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It's been almost 4 days since my last cig!

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Hello all! I'm new to vaping. Very new. I've been researching and stalking forums for a few days now on my journey to stop smoking. This is the first post I've made on any of them. I think it's great that there is a place where other people will understand. I keep telling family,coworkers, the bf, it's been 4 days! I haven't even wanted one. That's a huge thing for me. I smoked for every reason imaginable. Stress, anxiety, anger, boredom. . I didn't think I could ever stop. But I always tried. I'm so happy I found this alternative. I hate smelling like smoke. I hated all the chemicals and risk that smoking had. Plus this so much fun! So much variety, flavors, customization. It seems more like a hobby then something I have to do. So I just want to thank all of you that post on here with your stories. Advice. Vapor wisedom. You really make this transition so much easier for those of us that really don't know what we're doing.

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Congrats on quitting, and keep up the good work!

Yes, it is a hobby, as much as an alternative to smoking / cessation device. But it's a GOOD HOBBY!! :D

I know. It's so much fun! I'm finding all the flavors and gadgets interesting. Can't wait to try and learn more.

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How did you quit? I have cut way back but am finding it hard to let go the last 10 that I smoke a day. I did smoke like 2 and a half packs and couldn't believe I cut back so much once I started vaping. Any advice on how to quit those last 10? I don't know why its so hard cause I hate everything like you do, the smell of smoke, the chemicals, etc. Congrats to you and hopefully I will follow you shortly!

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The key to getting off the analogs is getting enough nicotine from vaping...

If you're finding it hard to let go of that last half-pack a day, then bump up your nicotine to the next level. Nicotine is not the bad part, it's the addictive part... your body is craving the nicotine as much as the action of hand-to-mouth.

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I smoked my last cigarette. Went to the cape shop and bought 2 bottles of liquid. One at 24 and one at 18 of nicotine. I started with the 24 and that made me feel really satisfied when I got the urge to smoke. I used that the first day then switched to the 18. If I had a really bad urge then I'd go back to the 24. Right now I'm on 18 and plan on reducing my nicotine to 8 or 0 eventually. But I think this month I'm just gonna stick to 18 or 24 and just be happy it's not a cigarette :) it is hard. I think not having a cigarette available helps a lot. Although I work at a store that sells them lol but still I have good people I work with that know I'm quitting and when encourage me. That helps. Although they are all non smokers and don't know how hard it really is. That's why I like these forums so much :)

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What Earthling said. That, and also, your body is not only addicted to the nicotine it was getting from the cigarettes, it was also addicted to all the other chemicals and carcinogens that they contained. Getting enough nicotine in the very beginning is very important to getting off the analogs. You may feel bad at first because your body is going to go through some withdrawals, not as bad as when you go cold turkey because you'll still be getting the nicotine. Give it some time.

The beauty of vaping is that it's not an all or nothing deal. If you really crave a cigarette, go ahead and have one or five. As you continue to vape (and you're getting enough nic), you'll find that the amount of cigarettes you're smoking goes way down. At least that's how it was for me. Once I got over the "you must NOT SMOKE!" mentality the pressure was off and I naturally found myself vaping more than smoking. It took me five days to stop but your mileage may vary. Some people can get off the analogs from day one while it takes others a few weeks to a month. Give yourself a break and don't beat yourself up if you have a couple. Just get back to vaping and it'll sort itself out. :)

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If 24mg satisfies you, stick with it for a while... it will really help you get over the cravings, moreso than switching back and forth from 18 to 24mg. Once you feel you are ready to step down... mix a bottle of 24 and a bottle of 18 in 1:1 ratio, that will put you at 21mg, and is less of a shock to your system than a 6mg drop at once. Keep mixing them like that for a while, then you can transition down to 18mg without the shock to your system. If you think of it like this... each 6mg of nicotine is a half-pack of smokes... it's easier to not have 5 than it is to not have 10 :D

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Thanks for the input! I started with the lowest nicotine so that may be the problem. I will bump it up a little and see how i do. I will let you guys know cause I want to celebrate when i am finally off the analogs....learning some jargon!! yeah

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I think that's where I went wrong the first time I started vaping. Since I smoked lights the guy said to start off low. I tried it for a day and forgot about it. It wasn't cutting it for me and kinda discouraged me. If it wasn't for my coworker I would have never tried it again. I owe him big time :)

Now the only problem is finding flavors that work for me. That seems overwhelming since there are so many. I went to a vape shop this weekend and was sitting and tasting forever and they all seemed meh.

