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Everything posted by Thesheepdog

  1. So they are setting up for Obamas NEXT war maybe? "Remember The Batteries!" "The war to end all battery shortages!" "Obama:Why haven't you launched those missiles I ordered? Sir, Those missiles need batteries that only come from the enemy and they wont send any!" You can be sure that some rich Chinese corporations are going to bribe or kill people until they can get product thru shipping again. They are getting used to having cash flow. It may just take a bit. Hold on.
  2. I sent her a page from the Casaa site. The one with questions and truth. She said "OK, if you say so". Thats not ringing endorsement but good enough for me. It means she wont be coming back over and over again over it. Coca Cola is worse for us but she always wants that in the fridge. The hype just swept her up. As Nixon said in a mens room to Hunter S Thompson once when Thompson was talking about all the doomed in South east Asia. "F##k the doomed!"
  3. This morning is the Kringles for a pick me up. Sugar is a little low but almost afraid to eat anything. I can stand to lose weight anyway!
  4. hey bebop. Yes I have tried several. The Kringles Curse is peppermint the way those red and white circle candies are. No base taste no layering of tastes just the candies. No after taste either. I have tried Malibu (sort of a light pina colada with mint), Twisted Java (gross to me), Belgian cocoa(Really good but too much for me), Cafe Mocha (vile stuff to me), and Shamrock. I dont remember the shamrock. Must not have been that great, huh? But the kringle is awesome to the nth degree. The Malibu is yummy too. Tastes vary but these were all very well made it is just my tastes that did or didnt like them. My new 30ml came in a blue glass bottle with eye dropper. classy. Hope this helps.
  5. patches made me ill and wanting to up chuck. I control the nic dose as I feel I need it. The patch? Not so much. Whatever they say. A patch doesnt let me hold it in my fingers and comfort me. A patch doesnt give me satisfying plumes. How many slammin' patch forums are there? LOL I can just see the threads. " Check out this cute carry case for my patches!" "ten people stopped me to ask about my new patch!" "new duck tape covers for your patch!" sigh. Patches suck.
  6. Tonight I have two cartos loaded. One with Vape Dudes Mango Honey. awesome yummy stuff. and Halo Kringles Curse which is a very yummy peppermint. It is easily the best peppermint I have ever tried. Not in pain and broke but happy. Add vapes to it and I am very content right now!
  7. To me the newspaper in the bottom of a bird cage would be close. But that is what I vaped when I quit tobac. I went thru a lot of them. Maybe 10 or so before I found something better.
  8. Vape Dudes Mango Honey. New juice for them but instant favorite for me!
  9. What they said. I try to have at least 5 or 7 different juices in the stable. My all time favorite juice, the one I have like 60 ml of I cant stand right now. I think I vaped it too much. But with so many to switch to I can give it a month off and then try it again. I liked it once I will probably like it again.
  10. I am getting some flack from the wife lately as she says she is seeing and reading posts or articles or whatever on E-cig's harming people. 1. I cant imagine them comparing to tobacco harm 2. They say it causes pneumonia? I havent seen nor heard of that. have you? 3. The drying effect of the PG causes cancer? LOLOLOLOL When she married me I had pipes and cubans. I smoked outside or on the porch. Now I vape in my office in the air conditioning. At first she liked it. Then hated the tobac. Then loved me quitting. Then loved the sweet smelling vapes. Now she thinks they are as bad as tobac! She says internet and TV doctors are expressing fear over e-cigs. Sigh. It all sounds like politics to me.
  11. I loved Cubano cigars. And pipes. The nic levels in the Cubans was amazing and addictive. Then add the myriad of evil crap that was killing me in parts. Now I notice that my tatstes are changing. The things I used to like is changing also. Now the smell of a cigar sickens me. The odor of pipe tobacco isnt pleasant like it was. Tobacco flavored juices just taste vile to me now. I have no idea what I will be like in a year. Butterscotch might be tasty then to me. I bet tobacco will still repulse me tho. I have not had a single cigar or pipe load since E-cig day. I breathe better now.
  12. Im puffing some shamrock shiver this morning. Light minty freshness. Later I have some new flavors to try! Thanks Aquatroy!
