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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/28/2013 in all areas

  1. Tell us did it improve sound quality?
    6 points
  2. blucavvy

    BB cloning

    Sweet, but i don't diy, someone make me whichever one is best and tell me where to send monies
    4 points
  3. The following video shows you step by step how to rebuild a Kanger ProTank head, but the same method will work for other BCC (bottom coil changeable) clearomizers as well. This information will definitely help in cases where your ProTank's draw begins to tighten up, the coil burns out, or for when you're experiencing gurgling and/or leaking. Enjoy. PS - This isn't the best tutorial I've seen about how to do this, but I plan to make my own video that will include some improved (hopefully) methods. I'll post it as soon as possible.
    2 points
  4. I love 'em all! Cartomizers, atomizers, carto tanks, RBAs, clearomizers, glassomizers...you name it and I vape it! If it gives me problems, I just figure out why and correct it! In fact, if I could figure out how to get paid for vaping, I'd do it for a living!
    2 points
  5. Uma

    BB cloning

    Let's hope Kitsune sees this thread and makes us all a very happy BB camper.
    2 points
  6. Haha! See? So many evil people here! ;-). Rixter just got the HH 357 and he's raving about it
    2 points
  7. Great review of a controversial product, Blu! It's good to know they have come down in prices, and that a few of the flavors are enjoyable. I feel the same way as CE. If it weren't for Blu's advertising, the other companies riding on their backs wouldn't have it very far. Advertising is expensive, which is why their product was. We owe a lot to that company. Shoot, I just might have to buy a kit now, to show my support.
    2 points
  8. First off the Vision Victory looks like a cross between a Kangor Pro Tank Mini and a Vivi Nova Mini. They're about the size as my 900 mAh Vision Spinners and sit flush without sticking out. They have long wicks, everything comes apart so you can change things out piecemeal. They come stock with 1.8 ohm coils. I changed it out for a 2.2 ohm. Filling it is easy, take off the mouth piece, pour in juice and you're ready to go once the wicks soak up the liquid. Vision clearomizers have always leaked just a little for me but these haven't at all. My friend who turned me on to these hasn't had one leak so far despite laying on its side quite often. The draw is very comfortable, not too airy like the Kangor Pro Tank. There's also two holes at the base that you can cover with a finger or tape or whatever, to tighten the draw more if you want -- much like the T2. I haven't found the need to do that, though. The flavor of my juice is about as close to direct dripping of any clearomizer I've tried to date, and I've tried a LOT of different clearomizers and tanks. And did I mention the clouds of vapor this thing produces? I'm vaping 12 mg nic, 50/50 with a 2.2 ohm coil at 3.8 volts on my Vision Spinner and...wow. I got mine at a local brick & mortar store but this link will show you what it looks like. As time goes on I hope it continues to perform like it does now. http://www.thebestshop.eu/shop/clearomizers/325-vision-vt-clearomizer.html
    1 point
  9. I recently upgraded from an eGo c-twist to a Vamo Variable Watt/Volt APV and I have a few questions about its operation. I found instructions online that explain how to adjust the Watts and Volts, check atomizer resistance, and battery level. I also found a spreadsheet that will tell you what voltage and wattage to use depending on atomizer resistance using the (V x V) / R = W formula. My problem is that my wattage and volt adjustments don't seem to stay where I set them. To be more clear, whichever setting I have selected it will remember, but anytime I switch between adjusting watts or volts, it defaults to 3.0. (Which is the lowest setting for watts or volts). I've tried three different tanks with this mod: The ego clearomizers that came with the mod (one measured in a 4.6 ohms, the other at 8.2 ohms) A Kangertech Protank which measured in at 2.5ohms An iSmoka mini BCC which measured in at 2.2 ohms My kanger tank worked great on my ego twist, but with the vamo the ego clearomizers had the best results, I'd like to be able to get the right settings for my kanger on the new vamo, but everything I try comes out tasting burnt. So my question is, do I have a faulty unit? Does it actually remember my setting and just change to the lowest when I switch functions? If anyone was experience with this mod, I'd appreciate some feedback. Thanks
    1 point
  10. blucavvy

    BB cloning

    someone just make me some Boba's. pretty please.
    1 point
  11. Has anybody told you that you rock?
    1 point
  12. Same here, Blu. I loved it when I first got it. Swore by it. But after the carto died a few weeks later, I learned to hate them. Not all carto's are created equally, but come on, I went through a stack of them trying to get one that wouldn't either flood or dry hit. I tossed it, in disgust. I must admit though, I haven't tried the various styles/brands that have been created since I tossed mine.
    1 point
  13. CJ323

    BB cloning

    1 point
  14. I just never cared for carto tanks, the best one i used was in my avatar, that's a blue 808 stick auto battery with a 2ml carto tank on it lol. Gotta love this new generation of sealed auto stick batts. Anyway it was alright but i much prefer the ce4's/nova type tanks over a carto tank.
    1 point
  15. Hee. You waited too long and your dark storm clouds have rolled in. You really could've kept them up north and just sent us the rain...
    1 point
  16. I bought my first carto tank yesterday too! Grabbed one of the Bella's and hopefully I can find some prepunched carts before it comes in.
    1 point
  17. I purchased my first carto tank yesrerday. Love the consistent burn, but the 1st flavor I used I ended up not liking so now everything tastes like crap.
    1 point
  18. CJ323


    Please do Uma, that would be fantastic.
    1 point
  19. sonofzell

    Blu (yup, that's right!)

