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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/2013 in all areas

  1. Mike

    New member, pending purchase!

    For your next battery you should look at the Vision Spinner. It is nearly the same as the eGo twist and you can use the same charger. The Vision Spinner 900mah is just a little bit longer than the twist 650mah. I personally don't like anything to long like the twist 1000mah so I always get the 650 but now that I have a Vision 900 I think I might like this one the best. Another thing is you can actually see the numbers when your trying to dial in a certain voltage.
    1 point
  2. Welcome !! Sounds like you are off to a good start. As you are discovering, there are so many options and toys. Vaping really is an amazing adventure.
    1 point
  3. Welcome Proetus, being your on the road alot the Vivi Nova Tank will be your best bet, nice upgrade
    1 point
  4. Hi All I just wanted to outline my journey converting to Ecigs in an effort to help others get rid of analogs.. I have been a pack a day smoker for 32 years, I have gone through the patches, gum, drugs, and even hypnosis in many attempts to quit. I was getting so bad I thought quitting was going to be another career for me. Everything I attempted lasted no more than a week. Patches never conquered the oral fixation and they just hurt to wear and remove. The gum tasted like crap and left me feeling lightheaded and sick. Hypnosis worked for a day but then I found myself fighting the cravings all over again.. I year ago I found the Ecig, what a great idea it addresses all the learned habits of smoking, the oral fixation the hit of the smoke, the nic addiction, and I can even still go outside if I want and act like it's an analog. I tried to enter the ecig lifestyle a year ago by buying a greensmoke start set, I had problems right off the bat, batteries would not give me enough juice to last a day and the carts were not strong enough to make me stop analogs, I quickly switched to Blu so I could have a travel charger and take multiple batteries with me.. I thought I had reached the solution but problems quickly arose.. I could never get a decent hit from the carts, they tasted like crap and could never get enough nic to break the analog habit. After a couple of weeks the batteries started to die and I found myself leaving them behind and staying with analogs.... Oh well another attempt failed... A couple of weeks ago I decided to try E cigs again, When I purchased Blu last year I was also looking at V2. This time I decided to start with V2, "20/20 hindsight I wish I would have found Vapor Talk before buying V2". My attempt this time was much better than my 1st attempt. V2 gave me the option to use other juices and the batteries lasted all day. I was able to get a good hit from them and they did remove all my cravings, I gave up analogs within 4 days and have been analog free since Feb 28th. I have since moved to Ego with a clearomizor and a whole new world has opened up. Thank you all for helping us noobs and I know that this a new life of vaping not smoking. I hope this helps others looking to move to vaping, the only thing I wish I did differently this time was to start with the Ego set. V2 did do the trick but restrict the vaping options available.
    1 point
  5. They call Mark "Tater Salad"
    1 point
  6. Mark

    Bunch of Noob questions

    Coils vary on what voltage they're used at as well as what juice you may be using. I've had no problem getting a month out of a coil. As far as the mix goes-assuming you're using equal amounts of each, you would end up with 18mg juice. I am able to keep track of what juice is in which mod by using my #ModHolder which has spots for the e-liquid right next to each mod I have the juice in. Did I kinda answer your questions?
    1 point
  7. Decided to try a new tank system - bought a Vivi Nova that everyone seems to rave about, and a Kanger EVOD tank system. I've been using a Kanger T3 as my main system for the longest time now, but the EVOD looked interesting - and so far, I have to say, I'm actually happier vaping with the EVOD than I am with the T3. I think the EVOD is taking the role of "primary", and the T3 is taking a back seat. As for the Vivi Nova - lots of dry hits, the tank leaks, I don't understand what the allure of the thing is. Oh well.. live and learn!
    1 point
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