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    Uma reacted to Kmel in Why We Choose To Vape....   
    What's so bizarre that it's almost funny, is that there are numerous articles and State funded tobacco control papersavailable online complaining that roughly "50% of smokers believe the myth that nicotine causes cancer". So instead of correcting many smokers inaccurate belief, here is California government requiring you to do something that perpetuates their ignorance!

    I could understand a statement that says "Smoking causes cancer", but "Nicotine Causes Cancer"? Unbelievable.
  2. Like
    Uma reacted to Kmel in Why We Choose To Vape....   
    Absolutely fascinating conversation.

    I understand and commend you for wanting to help people make the healthiest decisions possible re getting off nicotine.

    However, I was pretty bowled over by the line in your new disclaimer stating that "Nicotine Causes Cancer". I've searched high and low for any evidence that nicotine alone causes cancer and have found nothing credible to suggest that nicotine alone, apart from smoking, causes cancer. Yes, there might be trace amounts of potentially carcinogenic nitrosamines in the production of nicotine, but there's been no evidence that such a low level of nitrosamines actually causes cancer. Does Nicorette gum carry the warning label for causing cancer? I am a bit confused as to why that statement, "Nicotine Causes Cancer", is there.

    Further, while we all know of nicotine's addictive properties, if it doesn't cause other negative health effects, why such eagerness to get people off it?

    There are only two reasons that I can think of:

    1. Nicotine addiction still "an addiction" and all addiction is "a disease";

    2. Without the e-cig satisfying the nicotine craving, someone would jump back to cigarettes to satisfy that nicotine in a heartbeat.

    As for nicotine addiction as "a disease", yes, that is a good model to use for a medical professional looking a treatment options. And it is a good reason for keeping the next generation from getting hooked. But, if it causes no ill effects to the physical health of the addict, then I'd say it probably ought to be pretty low on the list of addictions for people to feel a need to "cure". The best I think that we can hope for (collectively) in this generation is harm reduction. Even many anti-smoking groups have given up on seeking perfection in human behavior and have instead adopted a harm reduction strategy.

    The second issue is what I think is the really tough issue. E-cigs with nicotine make it easy to quit analogs, but until the nicotine addiction is cured, the leap back to analogs from e-cigs is way too easy. We haven't broken any of the major behavioral links to smoking --still have the hand to mouth habit -- and still have the addiction to nicotine. The very thing that makes vaping nicotine an effective smoking replacement (it similarity to smoking) is the very thing that makes returning to smoking an easier leap. So ultimately, until we ultimately wean ourselves off of nicotine, we are easy marks for returning to smoking.
  3. Like
    Uma reacted to Compenstine in never smokers who vape   
    They will not be able to regulate me. I will build my own coils and devices while making my own juice. They can't regulate the supplies or my knowledge and ability to create.

    I would rather see someone take up vaping rather than analogs any day.
  4. Like
    Uma reacted to VaperKitty in Itaste Mvp 2.0   
    I have had issues with the MVP2 collar preventing the tank from screwing down all the way. I use a regular ego thread cover or super shorty ego cone when I have this kind of issue. Covers up your junk and lets the tanks screw down flush.
  5. Like
    Uma reacted to bcartervol98 in Is it me, is it the MVP, what?   
    Funny how inconsistent coils are from the factory. Genuine Kanger coils rarely read the resistance they say. I have only had 2 out of probably 50 1.8ohm coils read below 2.0. Most read 2.0-2.1. When I use a 2.2 they always seem to read 2.4-2.5 and when I use a 2.5 it is almost always spot on. Is it easier to hit the higher resistance than the lower when they build the coils, or is there an imperfection in the coil resistance reading abilities of an APV?

    It has been a LONG time since I used less than the ones labeled 1.8ohm. I regularly vape at 7w unless the coil reads above 2.0 when I go to 7.5 and at 2.3 and above I go to 8 or 8.5w.
  6. Like
    Uma reacted to bcartervol98 in My son   
    Is getting married tomorrow! Leaving for Memphis in a couple hours, about a 6 hour drive. I could not be more proud that he has found that person that brings out the best in him. I can only hope he can experience the love, fun, and happiness my wife and I have over the last 14 years. I truly think he has found that.
  7. Like
    Uma reacted to Proetus in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    ouch coulda got 100ft off ebay for $8, usually shipped same day. I'm sorry for your loss!
  8. Like
    Uma reacted to iheartvape in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    Actually it was 30 ft and I paid $10, could have gotten it cheaper online but I was completely out of wire so couldn't wait for shipping.
  9. Like
    Uma reacted to iheartvape in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    Picked up a 10 foot roll of 28 gauge Kanthal.
  10. Like
    Uma reacted to Compenstine in SID not firing on RBA.   
    Yes, but you do need to check your ohms. Don't just cross your fingers and hope. There are devices out there you can buy where you just screw your atty onto it and check the ohms.


    At $20 it is cheaper than replacing the SID do to a bad wrap.
  11. Like
    Uma reacted to Poppy in Bump when you get something in vape mail.   
    WHAT?!?!? Bacon and Bull will be the 2 hottest commodities during the zombie apocalypse.
  12. Like
    Uma reacted to Poppy in Bump when you get something in vape mail.   
    Vape Mail! Got my bottle of Bacon flavored today from Vapor God.
    I'll let you know.

  13. Like
    Uma reacted to Rixter in AGA-T3   
    Here's a little additional information from Vaping Mad:

    The AGA T3 atomizer is the latest development in genesis style atomizers. Brought to you by the makers of the VM Zombie, VM Shot, VM AGI and VM AGT, however this is a completely different set-up to the usual.

