and stuff like this would be much easier to find if it was all in one place--after the information has been verified for its accuracy, of course. This would give noobs a place to start reading up and getting to know the science of their new hobby, the circuit nerds a place to store all of their mental brain matter when it leaks out all over the forums, and for the battery geeks (Brandon), a place to find his truly overwhelming but absolutely useful insights from his research. Plus its great for guys like myself who love to tinker, but are not gonna remember everything because life gets in the way.

    If I had the time for chat, I would, but man, there's so much I have to do once I get home from work! I would do reviews of my own, hangout in the video chat, but sadly, this is about as much as i can do when time permits.
  2. Like
    Mark reacted to kristin in Help! Sign This Petition To Raise Awarenes Of Ecig Bans!   
    Link: EcigsSaveLives.info

    Closes 9/01/2010!!

    1. Fill in the petition form & leave a comment
    2. Click the link in the email confirmation you'll receive (check your spam folder)
    3. Check for your signature/comment here: http://actsmoking.epetitions.net/signatures.php?petition_id=1206
    4. Link to it on your Facebook, MySpace, Blog, Twitter
    5. Forward it to all of your friends, family and coworkers who support you (remind them how ecigs are helping you stay off cigarettes), for them to sign!!
    6. THEN print out the PDF version, sign it, stuff it in an envelope and send it by snail mail to each person in the list at the bottom!!

    Online petitions often are ineffective, because they are often poorly written, don't give facts, don't target the right people, aren't ever delivered by hand and don't validate emails. Also, online petitions are often called "slacktivism" because no one does the follow up work.


    This petition is designed with the advice from advocacy experts!! The petition + signatures and comments will be printed out and mailed to each person on the list. Email addresses must be confirmed by clicking a link in an email that will be sent after you sign. It's filled with FACTS to raise public awareness and education about ecigs.


    Although we hope it will cause a change of policy, the single most important result of this petition is NOT changing policy - it's the PUBLIC AWARENESS that will be achieved as YOU post it on the internet and give the link to your sphere of influence (friends, family, coworkers).


    Link: EcigsSaveLives.info

    ALSO! Don't forget about making a COMMENT on the AAPHP petitions to the FDA: http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/campaigning-discussions/76546-aaphp-fda-talking-points-discussion-comments-submissions.html
  3. Like
    Mark reacted to Ofortuna in Maximum Nic Strength 36Mg   
    here is my 2 cents...

    no one has the right to tell people what to vape on. i myself am not a fan or will i ever recommend juice higher than 36mg, but that is my opinion. there is also an economical use for higher nic liquid by cutting it with VG/PG and making a bottle last longer.

    forums should not censor or remove vendors for selling whatever is allowable to sell. there are no "rules" against the sale of higher nic juice and forum should not take it upon themselves to regulate a suppliers sales. even though quite a few people do not agree with the use of higher nic levels, it is not our place to tell them what to do.
  4. Like
    Mark reacted to Christopher in To Christopher,moderator Of Vaportalk   
    Thank you so much!

    You know it's been quite a ride running this website and hell or high water I will do everything in my power to keep it going. I couldn't do it without the help of my awesome forum admins and moderators as well as all the members who submit content to the forum every day. I set the stage but the members put on the show (You can quote me on that if I ever get hit by a bus)

    It takes hundreds of hours to keep this site going and topics like this make it all worth it. So thank you!
  5. Like
    Mark reacted to Mike in This Is Why We Do Not Use *other Forums*   
    I looked through a couple of threads at efc late last year because my searhes brought me there. I felt uncomfortabe just reading some of the posts. Not for any real reason that I can remember. When I found Vaportalk it was just the opposite. Don't quite know why but it seems like VT is more my crowd. I've always felt comfortable here and uncomfortable even reading from other forums. Don't know why and don't care but I like the fact that Chris and staff run a tight ship.
  6. Like
    Mark reacted to Christopher in Vapor Talk Quit Meter Maybe?   
    Nice work Fritchard

    I just uploaded the script and created the SQL tables. Everything is working except the few points I mentioned in the PM.

