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ᑎEᗯᗷIE ᑫᑌEᔕTIOᑎ

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ᕼI, I'ᐯE ᗷEEᑎ ᐯᗩᑭIᑎG ᖴOᖇ ᗩᗷOᑌT 2 YEᗩᖇᔕ ᑎOᗯ & OᖇIGIᑎᗩᒪᒪY ᔕTOᑭ ᔕᗰOKIᑎG ᗯITᕼ ᗩ ᗩᐯOIᗪ ᗷE ᗯITᕼ Iᑎ TᕼE ᑭᗩᔕT 2 YEᗩᖇᔕ I'ᐯE ᕼᗩᗪ ᒪEᗩᖴ ᑭᖇOᗪᑌᑕTᔕ ᗩᒪOᑎG ᗯITᕼ KᗩᑎGEᖇTEᑕK, IKKOᑎOᗰIᑎ, ETᑕ. TᕼIᔕ YEᗩᖇ Iᔕ ᗷEEᑎ ᗩ E᙭ᑕEᑭTIOᑎᗩᒪᒪY ᖇOᑌGᕼ & ᖴEᒪᒪ ᗷᗩᑕK  IᑎTO ᔕᗰOKIᑎG. I ᒪOOKIᑎG TO ᗷᑌY ᗩ ᗪEᑭEᑎᗪᗩᗷᒪE ᗷO᙭ ᗰOᗪ & ᗩ GOOᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY TᗩᑎK. I'ᗰ ᑎOT IᑎTO ᖇEᗷᑌIᒪᗪIᑎG ᗰY Oᗯᑎ ᑕOIᒪᔕ & I'ᗰ ᑎOT ᖴᗩᗰIᒪIᗩᖇ ᗯITᕼ ᕼYᗷᖇIᗪᔕ ᗩᒪTᕼOᑌGᕼ I ᗯOᑌᒪᗪ ᑕOᑎᔕIᗪEᖇ IT. OᑌT Oᖴ ᗩᒪᒪ TᕼE ᗪIᖴᖴEᖇEᑎT ᗷᖇᗩᑎᗪᔕ IᑕE TᖇIEᗪ I ᖴOᑌᑎᗪ IKKOᑎOᗰIᑎ TO ᗷE ᗰOᔕT ᗪᑌᖇᗩᗷᒪE. 

I ᗯOᑌᒪᗪ ᗩᑭᑭᖇEᑕIᗩTE ᗩᑎY ᔕᑌGGEᔕTIOᑎᔕ Oᑎ TᕼE ᑎEᗯEᖇ ᑭᖇOᗪᑌᑕTᔕ OᑌT TᕼEᖇE & YOᑌᖇ OᑭIᑎIOᑎ Oᖴ TᕼEᗰ. I'ᗰ ᑎOT ᒪOOKIᑎG ᖴOᖇ ᗩ ᑎOTᕼIᑎG ᗩᗷOᑌT 75 ᗯᗩTTᔕ. ᗩᑎY ᔕᑌGGEᔕTIOᑎᔕ ᗯOᑌᒪᗪ ᗷE ᗩᑭᑭᖇEᑕIᗩTEᗪ😊 TᕼᗩᑎKᔕ Iᑎ ᗩᗪᐯᗩᑎᑕE.

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3 hours ago, Jeffb said:

I dont know what your asking. Try Arial font :)

Here you go, Jeff.  :) 

Hi, I’ve been vaping for about 2 years now & originally stop smoking with a avoid be with in the past 2 years I’ve had Leaf products along with Kangerteck, Ikkonomin, etc. This year is been a exceptionally rough & fell back into smoking. I looking to buy a depandable box mod & a good quality tank. I’m not into rebuilding my own coils & I’m not familiar with hybrids although I would consider it. Out of all the different brands ice tried I found ikkonomin to be must durable.

I would appreciate any suggestions on the newer products out there & your opinion of them. I’m not looking for a nothing about 75 watts. Any suggestions would be appreciated. *smiley face* Thanks in advance.
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7 hours ago, ᔕᗯEETᑕᕼEᖇEE1973 said:

