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Everything posted by DerStadtschutz

  1. This has nothing to do with tests or health, QT. If they honestly cared about our health, aspartame wouldn't be allowed, cigarettes would have been outlawed a LONG time ago, pot would be legal, alcohol would be looked down on as much worse than pot(which it completely is. Oh, and cigarettes are worse for you than pot too. no 4K chemicals, just one that occurs naturally called THC), we wouldn't have Chantix, and they wouldn't be prescribing RAT POISON for people with low blood pressure. The FDA doesn't give a rat's *** about anybody's health. They only exist to protect corporations and control what's supposed to be a free market. The FDA is supposed to exist to protect us from harmful things in our food and medicine, but that's not at all what they do. I have a friend who was told that he had high blood pressure, and it absolutely COULD NOT be cured with diet, exercise, or vitamins/minerals, or any kind of food change. He was told he absolutely would need drugs to fix it. Within a year his blood pressure is perfectly fine thanks to garlic, diet, and exercise. It is a FACT that garlic will lower blood pressure, but if you try to put that message out there, the FDA will be up your *** so fast you won't know what happened. That is a terrible thing, and it's simply not right. We all know here that it's a fact that e-cigs will help you quit smoking. However, the FDA doesn't want anyone saying so... Well why the hell not? If they're so interested in health, you'd think they'd want facts about health to be widespread and well known. The simple answer is they don't care about health. This isn't about them unsure about something and wanting to make sure it's safe at all. They're paid off by big pharma. If you don't believe that, then you're incredibly naive, and I have some snake oil I'd like to sell you, along with beach front property in Siberia. If the FDA were really out for our best interest, they'd want good health information like that to be spread around so we can all stay healthy. However, if we're healthy, we don't need drugs, and if we were smart, we wouldn't eat processed food. They don't want any of that. They are out to protect food and drug corporations, plain and simple. If they gave a crap about us, there never would have been any reason to go against e-cigs in the first place. Oh by the way, the wonderful FDA apparently wants to regulate vitamins now too, and just the other day I saw something on the news that basically said vitamins are bad and that you need to consult your doctor before taking any because they might interfere with medication... What a crock. Not everybody takes medication on a regular basis, and there's no reason why anyone should. It's not normal, and it means you're not healthy. Health is achieved by eating right, not popping pills. Pills certainly have their place, but I think they should only be a last resort unless you absolutely can not live without them. I avoid them as much as possible because they cause other health problems, and there's almost always an alternative.
  2. I know, there are illegal drugs, but that doesn't stop people from getting or doing those either, but that's not the point. I don't want to be limited to some crappy tobacco flavored or zero nic juice, and I don't feel like dealing with stupid cops and fines if I decide to overstep whatever boundaries the FDA wants to put in place. I'm an adult, damnit, and I like fruity and candy flavors too. I don't feel like having to deal with all the bs that comes along with doing illegal drugs just for some damn nicotine, and I don't wanna pay thru the nose either.
  3. They'll probably charge vendors some ridiculous amount of money to try and drive them out of business then.
  4. LOL, you have no idea how much patience I've tried to give them. I don't know what I could possibly be doing wrong since I've asked and done exactly what I was told, but they still leak every time. It's not really important, since I don't like the way they vape anyway. An atty and a drip tip works best for me. Plus, my atties last forever. I've been vaping since the beginning of last August, and in all that time, I've only had to throw away like 2 or 3 atomizers. You're welcome, Savanah. That's what I'm here for.
  5. "user fees?" What the crap? What exactly does that mean? Are they seriously gonna try to charge us for how much we use our e-cigs? How would they possibly even monitor or enforce that? I find that particular part of this very interesting... And stupid. "We look forward to working with all stakeholders to ensure that the existing authorities granted the Agency are harnessed to best protect and promote the public health." LOL, sure they do. That's why aspartame, chantix, and a crapload of other things that are bad for you are FDA approved, right? Also, that's why cigarettes are okay, but they wanted to pretty much shut down the e-cig industry. The FDA wants to protect and promote public health? That's the funniest thing I've heard in a while. Well, at least they're not going for the drug device thing anymore...
