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Everything posted by jonnoh

  1. Last night I came home and saw that my Cuban cigar was missing from my now unused ashtray and the following conversation ensued with my Signif Other (if anyone still uses that silly description): ME: Where's my Cuban? SO: Your what? ME: My Cuban cigar. SO: I don't know where was it? ME: In the ashtray. SO: OH that. I thought it was a cat turd. I threw it out.
  2. I had the greatest pleasure a couple of weeks ago when some former colleagues came up from Australia to visit. We did the bars and multiple towers of beer and my friends were so aghast as they'ed never seen me without a cigarette before like ever! So when we were on the verge of passing out we retired to my friends' hotel room where I crashed on the sofa. I knew I was going to be away from home for a couple of days so I had packed various batteries, tanks, liquids and chargers in a big zip pack (from eGo) which meant I had to wear my nicest cargo style trousers (is that oxymoronic? nice cargo trousers.) Anyway we all got up late the next morning and went to terribly exclusive and expensive bistro for brunch in honour of the occasion. The club had a cigar humidor with a separate Cuban section. I've always loved to indulge in an occasional Cuban, yes for the flavour but also for the rebellious act against government policy in Cuba. Kinda a James Dean thing. Anyway, Cubans aren't illegal here in Malaysia but the are still expensive so I used to buy them only when the mood hit maybe once every couple of months. So here I am at the bistro all those Cubans in front of me and I'd not smoked for a few months... so what to do? I bought one of course. In the past I would have normally bought about the cheapest version which is about RM 100 or about $30+ but this time I figured it would be the last time so I bought the RM 300 version thinking it would be awesome. I took it back to to the table and bit the end (real men don't clip) and lit it up. Now Malaysia is a civilized country and you can smoke in bars and restaurants at the discretion of the owner. They understand air handling equipment here and the dining patrons aren't too inconvenienced and the restaurants that don't allow smoking aren't as popular in my unscientific survey. Anyway back to this rather tedious story, when I took the first hit I had to do everything in my power to keep from publicly gagging. The taste was horrible! I figured it was just because I had recently quit smoking cigs, but no the second hit was almost worse. I continued to smoke if for a bit but the magic was totally gone and for that I blame and am grateful for VAPING! The RM 300 still sits in my formerly usual ashtray as a reminder both of a wonderful couple of days, and how powerful cravings are and of course it was RM 300 so how can I throw it away Sheesh!
  3. I went for a beer at my local al fresco Chinese restaurant the other day for a beer, I heard another regular say "hi, Jon, cool you've got a big one" . I immediately looked down and said, "thank you"! Then I realized he was talking about my itaste!
  4. This happened once. On my last flight which was only about an hour, I had my carry case packed with a pro tank, a T3, and a couple of Chinese knock offs (they cost 7 ringgit each, must buy 10) which work pretty well for quite a while, then just throw away. Cheaper to buy new than rebuild them. Anyway when I arrived at the hotel, my T3 (filled cuz I wanted to be prepared for anything when we landed) had leaked all over the inside from the mouth piece and when I upended it the rest of the remaining juice started pouring out. After I cleaned up the spare batteries in the case and the juice bottles and the other tanks, I went to check out the T3 to see what happened and it worked fine! Is it possible the pressure change in the plane did that? I was worried about other things like getting back to work on time etc. that I didn't check it out on the return trip and after I noticed that I had neglected to fill it before I left for the return so not much evidence here.
  5. As was done unto me, I have done unto others. My extremely religious mother required me to attend every youth function at her church and they were mostly held in the basement lounge, smoke filled my the priest (anglican) and the various adults participating. Then whilst the adults were cleaning up and we were waiting for our various rides we kids could sneak our own cigs. Fortunately I've long since found Richard Dawkins et al. I was always exposed to other's smoke at school by teachers, at friend's houses at any community activity etc. So I never saw any reason to not continue the practice as it sure didn't hurt me any. I've never curbed smoking because of others children students bosses pets ever. Only have the draconian smoking laws in the USA slowed me down at all. Fortunately I decided to leave the US after the voters elected Dan Quayle VP. Now I live where I can smoke in bars restaurants anywhere except government buildings, and even there they have places where the workers smoke and welcome me to join them. So as far as vaping is concerned, I still do the same. But on a rather weird note, my cat Jazz, never was bothered by smoking, in fact he seemed rather interested in it. Vaping, on the other hand, he doesn't trust. He quickly backs up when he sees the vapour coming out of my mouth, Maybe it reminds him of a dragon or something, but when ever I grab my equipment, he keeps his distance. The other cats and dogs are totally oblivious. Oh yeah, to finish my rant, just when I find something that actually makes not smoking totally painless and works so well unlike the patch gum anti depressants etc. it looks like the government will continue to be draconian and try to take away something that actually works, and works so well. I have stopped spending my tourist money in Singapore because they outlawed ecigs and I informed the tourist ministry of that decision and I'm totally sure they don't give a damn!