ᕼI, I'ᐯE ᗷEEᑎ ᐯᗩᑭIᑎG ᖴOᖇ ᗩᗷOᑌT 2 YEᗩᖇᔕ ᑎOᗯ & OᖇIGIᑎᗩᒪᒪY ᔕTOᑭ ᔕᗰOKIᑎG ᗯITᕼ ᗩ ᗩᐯOIᗪ ᗷE ᗯITᕼ Iᑎ TᕼE ᑭᗩᔕT 2 YEᗩᖇᔕ I'ᐯE ᕼᗩᗪ ᒪEᗩᖴ ᑭᖇOᗪᑌᑕTᔕ ᗩᒪOᑎG ᗯITᕼ KᗩᑎGEᖇTEᑕK, IKKOᑎOᗰIᑎ, ETᑕ. TᕼIᔕ YEᗩᖇ Iᔕ ᗷEEᑎ ᗩ E᙭ᑕEᑭTIOᑎᗩᒪᒪY ᖇOᑌGᕼ & ᖴEᒪᒪ ᗷᗩᑕK  IᑎTO ᔕᗰOKIᑎG. I ᒪOOKIᑎG TO ᗷᑌY ᗩ ᗪEᑭEᑎᗪᗩᗷᒪE ᗷO᙭ ᗰOᗪ & ᗩ GOOᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY TᗩᑎK. I'ᗰ ᑎOT IᑎTO ᖇEᗷᑌIᒪᗪIᑎG ᗰY Oᗯᑎ ᑕOIᒪᔕ & I'ᗰ ᑎOT ᖴᗩᗰIᒪIᗩᖇ ᗯITᕼ ᕼYᗷᖇIᗪᔕ ᗩᒪTᕼOᑌGᕼ I ᗯOᑌᒪᗪ ᑕOᑎᔕIᗪEᖇ IT. OᑌT Oᖴ ᗩᒪᒪ TᕼE ᗪIᖴᖴEᖇEᑎT ᗷᖇᗩᑎᗪᔕ IᑕE TᖇIEᗪ I ᖴOᑌᑎᗪ IKKOᑎOᗰIᑎ TO ᗷE ᗰOᔕT ᗪᑌᖇᗩᗷᒪE. 

I ᗯOᑌᒪᗪ ᗩᑭᑭᖇEᑕIᗩTE ᗩᑎY ᔕᑌGGEᔕTIOᑎᔕ Oᑎ TᕼE ᑎEᗯEᖇ ᑭᖇOᗪᑌᑕTᔕ OᑌT TᕼEᖇE & YOᑌᖇ OᑭIᑎIOᑎ Oᖴ TᕼEᗰ. I'ᗰ ᑎOT ᒪOOKIᑎG ᖴOᖇ ᗩ ᑎOTᕼIᑎG ᗩᗷOᑌT 75 ᗯᗩTTᔕ. ᗩᑎY ᔕᑌGGEᔕTIOᑎᔕ ᗯOᑌᒪᗪ ᗷE ᗩᑭᑭᖇEᑕIᗩTEᗪ1f60a.png TᕼᗩᑎKᔕ Iᑎ ᗩᗪᐯᗩᑎᑕE.

The font you used is unreadable. We have many good, knowledgeable members here who would love to help you. It would help us a lot, though, if you would use a clearer font so we can read what you're posting.

I gather you're wanting something like this "Ikkonomin" that you find to be the most dependable. Google isn't showing me any results for this mod. Can you put up a link so we know what you're looking for?

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9 hours ago, Tam said:

Here you go, Jeff.  :) 

Hi, I’ve been vaping for about 2 years now & originally stop smoking with a avoid be with in the past 2 years I’ve had Leaf products along with Kangerteck, Ikkonomin, etc. This year is been a exceptionally rough & fell back into smoking. I looking to buy a depandable box mod & a good quality tank. I’m not into rebuilding my own coils & I’m not familiar with hybrids although I would consider it. Out of all the different brands ice tried I found ikkonomin to be must durable.




I would appreciate any suggestions on the newer products out there & your opinion of them. I’m not looking for a nothing about 75 watts. Any suggestions would be appreciated. *smiley face* Thanks in advance.

@Tam The  itchy fingered editor in you won this time ...LOL ;)

To Sweetcherrie....

I would suggest the eleaf pico it has all the options, it's  up to 75W or TC and the melo 3 tank it comes with is reliable and has drop in coils with different ohm options.

The starter kit (mod and tank) can be found for under $40.  I know the Vaportalk store carries it and has excellent customer service. I've had one since last May and It's still my favorite mod though I have quite a few others. I use it daily.


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9 hours ago, Squid said:

I am guessing the OP is referring to innokin and evod products. It took me about 5 min to decipher that font, it's almost impossible to read. I should have used Tam's copy and paste method, it would have been quicker.

Forget copy and paste, I typed out each letter manually just so I could make sure I got it right.

Hmmm. Innokin, huh? You may be on to something, Squid.  :)

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13 hours ago, Tam said:

The font you used is unreadable. We have many good, knowledgeable members here who would love to help you. It would help us a lot, though, if you would use a clearer font so we can read what you're posting.

I gather you're wanting something like this "Ikkonomin" that you find to be the most dependable. Google isn't showing me any results for this mod. Can you put up a link so we know what you're looking for?

😱 I read it and understood it 😨

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I could read it too, but then, I read PHYSICIAN'S handwriting every single working day!

Innokin is good, though I'm kinda partial to Sigelei mods. I don't know if your looking for internal or external battery. The Cubis tank or the Kanger subtank minis would be good. 🙂

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