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Everything posted by jonnoh

  1. Friday I went to the bank with the intention of using my new found feelings that vaping has become more of just a habit and fun hobby compared to the addiction to all those chemicals in tobacco smoke. I had decided to leave my vape equipment home while I went to the bank. Usually on a Friday I can count on at least 40 people ahead of me on the queue and as many as 60 so I have to leave a rather large block of time to do what I need to do. Usually I just vape with all the smokers out on the sidewalk in front of the bank and we all BS about how incompetent the bank is and what they should do to fix it This Friday, I got to the bank and there were only 2 people in front of me and I hardly had time to get my papers together to go to the teller and was out the door in 10 minutes! Sheesh! Karma! I wanted the long queue so I could test my feeling of being with the smokers without vaping and see if I really had cravings or was I just vaping with them out of habit but was thwarted by good luck. I'll try again on Monday.
  2. I tried yesterday to open a yelp account just to make the requested comment. Yelp says too busy to entertain my request. That recapcha or whatever it's called wouldn't let me go past I was kinda amazed at the rather ignorant customer who complained that the prices at the B&M weren't matched to online prices. Sheesh how much more it costs to have a B&M. Rent insurance fixtures staff taxes permits ad infinitum. I'll try again today.
  3. I stand in awe of a superior being. Not a mere Homo sapiens, a Homo evolutis.
  4. ... Not a shirt on my back Not a penny to my name Lord I'm 500 days away from cigs Away from cigs Away from cigs Away from cigs Away from cigs Lord I'm 500 days away from cigs ......... Ya Hoo!
  5. I've mentioned ad nauseam here that I was recently stuck for 4 hours without being able to vape, and I was so surprised that I didn't get cravings or even really think about vaping and concentrated instead on the task at hand. So normally I drive sig other to work at about 5 am and come back and go on with my day. The other day I decided to just leave the stuff home and see what happened. It's about a 15 minute task sheesh! I didn't even miss vaping and listened to the radio and didn't really even think about it. So weird. I was always so obsessed with cigarettes like if I was down to only 3 in the pack I sorta thought I could survive to the next petrol station or convenience store to grab another couple of packs, but it weighed on my mind till I restocked. Now it seems that vaping has got, for me anyway, more of a habit than an addiction. And I didn't even notice! DUH!!!!!!!!! Anyway I've got to do banking today, and being Friday in Malaysia, I know Thursday night in USA, there can be as many as 60 people in the queue ahead of me from the number machine so the time of the task is unknown. I usually wait out on the sidewalk and vape to my heart's content, but today I'll leave the stuff home and see what happens. Report to follow.
  6. We no longer smoke in the kitchen Don't light our cigs on the grill Took a whole lotta tryin' Just to get up that hill.....
  7. ...................to the east side.....puffing deeeee luxe vapour to the skyyyyyy......
  8. Ahhhh belatedly I just read that it might be an airflow issue which gives me pause...... Chrysler had problems with 'Airflow' And vapers have problems with taste though They change coils and tanks We now can give thanks That the problem also was the air flow.
  9. The base of the flavour is P G And the vapour produced is from V G To get a good mix You just gotta fix The ratio of P G to V G. Sorry couldn't help it and I know that doesn't even address your dilemma. If you figure it out, I'd love to know because I experience the same thing.
