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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Everybody's favorite reviewer Mr GrimmGreen got his hands on some. Check out his opinions.
  2. Brian, once again you're on top of the latest news sir! I'm a little skeptical about the high resistance rating, but that stainless steel just looks too sexy. I'll have to give them a try to see for myself how they vape!
  3. Excellent advice already given. But I'll add to the point about the 510 cartomizers. If you're using standard 510 batteries that came with your starter kit, then you would probably enjoy the flavor and longevity of the 510 cartomizers. Cartomizers combine the cart (mouth piece and poly fill) and the atomizer all into one single unit, turning your current 3 piece unit into a low maintenance 2 piece unit. Besides an 801 atomizer at a higher 5 volts, the 510 cartomizers are my new favorite choice. Here are my thoughts based upon my own personal opinions. Pros: Increased flavor (my number one reason for using them) Longer vape time (due to the cartomizers holding more juice than a standard cart, and much more than direct dripping) Ease of use (don't worry about having a cart and an atomizer ready for your battery; now they're combined all into one unit) Disposability (throw them away when you're done, or refill them several times if you're comfortable with this) Cons: Decreased throat hit Easier/more airy draw (could be a pro depending upon your preference) Warmer vapor (could be a pro depending upon your prefernce) No option for a smaller whistle tip (could be a pro depending upon your preference; but you can modify other carts to fit them) Cost (in comparison to a normal 510 atomizer they may cost more if you throw them away after only a few days of use; or if you use them for a week or more, the relative cost will be the same or better).
  4. I'm flabbergasted. And having a hard time believing that the US Customs dept is spending this much time and this much of *MY* tax money on seizing a shipment of personal vaporizers and nicotine liquid when there are plenty of other things out there that are legitimate threats to myself and my family. I guess it was only a matter of time though. I won't go into the debates regarding what I feel is right for my family and I to use and consume, because there's just no point now. But this is utter ********, and I'm having a really hard time understanding how easily they can cast me off to die from smoking cigarettes. "Personal vaporizers are the devil so go smoke cigarettes intead, get cancer, and die like the dog that you are". **** you FDA. This is ******* ****. As much as I'd like to start blasting letters off to congressmen wishing that they die from the same slow and painful death that they are now wishing upon us, I just can't do it. Instead, I'll start sending letters to the congressmen in my state thanking them for not falling into the same level of ignorance that others have in the states that are now considering banning personal vaporizers. So I now say, "Thank you congressmen of Oklahoma, for not wishing that myself and my friends and family members die a slow death from tobacco related cancer. Thank you for not trying to ban personal vaporizers in our state and this great union, and allowing me the freedom to choose how I wish to free myself from my tobacco addiction and not affect those around me anymore with second hand smoke. Thank you congressmen, for allowing me to use personal vaporizers instead of having to resort to products that have been proven to have a less than 30% rate of success in quitting the use of tobacco cigarettes. Thank you congressmen for allowing me the choice to not use medications that have been clinically proven to increase my chance of suicide, depression, aggression, and death. Typically I'm neither religious nor patriotic in the common sense of those words. But I'll say it now: God bless the United States of America. God bless me and my family. God bless anyone trying to better themselves and to better their health and the health of those around them. May the spirit of our founding fathers prevail, and lead us through this grotesque and dark time when the FDA can blindly curtail the freedoms bestowed upon us by men of free will. God bless us all.
  5. Good review Sensay! I've never actually heard of this vendor before, thanks for tipping me off to them. I've had bubble tea before at a local chinese food restaurant. It was pretty good, but nothing that I crave. The little tapioca bubbles in the bottom of the glass are a nice touch though, and definitely make it memorable. Lots of flavors on that site. I'll have to try some!
  6. Okay I'm a tool. The stainless steel ones I found were actually KR808s
  7. I saw some without the sticker on them, just bare shiny metal; but they *may* have been KR808s instead of 510, I just can't remember for sure now. Very nice looking. It was on the manufacturer's website, rather than on a vendor's. Like an idiot I didn't save it, and I remember it taking awhile for me to find. I have to run into town, but I'll try to find again when I get home later.
  8. Good catch Brian, that's the one! Strange how you can't zoom in on the pic, and that you can't view the pick of it's that shown on the product directory. Maybe they'll fix that later. But yeah, I really like how it looks. That design of PCC really is cool, and seems more pocket-friendly.
  9. Checking it out now! EDIT: I just accidentally blasted juice into my eye! (whew) It hurt, but not actually as bad as I thought. May have been worse if I was on higher nic.
