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Everything posted by bcartervol98

  1. Take it with you just vape on the plane at your own risk. I fly a lot and have vaped in over a dozen airports with no issues but usually in the bathroom. I carry a high PG blend with me and have some 80-20 24mg on hand just for such occasions to keep the vapor down.
  2. Anyone else that likes Fuzion or have been wanting to try them they have 30% off through midnight Monday 12-1 with code "CYBERWEEKEND"
  3. Everyone learns those lessons at first. Rule of thumb is if it is available at a place that is not specifically a vape shop then it probably is garbage. Never heard of the brands or items you are referring to but I would just do a chargeback on my credit card by calling the card company and telling them you got ripped off and want the charge removed. They should oblige. There are WAYYY too many good suppliers out there to mess around with ones that are unknowns. The VaporTalk store is great and when they have something I need it is almost always cheaper. Sweet-Vapes.com is also a great supplier and where I go when VT store doesn't have what I want. Anyway welcome and you will always find helpful people around here!
  4. I am definitely. Neurologist ruled out all the really bad stuff and thinks I have shingles that manifested itself by attacking my #5 nerve in my head. If so, it should just go away. Still feel like I have been to the dentist every day all day on the right side of my face. Just the past few days I have started to feel a little itching and tingling which is good, and means hopefully I am on the way to getting my feeling back.
  5. I have never had any long enough to expire but I would think the minimum would be 1 year but most likely more. I grabbed an old bottle of Unicorn Blood that is almost a year old and filled a tank last week and dam does it taste different, much better than before. I would think there is not a timeframe and liquids will not "ruin" like milk or the likes but I read the nicotine will degrade over time resulting in lower nic levels than what the bottle states. I could be wrong on all the above just sayin.
  6. If the VaporTalk store doesn't have it, I order it from Sweet-Vapes 100% of the time. I am referring to hardware, not liquids however. Not a huge fan of the flavors I have tried. I will say I have never gotten anything from them that is not authentic and Dayna has always answered my questions and concerns in a very professional way.
  7. Personally I find sub-ohming in any form to be a little ridiculous and sort of a black eye on vaping in general. I have tried to be respectful and not voice that opinion near as often as I would like but with this tank coming out its just another way to make vaping a little more dangerous. Like I said when I see a news story about vaping its always the tattooed guy with piercings and ear stratchers (not judging, I am covered in tattoos lol) that gets featured making the mainstream think this is the "norm" for vapers. I never see a husband and wife that use standard Ego devices to keep off cigarettes featured. Its not all that unlike when Colorado and other states legalized cannabis. It wasn't the businessman in line at the shop buying cannabis on the news, it was the unemployed unkempt dreadlock 20 something still living in his dads basement that was featured. Again I mean no offense but subohming, cloud chasing and all the other "hobbyist" aspects of vaping completely steal the message that we are doing this to quit smoking.
  8. 10 packs of T3s coils 10 packs of KPT single coils 1 Full size Anyvape Davide Just the usual re-stock with a bigger tank thrown in. I love the Mini Davides and the full size is just as awesome imo, its just bigger than I would carry around day to day.
  9. I like it other than everything being tiny now and the gray text. I prefer very dark text. Is there a way for each user to customize the font colors and such?
  10. Finally ordered and used a full size (3ml) Davide and it absolutely blows the KPT2 and Aerotank out of the water imo. Even without the messy aero-base the airflow is amazing and the beauty ring us actually functional to adjust airflow unlike the KPT2. Just thought I would share. All I have used forever were Davide Minis and prefer an Ego connection over a 510 connection but the minis are all 2.0ml now and thats too small and too much filling even with 12 in rotation. Using the 3ml tank at home will reduce my filling duties substantially and the flavor and vapor is just as good as the Davide Minis. I tossed the Dual Coils to the side and popped in a KPT single coil too.
  11. Still have Ego Ts as my backups. 2 years old and still last a long time.
  12. I believe cloupor is a dry herb vaporizer and not really what we talk about here. I could be wrong....
  13. Oh and we are backward from you here on seasons. Our Muzzleloader started Nov 8th and ends tomorrow then gun season runs Nov 22nd thru Jan 4th with a juvenile hint on Jan 10th and 11th. After that its all about the hogs!
  14. I also have a rubbermaid tub I fill with dirt and leaves from my hunting area and store my hunting gear in there all year except the one time it gets washed (barring falling into a mud hole lol). I also use UV reductiion stuff on my blind and clothes. Does at 170? WOW I won a Weatherby 270 Mag in a big buck contest in 1995 with one that dressed 205lbs, still the highest weight to come from the county I used to hunt to date. Around here a 165lb buck is HUGE and the biggest doe I have ever seen weighed around 130-140 dressed. I also find evenings more productive or at least always have but that may be because I hunt more evenings. With a 2 hour drive to my spot and another half mile walk I have to leave the house by 3:30 to be in my blind and settled at first light and that is just hard for me to accomplish. I LOVE to be in the woods around lunch when the others are coming out for lunch. I have killed my better deer between 11 and 2.
  15. I have yet to find anything I like better than my Vision Spinner 2 paired with a Davide or Davide mini. I tried a Nautilus and could tell no difference so I do not see why I would want to spend 2x as much. Everyone is different, its like asking what the temperature is outside by looking out the window. Everyone has to find what THEY like and rarely does it matter what others like.
  16. I killed my biggest deer to date (9 point dressed 205 scored 135 1/2) with a cigarette in my mouth. Deer are sensitive to household smells but not a lot of others. Its like the myth that human urine repels deer. I have watched deer walk up to the base of my tree stand and sniff the wet spot I just created. Its also a widely believed fact that vanilla and apple scents attract deer so I figured I might as well have a vape that has that sort of scent. I am careful to make sure my clothes are washed in scent killer, I bathe with scent killer soap and shampoo before a hunt and I always spray down my boots before entering the woods. As far as attractants you can buy all the estrous and stuff like that you want. Take a cotton ball and soak it in vanilla extract then set up a trail cam and watch them come in and smell it. Its amazing.
  17. When one of mine tastes less than optimal I unscrew it, toss it in a cup to send to a friend that rebuilds for himself, then pop on a new one. With KPT single coils being 85 cents each I find any maintenance other than replacing them to be not worth it imo. Everyone is different but that's just my approach. When I first started vaping I tried dry burning to get more life out of them but it never did it for me lol.
  18. Maybe check topics in the cloud chasing sub forum, thats where most of the sub ohm questions have been answered. I am like Bebop, I am perfectly fine with a 1.8ohm factory coil although the Tiger Single Coil that Compenstine sent me is pretty sweet. Its 1.4-1.5ohms.
  19. After well over a year of vaping one flavor as an ADV I am trying a few new things out. Ordered 30ml of "ZeusJuice" to give a test drive. I will either like it or someone will be getting some free liquid lol. I have a lot of flavors I like a little but have only found one that I can vape all day and lately they have been a bit "inconsistent" to say the least.
  20. Way to pull that one out. We had a good day as well!
  21. Got em Comp and they smell amazing! Gonna let them steep till Saturday then give them a test drive!
  22. Im with you fellas! In all seriousness I am on mobile the majority of the time so I do not see any difference there. Some of the things I miss from the old forum are the color scheme with a darker background and the ability to clear forums that do not interest you without refreshing the page back to the top.
  23. Well Comp is gonna put together an apple-vanilla mixture in gonna try. Will be cool if it works as an attractant lol.
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