  10. Yeah yeah like you both said! She really looked like she was applying lipstick until the vapour came out
  11. There was a time when I was 16 or 17 when a bunch of us decided to go out on the lake for a Sunday afternoon. We all contributed to bringing stuff for lunch and sneaked a case of Schaefer 12's in a cooler. I still remember the car was my dad's 64 Buick with a 3 on the tree and a V6 engine that sounded like a coke can full of marbles being shaken. We got to the lake and hired a row boat loaded the food and took off for the far regions where nobody went (we had illegal beer after all). We rowed I guess a couple of miles (long skinny lake) actually I rowed. (lazy friends). We got to our destination and unloaded the boat and I of course immediately looked for the cigarettes and found them. But and here's the dramatic moment....The only matches were soaked to the point that all the phosphorus was off so not even a chance of drying them. ARRRRRRRRRRRGH! No one had a lighter or anything. I tried and tried to use my specs to magnify the sun to start a fire but blind as I was, they weren't powerful enough. Anyway I resigned myself to either rowing back or going without cigarettes. Amazingly I decided against rowing 2 more miles back and then 2 miles to return to the camp only having 2 row yet another 2 miles to go home. I guess I would walk a mile for a Camel but not a total of 8. Anyway once I had decided my fate for the afternoon it was surprisingly easy. I actually enjoyed the afternoon without cigarettes. At 16 or 17 I had already been smoking 4 or 5 years so I was definitely hooked. So every time I thought about quitting smoking in the future I tried in my head to recapture that afternoon and it wasn't till this Sunday when I was stuck in a 4 hour long isolation from my vape that I got that feeling again. It was so awesome to be able to stay stuck where I was and really really didn't have cravings for vaping. I know I keep going on and on about that new feeling, but to me it's a very big deal and a real awakening. Also, I'm trying to increase my posts so I can get to the VIP lounge and can't think of much else to say so I hope y'all aren't totally bored
  12. Earthling, I 100 % agree. Just think if there weren't other addictive properties to tobacco products we could have all quit with a patch and fake cigarette for the hand to mouth easily. Frankly, the patch did nothing, I repeat NOTHING for me. The gum too. If it were nicotine to blame those patches would work fine as a quitting method. That's why it makes me crazy that the ilk of FDA'rs keep the myth alive that nicotine replacement therapy will succeed. Such BS. They went on a huge crusade to convince us that nicotine was the bad guy and that big tobacco was covering this up. How bloody stupid. From my now recently discovered concept that no matter how paranoid I was about keeping my vape going because of how I used to feel about smoking that it really isn't even noticeable that I'm missing the nic if something else interesting is going on. Nicotine is nothing more that like a caffeine buzz. The rest of the stuff in tobacco was what should have been discussed. Those fools should have required big tobacco to disclose ingredients like all other consumables. Warnings and dead baby pics don't do anything to curb smoking, but disclosure sure could've helped. This is awesome because I now just might live long enough to get the point across! YAY!
  13. Welcome! I've been vaping and not smoking for about 18 months after almost 50 years of two packs a day Reds, or Dunhill full flavour. I first tried those ones that looked like cigarettes or pens and I didn't find any that worked well enough to even be considered an alternative to smoking. Enter entrepreneurship and technology and this wonderful world of vaping has really taken off at the speed of light with awesome products that can keep even a diehard smoker like me off analogues to the point that I don't miss em. I'm not very familiar with product names, and I've only used 18% and 12% liquids because that's what's handily available here in Malaysia. I'm sure I would have gone for the highest nicotine that I could find if it were easy to get here. But 18% has worked wonders for me. Best of luck!
  14. In my previous post I mentioned that I was a judge at a story telling contest. The venue is on the top floor of a building with no lift. there are quite a few levels of stairs and once inside the venue you are basically in that room without escape. Of course one can go out but it's not very polite and you are rather expected to stay for the duration. That can be 3 to 4 hours. I've not done this contest for about 3 years so I was so pleasantly surprised. The last time I did it no matter how hard I tried to concentrate on my duties, my mind kept saying, "how can I go sneak a smoke"? like every 5 seconds. This time, I couldn't believe it was happening that I really didn't think about missing my vape. I was really concentrating on critiquing the kid's stories. I only thought about vaping when I had to put my hand in my pocket for a pen or something and felt my mods. Even then I was able to go right back to what I was doing with only a minor craving for the vape. I was so amazed! I think this was the first time I've been in a closed venue since I started vaping. I've always been so paranoid about not having equipment failure without even waiting to see if a craving happened. In my mind this goes to support the argument that all those other chemicals in tobacco smoke are at least as responsible for tobacco addiction as nicotine. I also mentioned that I went to a pub with friends after the contest and saw a lady with a very cool PV that I didn't get to find out about. But I didn't mention one of the greatest moments of that little session. I was leaving and had to pass a stand of trees where some of the staff from the pub were having a smoke break. One of the guys had a very cool 1960's Michael Jackson afro and wasn't smoking but vaping an eGo twist. I had to stop and comment. I told him he looked so cool, retro and modern at the same time. He said afros are coming back. Made me feel so young again for just a moment. (SIGH)
  15. Greetings once again from beautiful downtown Malaysia. Yesterday I was acting as a judge for an English language story telling contest for Chinese elementary school children and it was awesome, but that's not the story. After, the sponsors and judges went to lunch and I got to show off my e cig equipment live and in person and I was quite surprised how under the radar it is here. Non of the sponsors smoke so I guess it just hadn't really crossed their horizons. Some of them were quite fascinated and were planning to talk it up to their various friends and relatives who are smokers. I gave my contact info and texted VT site info to all those interested (about 7 I think). I was the hit of the party After, two of the other judges, one an old colleague, and his mother from Canada and I went to the pub to catch up. (Yes I know, yet another pub who are you to judge me?) LOL JK. Anyway those two told me that their father, husband had just been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer not treatable and terminal. He'd previously been treated for lung cancer and had been cancer free for 8 years. It was really sad. I was just thinking if vaping had been available sooner, this might never have happened. Of course one can't rewrite the past but it gives pause for thought. I am so happy for you younger people out there that have discovered vaping over smoking. It will probably save your lives and health. But while we were there some highly painted lady of indeterminate age sat at a nearby table and proceeded to touch up her lips so I thought, but no, she was using a lipstick sized PV that looked so classy. I was deciding if I could approach her and ask her about it but I debated to myself, will she think I'm trying to hit on her? By the time I decided my PV would serve as a proper reason for introduction, she disappeared into the restaurant side where they (from previous experience) don't allow vaping so I didn't chase her. Alas, I'll probably never know what it was or where she got it.
