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  1. Well I slipped up today and had a smoke. Well a drag of a smoke. I can honestly say it was disgusting. Everything about it grossed me out. But I guess that's good right? I have nothing to miss now
  2. I would suggest throwing the analogs out or give them to someone who will hold you accountable for wanting one. Maybe get a stronger nicotine strength liquid? Good luck!
  3. I think that's where I went wrong the first time I started vaping. Since I smoked lights the guy said to start off low. I tried it for a day and forgot about it. It wasn't cutting it for me and kinda discouraged me. If it wasn't for my coworker I would have never tried it again. I owe him big time Now the only problem is finding flavors that work for me. That seems overwhelming since there are so many. I went to a vape shop this weekend and was sitting and tasting forever and they all seemed meh.
  4. I smoked my last cigarette. Went to the cape shop and bought 2 bottles of liquid. One at 24 and one at 18 of nicotine. I started with the 24 and that made me feel really satisfied when I got the urge to smoke. I used that the first day then switched to the 18. If I had a really bad urge then I'd go back to the 24. Right now I'm on 18 and plan on reducing my nicotine to 8 or 0 eventually. But I think this month I'm just gonna stick to 18 or 24 and just be happy it's not a cigarette it is hard. I think not having a cigarette available helps a lot. Although I work at a store that sells them lol but still I have good people I work with that know I'm quitting and when encourage me. That helps. Although they are all non smokers and don't know how hard it really is. That's why I like these forums so much
  5. I did the same thing! I made a promise. I hate breaking promises. It makes me so much more accountable for my actions this way. I don't want to let myself or the person I love down. I also installed this app with the time I stopped smoking. It tells me the days that's passed, the amount of money I've saved since I quit, and how many smokes I would have had if I didn't quit. That helps a lot also. To actually see it. Makes me proud of myself and want to keep going.
  6. Hi there sandi! I'm also new to vaping. I've only been doing it for 4 days. When I decided to switch from cigs to vaping I went all in. It was really hard the first day but I haven't wanted a cig since. The only temptation I've come across was when I smelled cigarette smoke lol. Then I vaped away and forgot all about it. Vaping is so much fun! It tastes so much better then cigarettes. I'm also curious about your question cause I'm sure I've been doing it wrong lol.
  7. I know. It's so much fun! I'm finding all the flavors and gadgets interesting. Can't wait to try and learn more.
  8. Thanks! I could easily do a pack a day if I didn't have my bf looking at me shamefully lol. Yeah my job is rather stressful also. Retail :/ But I've managed to fight the urge to smoke. The first day was the hardest. Those routine smokes. When I get out of work. On the car ride home. When I get out of bed. When I drink. There are so many times I'm used to smoking. That it's so routine like I don't even think about it. I just robotically grab a cig. Now I find my vap pen always in my hand. Lol. I guess for comfort more then anything. I know it's there and if I need to a vape. I've been vaping alot! Well it seems like a lot to me. From the other few people I know it seems like the norm I suppose. But I enjoy it. I don't feel bad about it like I did with cigs.
  9. I don't know how to swim. I'll drown. Guess I'll be leaving :p
  10. Hello all! I'm new to vaping. Very new. I've been researching and stalking forums for a few days now on my journey to stop smoking. This is the first post I've made on any of them. I think it's great that there is a place where other people will understand. I keep telling family,coworkers, the bf, it's been 4 days! I haven't even wanted one. That's a huge thing for me. I smoked for every reason imaginable. Stress, anxiety, anger, boredom. . I didn't think I could ever stop. But I always tried. I'm so happy I found this alternative. I hate smelling like smoke. I hated all the chemicals and risk that smoking had. Plus this so much fun! So much variety, flavors, customization. It seems more like a hobby then something I have to do. So I just want to thank all of you that post on here with your stories. Advice. Vapor wisedom. You really make this transition so much easier for those of us that really don't know what we're doing.
  11. I am also new to this. Have been off analogs for almost 4 days. I was a pretty heavy smoker. I think it's so huge that I've haven't touched one since I started vaping. I gotta say I'm loving it! Wish I would have done it sooner. I've only had one really bad craving so far. That's was when I was around cigarette smoke. But I just vaped my little heart away and I was good again. Good luck to you!
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