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Everything posted by jonnoh

  1. Oops, I meant that bit about boating lifestyle for bcarter, but it looks like I left out a few words. I've left braincells over the entire circumference of the world. Sheesh.
  2. Hi. I'm Jon from at the moment, Malaysia and I've got a few insights that's hopefully helpful to those new to this wonderful activity. Firstly, I was a 2 pack a day smoker for nearly 50 years, and had really given up the idea of ever going a day without a cigarette, cigar or pipe. I really thought I'd hack myself to death, and at the time 61, sooner rather than later. Then I discovered vaping. I'd discovered it a couple of years before, but the devices at the time didn't work very well. They looked like cigarettes or pens and you had to refill cotton or whatever fabric pieces in the filter looking part which contacted the coil to produce vapour. They weren't consistent, didn't produce quality flavour, and the batteries weren't reliable. Then I got into the much improved devices with clearomizers, atomizers and tanks, batteries that would last a whole day, and that was a whole new world. I stopped smoking 4 May, 2013 and with a few bumps now know that I'll be vaping for as long as I live. I truly expect that to be quite a bit longer because I feel better than I did when I was 12 and bought my first pack. That's basically my credential for saying this. I know nicotine has addictive qualities, but in my opinion it's not nearly so addictive as the FDA would have you believe, If it were, those nicotine patches and gum along with a dummy cigarette for the hand to mouth habit would be a highly effective way to quit smoking. Basically they don't work for most people. They certainly didn't for me. My joke all those years ago was, "Yeah, I tried those patches, but I couldn't keep them lit." I really think that the other 4000 or so chemicals produced in cigarette, cigar and pipe smoke are more important than people think. It's really easy to just blame nicotine. I'm convinced from the rush I get those few times I've been caught short and had to smoke analogues, that those chemicals have properties that are also highly addictive, probably more so than nicotine. They probably mimic narcotic analgesics to make you feel good about what you are doing even though you know intellectually it's killing you slowly. Other chemicals probably act as bronchodilators to ease breathing and calm wheezing. Still others probably are like steroids to reduce inflammation to keep you from noticing the damage being caused by the tar particles. Maybe that's why your lungs feel so bad after a night's sleep and deprivation from these chemicals, so that you're inclined to immediately want to feel better so you light a cigarette and almost immediately after hacking up a lung, feel so much better. To conclude, the nicotine in vapour is a great help in overcoming the cigarette addiction, but so is the vapour cloud, and the hand to mouth activity. I strongly recommend you to buy a reasonable device and not one of those convenience store disposables before you decide if vaping will help you. I'm not very familiar with the names, and many here can direct you to some good starter products. My real point is to keep vigilant of those cravings that come from sources other than nicotine, and be prepared. If I had known this before I started I would have had an easier time making the decision to change smoke for vapour. Instead I actually listened to the idiot, easily swayed, easily lobbied FDA that nicotine was the major bad guy. I write this because I so want everyone who tries this to succeed. Plus, as many here say, it makes an awesome hobby. Best of luck to all you newbies. It really works. My real difficulty was deciding to switch, because I was afraid that life without cigarettes wasn't worth living. Then the discovery that quitting was almost totally painless. It's been 504 days, and I'm loving life even without cigarettes! Jon
  3. I've got 3 of them, they last all day and longer, although I've never got the 3 days they say I might. I seem to chain vape because I can do it anywhere. I've got 3 different versions from VV to VV VW and they've got quite a good range, seem bullet proof and vape consistently well. But check this out.......... I just got a Devpo e LVT and you won't believe this mod. It's water proof (read resistant), somewhat rebuildable, you can pound nails with it and it vapes brilliantly with VV and VW capabilities, and a bright torchlight! The battery so far doesn't last very long for me, maybe under a day, but longer than my many high mah twists. This sounds perfect for your boating lifestyle, although I doubt it will float Their (Devpo) site has a link to a youtube video showing a demonstration with a guy hitting a tree, dropping it from distance, and dunking it in a stream and it still vapes. This I need as I'm really hard on things.
  4. I either drink less beer or get more drunk. It seems that 1 beer vaping equals about 1.5 beers when I was smoking.
  5. Christov11, I see you stay in Montreal. I was there in April, well actually only at the airport but I was returning to Hartford from Moncton, NB and while I was in Moncton, I looked for e cigs just to see what's there. I'd brought enough stuff with me from Malaysia to last a year, and I was only a month in North America. I was so disappointed at what I could find. I first went to Walmart which I'd heard was a place where at least you could see some samples of what's available. They had NOTHING! The suggest a supermarket around the corner, well, at least close by where they had a dedicated smoke shop where they sold ecigs. Again disappointment prevailed. They had some pen like devices, which although had flavour, seemed to have no nicotine. It wasn't mentioned on the product. They were throwaways and quite expensive. So to finally get to the point, where do you buy your products? Here I get juice from Italy, and electronics from China, but all through a broker in Sarawak on Borneo to avoid paying random direct import taxes. It's so far been very reliable, with next day delivery and consistent reasonable pricing.