  16. I have a possible solution to the expense of kids and in laws. First pre heat oven to 350f ..............................
  17. North to Alaska Go north the rush is on....... Welcome to VT
  18. Congratulations! 5 weeks is onto the second month already. I hope you are feeling the healing. Isn't it great? There are lots less tombstones on the vaping milestones
  19. I admit it. I'm posting this just to raise the score so I can go to the VIP lounge to see what it's all about. But this being the General e Cig Discussion, I guess it's necessary to say something about e Cigs. There once was a smoker, a joker Whose smoking was making him broker. He said, " I'll jump in And just start vapin' And only lose money at poker". But he started wining at poker And said, "Now I'm not broker I'll buy vaping things, With all kinds of bling, Leaving no cash for the croaker".
  20. HI Scott. Welcome and happy it's working for you. At least at your B&M you can buy without sales tax? I'm not sure as I haven't been in the USA in a meaningful way in like forever.
  21. Hi Shawn, welcome! Live Free or Die! Smoke and die or vape and live seems like a no brainer to me Good journey! It sure still surprises the hell out of me that I've been doing this so long and gone months and months without smokes. Amazing beyond belief. I used to think life with out cigs wasn't worth living and this has been almost totally painlessl
  22. I think it would be cool if we could get 'vape, vaping, vaper, vaped, et al to be added as words to the likes of spell check, just like smoke, smoking, smoker, smoked et al. Maybe would add power to our cause?
  23. About a month before I set my target date, 4 May, 2013, my 61st birthday, I vaped and smoked. I unconsciously cut down on the analogues. It really wasn't an effort. I just liked vaping and trying new flavours and devices. It was kinda cool. I'd actually go a day, then 2 then 3 without cigs, then smoke some. On the last day at the last hour I put my last one out next to sig other's shop in the grill of the next shop in the corner. It was an Indonesian clove cigarette. They last longer then the normal ones. It was there for quite a while after. Then I stopped. On that day. But to show how powerful the addiction is, my mind kept playing games like well it's midnight here so it's only noon yesterday in New York, and only 9 AM in San Francisco, and only 6 am in Honolulu, so it's not really my birthday yet because I was born in the USA. Ridiculous! But I used it to cheat a few times over the next 18 hours or so then I couldn't come up with any more excuses.
  24. UPDATE! My first MVP VV that I got in April of this year, has become a little loose. The post where the tank attaches can jiggle just a bit to be noticeable if you try. You can't make it jiggle without the tank on but the leverage of the tank makes it do so. It still works fine, and I've not unscrewed the top to see what's going on, but just a comment on the possible longevity.
  25. These devices are amazing. I'm so impressed with the looks and I feel so plain vanilla in comparison. The thing is that for me staying off the analogues is paramount. I guard my freedom from smoke great vigour and therefore in the back of my mind is " will the next toke work "? I've got very reliable equipment and it seldom fails but I guess I'm just one of those guys that worries about function over form. I on the other hand really coveted the guys rig that approached me at the coffee shop the other day. He had a pyrex tank that was wickless, and a battery holder that looked like the cylindrical ITaste thingy and it was impressive. It was a pre man and not customized and even straight from the factory it looked real pretty.
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