    Blu's accessibility is the only reason I discovered vaping as a viable option to stop smoking. I owe them that.
    1 point
  20. blucavvy


    You keep me informed on how that goes Uma. Because, i LOVE that juice. I would literally marry it.
    1 point
  21. Uma


    I'm going to hunt down a DIY clone of BB. AlienVisions is always closed. AlienVapor is a forger (is that the proper term?). It's time to roll up my sleeves.
    1 point
  22. i would say no. She is talking about high discharge IMR batteries. The ones in the eGos arent high output. But if you wanted to err on the side of caution you could alway wait an hour.
    1 point
  23. Proetus

    let's see your EDC

    Cart Tank tutorial Thats a great start for cartotanks. Full of all sorts of info and a few videos.
    1 point
  24. IMEDICx90

    let's see your EDC

    Patricia you could get a Bella tank and be just fine. When you buy the cartomizers that go in the tank just buy prepunched ones.
    1 point
  25. Tam

    Vision Eternity RBA

    It looks like there are two good recs here, Aquatroy. Rixter's Youde's AGA-T2 is a tank RBA while my Vision Eternity is a dripping RDA. I guess it just depends on what you want and how you want to use it. I really like direct dripping so the Eternity is perfect for me. If you don't want to drip, then the tank system would be a better alternative. Either way I think it's a win-win situation.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. Rixter

    Vision Eternity RBA

    I don't want to hijack Tam's thread, so I'll just say that for a good first time RBA, I highly recommend the Youde's AGA-T2. It is really the easiest RBA to get started with, and comes with everything you need to get you going. As for rebuilding a KPT (and other clearos), keep your eyes on the new content here at VT because I'm in the process of starting a new thread about just how to do it.
    1 point
  28. The vendor that sent me that bad batch of atomizers finally came through and sent me 10 more. I really do not know what to call them. When I posted about the problem I posted a link to what I received. They call them CE5s. They are different then any CE5s I hear you all talk about. It is wickless at least there is no visible wick and that is what it says on the description page. I tried to find where I posted it so the link would be available for anyone who would like to see it and read it's description, but I could not. Friday night I opened the first one to see if this batch was going to work and it does. I like it a lot too. Great taste, great vapor, it uses very little juice and the most mysterious of all, I have used the same battery that I put it on Friday till now and it is going strong. I have never had a battery last me this long. I have been off work so I have been chain vaping and staying up late. It is just an eGo-T 1100mAh battery. It's not new, I've been using it for about 2 months every weekend. I have 2 of these batteries and they usually do not last long, That is why I use them on the weekend, it is more convenient for me to alternate batteries when I am home and not at work. I think I paid $20.00 for 10 of them. It almost turned out to be a bad purchase, when I got the duds but I am happy now. I'm going to try to find these within our sellers so I will get good ones the first time. Also, they are not ones you can put new coils/wicks in. Like I said, I see no wicks at all and it does not come apart for replacement of anything. Just the drip tip comes off where juice can be put in. I will let yall know how long it lasts me.
    1 point
  29. Good review Tam, I will pick one up and try it!
    1 point
  30. Rixter

    Vision Eternity RBA

    Now that you've learned how to roll your own coils, you won't ever have buy replacement heads for your eGo clearomizers again. Instead of tossing and replacing your burned out or stopped up clearo atties, just re-wick and re-coil them. This is also true for EVOD, T3S, & Pro Tank heads. For LR, I use a 4/3 wrap of Kanthal A-1 32 gauge wire around 2mm silica wick with another 2mm "flavor wick" on top of the coil, and the gurgling & leaking is a thing of the past. For SR, just add another wrap (5/4). You can even use a rolled stainless steel wick (like in a Genesis RBA).
    1 point
  31. Aquatroy