  6. I agree that this is good to a degree, but I could also see how it could be bad in some ways. For instance, of course strict guidelines regarding cleanliness, ingredient lists, and things of that nature are good(although there are plenty of things that don't need to be identified completely on food labels... Like what the crap is Yellow #5? That doesn't really tell us what it is, and there are other things too). However, my concern isn't so much with the ingredients. Cleanliness is good, but depending on what the FDA's guidelines are, it could become more expensive for vendors to remain in business, which will drive up the cost of juice. One of the main reasons I started vaping was to save money. The health benefit is certainly nice, but it wasn't my primary concern. I guess even if vaping ends up costing more than cigarettes, it's still worth it to not be killing yourself by smoking, but I hope that doesn't end up being the case.
  7. I'm the type of person who has and uses multiple different flavors on a daily basis. I'm also the type of person who pretty much drips exclusively. I've used cartos and cartridges before, and in my opinion, they're totally useless. I even drip and drive, but I know it's not a great idea. I keep a hand on the wheel as I drip and try to do so at stop signs, red lights, or on straightaways, definitely never while going thru a turn, and I always do it in a way that I can still see the road. It's still not a good idea, but to me it's whatever. Cartridges seem to need to be topped off way too often that I might as well just drip anyway. Plus, somehow the flavor of the juice seems to get soaked up into the filler and never wants to completely come out. The filler seems to absorb and lock in some of the flavor in both cartridges and cartomizers. As it has already been said, dripping provides better flavor and vapor. I'd like to try a tank, but I haven't gotten around to it. I won't use the MAP tank or any other tank that utilizes a cartomizer because I personally hate cartomizers. Maybe I'm just doing something wrong(I can't possibly fathom what or how to do it any differently), but cartomizers leak for me every single time I try to use them, and I've taken suggestions from forum members on how to properly fill and whatnot... It doesn't matter; they ALWAYS leak, so I've given up on doing anything other than dripping. However, I personally feel cartridges are less bothersome than cartomizers. As for how to actually drip, well there's a video in a previous post. You can either hollow out a cartridge and use that as a makeshift drip tip, or you can buy an actual drip tip for a few bucks. My personal favorite(not that I've tried a lot of different designs anyway, and they're not all that different from one another) is the generic anodized aluminum drip tips you can find just about anywhere. They come in what I think is some cool colors(all of them are metallic colors). They're contoured nicely and feel really comfortable on the lips. One thing I was worried about before trying them was that the metal would get too hot(I don't know if you've noticed, but when chain vaping or just taking a long drag, sometimes even a standard 510 atomizer can get pretty hot. The heat isn't an issue, but the aluminum can get too cold in winter for some people. It doesn't bother me, though. You can find them here: http://www.volcanoecigs.com/anodized-aluminum-drip-tip.html Actually, come to think of it, you didn't mention what kind of device/atomizer you're using. The ones I'm referring to are for a 510 type atomizer. They also make drip tips out of glass, acrylic/other plastics, and something called delrin, which i'm assuming is some other type of plastic. I would avoid the glass out of fear it would break easily if dropped. As for acrylic, at least for the 510 drip tips, I've had one break on me where the o-ring is. Now, it might have been my fault for soaking the acrylic in rubbing alcohol(i use it to clean my vaping stuff when needed), as someone told me after it already broke that it can weaken acrylic, so it might not really even be an issue. I just thought I'd let you know. I know nothing about delrin other than the drip tips I've seen made of delrin don't look appealing to me. You asked about vaping burning your tongue. It shouldn't, and it never has for me. But, sometimes while dripping, due to the fact that there's no filler, hot juice can jump out of the drip tip and onto your tongue. It's never been hot enough to actually give me a burn, but it can sometimes be unpleasant. Also, this happens MUCH more frequently if you remove the bridge of your atomizer(the pointy part with metal mesh on it). I hope you don't mind reading a wall of text, and I hope this helps you out, even if just a little bit. Good luck, and happy vaping. Feel free to ask any other questions.
