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  1. Like
    tazl37 reacted to Earthling789 in Thinking about a new Tank   
    I agree!
    I get very nice "clouds" out of the Aerotank V2's I've been using in the car and at work (thanks again, Tam).  With a stock 1.8 Ohm coil @ 10.5W (Cloupor Mini), running 50/50 juice... I have to keep the window cracked so i can see to drive    That same juice in my Russian, 1.4 Ohm @ 12.5W, and the cloud is even more dense (and quite creamy and satisfying)!
    I mixed a batch of the same flavor at 30/70, and I'm almost afraid to try it anywhere but at home... I think the cloud rolling out of my car window would be reminiscent of "Cheech and Chong" movies
  2. Like
    tazl37 reacted to eCloudMaker in IPV4 100W Mod by Pioneer4you   
    the battery cover got my attention - very slick and they use magnets in a little different way

    posted the best of two videos - should be out after CNY - no pricing has been announced


    if I got two of these IVP4's, I would also get two under the shoulder quick draw hostlers (one each side)

    ..... but I would have to change my name again to "Rambo Vaper" --- always ready for the next Vape
  3. Like
    tazl37 reacted to Tug in Just made my first batch of juice   
    I hope they don't kill me.
  4. Like
    tazl37 reacted to Tam in I need to upgrade, I'm close to going back to analogs   
    See all the fun you've been missing, Nate? We can spend your money very well. 
  5. Like
    tazl37 got a reaction from jasonculp in Bump when you get something in vape mail.   
    So excited! Got my vape mail today from Fast Tech finally. Ordered March 8th but so worth it.
  6. Like
    tazl37 reacted to Bushwick in A web page to get out ahead of California's propaganda.   
    *conspiracy theory incoming*

    Similar to the way that the govt. (both Federal and State) don't want other possible health improvements left alone (and or legalized [i'm not naming anything I promise]), they don't want anything "e-cig" or "vape" related to be left alone. There's a lot more money in "Big-Pharma" and "Big Tobacco" than there is in an industry that has already exploded. There is no room for them to come in and regulate this industry in a way that could be equally profitable. Instead, they are going to stick with their previously accepted (and otherwise ignored) cash-cow, Tobacco taxes. A quote from a previous rant " I understand that the increased taxes supposedly fund tobacco related medical treatment, but it strikes me as odd that California seems to have fewer smokers per capita than other states, but some of the highest taxes on tobacco products in the country. " 
     If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Especially when it comes to the money fountain. These are simply my thoughts/opinions. Take nothing too seriously. Just food for thought. Chew it apart. 
  7. Like
    tazl37 reacted to jasonculp in A web page to get out ahead of California's propaganda.   
    I kinda wish that I had his vaping life.  People sending me more gear to test than anyone else in the US (just my guess).
    I don't know, I guess if I was obligated to try all of that stuff and I didn't have time to do it, it would turn into a job :-(
  8. Like
    tazl37 reacted to shen_long86 in Bump when you get something in vape mail.   
    Geez tazl want to get me some atlantis coils too?....j/k
  9. Like
    tazl37 got a reaction from shen_long86 in Bump when you get something in vape mail.   
    So excited! Got my vape mail today from Fast Tech finally. Ordered March 8th but so worth it.
  10. Like
    tazl37 reacted to GeorgeF in Bump when you get something in vape mail.   
    Had to add the labels myself. This must be from a first run. Others I have seen have the sizes already marked on them.
    This is one of the coolest tools I have bought.
  11. Like
    tazl37 reacted to gag8tor in whatta ya do fer a living...   
    Land surveyor.
  12. Like
    tazl37 reacted to jasonculp in Should You Stop Steeping Liquid?   
    I do the same thing. I try to buy in 120ml batches and it lasts a while. I can tell a difference in mine though. I can taste a bit of "chemical" taste in nearly all juices I buy. I assume it is the nicotine, but it isn't as bad in high VG juices, so it could be the PG. I just leave them in a cool, dark cabinet for a few days with the lid off and it goes away. I then seal it up and use it as needed.