  10. I've used the 510 cartos in the KR808 PCC (with a 510 to 901 adapter) a few times running around in town and it works out pretty well. That combo has kind of breathed life back into my old 510 batteries, though it will never replace my BB. Speaking of which, I found a newer model 510 PCC (not for 510 cartomizers) somewhere a few days ago; which I can't find now. It's designed similar to the clamshell KR808 PCC, which is fantastic in my opinion. Hopefully someone will come out with a version of it made specifically for cartomizers. I'd buy it, even though I have the KR808. Love those gadgets!
  11. Glad those 510 cartos are working out well for you. So VaporKings now has the soft tipped version eh? Darnit! It's going to take me awhile to work through 50 cartos so that I can buy some more A note on longevity: I ran across a few videos from Doctor Vapor on youtube in which he mentions using carts for a loooooong time. Like, weeks and weeks! I'm not sure if I'm brave enough to try that, but heck if a Dr thinks it's ok then it's probably safe right? I may try pushing one of these to the limit, but I've gotten sidetracked by an 801 at 5V. I'll switch back soon and do an endurance test!
  12. Resa I think you made a good point there. VaporTalk is definitely the place for friends and information. I won't lie, there are times when I'm tempted to leave a snarky or smart-butt comment. Sarcasm is my forte, but like the rest of the folks here, for the most part I can tell when it's appropriate and when it's not Rock on VaporTalk members!
  13. Thanks McQuinn! I appreciate your feedback on this. Also thanks for whipping out the ole' multimeter. I'll save that info for future reference!
  14. From the tiny bit I know about the 801s and RN4072s, they seem almost fully compatible. The only difference being the cart size which is a non-issue for me since I direct drip. If I'm understanding correctly, the RN4071 is a low bridge atty and the DSE801 is a high bridge atty. Does anyone own or have tried both? If so, could you tell any difference or know of any difference in resistance? I've been rocking an 801 at 5v on my VP PT for the past several days and I've got to say this thing rocks! Churns out more vapor than my 510s, throat hit is almost as good as a 510, but the flavor is totally better. Flavor is not as good as a 510 cartomizer, but the vapor is so much cooler that it's just a whole different experience. I've never tried them at a lower voltage since I don't have any 510 to 801 adapters, so I can't comment there. I only own one 801, so I'm thinking of buying a few more but am trying to decide between the 801 and the RN4071. Thanks in advance for any advice you can give.
  15. It's tough to say in a case like this. DealExtreme is notorious for not being specific on the items they sell. But on the same token they're notorious for having the best prices. Also, I've never been able to find a manufacturer's published spec sheets on those batteries Since I didn't get my TrustFires from DealExtreme I can't really give much good advise. The only suggestion I would give is to take note of the amount of the one with the most number of reviews and also the price. There's got to be a reason why some are cheaper than others. Has one production run been sitting in a warehouse for 2yrs+? Did TrustFire get a batch of lithium cheaper than normal because it wasn't as pure and refined as normal? Did they increase their quality control for a specific batch being custom made for a specific customer, and have many leftover they need to get rid of? Just too many things to speculate about
  16. This is good news Kragax, I'm glad you're liking it! You made an excellent point about it seeming like the juice tastes better b/c the atomizer stays cooler and doesn't hotbox. This is an excellent, but unseen, advantage to many mods. The body of the mod acts like a big heat sink, and keeps the atty cooler. This keeps your juice cooler and also the vapor. Besides it helping the flavor (since the vapor is cooler) it also helps to prevent leaks. When the juice temperature remains high for a long time, it gets thinner, and is much more prone to leaking. So you've stumbled upon a win-win situation here. Actually I'm kind of surprised that this isn't a selling point for vendors. I suppose since it's just a kind of minor side effect of a good design, it's not necessarily something they focus on. But after experiencing this on my BB, I'll be looking hard for reports of this on any future mods I plan on buying. Thanks for the review!
  17. Fantastic! Very well written review. I appreciate the details of exactly what each juice tastes like, the inhale, exhale, aftertaste. It's all top notch! I have yet to find a good dessert vape that I like and can vape for more than just a few drips. The closest I've come is RY4, but your descriptions are definitely intruiging me... I may have to give Vapor Kings a second look now!