    To everyone else, the smoke banner is close to complete
  7. Like
    Mark got a reaction from FTJoe in Bans Currently Under Way In 4 States   
    Maryland bill voted down!!!

    vote count----http://mlis.state.md.us/2010rs/votes_comm/hb0720_hgo.pdf
  8. Like
    Mark got a reaction from FTJoe in Need Assistance In Choosing The Right E-Cig   
    Had to add a +1 to FTjoes & Guineahills posts. Very good advice. to you 2.
  9. Like
    Mark reacted to Guineahill in Need Assistance In Choosing The Right E-Cig   
    The Joye 510, M401, and Kr8 models do not go into their respective PCCs without unscrewing the parts. It isn't really a big deal. Consider screwing the pieces together like pulling out your lighter and lighting a regular cigarette.
  10. Like
    Mark reacted to FTJoe in Need Assistance In Choosing The Right E-Cig   
    Okay - I was going to be a DB because I've tipped a few. Guineahill gave fantastic advice though. I have to say, I never understood folks who had to have it look like a cigarette. I've taken every drug and device under the sun, I've actually done acupuncture. I didn't care if if I have to place something in my ear and flap my arms to get me to stop smoking, I would do it.

    So get the 510 with a PCC, there will be a learning curve, it will sometimes be a pain, if you need to, by all means keep a pack of butts next to you while you play and figure it out. My entire point is, when you find something that hits the sweet spot and puts you in control of the monkey instead of the monkey all over you, its truly liberating. Open your mind, you will be so amazed...

    Once you start getting bored with that, and you will, play with the mods. The amazing thing is after a week or two, if you can drop the analogues, you'll actually forget about the monkey and become obsessed with the e-cigs (that's a good thing).
  11. Like
    Mark reacted to FTJoe in Color Coding Cartridges   
    If you have that many get a 30 day pill pill organizer, throw them in there and write or label what you want above them on the usually clear/opaque plastic.
  12. Like
    Mark reacted to BirdDog in Aaphp Has Submitted Two Citizens Petitions To The Fda   
    NOTICE: This post as been updated and edit by the Admin. This is a direct copy from ECF created by Executive Director Smokefree Pennsylvania. Please take a moment to read it - Christopher


    Alert: Urge FDA to protect health of smokers and vapers, not cigarettes

    Dockets now available to submit comments urging FDA to protect the health of smokers, not cigarettes

    The Citizens Petition by the American Association of Public Health Physicians (AAPHP) urging the FDA to reclassify and regulate electronic cigarettes (nicotine vaporizers) as tobacco products (instead of trying to ban the products by classifying them as drugs or devices) is at Regulations.gov

    To submit a comment urging supportive action by the FDA, go to Regulations.gov

    Suggested talking points:
    - since e-cigarettes (nicotine vaporizers) are derived from tobacco, the FDA can legally reclassify and regulate them as "tobacco products",
    - by choosing to classify e-cigarettes as "drugs" or "devices", the FDA was/is attempting to ban the products,
    - hundreds of thousands of smokers already have significantly reduced their health risks by switching to e-cigarettes,
    - by reclassifying e-cigarettes as tobacco products, the FDA would ban their sale to minors, can establish other reasonable and responsible product regulations, would help to reduce (instead of maintain) cigarette consumption, and would save taxpayers money that FDA continues to waste,
    - in SE vs FDA, federal Judge Richard Leon has ruled that the FDA can regulate e-cigarettes as "tobacco products", but not as "drugs" or "devices",
    - sales and use of e-cigarettes have continued to sharply increase despite the FDA's ongoing attempt to ban the products,
    - banning e-cigarettes would primarily protect cigarette markets at the expense of consumer and public health,
    - if applicable, describe your personal experience using e-cigarettes.

    - - - -

    The Citizens Petition by the American Association of Public Health Physicians (AAPHP) urging the FDA to clarify/correct inaccurate and misleading claims about electronic cigarettes (nicotine vaporizers) made at the FDA's July 22, 2009 press conference, and to truthfully inform the public of existing evidence about the products is now available at Regulations.gov

    To submit a comment urging supportive action by the FDA, go to Regulations.gov

    Suggested talking points:
    - the FDA Electronic Cigarettes grossly mispresented its own laboratory test findings on two brands of e-cigarettes http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Drugs/S.../UCM173250.pdf
    - in contrast to claims made at the FDA's press conference, there is no evidence that e-cigarettes have ever harmed any user or nonuser, and there is no evidence that e-cigarettes are marketed to youth,
    - the FDA failed to acknowledge any evidence (sent to the agency) that e-cigarettes are far less hazardous alternatives to tobacco cigarettes, and that thousands of e-cigarette users informed the agency they had quit smoking by switching to the products,
    - cigarette smokers have a human right to truthful information about, and legal access to, less hazardous alternatives,
    - FDA officials have an ethical duty to protect consumer health and to provide truthful health risk information,
    - if applicable, describe your personal experience using e-cigarettes.

