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nic level makes that much difference?

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I'm trying a new juice one of my buddies on the platform isn't using anymore. It's menthol, not my thing really, but I'm having sore throat/coughing issues with my stuff. I have 4 different flavors from two different vendors and all of them are 24mg nicotine. His is 10mg nicotine.

Wow, what a difference! barely a fraction of the throat hit my stuff has. I was planning on getting a whole bunch of high vg fluid (50/60/70 % vg) to minimize throat hit and increase vapor. Now I'm thinking I could probably try a bunch of 50/50 pg/vg at a lower nic level and be okay.

I'm a little nervous about lowering my nic level now. I just switched from analog about a month ago. Didn't want to go too low and start craving analog again. So far I've been good on the cravings but really bad on the coughing and lack of vapor. I'm being told my body may be clearing out my lungs. pack a day for 25 years. that explains the coughing. I'm working on the vapor thing. Unfortunately no vape stores in the middle of the ocean so I'm waiting til tuesday(next) to work on the solution. Hopefully I'll have a slew of boxes filled with new liquid waiting to be vaped when I get there!

Edited by jerryjoe
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I smoked cigars for 30 years... and I found that 24mg was too strong in the juices I was trying, after about a week...

I switched to 18mg and have been there for more than a month. I still get a strong hit from time to time, so maybe when I finish this order out, I'll mix in a little 12mg to my 18's and level it out at 15 or 16mg... But yes, there is a huge difference to me in 24mg and 18mg based on throat hit alone....

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It really depends on the liquid. The same PG/VG % and Nic Levels will have a different throat hit with different flavors. The Endless Summer I rave about at 18mg has 0 throat hit and a ton of flavor with no nicotine taste. At 24mg it has a very strong throat hit and a strong nicotine taste.

I would not recommend dropping below 18mg at this point (just my 2 cents) unless you try it in a small way first to see if it satisfies your cravings. I have vaped 1 year and 1 month and still cannot do 12mg and to be honest have no desire to. I thought I did, tried it a couple times then ordered 24mg to mix it back up to 18.

Remember, Nicotine is not the enemy, tobacco is.

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It's my opinion that the quality/brand of PG/VG and Nic can also play a role in how Harsh or the TH of a juice. You could buy say Strawberry juice from one company at 24mg 50/50 and it could taste harsh or have a strong TH. You could buy the same flavor from a different company same PG/VG and NIC and have little to no harshness or TH. To me the only difference could be either the flavorings used, NIC Brand or the PG/VG brand used. This is why I say shop around and find what you like. As I'm sure B will agree, it really is trial and error and when you find what you like stick with it.

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I will agree. I easily gave away over 1000ml of liquids that I ordered that I didn't like lol. Now I found my "holy grail" but everyone's "holy grail" is different.

All I know is if you want the highest quality ingredients then bargain shopping might not be your best option. From what I gather other than Fuzion and Fadora that I have tried and are great there is also Five Pawns that is top shelf. I would sleep confident knowing I got top notch ingredients ordering from any of these three.

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I have successfully lowered my nic levels to 6mg from 24mg but one time I made the jump from 18mg to 6mg and it was a little rough for me. Lowering more gradually was key for me. If that's what you want to do I would suggest a little bit at a time and keep one up for when you think you need it. I can't even vape 24mg any more, lol. I taste the bitter nic and find it unpleasant.

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awesome. I've got a lot of input on juice. I can understand that the reaction from juice to juice will vary from person to person. It is a very subjective matter. So far I've tried four brands of e juice and to be honest I believe one of the four is worthwhile...and then only one of the flavors from their repertoire . I understand there are a lot of other brands and flavors out there with sub-variations depending on nic levels, pg/vg ratios and quality of other ingredients.

The seemingly unending vastness of this undertaking I have embarked upon is revealing itself to me more every day. What I thought was a logical switch from burnt plants to water (et al) vapor is quickly becoming a hobby and the entirely real possibility of a mild obsession is not completely out of the question.

To put it another way....I'm stoked about all this new #@$#@%! I'm seriously thinking of taking tameiki's suggestion and getting a vision spinner for my out and about workhorse - probably with a mini davide....do they make a mini nautilus? Then I think I'll get a low end APV like an innokin SVD and a mechanical mod - probably the segelei #24. Both with the aspire nautilus tank. I'm hearing good things about that sucker.

Edited by jerryjoe
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