  6. Thanks to the quick response from Christopher, I received my new EPipes, (2 because remember the 'have backups for backups' advice?) I knew I'd be the coolest dude in the pub that night! Of course being a guy, and wanting to use it immediately, I started to fill and charge without even opening the instructions. Well, that didn't work out so well, so I looked up the method for filling the tank after I'd spilt liquid all over everywhere. The graphic in the booklet showed it being filled with a syringe. Sheesh, I thought, what have I got into. So I went to the pharmacy, and because this is Malaysia you can buy syringes over the counter, and the pharmacist looked at the hole at the end of the atomizer and thought it looked like it needed an 18 gauge needle. Got it back, and injected........ once again liquid all over the place. Then I carefully looked over the page again and read that you need to pull out the end of the atomizer half way then inject the liquid, so I tried to pull; twist and pull; pliers applied to twist and pull! Then I by mistake pushed the other way and hey! That's how it goes! Sheesh. After I reshaped the parts that I'd unrounded with the pliers, and put in liquid, there I was vaping. Keystone cops comes to mind. Rocket scientist (sarcastic) also comes to mind. I finally was the coolest dude in the pub! But, it isn't the greatest vaping device, but it works. Kinda like those old things that were designed to look like cigarettes. They work, but not as well by a long shot as something that was designed specifically to vape. It reminds me of the concept of evolving a jet engine from a piston engine where the boss says, "Make a jet engine from this piston engine but don't throw out any of the parts that work for the piston engine. Imagine what a nightmare devise that would be. Anything new requires a clean sheet of paper and creativity and imagination. So now I'm using my new Dovpo, which looks nothing like a cig, or a pipe or a cigar, but vapes brilliantly, and I'll just bring my EPipe to the pup when I want to be the coolest dude. Lesson finally learnt.
  7. Hijack away! I thoroughly enjoy reading how everyone's spending their money. Jason, it's not become the I've gotta have all the new and shiny, but more like the reliable because I'd go back to cigs in a second if I didn't have the vape devices so far. I think I'm different than most here, because as soon as I see a group of smokers, I ingratiate myself so I can get the second hand smoke. I still love the smell. At airports where I probably could get away with vaping, I seek out the smoking lounge just to get the effect, even though I am only vaping in there causing some raised eyebrows And, BCarter, your boat sounds awesome, and your possible newer boat even more awesome. And, Christov, I guess I was forgetting the grand I put down on some acreage in New Brunswick for my old man holiday time in the wilderness where I too will become reacquainted with winter. So thanks hijackers and all for the ideas and great tangents.
  8. Today, according to my counter, it's been 500 days since I started vaping full time. YO! Anyway I was staring wonderingly at the counter thinking I just don't believe I don't smoke anymore. 500 days ago, I wouldn't have thought that possible. I thought back to my first purchase of cigarettes on 20 November, 1964. I remember the date because it was my grandparent's 50th wedding anniversary and they'd flown the entire family to Florida to celebrate. The old folks were doing their typical old folk stuff and I was totally bored so I snuck down to a pier in Ft. Lauderdale and spied a cig machine. Price? 35 cents. I casually walked by, and snuck in a quarter and continued walking, not wanting anyone to catch me. I strolled back and slipped in a dime and walked on. I turned back and pulled a lever. Out dropped a pack. I slipped it into my pants and ran back to the hotel. My choice? Kent. Why? because the label on the machine said "King Size" so I thought they would be bigger and I'd get a bigger bang for my 35cents. What do 12 year olds know. Sheesh! Anyway, on the big airliner back to Connecticut, with the piston engines belching blue flames, I was daydreaming about exactly which grove of trees I'd go to smoke them and who I would invite to share. But back to the counter and today..... I also noted that my counter said I'd saved well over $10,000! Well that's not exactly honest because I enter the figures in Rinngit Malaysia which are worth about 3 to the US dollar. Cigs cost RM 13 here so a bit over $4, but that's still over $3000! So I looked in my wallet and guess what? no RM 10,000. So where did it all go? I've no bloody idea? I haven't changed anything else, my salary isn't any different, and I think I drink less beer, because since I stopped smoking, 1 beer seems to have the effect of 1.5 beers when I was smoking. So where's the money? Any ideas? I was looking to buy a toy for myself to celebrate being smoke free and that US $3000 would make a great down payment on a beautiful 1964 Imperial LeBaron by Chrysler I've had my eye on lately but I can't find it. I've really only spent about 500 bucks on vaping stuff since I started, so it's not that.