  8. Well technically there is a chocolate chip juice, except it's just called chocolate, cuz that's all chocolate chips are. Unless, of course, you mean a chocolate chip COOKIE flavored juice, that is...
  9. My theory is people charge so much for juice because they just love money. Try www.vaporrenu.com. They have 30ml bottles for like 7 bucks, and their fruit, candy, and soda flavored juices are amazing, unless you don't like sweet tastes. The only negative thing I have to say about Vapor Renu is their juices have pretty much NO throat hit, so if you like throat hit, you probably won't be satisfied with their juice. I would also like to recommend VapeRite(www.vaperite.com). Their juices are very close in flavor to Vapor Renu's, but they have some things Renu doesn't have, and they're a little more expensive(Someone sent me free samples, I didn't actually buy from them so I couldn't tell you how much they charge. I just know they're more expensive than Vapor Renu, as pretty much every juice vendor is). I personally love the Lemonade/Lemon Drop, Blueberry Cheesecake, and Cake Batter. I haven't tried any other juices, but these 3 were AMAZING. Then there's also www.provape.com. They're pretty expensive too, like 3X the price of Vapor Renu. However, the 3 flavors of theirs that I tried were good. I tried Jamocha Shake, Cheesecake, and RY4. The Cheesecake flavor was a little weak for me, but you can request extra flavor for free. The nice thing about provape is that, at least to me, when I vape their juices, I feel like I'm smoking a cigarette more than I do with any other liquid I've tried. As far as juice goes, taste varies greatly from one person to another, so a juice one person likes won't necessarily be one that you like. However, don't think that you need to pay a high price to get juice you'll like. Lots of people will tell you that you get what you pay for, but I don't buy that. Vapor Renu is by far my favorite juice vendor, and the Riva costs half of what an Ego will cost you, yet the Riva has higher voltage, higher mah in the standard battery, and the button never gets stuck like it does on the Ego.
  10. MastiffMom wasn't the original poster, and therefore not the one who is "obviously going thru a really rough time." Try again, egoluvr. "U.S. Suicide Statistics (2001) Attempted Suicides There are approximately 750,000 suicide attempts each year. An estimated 5 million living Americans have attempted suicide. More females attempt suicide than males. (3 female attempts for each male attempt.)" http://www.suicide.org/suicide-statistics.html Anyway, how about instead of being so negative and giving me hell for something I said that you don't like, maybe you could appreciate the fact that I'm trying to sympathize with someone dealing with something difficult. And excuse me for not sharing the same religious beliefs that the rest of you seem to. Just because I choose not to pray doesn't mean I don't care. If I didn't care, I wouldn't have posted here in the first place.
  11. This probably isn't the place for this, but oh well. MastiffMom, if males are "much more emotionally fragile," why do females attempt suicide more than males do? I don't buy that one bit. I see and hear girls/women freaking out and crying over stupid crap all the time that guys will just shrug off or not be bothered by at all. Sorry, but that's a crock. There is far too much evidence in support of the exact opposite. Now, that being said... I'm sorry for your loss, Tags. It's never fun when you lose someone you love and care about. I once lost a friend to a drug overdose. I hadn't seen him for probably a week or more before he died. He was really heavy into drugs, beyond what I had any clue about. He talked to me about suicide before, but I didn't get the impression he would actually do it. He told me not to worry about it, and that he was fine at the end of the conversation. From what I understand, he was into some really hard stuff pretty bad, and he decided to admit himself to rehab. I don't know if at the last minute he changed his mind and decided to end his life, or if he wanted one last hurrah the night before rehab started and accidentally took too much. I have no idea. Only he knows, but he's gone now. He's been gone for several years, and I'll never forget him or stop wishing I could see him again. I'd never felt so much pain in my heart in my entire life before or since I lost my friend. I can't even imagine what it must feel like to lose a spouse. I hope I never have to find out... I'm not going to pray because I don't believe it will do any good. But I want you to know that, like everybody else who responded here, I'm here for you to talk to. I hope you and your family can get thru this rough time. That goes for both of you two, Tags and Sharon. I don't know how much help I can really be, as I tend to look at things in a more cold, logical sort of way, but I'll gladly do what I can.
