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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. If you rewick a lot, they'll last even longer. I'm currently running reg kanthal 26g parallel duals for about 2 months now.
  2. What site is yOsh yOSh selling it on rootz? Been meaning to get look for it and buy some
  3. Sorry bro. I got in to Wyoming, MI last night, but was just wore out. Would've been a long drive for you to come over for just a quick visit. (even though I'm worth it) lol
  4. Yeah... it's been hectic the last couple of weeks. I can't wait to see my babies! Well, they ain't babies anymore, but they always will be to me
  5. It could also be a wicking problem. If you're not getting cotton taste on the inhale and only on the exhale, you might try making the cotton a little less snug thru the coil.
  6. Been a while since I checked in. Picking up lumber in Edwardsburg, MI, heading to Arkansas City, KS. Then probably loading salt to go home with. Picking up my twins at the airport on Saturday! Can't wait to see them!
  7. I don't do soccer. Just for that reason. As well as the fact that when one team loses, the fans destroy their own towns. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm a huge college football fan, but about the only thing I tear up when my teams lose is a 12 pack of beer and some tater-chips.
  8. Just got this email! Pass on the info Hi Everyone, First... stand up and give yourselves a pat on the back!! Without YOU - FreeToVape would just be a website! We have a little over 20,000 submissions at this point. We were all hoping for more, as I am sure you were. There are estimated to be 3 million Vapers today. With our FTV numbers, and CASAA's numbers combined... we are reaching, engaging, and taking action with only 0.012% of them (and I am sure there is some overlap... so that percentage is a little lower). Vaper's have 22 days left to legally, rightfully, and with acceptance of message - get themselves heard. The other 99.98% of Vapers probably don't even realize that this time window is here - why it is here, why it is important to them, and that it is closing on them in 22 days. We have sincerely talked with Julie / CASAA - and truthfully promised that we are going to educate and hopefully bring in the fold, as many of those we touch, that we can. We have to, as CASAA is going to need to hire lobbyists to continue the fight and help us as Vapers. They are going to need higher numbers to be respected even more. That is the very real reality. This is where all of us Vaper's are going to next, after this Comment period. The problem is Education of those that don't follow the news / the legislation / the issue. They just vape, and do so as a part of their daily lives. We are seeing it more now these last 12 days... and it surprises us how many Retailers, and even Webmasters - who are not fully grasping where we are in time now, and what is going on with their legal rights in the industry. Many don't realize that the FDA can rightfully enact the regulations, without Congress being involved. It is imperative that we wake up Congress, and get them involved in this too. We so need to make sure that as many people as possible know about what is going on within our government regarding electronic cigarette regulation. This is where we need your help. We need to educate all of the people coming into Brick and Mortars about Free To Vape, and even more importantly, the impending FDA regulations. We need to email the Webmasters of retailing websites, and ask them to add the banners to their web pages. We are appealing to each and every one of you to print out the signage available for download on the Free To Vape website, and take it to your local Brick and Mortars, and with their permission, proudly display it on their doors and windows. Talk to the managers about spreading the word of Free To Vape. Truly... these people can reach the population who are unaware, and once they see how easily they can "Take Action" - they are going to be appreciative of you taking the time to let them know!! How could they not be?! In this a person can quickly do something for themselves and the Community, between them needing to cut the grass and getting dinner ready. Click the link below to download the Free To Vape pdf signage. http://freetovape.org/pdf/freetovapesign.pdf Click the link below for direct access to the Free To Vape website banners: http://freetovape.org/banner.html Once they add the banner or signage to their stores, let them know that they can (or feel free if you want to submit for them) gain themselves acknowledgement and appreciation of this, in letting us know by using the forms linked on the banner URL above. We very much want to add them to the web pages, thanking them for helping get the word out. http://freetovape.org/supporting-websites.html http://freetovape.org/supporting-stores.html We will be going to the FDA offices at 2:30 on the 9th. If you would like to be a part of this, and help us carry all the boxes of submissions/ comments into them... please email us and let us know. This will be fun, and we could use your help! The more people that show up for this, the better we will make a point. We are also asking the Press to cover this. Email us at - info@freetovape.org - and include "I will be there" in the subject line. Last but certainly not least, some of the submissions for "Tell Your Story", are truly amazing, heartfelt, and heartwarming! If you want to get to the real reason this is important, just take a look and you will see a sampling of what we are seeing in here. These don't even come close to being all of them or the best... they were pulled pretty much randomly. http://freetovape.org/real-stories.html Be sure to also check out our Facebook page for future updates, and Like us. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Freetovapeorg/249874081863108 Help us save vaping. It's time to #SpreadTheWord. -FreeToVape Team
  9. When I stopped smoking and started vaping (nov 28), I weighed 265. And now I'm 230. However, I always weigh more in the winter time. But I haven't been down this low for a few years. Hoping this trend continues. Wish you new pants and belts bcarter! Keep up the good work!
  10. It's hard for me to watch it. I love the physical aspect of the game, but the fact that I can't ice-skate keeps me from really getting into it or the nuances. I prefer games that are a little higher scoring. May just be ADD. Oh look, there's a squirrel! Lol
  11. Please don't go poking the man with the ban-hammer. We have a hard enough time keeping him caged. Just kidding Jeff! Lol
  12. I'm wanting to try some bamboo wool
  13. I hear ya,but the kayfun isn't designed for large vapor production. If you want large vapor with tank for juice, look into a genesis style like a Kraken or RSST. Its basically an RDA with the tank underneath.
  14. You don't really wanna subohm a kayfun style atty. It'll scorch your juice because there's not adequate airflow to hande that kind of heat. Imho
  15. All at $100 shipped. And I paid the extra $5 for fast shipping. Ordered Saturday, checked tracking and it's already in Little Rock. Should be at my place tomorrow.
  16. Whatever I can choke down at the truckstop.
  17. Don't sweat it bro, I got em set aside for ya.
  18. I was hoping to be able to drill out the post holes bigger to accommodate a 22g parallel build. Gonna have to get titanium bits.
  19. No... it tastes like a silver cup. Lol
  20. I "propagate" (prop a gate) everytime I wanna get my mower into the backyard. Lol.
  21. So, I ground off the tabs on the deck and opened up the airflow by turning the stock 3 holes on each side into a cyclops airflow. I tried drilling out the post holes last night on a different one, but found that I don't have the proper bits for stainless steel. Ruined several bits and dremel bits too as well as ruining 2 TOBH attys. Reminder: drinking and drilling is a bad idea!
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