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    FXRich got a reaction from Vic in Kanger RBA Ohm's and volts   
    I think the only coils you should not use for power mode is Ni200, and Titanium, I was using SS for coils long before I had TC. If I remember right you have a 50w Subox mini which I use all the time with SS coils. The new Kanger ssocc coils which are designed for power mode use SS coils. The Uwell crown uses SS coils and people use them quite often in power mode. Right now I'm using a Nichrome coil in TC mode, technology is moving quite rapidly in the vaping industry and your local vape shop needs to keep up.
  2. Like
    FXRich got a reaction from GRLSNGR in iStick Basic Kit   
    It would be my guess a lot of people here use the istick, I don't use one but would probably buy one if they didn't have built in internal batteries. I like to be able to change the battery.
  3. Like
    FXRich got a reaction from jasonculp in Kanger RBA Ohm's and volts   
    For me the Kanthal has become obsolete. SS is a much better choice not only because it can be used in power mode and TC mode but also it gives much better flavor. There are some that will stick with Kanthal but that is their choice. The only choice I have to make is which grade SS to use, 304 is considered food grade, 316L is surgical grade, and 430 is considered to be ornamental grade. Uwell advertises 316L coils, and Kanger doesn't say what grade they use, but I suspect its 304. The reason I suspect 304 is because running 316L in SUS mode with a Kanger mod I set the temp between 350f - 400f using steam to convert the TCR of 304 to 316L it says I'm running between 400f - 450f no way to actually know what the temp is though. I tried a IR temp sensor on a dry coil but don't get a reading, I probably need a better IR temp sensor. Maybe in the future Kanger will release a update to change it to a 316L TCR curve. But until then I'll just vape at the temp that suits me.
  4. Like
    FXRich reacted to jasonculp in Kanger RBA Ohm's and volts   
    Personally, I have no need for Kanthal TC.  I think the availability of Titanium, and now Stainless makes it irreverent.  This is just my opinion of course.  We are going to get the best TC control (with current technology) with the wire that has the greatest Temperature Coefficient of Resistance. This is because even as measurement gets better, it will just make the higher TCR wires that much more accurate.  I still use Nickle from time to time, but I really seem to get the best flavors from Ti or SS.  I made a Kanthal setup on my Velocity to play with the high wattage available with the RX200 and the flavor wasn't nearly as good as I remembered it.
  5. Like
    FXRich got a reaction from jasonculp in Kanger RBA Ohm's and volts   
    I think the only coils you should not use for power mode is Ni200, and Titanium, I was using SS for coils long before I had TC. If I remember right you have a 50w Subox mini which I use all the time with SS coils. The new Kanger ssocc coils which are designed for power mode use SS coils. The Uwell crown uses SS coils and people use them quite often in power mode. Right now I'm using a Nichrome coil in TC mode, technology is moving quite rapidly in the vaping industry and your local vape shop needs to keep up.
  6. Like
    FXRich reacted to jasonculp in Problems with my EcTo bdc 1100   
    Here is a few links:
    Newer kits:
    Kanger Topbox Mini Starter Kit
    Kanger Topbox Nano Starter Kit
    Older kits:
    Kanger SUBOX Mini Kit
    Kanger SUBOX Nano Kit
    Batteries (They are not included)
    Samsung INR 18650-25R
    LG HG2 18650
    If you have extra money... buy an extra battery, and these:
    Efest Smart Single USB-AC Charger
    Silicone 18650 Battery Case
    The single bay charger is a pretty good one but most people buy 4 bay eventually so you can have many spares charged.
    One thing you will learn around here is having good backups is nearly as important as having you main all day vape rig.  Another thing you will learn, we love spending other people's money!
  7. Like
    FXRich got a reaction from jasonculp in Kanger RBA Ohm's and volts   
    You will like the SS wire for building coils, there is very little spring to it, and its not as soft as Ni200 but not as hard as Kanthal either. I got 100m of 28g 316l in vape mail the other day so I will be good for a few years. I use 4 wraps around 3mm and get 0.5 ohms which is good for wattage mode or TC mode so now I don't have to remember what wire is in what tank all of them have SS coils.