  9. This is so incredibly cool! Tomorrow will be 500 days since I finished my 'last' cigarette. I remember it fondly. It was an Indonesian clove cigarette (they last longer:) I was waiting for sig other to close his shop and it was 8:55 PM, on 4 May, my 61st birthday, and I put the butt in the corner of the grill on the shop next door. It was there for weeks. Maybe the shop owner doesn't sweep carefully. I put last in quotes because it isn't true, because I did smoke in Bali when failing to properly pack my charging equipment. It is so awesome to wake up and notice how much better I can breath at 62 than I could at 60, or 50, or 40 oh never mind you get the pic, maybe even better than when I was 12
  10. A Massachusetts guy from Lynne Appeared so uncommonly thin That when he assayed To vape every day He slipped through the tip and fell in.
  11. There once was a Sergeant Marine Who invented a vaping machine Concave or convex To suit either sex With a drip tip attached for the steam.
  12. I just want to give a shout out to Vapor Talk in general, and Christopher in particular. You see I wanted to order the E Pipe from the Vapor Talk store, and when I went to finalize the order, it seems my country, Malaysia, wasn't an option. I messaged Vapor Talk to ask how I could have it delivered and Christopher responded with remarkable speed and efficiency, He said that he would add Malaysia to the shipping destinations and I think that in less than one day, there it was! I ordered 2 and now they are in transit at some shipping station in New Jersey. Thanks Christopher that was a really awesome response. Cudos to you and Vapor Talk. Just a note, that you make Malaysia shipping the same as USA with Name, City, State, and Postal Code.
  13. Hi Jon here from Malaysia. I'm not in the least new, but I've been absent for a long time from sheer humiliation. Many months ago, I went to Bali with my sig other. Firstly, we don't speak the same native language, so sometimes things get lost in translation. When we were packing, I asked did you pack the charger? He said yes so....... We arrived in Bali, and I had 1 fully charged EGO twist and 1 half used. When I went to recharge the empty one, I couldn't find the charger. I said, " I thought you packed the charger." He said, "I did, didn't you bring the charging cable?" Finishing the story, I looked for vaping products in Bali, and it turns out it's not legal in Indonesia, and can only be bought on the black market. I don't have any black market connections in Indonesia, so I bought Marlboro reds and thus the humiliation. Well, I survived and went immediately back to 100 % vaping on my return home. Now I always check my devices personally before leaving for a hostile vaping country. I can't believe it's been 16 months of vaping. I really can't believe the nay sayers who would have you believe this isn't a signifigant method to quitting smoking. After smoking almost 50 years, I never thought I'd quit. I really thought I'd die gasping for breath, but this vaping makes quitting totally painless and actually as much fun as pipe smoking, maybe even more as there are so many choices and options out there for the dedicated vaper. So to sum up my feelings about life now, I'll repeat a poem: My coffee's black My whiskey neat and My smoke is second hand. My tank is full My battery's charged and I Taste's still my brand.
  14. My Bonnie looked into the gas tank The height of its content to see. I lit up a match to assist her. Oh bring back my Bonnnie to me. My new Bonnie's also gas challenged. I vaped near her in sympathy Cuz vaping requires no matches The 'bring back' part's come to an end. The first stanza is stolen, but was an inspiration for the second. Bebop, I can picture my self being so full of life and fun in that little bar in Amsterdam where the drinks are slow coming but the....well you know the unmentionable isn't, listening to your epic! I don't have bongos but I'll break out the round kitchen containers when I return from work and recite it for the neighbourhood to enjoy.
  15. A curse on C. Everett I put Cuz the no smoking game was afoot He lingered for years And filled us with fears. At 92 Coop was short cut Note to self: EDIT!