    I have a tendancy to talk this way in real life. I try to not sound too "Hillbillyish", but it just slips out. Everyone is Ma'am and Sir, no matter how old or young, and a lot of y'alls... I guess it is part of my upbringing and being raised in a small ranching/farming community. To make matters worse, my wife, who is hispanic, has an accent that is closer to a Southern Belle, with a little South of the Border mixed in.... We can't use any voice activated technology...lol
  13. Like
    tazl37 reacted to GeorgeF in A web page to get out ahead of California's propaganda.   
    Going out on a limb with this, but I think we the people should tax the government and get our money back.
    Or  at least treat the Government like a business we are investing in and vote to drop every officials pay to current federal minimum wage. Make them sign up and get private health insurance. Outlaw special interest and fine the offenders heavily.
    And as an investor I would recommend firing those who don't do their job to meet our expectations.
  14. Like
    tazl37 reacted to HOOKER in truck cupholder repurposed ta a Vape holder.. >>pics<<   
    my old deserted baitshop in attic still has a purpose....

  15. Like
    tazl37 reacted to MudDrum in whatta ya do fer a living...   
    Retired from the USAF in 94.
    Retired last August, as in started collecting SS.
    And with weather like this, a good choice.
    Stay in, watch old movies and Vape!
  16. Like
    tazl37 reacted to Earthling789 in whatta ya do fer a living...   
    I'm a Database Admin, SQL developer, reporting ninja, and part-time website designer for a Fortune-10 tech company. I also build/repair computers, rebuild/restore/ride motorcycles, and dabble in woodworking (when I have the time).

    I'm a far cry from what I went to school for... Biology/Chemistry/Physics/Math/English and nearly completed a year of Medical School before I came to my senses I did love working the ER and Maternity (delivered six, including three of my own), but knew I'd be miserable the rest of my life if I stayed in that line of work.
  17. Like
    tazl37 reacted to Mark in whatta ya do fer a living...   
    Male escort.
  18. Like
    tazl37 reacted to VapeMama in whatta ya do fer a living...   
    I am a nurse. Been one for over 40 years. The bulk of my career has been working with senior citizens in a nursing home/assisted living facility. I have worked in many of them. some good, some not so good and a couple that were absolute hell holes (didn't stay in those very long). The one I'm at now (and have been for almost 3 years) is one of the very best in our area. I dearly love "my" residents as do most of my co-workers.

    The hubby works in housekeeping in a local hospital.
  19. Like
    tazl37 reacted to shen_long86 in whatta ya do fer a living...   
    I am an O.T.R Truck Driver, i have been driving for about 3 years now. I make the sacrifice to be away from my wife and kids so i can provide for them. My wife stays at home and takes care of our 3 youngins.
  20. Like
    tazl37 reacted to Itsmedeanna64 in whatta ya do fer a living...   
    Well I am the queen of the castle, typical stay at home mom. I keep my 2 yr old niece full time which is a big job in itself right now. I have farm animals I tend to everyday....goats, donkeys, geese and a pot bellied pig, all very much loved pets plus 2 very rotten dogs. I still manage to run the lives, or try to, of my 25 yr old son and 20 yr old daughter, lol. They don't complain. We a close family.
    My husband of almost 32 yrs works for a major natural gas pipeline and is out of town quite a bit. I'm very thankful to have been able to raise my kids at home and now can be there for Shelby. I've been very lucky to have such a great job!
    Deanna in middle Ga
  21. Like
    tazl37 reacted to HOOKER in whatta ya do fer a living...   
    I put my time in atta steelshop...

    My latest project is teaching my invisible guard dog how ta operate this broom...

  22. Like
    tazl37 reacted to ChelleBelleATX in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    My fiance surprised me with a IStick 50w with a Kanger Subtank Mini. This thing is A BEAST, I LOVE IT!
  23. Like
    tazl37 reacted to shen_long86 in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    Finally caved in and bought an Atlantis and running my 90vg/10pg this thing hits like a freight train even on the smallest air hole...next step will be grab an extension tank either the 7ml or 8ml.
  24. Like
    tazl37 reacted to Compenstine in Suicide bunnys mothers milk 18mg nic 70 vg 30 pg.   
    I would have asked if 2 dollars is the same in his shop as 18 dollars would be in another shop.
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    tazl37 reacted to Bebop in Suicide bunnys mothers milk 18mg nic 70 vg 30 pg.   
    ....and a line of carp is not easy to eat!

    Ba dum ta!

    ...I'm here all week folks!
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