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Everything posted by jonnoh

  1. I think I have too much stuff. I have 3 mvp's, an e-LVT water proof thingy, 3 SVTs 4 i taste pen thingys, several egoTs, countless batteries, chargers of all shapes etc. But just now after a couple weeks of no use, I hooked a tank on my first VV mvp that I got in April, and although I put it away fully charged, it only lasted 44 tokes. I only use those pen thingys for traveling because they are easy to pack and use a micro usb to charge so they are very convenient but don't last as long. Basically what I'm taking such a long time to get around to asking, like you know, beating around the bush: Do I need to 'exercise' these batteries to keep them working? Or do they drain down a lot just lying fallow? Or do I wear them out faster by using mostly one all the time? I just kinda when I'm on a roll of really sweet vaping hate to change to another battery source and have to fiddle with the settings just to try to get what I already had going. Thanks in advance for any input or ideas.
  2. There once was a man from Nantucket Who bought all his juice in a bucket He said with a grin As he puffed yet again If I had some more money, I'd truck it. There! For the first time in all my 62 years, I wrote it without a single vulgar line! Now THAT's self control.
  3. Actually, in all honesty, I'm posting this just to get 'hot', being the 14th post. But I do have a comment on the subject. I was last night, trying to convince the cats to come home to roost when my neighbour came out and lit a cigar. I think for the first time since I've been vaping, I really wish he hadn't. The night air was quite fresh from earlier rain, and the cigar kinda ruined. And I've noticed since I started vaping with my improved sense of smell, how fresh the cats smell after a day of playing solar cat. The cigar kinda ruined that too. But, I'm stuck by my self promise never to be one of those holier than thou ex smokers like my former secretary became.
  4. I found the comments to the article more encouraging than the actual article. I still can't believe that even with only anecdotal evidence those who want the public to stop smoking aren't screaming 'hallelujah!'. If someone like me, a hardcore full flavour 2 pack a day for almost 50 years smoker can quit so painlessly, then everyone at least has a chance at it. Those 'approved' methods like patches and gum don't even take the edge off. I read recently that President Obama still used nicotine gum for the cravings as he was rebuked for chewing gum on his recent visit to China. Maybe one of us should send him a starter kit for a Christmas present. I sure wish the people that were highlighted in the article would take the time to talk to some real ex smokers, or read the forums.
  5. .......and I am one post closer to the VIP lounge.
  6. Hmm. My mother told my my first word was 'Studebaker'. Or 'vacuum cleaner' she wasn't sure which. Anyway those cars along with many others were built in the day when workmanship was still a valuable commodity. But, I always thought the Silver and Golden Hawks were supposed to be Stude's hot cars. I didn't even know they made them with a 6 banger. Anyway, I do think 'Avanti' would be a great name for a mod, or a rock band. Actually I know this post isn't very informative, but it'll make number 14 so TugBoatTx86 can get a 'hot' designation.
  7. Hi Jon, My name is Jon also with no 'h' and it's always misspelt! Hence my moniker. Anyway it sure sounds like you got good advise here. I too started with those (at the time about 2009) expensive cigalikes. They were such a disappointment. The batteries (white part) were unreliable, and the filter looking part didn't have any consistency of flavour or vapour production. I gave it all up as a bad job and went back to analogues and resigned myself to hacking myself to death. Then I discovered eGo twist and tanks and a whole new world opened up. I've been smoke free for about 18 months and I now feel better than I did at 12 when I bought my first pack 50 years ago. I can now run up stairs without being winded and don't get muscle cramps and my arm doesn't 'fall asleep' when I park my head on it when sleeping. And taste and smell have improved immensely. I still sometimes can't believe I can actually enjoy life without cigs cigars or pipe. I was a heavy hitter, as I smoked 2 packs or reds or Dunhill full flavour for most of my smoking career. Good luck to you, namesake, it's a good choice.
  8. Now if I could only find a 426 max wedge cross ram mod, I think I could die happy and stop shopping for new gear. I always admired the Studebaker Avanti but until recently, it was never gonna be in the budget, so I was absolutely overjoyed to see that when I needed to buy a new refrigerator, that there was a model of the perfect size built by Studebaker/Worthington compressor company called the 'Avanti' with the same symbol that was on the car. Imagine getting hot for an appliance. Weak Minded?
  9. Years ago, and one of the first times I'd come to Malaysia, I had a very expensive watch. It was water and shock resistant and had all the bells and whistles. So I was visiting Tioman Island, and standing in about an inch of water off the shore, and a small wave washed around my feet and a tiny drop of water landed on the lens of my watch. It died instantly! A TINY drop! Jeeeeesh! So I bought a cheap plastic watch and I couldn't kill the ugly thing. If I hadn't (purposely?) lost it, it'd probably still be going. Maybe I should have tried rice.
  10. sTingray. Jeeeeeez talk about weak minded
  11. Big block 454 sounds hot! (my mind's goin' "a fuel injected Singray and my 413......)
  12. I see Tesla mentioned a couple of times here. I'm personally intrigued by ANYTHING labeled Tesla. Just thinking that if I had one of those electricTesla cars, and drunkenly drove it into the river, how many tons of rice I would need.......