  16. On C. Everett I put a curse Cuz the no smoking game was afoot He lingered for years And filled us with fears And at 92 Coop's in a hearse
  17. Awesome! And so incredibly true.......
  18. You can take Salem out of the country but....... You can't take the country out of Salem Salem softness freshens your taste Winston tastes good like a knock knock cigarette should Come to where the flavour is..... Come to Marlboro country More doctors recommend Camels than any other cigarette Camels suit your "T" zone to a T! T for taste! T for throat! Have a Lark have Lark have a Lark today A silly millimetre longer.... 101 Oh the disadvantages of Benson and Hedges 100's You've come a long way baby... To get where you got to today..... You've got your own cigarette now baby.... You've come a long long way To a copper it's which way he went To a postman it's a letter sent To a landlord it's the monthly rent To a smoker it's a Kent More taste fine tobacco...... C'mon in... it's Kool inside What gives Tareyton the taste worth fighting for? Join the unswitchables ... Smoke Tareyton Lucky Strike L.S.M.F.T. It's toasted! And finally, my own contribution: Vaping.... Flavour the way it should be. More healthy more natural! Try it today.
  19. There once was a student Malaysian. Said, "Teacher's a smoking invasion". The teacher then quit, "Vaping's now it"! The teacher's now favourite caucasian.
  20. I'm obviously dealing with superior beings on this blog. Bebop12 master of the Haiku. As I recall Haiku almost made me drop out of 7th grade!!!!! Sheesh maybe I should stick to limericks. A sexy handsome old buck On Marlboros he often sucked. Then a vaping machine Forced his lungs clean Bad choices were changed to good luck! (notice I didn't use the expected and most used rhyming word!)
  21. Hate no smoking rules The advent of vaping rules! Beat government rules I think Haiku is above my feeble intellect
  22. Recently I wrote a poetic tribute of epic proportions to my new ITaste SVD that opened to wonderful reviews, but our happiness together didn't start smoothly. I received my new ITaste, battery and charger and while I was waiting for the battery to charge I played with all the pieces and studied how to use the VV and VW buttons and assess the coils resistance, and battery's charge level etc. (I've still not got it to do exactly what I want when I want, but I admit to being impatient). Anyway, battery charged, I assembled it and following instructions I set it to what I think my ego twist and pro tank combo is, well close anyway and filled the tank that came with it (not sure now what it is) with one of my favourite French pipe flavours and hit the button. The vapour and taste were amazing! It reminded me of my first hit on a cigarette that I accidentally inhaled and continued to accidentally inhale for almost 50 years. Anyway I was so loving it when it all went stone dead! I was dumb struck! What happened? I quickly and disappointedly took hits of my eGo Pro Tank whilst diagnosing the problem. I'll describe the mod from bottom to top with it pictured standing vertically on its bottom. The first piece is the battery cap which is male threaded and spring loaded and screws into the outer battery case which is of course female threaded. That outer battery case screws onto the inner battery case which also contains the operating electronics, holds the battery and is capped on top with a metal cap about the thickness of a dime and the diameter of a nickel (not that I've seen a dime or nickel in years) onto which screws a beauty ring or inner threaded tank, and into which screws a Pro Tank type tank. What happened to mine was when I screwed on the beauty ring, or the screwed in the tank, I didn't put any resistance on the coin like metal cover and it moved a little which broke it from its position on top of the inner battery holder and broke a wire connection. After looking it over, it seems that coin like cover has a flange that sits in a groove in the inner battery holder. It isn't very substantial and it looks to be easily displaced. Now, I don't have the vision, equipment, solder, patience, inclination or interest in even trying to repair this. I tend to be more the blow torch and rocket launcher type. So what to do? I bought a new one and it works fine. I just make sure when I screw parts together I use one hand to aid the built in resistance to the receiving part and don't torque too much. I bet a clever person could have explained this in three lines of less, but I just finished a pot of coffee after about 12 large beers last night and can't stop! Maybe this advise should be followed for all things that require screwing
  23. DEBOP 12 Thank you for that review! Of course I say thank you because it was positive Can I beg your indulgence to review my next novel (if I ever finish it)? Sheepdog, I was 19 in 1971 and you're so right all things were possible. Amazing how powerful memories of those times are. I guess we were on opposite sides of the fence then. I consider myself a "Woodstock Era Veteran" I guess we hippie pinko commies were spending our paltry $ on bongs instead of cigar accessories which gave us an excuse to find an excuse for biting Nice to know we are now brothers in vaping. I hope your breathing issues improve with time. I see we've been off the cigs about the same amount of time and my lungs seem to improve in baby steps. I've never gotten diagnosed cuz I live in a third world (oops sorry developing) nation and here real men just suck it up. I'm totally sure my lungs are COPD saturated after almost 50 years of 2 packs a day But it has gotten much better and I expect that to continue.
  24. My coffee's black My whiskey neat My smoke is second hand. My tank is full My batteries charged And Itaste's my new brand.
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