    - - - -

    More than TWO YEARS have passed since NY State Health Commissioner Richard Daines submitted a Citizens Petition to the FDA at Regulations.gov to (1) allow FDA approved Over The Counter NRT products (i.e. nicotine gums, patches and lozenges) to be sold in all stores that sell cigarettes; (2) allow NRT products to be sold in less expensive daily dose units; and (3) change labels on NRT products to inform consumers of the health benefits of NRT compared to cigarettes, to eliminate unsubstantiated health warnings, and to encourage use of NRT if tobacco use continues.

    To submit a comment urging supportive action by the FDA, go to Regulations.gov

    Please note that another petition very similar to Richard Daines' petition was recently submitted by SRNT and ATTUD, which is now awaiting docketing by the FDA.

    Suggested talking points:
    - many more smokers would try using NRT products if they are sold in $5-$10 packages instead of just in $35+ packages,
    - more smokers would try using NRT products if they are sold at more retail stores alongside cigarettes,
    - current warning labels on NRT products mislead many consumers to believe they pose far greater health/safety risks than is the case,
    - NRT products are far less hazardous than cigarettes, and are often used as temporary and/or long term substitutes for cigarettes,
    - smokers can reduce their health risks by concurrently using NRT products and cigarettes, with risk reduction proportionate to cigarette reduction,
    - many/most NRT products are consumed by people who have used the products longer than the twelve weeks currently approved by the FDA, and
    - although clinical trials find that just 7% of NRT users remain smokefree after six months, many NRT users consider them acceptable alternatives to cigarettes.

    Bill Godshall
    Executive Director
    Smokefree Pennsylvania
    1926 Monongahela Avenue
    Pittsburgh, PA 15218
  13. Like
    Mark reacted to Speakeasy in Is Vapor Addiction Real? I Think Its All About Choices.   
    Hey Joe,

    Good to hear from you too. My new job really keeps me away, I'm afraid, but I still check out the forum all the time. I don't post as much as most of the other regulars, but I make up for it in the length of my posts.

    The effects of smoking on cardiovascular health is what it's all about, huh? You know as well as I how terrible smoking makes us feel over the years. It certainly doesn't take a doctor or study to tell us that smoking has damaged our bodies. But it really is difficult to find a study done on how nicotine alone can hurt us. Most studies assume that nicotine is delivered through tobacco, so it talks about the harm that "smoking" does. What I try to look for are those studies done with regard to NRTs. Because they take out the tobacco side-effects. Unfortunately, we find when we read these reports that the study was done by the company that makes the specific NRT. But, even though this may be true, we can still see that these NRTs are much safer for us than smoking.

    NRTs are marketed and intended to help us quit smoking for good, as I'm sure you know. These products were never meant to be an alternative to smoking, but rather a way to help us quit using tobacco, so the studies that are done are focused on this specifically. The question is never really raised about what the effects would be if someone chose to forever use the patch as a means to avoid tobacco without battling the addiction.

    E-cigs aren't marketed as a NRT though. They are meant to be an actual alternative to tobacco, providing all the relaxing and stimulating qualities of nicotine without the harmful side effects and nasty other effects of tobacco. This is what has everyone in such a turmoil, huh?

    I do, however, commend you on your ability to quit the nicotine, and would never say that your not better off for having done it. One less thing to worry about.......
  14. Like
    Mark got a reaction from TheGreen in The Baby Is A Comin!   
    Congratulations Christopher, We're all exited for you. Hope you got the room all ready . As for when...03/17/10 @10:57am!!!
  15. Like
    Mark reacted to FTJoe in E Juice Question   
    What juice did you get by the way? I have bunches of low and 0 sitting around, maybe I can help get you through...and it might help others with suggestions.
  16. Like
    Mark got a reaction from Phaseman66 in Just Some Nonsense   
    After reading that........................... I wish I had the last 20 seconds of my life back.
  17. Like
    Mark got a reaction from Schizophretard in New Video   
    Ok guys---I just posted my first video--2 parts. Take a look at it and let me know what you think. Don't be too tough on me though.

    edited to add the links---doh


  18. Like
    Mark got a reaction from nana in New Video   
    Ok guys---I just posted my first video--2 parts. Take a look at it and let me know what you think. Don't be too tough on me though.