    Instead of running your wick on the outside of the top deck, the AGA T3 atomizer is set up so you run it down a centre tube. A nifty sleeve covers this tube with wicking holes that are large enough to constantly feed your wick.

    The AGA T3 atomizer also sees a new reduced top cap size with 'can't go wrong' air hole placements. 'Bout time gennys shrunk in length!

    The design ingenuity doesn't stop there though. Rather than using nuts to screw down your positive wire, the designers have instead created 2 centre pole slits with a tightening ring. This allows you to easily loosen, thread and tighten. No more fiddling with tiny screws and losing them in your shag pile carpet.

    The AGA T3 atomizer will blow you away with it's design and outstanding performance. It truly is a game changer!

    AGA T3 atomizer SPECS:
    - High Grade Stainless Steel construction
    - Pyrex tank
    - 1.5ml-2.0ml liquid tank capacity
    - 3.5mm wick hole, Insulated (suitable for all types of wick materials)
    - 1.5mm airhole
    - W=22mm, L=46.5mm
    - Spare Parts kit included

    Manufactured by: Youde Tech
  14. Like
    Uma reacted to Rixter in AGA-T3   
    Here's Youde's latest take on rebuildable atomizers. It's an RBA that wicks from the center as opposed to one side, and from what I can tell from the online pics, it looks like it's going to be really easy to coil.

    I haven't done a whole lot of research yet on who has the best deal on the AGA-T3, but I did find a limited number of them available at Discount Vapers for $49.50 ($52.43 shipped).
  15. Like
    Uma reacted to Poppy in This is a bit of a surprise   
    Cool holder. The Home Depot model fits perfectly in the Jeep cup holder. About$4

  16. Like
    Uma reacted to Compenstine in This is a bit of a surprise   
    I'm wondering why it took so long... I was co-owner of a computer store and I had introduced E-Cigs into our store years ago. Just seemed like a perfect fit. We had a lot of smokers coming in, and being a smoker as well, saw the damage tar and residue from smoking did to computers.

    I would much rather go into computer store than a head shop for this stuff as well.
  17. Like
    Uma reacted to aufin in Just a thought on the whole FDA possibility thing   
  18. Like
    Uma got a reaction from Patricia in Coming up with a vaping budget?   
    My smoking budget transferred to my vaping budget. A few times I've not bought anything for months, saving up for a high end gadget. But most of the time, I shop to stockpile the things I enjoy or need, so I can go a year or the rest of my life without having to buy anything at all. (Wanting to is a different story). I've invested in everything from the Joye 510 at ties to many RBA's. From all mechanical mods to Variable volt mods. Cheap to ouchywahwah.
    When & if I'm ever finished(lol), we willl ... Gosh, I don't know, maybe travel? Play more Bingo? CLOTHES!, I so could use a new wardrobe. But, I won't need gear or nicotine either one. I hope to be nic free soon. .

    My advice? Pretend like you're buying smokes, but take the money and stock up in case the taxman gets his way financially, the BT gets their way by banning online sales, or zombies invade your favorite shop.
  19. Like
    Uma got a reaction from Patricia in Waking up to a RAINBOW this morning   
    Way to go girl!!

    Here's a happy face for ya. . Taken at my place not too long ago. I don't know why it wants to post upside down, except maybe to hug ya with a rainbow smile.

  20. Like
    Uma reacted to spydre in Just a thought on the whole FDA possibility thing   
    Just makes me think if the US government would have gotten balls enough YEARS ago, we wouldn't be in the situation we are in now, where not only are smokers dying of lung cancer, but those who've never smoked, and had, essentially, second hand exposure over the years.

    Granted, not all countries have such strict standards as Norway. But I've had family, well a family member before I was in that family, die of lung cancer, shortly after I was married into that family his widow died from the effects of smoking for however long, my grandmother had COPD, my father has the beginnings of it (yet still smokes), not to mention the c/v problems my mother is suffering through (she quit smoking with the patch 13 years ago, but she had a family history of c/v risk factors - her father had non-fatal stroke when she was 12 that left him hemiplegic, and he had heart trouble for as long as I remember him before he died when I was 8). My uncle has already had a stroke, and if it wasn't for the fact that Barnes has the number 1 neurosurgery center in the country, I'm not sure he would have recovered as much as he has.

    But these aren't just smoking risk factors. Family cardiovascular risk factors, family cholesterol issues, heck, my mom stopped smoking in 2000, and even since then, has had three more blood clots in her legs.
  21. Like
    Uma reacted to Rixter in My First Quad Coil   
    Great job on the quad, dude! I've got coil-envy now!
  22. Like
    Uma reacted to Compenstine in My First Quad Coil   
    Thanks I'm happy with myself since I have only been building coils for two an half weeks now. I just mixed some 50/50 to see how that vapes in this. I'm normally use less VG but, I have to give it shot. I may need a Fog horn...LOL

    Almost dead batt 50/50 mix

  23. Like
    Uma reacted to Compenstine in My First Quad Coil   
    I received my Igo-W4 in my Vape mail today. After 2 hours of messing with it, I finale built my first quad coil.

    Only had one issue while building this. The screwdriver slipped and crushed one of the coils. Dang butter fingers. LOL After replacing that coil it is running at 0.8 ohms.
    Now I just need to wait for my cotton to dry and can give this bad boy a trial run.
  24. Like
    Uma reacted to Patricia in Waking up to a RAINBOW this morning   
    It just can't get prettier this morning AND the performance is better then I have ever had.

  25. Like
    Uma reacted to Bebop in Milestone #2   
    6 months, baby and not a puff!

    Feel better than ever. I'm so glad I found vaping I can't tell you. Thanks to all who helped me on this road. Best journey I've taken in a long while.

    Think I'm going to treat myself to some new gear.

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