  8. Like
    FXRich got a reaction from jasonculp in rx 200 3.0   
    I guess what I like the most about TC is you can vape the tank dry without a burnt taste. It used to be when I ran out of juice I would get a burnt taste now all I get is no vape.
  9. Like
    FXRich got a reaction from iQuit in Kanger RBA Ohm's and volts   
    You will like the SS wire for building coils, there is very little spring to it, and its not as soft as Ni200 but not as hard as Kanthal either. I got 100m of 28g 316l in vape mail the other day so I will be good for a few years. I use 4 wraps around 3mm and get 0.5 ohms which is good for wattage mode or TC mode so now I don't have to remember what wire is in what tank all of them have SS coils.
  10. Like
    FXRich got a reaction from Bebop in Help with buying a new mod   
    Probably wouldn't be much different than dripping juice into the intake on my bike and sucking on the tailpipe, I think I'll pass on that.
  11. Like
    FXRich got a reaction from Earthling789 in Help with buying a new mod   
    That looks like a fog machine of some kind, I hope people don't take us seriously and start using a fog machine.
  12. Like
    FXRich got a reaction from peachy_kleen in Hola!   
    What ever you want to know about vaping someone here will know the answer, and if we don't know the answer we will make something up.
  13. Like
    FXRich got a reaction from Vic in Kanger RBA Ohm's and volts   
    I only run 10 - 12 watts with my setup, I'm not much of a cloud chaser but I can fog up a room pretty good. I only used 50 watts once and got a big hit of burnt cotton, haven't tried it since. I tried SS last month and now I use nothing but SS for coils, except in my KPT tanks. Its easier to work with and gives a cleaner taste than Kanthal. The only time I can see using 50 watts is when multiple coils are used, the more coils you have the more wattage you need, that's just my opinion, and other people may disagree with me. I have never tried a Clapton coil, and they will probably use more power too.
  14. Like
    FXRich got a reaction from jasonculp in looking for an answer?   
    Ni200 is pure nickel. NICR is Nichrome which is a alloy, at least that's how I see it. Ni200 is used for temperature control and Nichrome is usually used in wattage mode. 
  15. Like
    FXRich got a reaction from VaporTron in Kanger RBA Ohm's and volts   
    If you get the cotton too tight it won't wick very good, if you get it too loose it will leak. Takes a lot of trial and error to get it just right. Once you figure it out the rewicking goes pretty easy. 
  16. Like
    FXRich got a reaction from Vic in Kanger RBA Ohm's and volts   
    Congratulations on beating the nic, Sounds like the build I was using until I went with 28g SS316L wire for coils. Now with a 5/4 wrap I get 0.5 ohms. Seems to work better for me, but everybody is different.
  17. Like
    FXRich got a reaction from Vic in Kanger RBA Ohm's and volts   
    I'm down to 8.5 watts on one mod, and 10 on another mod, same build but different juices.
  18. Like
    FXRich got a reaction from Rixter in Steeping Juice In A Hurry   
    I have used a heated sonic cleaner for fast steeping, also have a small crockpot that's about 4 inches in diameter and about 4 inches deep that I have been thinking about trying.
  19. Like
    FXRich reacted to jasonculp in adjustable air flow tank   
    Be careful when you read about tanks being bad.  Everyone will post when they don't work, but, very few will post when they are good.
    Top fill tanks are prone to leak more because you open the top and loose the vacuum in the tank.  I very rarely have tank leaks, unless I get them too low (looses vacuum), let them get too hot (viscosity of juice will get thin), or wick them incorrectly (RBA).
    Most of todays tanks seem to work better with a higher VG than PG.  If people don't do their research and buy some thin juice, they tend to leak.
    Sorry for going on and on.  I don't have a Triton or Triton 2, but have learned that most of the vape related problems we cause ourselves...not all, but most.