    edited to add the links---doh


  19. Like
    Mark reacted to jmhester in Ban E-Cigarettes—For The Children!   
    This guy rocks! And the comments prove, once again, that we are a very vocal and perhaps influential group. Keep up the good work, folks! Here's the link
  20. Like
    Mark reacted to Ofortuna in Super T Tips   
    we can't wait to get ours!! we have the 510 and the 801 tips coming. i am worried about the coldness myself....might not be too fun in the winter!! would be like that little kid in "The Christmas Story" that gets his tongue stuck to the metal flag pole!! hehehe!!
  21. Like
    Mark reacted to Christopher in Pass Through For Joye 510   
    Yes this is true which is why the PT PT has a fuse built in. It's the ONLY PT that has a built in fuse. Being a geek this was one of the first thing I brought up when working on the PT with Vaprlife
  22. Like
    Mark reacted to ddavelarsen in Juice Calculator   
    Thanks for the input folks, you were a great help. And I promise this is the last time I'll put this out here! In the end I had to make a separate version that would render well in Open Office, so I'm going to put both versions here; one that's "prettyfied" for Excel and one that works in Open Office but doesn't have any gradients. That just did not work out well at all.
  23. Like
    Mark reacted to snubber in A Work Of Praise   
    I don't think a lot of us realize just how much work Chris puts into this forum.
    This is just a short message of thanks and praise to him for all he does to keep this site alive.

    I've been having a little trouble getting an order lately and went to Chris to see if he could help me out.
    With in mins. he was back to me with the help I needed and also offered to resend my order if I didn't get it soon.
    A lot of places would have just passed it off as "oh well" it's out of our hands, take it up with the USPS.
    I've seen on many occasions where he has gone out of his way to get answers or help to members and keep things running smoothly on here.
    I think we sometimes take it for granted that the forum will keep going when in actuality it takes a lot of time and work from Chris to make it all happen.
    We don't pay a dime to be here,(unless you buy from the store) and we are always welcome.
    So I'm not trying to blow smoke or kiss any a**, just thought I'd offer my words of gratitude to Chris and the admin group for letting me be able to enjoy all this site has to offer.

    So maybe the next time you see him on here you might want to say thanks also.

    Thanks Chris
  24. Like
    Mark reacted to SmokinHammer in Study: E-Cigarettes No Better Than Puffing On Unlit Cigarette.   
    I didn't post anything when I first read his article the other day, but upon seeing that he's changing his tune and listening a little, decided to post this tonight. A bunch of stuff sort of poured out that I haven't brought up since I started vaping, and it was actually pretty cool to take a little look back after a couple months, and think about how my life has changed.

    Well Mike, I have to apologize. I called you a hack on VaporTalk.com after reading your original article (sorry) and now you seem to be a pretty fair and reasonable guy. I am glad to see you admit that you should have done more research. It takes a big person to admit they made a mistake. I started vaping around Thanksgiving and haven't had an analog (tobacco cigarette) since November 30.

    I think the thing you really need to focus on now, being a non-smoker, is how passionate and excited the smoking community is about e-cigs. We have been enduring mounting public scorn for many years. I have experienced mothers, hiding their child's face from me as I walked down the street smoking. I was asked to move in a theater, because a lady complained about the smell of my jacket. I have been routinely turned from a common filthy smoker, into a lowly litterbug by institutions who won't even pay to put an ashtray near the entrance of their building. And equally often, embarrassed myself and my non-smoking wife by carrying a stubbed out butt inside to ask where a garbage can is. (Honestly, I tried not to just throw my butts anywhere.)

    Many of us now see e-cigarettes as a way to replace something that even we readily admit is a filthy habit, with something not nearly as dangerous for us, and no where near as offensive to others. We just want to maintain our little nicotine habit and not bother anyone, and in return, not be bothered. We'll live with the risks associated with the nicotine, and whatever else. I think I speak for many an ex-smoker, when I say, a little diethylene glycol? Jeez, Mike, I used to put a paper cylinder full of tobacco in my mouth, LIGHT IT ON FIRE, and suck the smoke into my lungs! I'm happy I found vaping, and I'm glad you're taking the time to learn something about it.


  25. Like
    Mark reacted to Schizophretard in Assault On The Us Constitution   
    I agree! It wasn't meant to give the right. You can't give rights. The Constitution could say,"Citizens/civilians do not have the right to bear arms." but you and I would still have that right. Rights aren't something that are given or taken away by a piece of paper. A government can either recognize or violate our rights but it can't give them or take them away. The Nazis tried to take away the rights of the Jews but they were unsuccessful because they can write whatever they want on paper but that doesn't change the fact that we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
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