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Everything posted by Walt

  1. I'm diggin this! Getting some great ideas of things to try. I used Google to see "what goes with pineapple" and it brought up a bunch of fruit salads that included orange. That's what started me pairing the two.
  2. I make a flavor I call orange cream. That's interesting. I make almost the same mix as your orange cream with a little different percentages and no pineapple. Now I'm gonna have to try a dab of pineapple in that one to see what you are talking about.
  3. That's tomorrow too. Just got the Apple Pie concentrate yesterday. Really excited about giving that a shot. Don't work tomorrow, so I have the whole day for mixing! Crazy laughter from the laboratory!
  4. I'll let you know. I'll be trying it tomorrow.
  5. Pineapple is the reason I'm playing with this mix. I bought 4oz of it and I haven't found a way until now to tame it down. It's too "acidic" tasting in every other mix I have tried. Jury is not completely out yet either. I'm shooting for a "sherbert" like flavor and 6% vanilla is too much. I'm hoping I can cut back on the vanilla and not have the pineapple come blazing back with a vengeance, lol.
  6. It's going to become worse before it gets better. We now have the "TaDa!" and or "entitlement" generation voting. Expect taxes to hit a minimum of 50%.
  7. Mixed this up today just playing around. Not even sure what I will call it yet: 3% Blood Orange (FW) 3% Pineapple (TFA) 2% Apple (TFA) 6% Vanilla Bean Ice Cream (TFA) .5% Sweetener (TFA) Very nice vape but I think I will pull the Vanilla Bean back to 4% to let the other flavors shine a little more. The apple is doing a nice job of taking the edge of the Pineapple and Orange.
  8. We have Moma Ground Hog. Pretty much stays to herself and lives under the shed. She has become a pretty big girl over the years. I love watching her train her little ones. Right now the apple trees are starting to drop a few apples so she is having a feast.
  9. Wow! What do you store it in? Mason jars?
  10. Sounds like a good way to go. I just make either 60 or 120 ml batches. Don't have any bulk around. I'm always changing things up. Wonder if?.......
  11. @FXRich and @gadget You guys are back at spending my money. You know that right? Lost Vape just came out with a 75C squanker too. Well, Definitely not this month. My vape budget is fubar. But you got me thinking.......
  12. I don't know if my taste buds are not as sensitive as some or if they are still coming back from analogs or what, but I get identical flavor off both the Govad RTA and the Ammit 25 single RTA as my RDA's. The Serpent SMM, Pharaoh, and single coil OBS Engine come real close. The rest of my RTA's are more muted.
  13. I've read where some folks like mixing their nicotine after mixing everything else. Something about how everything changes chemically. These folks approach it more like world class chefs. I'm more of a fast food burger flipper.
  14. That Wraith looks real comfortable for the hand! Great pic of the build as well! It's humorous, in a good way, to me how we all have similar perceptions and yet they also differ on some points. I have just started going to Kanthal builds on most of my RDA's. Most of my RDA's are wide open, airy atties and just ramp up too slowly for me using TC. As much as I love TC the ramp time just kills the fog volume for me. I don't have that problem on any RTA's. I keep looking with "one eye" so to speak at squanking. In my mind's eye I see me squeezing, the tube coming undone and spinning in the air like an unmanned fire hose with e-juice dripping off everything in the house. I'm really ambivalent when it comes to squanking. I would like to try it just because it's part of the vaping culture. On the other hand the only time I use my RDA's is either to test a new mix or have just a few vapes of some pungent "desert" after a good meal.
  15. That is a damn nice board. A little bizarre to navigate but once over the learning curve a true gem.
  16. I'm right there with you. About the same settings for my rigs. I've even started using quite a few single coil RTA's and under TC I can draw out some wonderful clouds and the flavor is through the roof.
  17. @gadget I believe they just came out with one with a DNA250 board in it for a166 Paranormal. Still no DNA250C board however.
  18. Cute as Brazilian buns in a bikini!
  19. And Good Night Cold-hearted orb that rules the night Removes the colours from our sight Red is gray and yellow, white But we decide which is right And which is an illusion Pinprick holes in a colourless sky Let insipid flickers of light pass by The mighty light of ten thousand suns Challenges infinity and is soon gone Night time, to some a brief interlude To others the fear of solitude
  20. @gadget does some TC with a Hohm mod and Kanthal. Maybe the "@" will summons him, lol. Beyond that I have no idea. I'm lazy in that regard. I use stainless because it has the highest resistance per length of any normally used TC wire. I do love using TC though. Any new breakthroughs would be wonderful to hear about! I looked a little trying to find more TCR values than typically used by vapers but the only charts I found did not include Kanthal. A lot of other conductors but not Kanthal.
  21. You bet! Haven't bought any commercial juice for quite some time now. That little jewel does the job well.
  22. Mix in 5 gal jugs. I did see one rig that was a modified paint shaker.
  23. Good for seeding the oxidation of the nic right, lol?
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