  20. Like
    FXRich got a reaction from Compenstine in iStick Basic and Dovpo 50W   
    Anytime you get something shipped from China it takes awhile to get. My last package from China took longer to Get from SF to here (less than 500 miles) than it took from China to SF. Of course if USPS would not have routed it through Houston I might have gotten it faster.
  21. Like
    FXRich got a reaction from tracy55 in help needed with 100% vg liquid hardware   
    About the only thing that works well with 100% VG is a dripper, other than that try thinning your juice with distilled water, it doesn't take much water to thin VG try a couple of drops per ml. Don't use tap water it contains chemicals that cities put in it like chlorine, and other nasty stuff. If you are using a citrus flavor you can use lemon juice instead of water. 
    If you use a plastic tank don't use lemon juice for a thinner.
  22. Like
    FXRich got a reaction from jasonculp in DNA 200 mod differences   
    I got my 316l from Slowtech, I want to know what grade SS Kanger is putting in their new coils, that grade is what their new mods will be set up for. I canceled the mod I preordered because I found out it didn't have a SS mode for TC. I'll wait for the new Kanger 75w TC to come out next month sometime, it looks like a very promising chip setup. The 120w and 200w are too big for my preferences.
  23. Like
    FXRich reacted to jasonculp in GOP lawmaker: E-cigs could 'very well save my life'   
    I am not sure if anyone has read this or not, but I found it here.
    By Tim Devaney - 12/21/15 02:23 PM EST
    Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) on Monday fired back at House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) over her opposition to electronic cigarettes, writing in a letter that they could “very well save my life."
    “Yes, I vape — as do millions of other Americans,” Hunter wrote in a letter to Pelosi. “And why do I vape? It is because it prevents me from smoking the real thing.”
    In the letter, Hunter criticized Pelosi for her efforts to restrict the availability of e-cigarettes. Last week, she sent a letter to fellow lawmakers noting that Democrats killed a policy rider in the government spending bill that would’ve provided for greater access to e-cigarettes.  
    Hunter also detailed his own struggle with tobacco products, dating back to his time as a Marine.
    “E-cigarettes are a suitable alternative to cigarettes, and they could very well save my life, as well as the lives of so many Americans who are making their best effort to quit cigarettes,” Hunter wrote. 
    “Ironically, by not supporting the commercial availability of e-cigarettes, with all their advancements in recent years, you are giving your support — whether intended or not — to traditional cigarettes and other products,” he added.
  24. Like
    FXRich got a reaction from jasonculp in Bump when you get something in vape mail.   
    Got the prize I won from Gearbest today. A Kanger Subtank Nano Kit, they didn't have a black one so I got the purple one. To make a long story short I had a choice whether to give it to the other half or save it for bike ridding next summer, an easy choice to make. Not much to say about it but its like the Subtank mini kit but no RBA and its smaller, and its purple. 
  25. Like
    FXRich reacted to jasonculp in DNA 200 mod differences   
    I am really interested in this.  I am really hoping, but not optimistic, that they will use this chip in a V2 NEBOX.  It isn't the best mod I have ever had, but i am using it as my daily driver due to convenience. 
    The NiCr capabilities is really looking amazing.  Most people do not realize how unbelievable it is that we are able to measure ohms to .001 and even lower.  Just a few years ago it took a a 4 wire ohm meter just to measure anything lower than .01.  Accuracy, precision, and resolution makes the measurements very difficult. 
    With a super low TCR, NiCr is 178×10-6  it is not much better than Kanthal which is 2×10-6 by comparison Ni200 is 6000×10-6 So the resistance in Ni200 changes so much more from 20C to 300C than most other wires.  At 68F with a .15 coil, nickel would change to .402 ohms at 572F, where as NiCr would be say .5 at 68F and .5429 ohms at 300F.  That is not much change!  Just the slightest bit of resistance can make 100 degree difference in Ni200, with most other metals, it is will be much worse.
    I think what amazes me the most is fact we are getting resolutions (not necessarily accuracy and precision) from a $50 mod that rivals a $5000 Megger!  There are $1500 Bench Multimeters that do not accurately measure down to .001.
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