  6. A couple of weeks ago I flew Malaysian Airlines from Kuala Lumpur to Phuket. My pv (ego twist with vivi nova) scanned through security with no problem along with my zip pack of extra batteries, charger, liquids, and backup tanks. Then as we were taxiing toward the runway, the co pilot came on with the usual this is co pilot blah blah blah welcome aboard Malaysia Airlines flight blah blah blah, this is a no smoking flight including electronic cigarettes!!!!!! Sheesh! I thought maybe it was a fluke because the scanning people told the pilot I had that thing with me but NO! Got the same announcement on the return flight! Fortunately that flight is only a little over an hour, so I didn't test to see if vapour can set off the smoke detector in the lav. Hell I hardly had time to finish the meal.
  7. I was and am 61 about 8 weeks into it and 6 weeks analog free. Almost 50 years smoking, and most of those years at 40 per day. BTW This is way cool! I am absolutely in shock that I've done this well!
  8. Hi Jon here, When I was about 16 in the 60's I worked at a small family owned grocery and had a regular customer who was in my 16 year old opinion an old rather dowdy housewife, with a gaggle of rather anonymous kids and a 9to5 insurance company husband. She bought 2 packs of Viceroys everyday along with other household goods.... fairly normal. When you work in a local shop that people visit every day in a small town, you tend to become somewhat of a confidant. So one day she came in, got the Viceroys, and told me that things weren't great with her home and husband, and she was going to California for a while to get her head together. Remember this WAS the 60's when life was a whole lot groovier Anyway I didn't think anymore of it till about 3 months later when I saw her walking across the car park and I readied her usual Viceroys lest she thought I forgot. When she came in I couldn't believe my eyes. This dowdy housewife had sparkling eyes, glowing healthy young looking skin, and the brightest smile! I was so taken aback! I just simply said, " you look absolutely beautiful"! (and this from a gay guy). She ended up telling me that she had quit smoking the day she left, and had taken up yoga and meditation and was working things out with her husband. I've never forgotten that image of how different and better she looked. In my young days I didn't consider other possibilities like maybe she got a face lift or something like that, I just thought it was not smoking that did it.. I've often thought about her when I was contemplating quitting smoking. Now the question: Has anyone else noticed this effect, or has anyone else noticed it in you? I guess it's hard to see subtle differences when you see someone every day, but that 3 months made a real impression on me. Ok, maybe this memory is just the result of a flashback from a groovy past trip? At my age, my only expectations is that I can improve enough to just be arm candy for the likes of former Pope Benedict
  9. Great topic. If I were president I'd adhere to the philosophy that there are 3 basic evils plaguing humankind: Disease, Government and Religion. I'd sack the US constitution first I know I know Americans are very fond of it though it seems that most don't really know anything about it. It looks to me as if it's quite reactionary to King George III's policies that Americans didn't like. But wasn't George III a bit nuts? Anyway, give the people say 25 rules and no more than that. Moses lived with 10 I think we can get by with 25. Maybe even that's too many. And if you want a 26'th rule you have to sack one of the first 25. Any prisoner that hasn't violated one of the 25 rules would be immediately freed. That would still probably leave Bernie Madoff and Charles Manson in jail. It just seems that any country that has so many rules that lawyers can make a living just plainly has too many rules. Then I'd Close the departments of everything and have Jesse Ventura in charge of foreign affairs and Bill Maher in charge of domestic affairs. Oh yeah, put Charles Darwin, Richard Dawkins and Albert Einstein on the money.
  10. Ha ha I was at a seminar with a Brit about 10 years ago in Memphis and he at break time asked me if I wanted to go and roll a ***, and the chick next to me whispered "are you going to go mug a homosexual" ?
  11. I quote the side of a packet of Peter Jacksons, circa 1974 when I was in uni in Toronto ... Health and Welfare Canada advises that cigarette smoking may be dangerous to your health. Avoid inhaling.
  12. Oh thank the gods..... The true north is still strong and free.... O Canada I stand on guard for thee.... At least I know I can still visit my friend in Halifax and vape my heart out.
  13. Thanks FTJoe, yeah I meant you, but couldn't remember the FT part. Don't worry, I just took what you said a bit to heart cuz it makes sense. I'm fine with this and doing really really well. I haven't felt this good since I was 12, and started smoking. It's only been a couple of days. wow awesome etc...... Hope it's the same for you.