    Vision Eternity RBA

    I don't know why I haven't tried rba's, always seems way over my head, and then you guys make it sound fun.....
    1 point
  32. So is it safe to say if your not suppose to use a battery at least an hour after charging is complete does this also apply to ego batteries?
    1 point
  33. Which bridgeless atomizers did Rixter talk you into? We all have to be careful, Rixter's very good at pushing shiny, new, wonderful things at us. I can't resist him, either. As for the $25 atomizer... I just got one of these as my very first RBA. *evil grin*
    1 point
  34. Well just thought I'd note it because I bought 2 from another site for $8 something. :-P. That's alright though I was kinda jonesing for some new stuff. 'Course I also bought 2 bridgeless 510 atomizers and a couple more drip tips. And now Rixters got me thinking about that $25 atomizer.....
    1 point
  35. Rixter

    let's see your EDC

    I wonder if it'll ruin the gaskets in my AGA-T2, AGT, or AGI RBAs.
    1 point
  36. blucavvy


    hah! good save Uma! all i could remember is it was alien something when i googled it and that was the first thing that popped up when i searched. probly a knock off. and of course alien visions store is closed. i'm getting kind of annoyed with how hard it is to get ahold of this juice. granted it is my favorite but it way too much of a hassle to get ahold of.
    1 point
  37. Thanks for the heads up, Bebop. I think I'm set for now with all the extra coils I've bought. The coil I have in one of the units is about done so I'm going to find out if I can just take out the coil from the bottom and replace, or if I'll lose all the juice inside with the change out. :P
    1 point
  38. Oh, and while we're on Battery safety, I'd like to add: NEVER ever leave your battery operated anything inside a hot car, or in direct sun. It's that time of year again, when things overheat, especially batteries, dogs and Grandmas.
    1 point
  39. mcquinn

    diluting .....

    That is the right VG ,I have vaped that stuff straight while waiting for my next order and it is not too bad by itself.
    1 point
  40. Just a quick update on the other flavors that came with the starter kit. I had previously given a brief review of the cherry and vanilla flavors. The kit also came with 2 prefilled tobacco carto's and 1 prefilled menthol carto. Tobacco: Just plain awful. This is one of those flavors i think they tried to make it taste like a cigarette, and i just can't even describe how bad it was. I tried to vape it for about a half hour or so to see if the taste maybe grew on me or was some type of acquired taste. No. It was awful the whole time, ended up throwing out both carto's. Menthol: Not bad. That's about all i can say about it. I'm not a huge menthol fan to begin with but i do like a menthol here and there. This is one i could easily vape here and there. Nothing to write home about but it wasn't bad at all. So, all i can really say is that for refills i'll probably pick up a 5 pack of the menthol, and the normal vape for these units for me will probably be the vanilla. They have other flavors available in the 5 packs but $15 is too expensive to try a flavor knowing i may end up just throwing away the other 4 if it sucks. Vanilla and menthol are where it's at for me as far as Blu ecigs go.
    1 point
  41. IMEDICx90

    Bella Tanks

    this is a true statement mostly. some of the people over there are nice enough but there is more of a family style orientation here.
    1 point
  42. IMEDICx90

    Bella Tanks

    i have been trying to become verified over there... i just hate posting there bc you always get shot down as a new memeber.
    1 point
  43. Grant951

    General questions

    Yeah man, for sure. I also got a vivi nova 3ml . It makes the ce4s that came with my kit look like a joke. The only thing I don't like so far is the tip. I really liked the tip on the ce4s. I don't think I can use them with it because it doesn't appear to be threaded :/
    1 point
  44. Just playing devils advocate here, but you will most likely find yourself vaping a lot more than you smoked due to its acceptance in places where smoking is not. For example, I am sitting at my desk vaping as I type this instead of waiting till I have time to go outside and smoke. Just advice, take or leave it lol. I do not think you will be happy with a 400mah VV but maybe I am thinking of myself.
    1 point
  45. Why not just get the 1300 and not have one on the charger all the time? Veteran Vaper and Sweet-Vapes both have 1300mah for the same $24.95 as the one in the link above.
    1 point
  46. Better buy two, so you can get thru a half a day...
    1 point
  47. Synther

    Cheap no-brand e-cig

    Looks like a good eCig to me! Congrats on finding one that works for you!
    1 point
  48. Ya, the liquid can't wick fast enough to keep up. Its a common problem we had many years ago when all we had was cartridges and filler. let it rest and it should pick up again. not great for chain vaping.
    1 point
  49. that explains my daily erotic dreams... oh wait im a guy...
    1 point
  50. kitsune

    Diy-How To Basics

    FlavourArt: Food Flavoring. Very wide selection of flavorings. Not as concentrated as Lorann, but has a wider variety of flavoring and less artificial coloring. Variety of Tobacco flavorings. Freedomsmokeusa and liberty flights both carry a very good selection of FlavourArt flavorings. Freedomsmokeusa :Liberty-Flights Decadent Vapors/Totally Wicked: The Decadent vapor line is produced in the UK. Decadent Vapors There are other products and suppliers out there. These are just the ones I use most often and am familiar with. Schilling and Mccormick flavorings will also work--they are just not as concentrated.
    1 point
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