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Everything posted by christov11

  1. from what ive heard different VV or VW devices sometimes read different ohms... but the resistance shouldnt change even though the volts and watts can. that seems to be a solid difference though ive heard of a few points but .5 is quite a difference... do you have any other devices that read ohms? or even an ohm meter?
  2. That's awesome! Makes me happy to be part of the community!
  3. Hahaha I love you guys! Jason, you should get a few different wire sets to play around with! I'm personally in need of a couple more to satisfy my curiosity. On another note I've been trying to use 20g since the surface area is huuuge but my mod gets hot with it and I don't feel safe with a hot mod... Resistance is checked and all but I think I started another thread about it anyways. Do tests with different wires and wraps etc to find what YOU like... I'm blessed to have a LOT of free time at the office these days so when I started dripping I was pumping out a bunch of builds a day and trying them all to see what fit my standards. It's all about trial and error, in a safe fashion. By the way I totally agree with making shorthand nomenclature for builds!!! What do you think would work best? Wraps/guage/inside diameter? Let's start that! I'm 100% sure it will catch on!!!
  4. Made me laugh jason! did you try with regular strand kenthal for the parralel? (cant seem to spell that right... wtv you guys know what im saying haha) ...(and I know deleting it and re-writing the word would of been easier than writing this whole train of thought...) Do these crazy builds actualy produce more vapor? Im finding my 24g 7 wrap dual are the best ones up to now?
  5. I thought dragon coil was actually just a way to place your wick?
  6. Welcome! Hope you have fun here!
  7. dont be scared of dripping its really not as bad as people think it is... obviously a tank that you fill up in the morning and go for the rest of the day is easier... but with me at work it takes me 2 sedonds to take off the topcap saturate the wick and pop it back on and take halls.. it scared me at first and i never thought I would get into dripping until I tried it... and then i fell in love haha
  8. Get yourself one of these for carrying it around! It's great! Fits the mod and juice bottle perfectly! I usually don't put it in freshly dripped since I don't want leakage. That's just by habit though I'll have my drags until I dry hit And then I'll put it in my pocket or this thing. Pockets got too packed with a wallet mod and juice bottle plus the slight chance of sitting and bending the 510 threads or something worries me. I baby my devices but I want them to last... With that thing I don't need to baby or worry about them anymore!
  9. how is the orchid??? I was really eyeing it! Im debating getting into RBAs because of the tank factor which is awesome! How do you find the flavor and the vapor production? is there a huge difference with RDAs from your own experience?
  10. yeah dual parrallel but I was trying to use 24g and twisted 26. Of course I checked ohms and I always test fire on a new battery but the whole mod god warm... not hot but almost.. it didnt feel safe so i took it out. really dont like when the mods do that, I might be too cautious but rather be safe then sorry! Im having trouble with my hades... its the black one so I think its all stainless and it doesnt seem to like my 28mm tobh... always heats up. Im gonna be getting another 26650 mod sometime soon since I just dont trust the hades anymore. seems to be less variety of 26650 mod clones though! havent found one that I really liked. if only i could find the 4nine clone in 26650... or i think they call it the 2six when its that size haha
  11. ahhh yeah then its not a tiger... its a prallel using 26g twisted wire and 24g regular... Is there anything wrong with that combination for a pralel?
  12. Im not even sure if its called a tiger coil but i think it was... regardless, I wanted to do a parralllel build... what can I mix 26g twisted wire with or does it not matter? I just wanna be safe!
  13. 10ml chinese gooseberry... It's o.k.... Carry pouch for mod and juice. Useful for out& about Vtc5 they still have a dozen... They're gonna be gone as soon as my paycheck comes through! I'm gonna go get 4-5 of them for sure!
  14. have fun do research! Same happenned with me, where as it started to quit stinkies and then turned into a hobby... now its all out hobby....and i do mean ALL OUT
  15. SOOOO today I tried my nautilus tank on my emow... I dont know if its an airflow issue or what... i havent changed anything for a few weeks now... i havent really used it in a few weeks actually since I started dripping... and its... not at alll what i remeber it being... im kindof bummed out... I loved that set up and thoguht it gave me so much flavor and vapor etc... im doomed...
  16. Taking into consideration that shisha is a tobacco product i consider it in the same boat as smoking. but thats only my opinion. Ive heard everything from its completely safe all the way too its worse than smoking cigs. No idea whats true or not but anyways. If youre not hooked on anything then leave the nicotine alone... its not worth the risk of getting hooked on it to be honest. all of us wish we never smoked and thats why we quit and went towards this hobby. Now for the device.... It really depends where you want to go with this hobby... a variablevoltage or variable wattage device is nice since you can go from tanks to RBA to RDA... personnally I didnt have the patience to get into that.. I rather get a regulated device for my tanks and mech mods for my drippers. if you want one that lasts you all day try to find a 26650 mech mod since the batteries that go with it usually have the best MAH rathing(mah = how long it will last). now aparently 18650 batteries hit harder... it really depends on the battery and mod set up you have but those are details...unless youre going into competitions and whatnot you really dont have to worry about all that random stuff. dripping really isnt as bad as people think. when I started vaping i grew one step at a time and when I got to dripping and making my own coils... i was surprised how easy it was. just gotta have the right toold. but I think with 200$ you should be almost there. Clone mec mod 40-50$ Dripper (atty wtv you want) 30$ juice (youre probably gonna want to get a few flavors so ...) 30$ Kenthal 10$ Mini screw driver set 5$ pliers/snippers 5-10$ Batteries 20$ .... 10$ each but you NEED at least 2 Charger 20-25$ Get some knowledge.... depending on the build you want to go for the kenthal is going to be different sizes.... I dont like going into things that are tooooo complicated but thats a personal preference. Sooo a dual 7 to 9 wraqp 24g kenthal around 2mm screw driver should be giving you a pretty good vape.
  17. sleeper build... im still not sure what that is... is it just a single strand of kenthal used to make both coils going through the center post?
  18. Running dual 24g 7 wrap on one and 9wrap on the other... It's nice! But I'm not done experimenting! Keep me posted when you get back to it :P!
  19. Hahaha I hear ya!!! First week with rdas I went build-crazy! Pumping out 4-5 builds a day and then when I found a couple that worked for me I stuck to them... Now I'm gonna have to duplicate and find one for the 28 tobh... But my hades is being weird... So until I find another 26650 mod I think I'm gonna stick to the stillaires
  20. Whenever vertical coils come into play people seem to rave about getting more flavor... There's probably a logical reason behind it!
  21. I feel you... everytime i step foot into a vape shop... just to look or to refill on one or two bottles of juice... i seem to always rack up a bill worth 100-200$.... its anoying... and at lunch i wanted to go see if there is anyting new at my usual shop.... :S might be coming back breaking the bank haha
  22. its the nicotine fix. youre still getting it but in a lower dose depending on how you vape. there are other addictive chemicals in analogs but just the psychological factor of having something to do on your breaks or time off or waiting for wtv helps more than you could imagine.
  23. For the mods I might be interested! of course comes in a lot but either way, if you dont to pm me too please!
  24. Thanks smith! I know its a question for the ages but I just like to see what everyone is vsaping at and what theyve tried etc!
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