  14. Thanx, for noting my grasp of English, as I was raised in Connecticut, I'd better at least have a clue I teach English as a second language in Malaysia mostly to foreigners to Malaysia, and have for about 5 years
  15. I just heard from an Australian colleague that vaping is illegal in Australia, Canada and Hong Kong. C'mon Hong Kong? my first functioning starter kit came from a city next to Hong Kong.
  16. Ha ha I always already do run up the stairs as I usually commute with a colleague who's about 23 and refuses to "waste time" using an escalator or lift, so to prove that I'm not yet fossilized I run up the stairs with him and wave him off at his classroom and walk calmly to mine where I collapse like a beached whale
  17. Oops I typed, misguidedly of course, the British slang word for cigarette, and the American slang word for homosexual. I guess that's a no-no. So in my post, if you see *** it means cig which I shall try to remember to type from now on
  18. Hi all.... made it through the 2nd day vaping and 1st day at work w/o smoking analogues and to top that off we had a required staff meeting after work at a nearby pub which I normally totally enjoy, but this time I was a bit paranoid cuz I normally can easily go through a packet of smokes in one of these sessions. (several colleagues and I always stay long after the meeting to of course discuss the meeting ok and yes talk about who's doing who etc.) Anyway the pub time was awesome for vaping cuz I was the "king of the hill" everyone wanted to know about it. Worse, everyone wanted a hit just to see. I went to a little sundry shop and bought some alcohol preps so I could wipe the tip and let ppl try. Anyway was so busy being popular didn't have time to crave fags. I realize though this is a novelty, so not to get used to it. I think I could have sold 20 starter kits last night. Of course everyone was a bit drunk as was I. Anyway I got home bout midnight and almost skipped on the walk home from the bus, I felt so light and free and of course drunk Got home and saw my almost full pk of Dunhills on the table where I left them that morning and immediately my addict's mind took over. I always accomplished odious tasks like washing dishes or other boring stupid stuff like teaching the beginner class by saying to self ok, I'll wash the stupid dishes, of teach the stupid beginner class cuz at least I can smoke after. A very cool reward. This time my addict's mind said to me wow you went all day without a *** so you need to reward yourself with a ***! Well... adding a couple of beers (large) to put a fine polish on my buzz, I managed to finish almost the whole packet. And I was so mixed feeling about it cuz instead of feeling light and airy I now felt heavy and lathargic, yet somehow satisfied. So weird. Anyway I think I shall Joe's advise and maybe get a little more realistic, and cut my day into more manageable chunks like morning coffee time, before work time commuting time work time before lunch etc and become successful at vaping for a fixed piece of time and then maybe the reward trigger won't be so powerful. But on the other hand, maybe that will create more reward triggers. I can't get over though how great I really felt after almost 2 full days of not using analogues, the improvement was amazing so it must be so wonderful for all of you who have gone so much longer. I never personally felt how strong the effects of fags are, and have always said to much younger people things like I'll quit when you can beat me running around the block, even though I know I couldn't do it... tough guy y'know. Well second day of work vaping with new plan and am just on the way to yet another pub. Today I smoked at coffee before work time, vaped commuting vaped at b4 work time, then smoked at lunch time and vaping now at pub time.
  19. oh Jerry, leg gone? is it diabetes? I hope so much that you keep vaping and not smoking. lose weight? you know that I don't care about stupid gov't policy, they suck so much. I started smoking at age 12 28 november 1964 i know this cuz was my g'parents 50'th wedding anniversiy, and i was so bored that i went to the pier in ft lauderdale fl and bought a pak of kent with the "micronite filter" lol the rest is history
  20. Hi everyone Am typing this on the bus to the rest of the very tedious commute to work in the possibly flooded city of Kuala Lumpur with only my vaping supplies to survive the day. I had my one (usually numerous) Dunhill Lite with coffee b4 jumping the bus. I regretfully left the pack on the table as I walked out the door with 4 charged batteries, a charger, 2 attys. (now that I know that isn't an acronym but an abbr.), and about 50 carts. I also left home credit cards and debit cards and only took enough money for the commute to and fro, and enough money for choice of lunch or a pack of smokes. Feeling totally naked!! note: My partner just rang to inform me I left my fags on the table. Ha ha. I said no, it was on purpose and got "Yay!" for a response. Doesn't like second hand smoke too much even though I have forever been telling him that if I wanted to kill him there are many many things far more reliable, like bullets, poison etc. So I guess only 1 more post and I can join the rest of the veterans, cool! I think I'll make that a report on the results of 2nd day at work and see if I can totally refrain from buying or bumming smokes today. Hasta......