  18. Ok, I've still not experienced this phenomenon, but from hearing what's been happening to other folks, I came up with a partial theory. I say partial, b/c I think part of it holds merit, but I still can't account for everything. Here goes (this is pure fiction, but it sounds reasonable in my mind): The air intake holes at the bottom of the atomizer become momentarily clogged. I assume clogged and blocked up with fried, carbonized juice since we're talking about higher power outputs than just a regular 510 at low voltage. So juices are being boiled off and dried out at a much higher rate than normal. Since this seems to occur during times when the atomizer is already hot (after a couple puffs) the coil is already pretty hot and so is the atomizer casing. You know that hot gasses are inherently more pressurized than cooler gases, so the atomizer chamber is already filled with hot air that can be momentarily pressurized. When you take a toot off your device, the negative pressure caused by the suction of your mouth forcefully re-opens the clogged air holes in the atomizer. The already warmed air in the chamber rushes up into your mouth and cooler fresh air rushes in underneath it quickly to fill the void. Thus, a momentary increase in pressure. It's all conjecture at this point, but it's the only thing I can think of. Now if I could just come up with a way to test it.... Intentionally blocking the air holes? Hmmm....
  19. Kragax, I experience the same issue as you. Plug a battery in there and the red light never goes off (can happen on either charging port). I have a TrustFire charger that is quite similar (but bigger) than the ones pictured in this thread. However, I really feel there is nothing to fear. Here are my observations: This only happens with 1 battery I own, and only happens when it's already fully charged (or just barely barely used at all). It's as if the charger isn't recognizing that the battery is already topped off. At first I was afraid that the charger was continually cramming power into the battery and that it would explode or something! Fortunately, that won't actually happen. I've left the battery and charger in this perpetual state of 'fake charging' for long hours on end to test it, and the battery never once got warm. I think specifically what's happening in my case is that the PCB protection circuit on the battery itself is just a little bit faulty. The PCBs on the 14500 batteries protect the cell in both directions: protection from over-discharging and protection from over-charging. I'm thinking that the PCB on this one particular battery is tripping the protection too early, at a lower voltage than it should. It's tripping the protection at around 4.18 volts (I've tested it several times and it's always at this voltage) instead of 4.2 volts. Not a huge difference there, but the charger has it's own cutoff voltage of 4.20volts. So, the PCB protection on the battery kicks in too early and doesn't allow anymore charging, while the charger is only seeing 4.18volts on the battery and continually tries to charge it up to the full 4.2volts. So the battery's PCB and the charger's PCB are in a state of tug-of-war. And neither will win the battle b/c no electrons are flowing anywhere. So it's basically in limbo. Obviously this isn't an ideal situation, but I don't see any danger in it. What seems to help in my case, is fully discharging the battery before putting it back on the charger. For some reason this works every time. Give it a shot and see what happens. If you notice this little quirk happening with one specific battery, you can toss it if it worries you.
  20. I've heard that the boba's bounty is very close to a burning analog cigarette, but I haven't actually tried it myself. For me, the closest thing I've ever tasted to a burning analog is "Kent's" flavor from WordUpEcig in a cartomizer at 5v. A dead-ringer for a real burning cigarette. In a regular 510 atomizer, it's much different. But, by the time I had found this combination I'd been off analogs long enough that they taste and smell horrible to me now, and I could barely choke-down more than just a few toots. I let my wife try it (who is still smoking) and she said "that's a real cigarette... it's not my marlboro lights, but it's a dang cigarette". This is a pretty specific combination that most folks won't have the equipment for at any particular time, but it's just to show that flavors and combinations of equipment can make a huge difference in the outcome.
  21. Lots of good info given here, and I agree with all of it 100%. I will help to reiterate that not all atomizers perform the same even within the same brand, and same box! It's just a fact of vaping life. In regards to cleaning, I still promote cleaning with vinegar (soak in white distilled vinegar for several hours; then a really good wash with warm water; then drying overnight). It's not a very popular approach, I think folks are scared off by the knowledge that vinegar is an acid. But for me personally, it's worked fantastic. The carbon mess that builds up from vaping sweet juices is totally cleaned away and they come out looking brand-spanking new. But in either case, we just have to consider atomizers as being a very temporary piece of equipment.
  22. Yeah Tektronik, right down here in southern OK. My wife ran across a vaper when she was getting out of class late one night. Of course, she didn't get her name or phone number or anything b/c my wife doesn't vape But we've apparently got some vapers around here some where!
  23. Thanks folks! I'm pretty darn excited about it. Come to find out, I still didn't have enough business cards for everyone to have 1 of each, so they ended up making photo copies of every company's card It put me in such a good mood that I forfeited the two 510 sets and Essence juice (plus a charger) to my sister-in-law since she was dragging her feet buying a starter kit. Now she has no excuse not to try completely switching off analogs!
  24. Fantastic Brian. And yes, they're incredible at 5v. Simply amazing! Let us know how those new end caps work out. I'm curious about those things.
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