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What brand of cigarettes and how much did you smoke? A very rough equivalent is:

24 mg (2.4%) = full flavor like Marlboro Reds

12 mg (1.2%) = lights like Marlboro Lights

6 mg (.6%) = ultra lights

Now keep in mind that these are not exact equivalents but will give you a starting point. Even though I smoked about a pack of Marlboro Lights a day, when I started vaping I went with the 24 mg. Once I got a handle on it and no longer wanted to smoke for a few weeks I stepped it down to 12 mg. These days I have everything from 0 - 24. The 0 nic I use when I'm chain vaping. The 24 I use when I can't vape very much or very often so it gives me the nic I need in just a few puffs. Most of the time I stick to around 12 mg but the 6 mg are calling more and more these days. I just vape whatever I need or want at the time. Through trial and error you'll find what works best for you. Since you're just beginning, though, I'd go with the 24 - 18. You'll know if you're getting too much nic because you'll feel dizzy, might get a headache or upset stomach. That's when you put it down for a bit. If those feelings continue then I'd step down on the nicotine levels. YMMV. :)

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That is one reason I love this place @Tameiki and @Earthling789 hit the nail on the head. I went to my local B&M and picked up some 6. It did nearly nothing for me. I went back and the most helpful person directed me to go for 24 and drink much more water. At first I had to stay in a near nicotine induced buzz (not too much just so I could feel a slight feeling). It helped so much. I just really didn't want one. If I did smoke one it kinda made me feel bad. The hardest ones were the trigger ones, first thing in the morning, after meals, and at bed time. The 24 helped me so much. Now I don't hit it nearly as often. I am thinking of getting some lower levels for my evening chain vapeing sessions.

@sandiclause If I understand it correctly 24 is 24mg/ml or 2.4% so the higher the number the more nicotine. I have also found that the ratio of PG/VG really changes the throat hit. I really have not tried many different ratios.

@ashswonderland I totally understand what you are saying. I spent a long time in my local shop trying everything they put in front of me and only found a few that I liked. I was dizzy by the time I left. I have so much trouble with that. We have 2 local shops that make their own juice. I really like one and the other has been very bland. I travel as a salesman and have been trying them in other towns around me, and can't find any I like better than my local one. I keep trying though!

@Tameiki You must be able to type faster than I can think....wait that is not saying much, I don't think too fast. You are definitely the VaperTalk Rapid Response person. If I have an emergency, I know who to call...lol

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@Tameiki You must be able to type faster than I can think....wait that is not saying much, I don't think too fast. You are definitely the VaperTalk Rapid Response person. If I have an emergency, I know who to call...lol

Wow. I feel like a GhostBuster. lol

Even the most seasoned vaper keeps looking for new flavors. Our tastebuds change so what tasted great at first just doesn't do it for us anymore. Other flavors that tasted bland or not good to us can taste wonderful after a bit.

The longer juices "steep" the more the nuances and other flavors come out. Steeping is letting it sit. If a juice doesn't taste very good at first, take the cap off, place it somewhere dark and where kids and pets can't get into it. Shake daily. Let sit for a few days to a week and then try it. You'll notice that the flavor has changed a little. When it gets where it tastes good to you -- vape away. Some flavors are improved by steeping. Others won't ever taste good to you.

The PG/VG ratio and nic level will change the flavor of your juice.

More PG = thinner juice, carries flavor better, greater throat hit, less vapor

More VG = thicker juice (read: gunks up coils faster), slightly sweeter flavor, slightly muted flavor, more vapor

More nicotine = more throat hit, harsher vape

I prefer a 50/50 (PG is usually the first number, VG the second) blend although I've been leaning more toward a 40/60 these days. I don't much like throat hit anymore. :)

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One more morsel of food for thought is the volume you use to smoke daily... even if you were smoking lights, but were a 2+ pack-a-day smoker, 24mg would be my recommendation as a starting point... but then again, it's all relative to your nicotine needs. 18mg may do the trick, but if you're still craving, and feel the juice just isn't doing it for you, chances are that you're nicotine levels are too low. I've been off analogs for over 3 months, and I have juices in 24, 18, 12, and points in between... some just taste better with lower nic levels, and when I'm chain vaping in the evenings... 12 is just fine for me because I'm getting nicotine in volume!

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