  21. Today was my first day at work after receiving my first working PV and finally successful first day at vaping at home, after finally getting a product that worked at least and I mean least as promised. I took my DSE 103 which no one really seems to think is cool to work. This time I decided to take public transport to work because it is so difficult to vape and drive when you don't have any experience. So... I walked to the bus...10 minutes. Bussed to the commuter train, 30 minutes, commuted to LRT 50 minutes, LRT to walking 15 minutes. Plus the waiting time between transport systems. Ok, vaped on commuter train, and nobody complained but got looks of disgust etc, but nobody asked. I think nobody reported me cuz no one stopped me. Got to work, and vaped in my classroom setting up for the day, didn't see any colleagues or students. Just before class there is a smoking time and I finally met all my colleagues at the smoking area and to my surprise as by habit I whipped out my dunhill lite, it tasted terrible! I was so shocked. I love cigarettes! I've been smoking since 12 november 1964 and until 1983, didn't miss a pack a day. 1983 I started to try a pipe to cut down on smoking, cuz it's not physically possible to smoke a pipe as much as cigarettes...So much work. Then in 1985 I got this real hi pressure promotion and no time for pipe... Anyway this vaping seems to be about the same work as the pipe, with less physical downers. I can't believe it, after 1 day... with no analogues ok only 1 in the smoking break, I can reach the top of my breath, and the bottom. That is so cool! I am so totally excited for the future.
  22. Wow this is really nice! Thanks all for the welcome, advice and info. Let's see...... ok..1. A pig in a poke (with or without lipstick) is I think, when you buy something without properly checking it out. 2. From Malaysia we can buy from anywhere but it's important to check out the particulars as shipping is sometimes so expensive that it makes buying something relatively inexpensive kinda stupid. And there's the nosy uppity impudent customs inspectors who can at whim keep your stuff, tax your stuff, or with any luck send it to you. I, for example, bought an I Robot house cleaning device from the USA and the customs decided it was a vacuum cleaner, thus a household appliance, therefore subject to 30 percent tax with a 10 percent inspection fee added to that. Imagine that! A vacuum cleaner! I was insulted.... the robot was insulted... well you understand. If I can buy closer to home it saves hassles but this new thingy of vaping is so far out cool, I'll try anything. I'm getting on my 801 supplier's butt this morning to see what he will do about it. I might tell him that I will publish the results of his service here if that's cool. I don't want to break any rules here, I'd rather spend my rule breaking skills on mr customs man. Thanks again for the help, I'm going to work now and spend some time thinking or 3 more posts so I can get out of jail free oops I mean noobie area.
  23. Hi, I'm Jon from Malaysia and I just yesterday received my second "first" starter kit, a DSE 103 from a terrible company in China called Lite in the Box. The real first starter kit I received was a DSE 801 from Johor Baru Malaysia (a day away from me by car and 2 by train the last time I went). Anyway I had ordered the 103 more than a month before, and nothing received despite so many online chats with the company, so many unanswered emails, so many problems just paying them. They said they take credit cards, but no button to access that function on their site, they give 7% discount with western union payment, so I held my breath and ordered.... What a nightmare... They informed my my name was wrong, requested my address countless times, they finally took my money and sent nothing. Now as it stands, on their site, my order is still "processing" yet the order finally showed up yesterday..... Anyway, I meanwhile googled ecigs malaysia and found a local (Days drive) supplier who only sells one type and says that is why his product and service can be outstanding and consistant, as well as tailored to the Malaysian smoker. This is my DSE 801. I ordered, and received the product promptly and was so impressed, ( while still waiting for Lite in the @@###%^%Box). I opened it up and it was packed exactly as promised, so I figured the least I could do was try to use due diligence and wait the bloody 12 hours to charge the batteries. I was dying for my first hit. But I waited, and finally put the thing together and got a little bit of vapour, nothing to write home about. Actually, it was very disappointing.... So I tried to learn more, and looked at demos on youtube, and was so impressed with their results on screen, so maybe it was my sucking technique????? I mimicked the demonstrators, got nothing. I promise it's not my sucking skill.... I am a *** man and a long time smoker, so I think I am qualified. Once again, anyway, I received the DSE 103 and it has by comparison to the 801, awesome vapour, but the cartridges don't last very long. I bought 200 of them as a promotion with the 103. I was and am so naive about this wonderful new so very cool vaping thingy, and learning as fast as I can. Finally, what is wrong with my very expensive by Malaysian standards 801? Why don't I see any review of the 103? Did I buy a pig in a poke? Honestly, my research consisted of finding a e cig that looked like a cig, was real cheap, and came with lots of cartridges. Btw, what's an "ATTY" I normally can't figure out 3 letter acronyms, so imagine my problem with this one. Thanks for listening, and in advance for any advice, and for having this forum. Jon
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