  13. I do I do remember you that is..... welcome back.
  14. I feel the pain. I'll repeat what happened a while back. I went to the pub (I know I know, typical!) which is only about 5 mins. from home. I took extra tanks, mods, juice, and a battery bank that could probably if asked, jump start a 747. When I got there, I noticed that because of poor planning on my part all my batteries were knock knock knockin' on heaven's door. "No problem!", I thought. Battery bank! Murphy jumped in, "Not so fast!". My cable had a kink in it and no connectivity. Probably rolled up too tight in my pocket. Now as I said the pub is only 5 minutes from home, but I didn't want to waste any valuable drinking time. I had to leave by 9 because I have to play security guard at sig other's shop and help close and bring home the day's receipts. Fortunately a staff member at the pub had a 240 volt wall charger with a micro usb connector, so I could vape and not lose drinking time even though I was tethered to the wall like talking on an old fashioned phone. I now also have with me 2 cables.
  15. My solution to being technically challenged is always to throw myself at the mercy of those more knowledgeable than me with self deprecation, like "my knowledge of computers comes from the time we were photographing dinosaurs with our polaroid one step cameras and watching movies on beta max and vcr s. I also do so admire anyone who can work in the USA in today's world. I left the work force at the top of my game in 1998 with my sexual harassment waiver on file, and don't think I could do it now. I wouldn't even get in the door because I'd be saying things like, "You want me to do what? Take a drug test to be a greeter at WalMart? Are you crazy? Greeters would probably be a lot better at their jobs if the WERE stoned! (hope I can say that here, I mean no promotion of the notion.). I couldn't survive the politically correct interaction required on the job. The things we joke about where I teach in Malaysia would get me sacked for sure. My colleagues date and sleep with students all the time. It's not even noticed. Common behaviour. Students offer sex for grades all the time too. Chinese ladies get student visas just to come here to find rich sugar daddies and this has all become normal to me after almost 20 years. And believe me we have lots of laughs at non politically correct stuff all the time. Sexist, racial, ageist, ethnic, religious. Nothing is sacred and most of it is usually self deprecating not arrow slinging. I personally think it's so much more fun than to have to watch what you say all the time. Every time I go back to America, I always worry that I'll say something out of line. There's a catch though. It's illegal to insult islam here. So guess what's the most insulted group? Yep, but mostly 'behind the barn' so to speak. So to get back to proper topics, I truly appreciate those who have the technical knowledge of how these vapour rigs work and understand the electronic interactions of voltage wattage and ohms. Sometimes I have to look up many of the words in some posts just to get what the op is saying.
  16. Ooops in the attempt to be funny maybe I came off like a pompous a$$. I didn't mean to I loved all the replies here. To prove it I'll give you one of my favourite old ppl stories. I was in my mid teens and my brothers and sister younger. We were sitting around the table for thanksgiving or Christmas dinner with our parents and maternal grandmother. You know one of THOSE occasions. Anyway for some reason the word 'lesbian' came up and my grandmother announced to one and all, "I was a lesbian". Well! We kids burst into immediate hysterical laughter. My mom tried in all proper respect of elders fashion, tried to shhhhh us but she and my father couldn't hold it and they too burst into laughter. We were literally cramping up rolling about on the floor in complete hysterical abandon. Grandma got up and with a "Well I never!", stomped off to her room. It was probably an hour before any of us regained enough composure to go apologise to grandma. As it turns out, in the early 1900s when my grandmother was a young lady, the word 'lesbian' didn't have the connotation it has today. She belonged to The Lesbian Society which was a group of young ladies who met regularly to discuss current issues such as women's suffrage and other hot topics of the times. We had to explain to her why what she said was so funny to us. To this day whenever one of my siblings says or does something stupid I generally say, "Well what can you expect, your grandmother was a lesbian you know."
  17. It came to my attention yesterday that the famed Oxford English dictionary had called 'vape' the word of the year for 2014. As a teacher of ESL I probably should have noticed that, but in my defense I teach Cambridge English. My sig other pointed it out to me and I'm guessing that because English isn't his first language, he pays more attention.
  18. I also forgot to add to my last reply, how many laughs I got from all your replies. I think my stomach muscles are tighter now. If I can keep reading stuff like this I can quit exercise.
  19. C'mon let's play nice and not make fun of the old and stupid among us. I happen to belong to both categories. iN (oops caps lock on) in my own defense I didn't get my first computer 'till I was about 40 some 22 years ago. Niy om (oops wrong home row) But fortunately I also at that time hooked up with a sig other 20 years my junior who happens to know computers naturally as he had them since childhood. Which also puts me the the predator category. However I do know some things. For example: The firing order for a Chevy 283 is 18436572. I can also set timing by ear (pretty darn close) and file and reset points and tell you if your condenser or coil is bad and adjust dwell. Because these talents aren't called for very often being an expert in unused technology puts me also in the lazy category. But it isn't hopeless! I did learn to replace smoking with vaping about 18 months ago at age 61. Old dogs? Occasional new tricks? Vape ON!
  20. Just to be sure you can find it, i'ts called 'health and safety' in the 'resources' section
  21. I've got some newer ITaste pen size VV batteries that I take traveling because of their convenient micro usb charging port. One size fits everything I bring. But I still bring my original ego T for backup. So far for me, the never die.
  22. Ooops I forgot. Hats off and glass raised to The Troggs and Wet Wet Wet.
  23. Ok ok I know for all you purists out there that nicotine is a vasoconstrictor. I'm am totally convinced that there are other serious factors in tobacco smoke that work on our circulatory systems other than nicotine. I know my blood pressure is now normal and I really can feel my fingers and toes better. For the first month of not smoking I kept getting the 'waking up tingling' in my feet and hands. I no longer get muscle cramps and my arm doesn't 'go to sleep' when I park my head on it whilst sleeping. So I really can feel my fingers and toes now. I can't wait to see the feeling when I finally visit winter again.
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