  12. Respect must be earned by all. No one is entitled to it.
  13. You can also get a Riva kit from www.vapor-ize.com, but it's not quite as cheap as liberty flights. I got mine for like $35 around christmas time thanks to a christmas sale and coupon code. Liberty Flights was out of stock at the time. As for the Riva atomizers, I think one of mine is a dud. They both work. I haven't touched either one in a while, but the one I did use for a little bit seems to be very hit or miss. Sometimes it'll hit just fine, but other times, I don't seem to get much vapor at all.
  14. Riva > Ego... same basic device, button doesn't get stuck, half the price, standard battery has an extra 100mah and puts out a little over 4 volts instead of the Ego's 3.7. And the Megalodon blows both of them out of the water...
  15. Well here's the thing. While I can definitely see it becoming illegal, simply because it's good for you, isn't taxed, and does a much better job than the competition, I don't really think it will ever be "next to impossible" to acquire vaping supplies. There are plenty of drugs out there that are illegal, yet people acquire them all the time.
  16. I don't know from personal experience or observation, but I've heard from some that have the means to test it that the Riva battery actually puts out a little over 4 volts when fully charged, whereas the Ego battery never goes above 3.7. That would explain the perceived increase in power. As far as EM(company that makes the riva)'s atomizers are concerned, I don't really like them too much. I think one of the ones from my kit is just a bad atty. It works, it creates vapor, but it's very hit or miss. I haven't even touched the other atty that came with my kit. I've been using my joye atties with no problems. Now my "bad" atty could just be a fluke, but I don't plan on buying EM atties in the future just to be safe.
  17. I also want to point out that some people claim the ego is better, simply because the riva is a "knockoff," and therefore MUST be of inferior quality, but some of them also believe that you ALWAYS get what you pay for. And then there are also those who have financial interest in convincing you it's better... Until something drastically stupid happens to my Riva, I'll be taking that with a grain of salt. So far it hasn't given me any problems whatsoever. Neither has the Ego, with the exception of the button sticking. That's not really a huge problem unless it's in your pocket with an LR atty on it, and you don't notice til it's burning your leg and killing your atty. But for that reason, I don't really touch my Ego anymore. When I'm at home, I vape my Don, and when I'm not, I take either my Don or my Riva with me. I have yet to have the Riva go off in my pocket. Considering the fact that the Ego button sticks sometimes, but the Riva does not, plus the fact that the Riva's battery is a higher capacity, I'd say the Riva is better until proven otherwise. It'll also cost you about half the price of an Ego. Oh, also, if you get a Riva, you'll probably want to get the 510. I don't know what the difference is between the 510 and 901 atomizers, but I know that the 510 is the most popular base model. Most of the community's e-cigs and mods have a 510 connection, so I'd imagine it's easier to find accessories and parts compatible with a 510. If you already have a 901 and are just looking for a bigger battery, then by all means get the 901 Riva.
