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Everything posted by Walt

  1. I know! Weird name right? "Squonking" is when you have a bottle of ejuice in your mod. You squeeze it and the juice goes up through the bottom of a dripper atty. It's like dripping upside down. Here's a pic of one showing the bottle:
  2. Looks bout right for 12mg e-juice. Quick check 12mg (desired strength) divided by 100 (Concentration of nic base) time 30ml (batch size)
  3. Tubing. Silicone tubing. 25' of silicone tubing. I now have the potential of having up to 100 10ml squonking bottles. Tested one this morning and it works perfectly in the Wraith. Oh my!
  4. You're a brave man Mr. Thorton. Like I say, from all responses to my mixes, my taste buds are weird.
  5. @mattythornton A while back you referred to me as the Vape Guru or something like that. Well, I am transferring the title back to you. This Apple Pie mix is absolutely addictive! I haven't put it down. The more it ages the better it gets. It's almost time to put in another order for the concentrate. This time it will be in mega bottle size. This is some good stuff Mainard!!! Never though a desert vape could be an all day vape. How wrong I was!!!!
  6. @FXRich and @gadget, Tis true! But it's a pretty cool application. I'm trying to source some tubing the right size. I stumbled into an insane deal on 10ml bottles some time ago and have probably a life time supply, lol. Something else gadget mentioned, use them like magazines. Lock and load!!!
  7. @mattythornton Ok, Although I really did like the recipe as it was, I did make a couple of tweaks for my taste buds, which I am convinced are weird. Anyway, here it is. This I can do all day!
  8. That's a hoot! I bet you can carry a ton of liquid in the device that way though!
  9. I'm sure you're right. I've got a side airflow atty on order. So far however I haven't had it leaking. Been squonking pretty lightly though. I'm sure I'll get lax, give it a good squeeze at some point and have a flood. The airflow tubes are not too long in the thing.
  10. The final frontier. The obscure world of the squonker. Shown here with a modified 22mm Tsunami (BF pin from a 24mm Tsunami).
  11. Good Saturday morning! Sunny day. Nice temperature. Got a cup of coffee and some Tiger's blood in the atty. All the yoga pants are out for a morning walk. Life is good!!!
  12. Of course you can! Welcome.
  13. I keep it simple. I stock 28, 26, 24, and 36 in both kanthal and stainless. I have a Daedalus winding widget/whosit for making simple one and two core strand clapton. I also picked up some 40G ss but that stuff is awful for me to work with. Breaks just looking at it.
  14. I think I nailed it this time. I halved the vanilla bean ice cream. The orange pineapple blend is standing out with the vanilla in the background. Much more like the sherbet feel I was hoping for.
  15. Right out of the oven it is tasting pretty good. I get a strong sense after a bit of steep time it will really pop. I've also got just a bit of vapers tongue going on and I think that is muting the flavor a tad. I'll report back in a couple days as well but I'm liking it so far!
  16. There is one of these left if you don't need temperature control: https://www.vaportalk.com/us/shop/sigelei-fuchai-213w-tc-mod-black/ It puts out about 150 something watts and is built solid.
  17. I'm going back in that direction next time around if they're still available. I get plenty of face time every day with computers and I just don't use the cell much at all. I also keep an ipad for controlling my monitors during performances and there is a lot of redundancy there as well.
  18. Lol, Tempting isn't it? On one hand, compared to many mods out there it is expensive. On the other hand, it is about the same price as one night in a motel. The latest Iphone is a GRAND! A friggin Grand for a phone? Are these devices really expensive? Food for thought.
  19. That is where my head is going. Of course it's just hoping at this point until I have some time to see how I bond with the practice, lol.
  20. Never tried a Kanger. I am hoping that I take to squonking and that I can do it in TC. That would be amazing! No dry hits. Just diminished fog to trigger the time to squeeze in more juice. Time will tell.
  21. I have to admit there is another I have one eye on. The Lost Vape Therion 75C BF is out. I'm not going to jump into that until after I find out if I really take to squonking but Lost Vape makes wonderful devices. Here's a link to a review:
  22. Sounds like you and I will be taking the leap at about the same time. I've got a wraith coming. Can't tell you anything about it except @gadget recommended it and I trust his judgement. I never thought I would "squonk". (what a word. Feel weird even saying it).
  23. Congratulations Foo! Sounds like doing great! You can do this. Adulting as you term it is rough from time to time but also very rewarding.
  24. Sometimes just cleaning the connections, especially at the 510 connector with either contact cleaner or rubbing alcohol will shore things up. If not, it means taking the mod apart and you will have to decide if you want to do that or no.
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