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Everything posted by Walt

  1. After you do give a hollor. You've probably noticed I kinda like TC......
  2. Sweet! Beautiful looking mod. Very sharp.
  3. Love the placement! In my hand my first knuckle bends over the bottom of the bevel perfectly. Most comfortable thumb fire I have. The adjustment buttons will lock too so now accidental changes from the palm.
  4. Ok, I'm no reviewer but there are always inquiries about mods under $50.00 and this one is that. I'll talk about what interests me about the unit. From the top: Nice solid and stable 510 That blends nicely with the finish of the device. The device itself is brushed metal. No pealing paint on this one. Leather cover is nicely done with no raw edges. Have no idea if it's real leather or faux. I would imagine faux. If it is leather, it is heavily treated and will not darken from e-juice. It has quite the sheen to it. Wood inserts are also faux if I'm not mistaken. Battery door is at bottom and slides completely out. Snaps in very solid. Two 18650 series mod. The fire button on the bevel is super comfortable on the thumb. The unit is smaller all around than the Therion although sharing a similar look. VW mode is, well, vw mode. Fires fast. Not much more to say. States up to 200W. No idea haven't had it over 70. Temperature control in SS mode is a farce. I got about as much vapor as one of those gas station e-ciggy thingies. Using TCR mode, I found that a TCR of about .00165 gives a very nice vape with SS316 coils. I'm presently using a .48Ω coil with 70 watts available in TCR mode and getting a very pleasant vape. Quick ramp up and no pumping. Nice, even, TC. Sweet fog. The unit will ask new or old coil on coil installation. No locking facility for resistance. Navigation is similar to the DNA board. Three clicks for this. Hold these then two clicks for that. Not too intuitive. Battery life has been good so far. Overall I'll rate it as a contender for the price point.
  5. Wow, you're everywhere, lol. It is a finicky atty. If I remember correctly, I found that a 3mm coil gave me the right amount of cotton for wicking. I combed it very lightly after fluffing the ends. I've got the cotton dangling in the wicking channel not touching the bottom yet filling the area where it goes down under the deck. Not the damming method as the cotton does enter the channels. Fill with the juice control fully closed. You may still get a little initial flooding from the pressurization. I find if I leave just a little space at the top instead of filling it to the brim, it helps. Beyond that, I'm afraid I would have to build one with you for a better description.
  6. That's a great word to describe it. Did a show last night and I kinda wish I would have had it with me. Did some hob nobin around and my vape started a lot of conversations. A lot of folks curious.
  7. @cany @Tam @VapeMama Ok, it all come in yesterday, the wire and the mod. I spun up some K1 2x26+36 parallel and wound up a 5 wrap on a 3mm rod. Put it in a 22mm Tsunami. It was a little confusing. The mod came with a bunch of extra tubing for different batteries and no instructions. I found a video. So here it is in all it's glory. Honestly, it was a little anticlimactic. I was half expecting a monster flame thrower or something. It is a nice little vape though. The raw simplicity of the thing is kinda alluring.
  8. That will be gorgeous! Can't wait to see the pic!
  9. No luck this time. All gone. I did take down your other suggestions for something to research if I can bond with the one coming. I love this hobby!
  10. Same here. But then the calling to the dark side came. A whisper in the distance. Naw. I just wanted to be Grog for a minute. Me Vape!!
  11. Didn't see that commin. Surprised, but not surprised. The most amazing Tam.
  12. Friday, if all goes as planned I will have a mechanical mod. Yes, a.k.a. pipe bomb. Dental reconstruction device. Chemically induced flame thrower. You can call me Grog. I'm planning initial launch this Saturday. Luke, join the dark side.
  13. I see where a lot of folks speak very highly of them. Smok scares the ba-jesus out of me. They release a new mod every fifteen minutes (ok exaggeration). I just can't envision a lot of quality testing going on in development or manufacture. But who knows. Time will tell.
  14. Bravo on the knee!!!! That is amazing compared to other stories I have heard. Now the ankle!!!!
  15. Here ya go @Tam Pick the ones you want to sing!
  16. Thanks so much for the well wishes. It is better than yesterday. Headed in the right direction!! Brought a bottle of IBprofin and a heating pad to work. I'll get it under control soon. Hows the ankle?
  17. @Tam I know you will get this. This Friday's gig just got complicated. A woman I knew in High School just discovered she lives where the gig is. Responded on FaceBook. Didn't like her then, don't think I like her now. Cheerleading airhead. From her posts she has not changed. Maybe I can talk the guys into taking short breaks. Ugggggg. The haunting past!!!!!
  18. Why sure, but there's no vocals? I dig " Move Over" Joplin. Sounds great on the upright. Lil slidin around ya know! The vox are amazing!!!
  19. I'll have to catch you monyana. Crash time. Long day.
  20. @Tam And while you're at it, I've always wanted to do The Chain. Make it so #1!
  21. I'm not sorry @squid, I'm having a ball. I remember the Cocaine days. Cocaine and All night long it is. We'll give you a guest spot on the mic. Get Ready!!!!!!!
  22. I'll drop by and we can go dancing together. That should be a real show. I have a gig this Friday night too. Hope I can get this thing under control by then. Otherwise I'll have to hide behind the drummer. I'll send you tickets. Any requests?
  23. Oh lord, I am sorry. That's a surgery many of my friends have gone through. No fun at all. Get better! You're one of my main vape mentors!!!! I'm mainlining IBuprofen right now. Got a drip going, lol.
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