  18. Before you go with blue mist, read and consider this thread first please... http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/forum/topic/10981-two-thumbs-waaay-down/#entry98913 As far as throat hit and replicating a cigarette is concerned, the best vendor I've found for that so far is ProVape(www.provape.com). It gives you throat hit but it doesn't make you feel like you just inhaled a mouthful of black pepper. It actually feels like smoke from burning tobacco. And I can't speak for any other tobacco flavors, but the RY4 actually tastes like tobacco. It's a much sweeter tobacco, but it's still tobacco. Every other tobacco vape I've tried tasted like the smell of a freshly opened pack of cigarettes, which just isn't for me. Provape also has a decent cheesecake juice, and their jamocha shake isn't bad either. unfortunately, they are a bit more expensive than vapor renu, though. Give 'em a look.
  19. Definitely stay away from blue mist. I had this weird strong peppery taste to all 5 samples I got from them. Trying to vape their juice... with their mountain dew juice, it tasted like taking a sip of mountain dew followed by inhaling a mouthful of black pepper. NO GOOD!! I tried e-mailing them to ask for some sort of solution, got no response after about a week. Sent another e-mail stating I would no longer be buying from them anymore, got a response in just a few hours stating that I basically hadn't tried enough of their flavors to form a valid opinion on their juice... WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE EVER. "Hey, can you help me? I have a problem with your juice." *crickets* "Well, if you won't help me, then screw your store. I'm not buying again." "Well customer, all you really need to do to solve this problem is to BUY MORE OF OUR CRAPPY JUICE." That might work on someone else, but I'm not that stupid. Anyway, the actual flavors were just fine. It was the follow-up sensation of having an entire pound of black pepper forced down my throat that ruined it for me. Plus, I'm just a bit concerned about the fact that they completely ignored me until I said they were losing business, and their only attempt at keeping my business was to tell me to buy more. Why would I want to buy more when what I already bought was absolute crap? I got 5 bottles, and each of them had the same exact problem. As far as probability is concerned, there is 0 chance that the next one I try won't suck donkey nads too.
  20. I don't get throat hit from Vapor Renu either, but I don't mind it. I don't need throat hit. I'm just happy to be able to vape these awesome flavors and still get nicotine.
  21. Well here's how i see it. I don't wanna smell everybody's stupid cologne and perfume, and that stuff actually bothers my nose. It doesn't just smell bad, but it also makes my nose itch and tickle, but that doesn't stop them from walking around surrounded by clouds of the smelly bullcrap. SO, as far as I'm concerned, I don't really care whether the smell of my vapor offends or not. What if I'm offended by their perfume? If we keep on changing everything so we don't offend anybody, where does it end? Everybody will be offended by something stupid. If we teach them that the world doesn't revolve around an individual by not changing things everytime someone makes a stink, less people would complain eventually because they'd see that it won't get them anywhere. anyway, I'm sure if you get enough people vaping together, the smell will linger. But, I couldn't tell you what it would smell like. That would depend on what's being vaped. However, you can rest assured that no matter what it smells like, it will be better than the smell of an employee coming back from a cigarette break.
  22. It looks interesting, but holy crap, 300 bucks? I couldn't even justify spending that on a videogame console, let alone a vaping device. If I want a juice feeder, I'll probably just go with Jolly's D-Cup. But my Don works quite well, and dripping isn't a big deal to me. As far as the timer juice feeder thing goes, that sounds like a cool feature, but I couldn't see using it. If it just feeds juice at regular intervals, what about when you get distracted, fall asleep, or simply just forget to turn it off? You'd end up with a big mess, I imagine.
  23. I had a somewhat funny experience trying to vape in a diner this one time. I pulled out my riva and took a puff, and I saw some old guy glaring at me. Then like a minute later, he was up at the cash register bitching to the girl there about it. He wasn't loud or anything, but I was watching him and I saw the way he pointed at me and the girl looked at my table and everything. I think I heard him say something about smoking. Anyway, it was funny because by the time she looked over, there was no smoke, and nobody smelled anything, so she just ignored his complaint. When she looked at our table, she had a look of confusion on her face because there was clearly no smoke. She probably thought the old guy was nuts, and I bet he was pissed.
  24. I know it has the same threads. I said it's not the same model. I didn't say it wasn't compatible.
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