  13. Thanks brother. The condition is genetic but I seem to over do it. I have had an interesting few weeks so far. I will try to be around more. Sorry if I caused you any concern.
  14. I dont understand why anyone would want to grow and herd large packs of skunks! Or maybe I didnt understand your comment!
  15. If you got fired I bet you might have a wonderful teat case law suit. Spend millions of the hospitals money. If you were just discriminated against you might still have a payday coming for nusiance suit. In some states vapers will take marijuana and make a vape liquid from it and call it "medical". But then that stuff probably still stinks. It did in the 60's.
  16. Thank you Aquatroy for my pkg. I was ill so only checked the mails today (saturday) It was there of course. I got Pumpkin spice, Thinner Mint, chocolate candy cane, and key lime pie. Ph and a big bottle by Coles? Butter scotch rum. As soon as I can taste anything much I will try them and thank you very much. That is very kind of you. and I will pass these on if they dont hit the spot. The housekeeper I converted will love the fact these are all 24mg. I tried the thinner mint but couldnt taste anything. sigh. At least I felt the nic boost!
  17. I have been going thru the juice but am leveling off now. My cute little 650's never got hot but went from green to red pretty quickly. The Itaste vv does better because I can dial in the voltage. I was using maybe 10-15 ml a day under pain. The pain is mostly gone so am back to a fraction of that vape. Blue Honey mostly. Good stuff that vape dudes
  18. Thanks Christie dear, and yes I talk to the doc a lot it seems. He knows my situation and he would alot more I vape than use cigars non stop. It wasnt that long ago I might herf 6 or 8 cigars a day and then some ciggs or a pipe. Same reason, it helped the pains. He is older but understands that nic is not the same as tobacco. I breath better now too. Everything he would like for me to do or have is impossible on a one income home now. Insurance companies are a real waste even with the large premiums we pay. I called this afternoon and he said "whatever works for you son" and "If you decide to end up at a hooters or wing house call me to go with you!" He knows my wife wouldnt sit for that so he is making light of the vaping. Still- maybe with a prescription??
  19. I like almost anything by Vape dudes. I am smitten by the honeys right now. Blue honey, strawberry honey, etc. Vape dudes is like medicine for me right now! (probably not the endorsement they want however!)
  20. Thanks all and yes I am drinking water and ice. The condition is hereditary and they keep saying "I am not a surgery candidate" because of diabetes and other things. Even the ins company will not pay for treatment unless it is emergency treatment. I could bleed internally and frequently do in smaller amounts. If it happens in big amounts it is serious. It happened to me twice since 2001 and both times were almost one way trips. The pills help but I hate the effects so try to limit them. They are around forever tho. The nic does help. I use cartos (boge LR) and keep refilling them as I go. This isnt every day just every so often. I have good days too. Im so glad I have the vape to lean on.
  21. I didnt think Strawberry Feilds had much sugar at all. I didnt like it. I do however like the Strawberry Honey. It is an animal of another color! Blue honey is a yes. Strawbery honey is a yes. I have several other honey flavors on order now. Vape dudes is a definite yes for me so far. Not a single juice yet that needed to be put away for being nasty.
  22. I have been sick the last couple of weeks and am slowly coming back. I find myself vaping like that dragon now. I went fom 12mg to 18mg at the suggestion of a wise vaping lady friend here hoping to get enuff nic to calm myself down. That worked but now am super vaping. I take entirely too much pain meds and lately way too much so was trying to limit it some. I am finding that vaping helps the pain. So I am vaping all day long constantly. Anyone see a problem forming here? I dont think I do so far. It keeps me from the narcotics so how can the extra nic be bad? I am catching heck from the Mrs but she doesnt know how many pills I am taking either. So is this just a response to a need or am I going to have a problem?
  23. some of the juices I have bought could steep for a decade and still be caca. Some are good from the mailbox and get great over time. Some are great and never change after time. Figuring out the last two from the many available is the key to vaping happiness. I now have seven (7) juices in my stable. My cup runneth over!
  24. vaping Blue Honey from vape dudes in a boge carto at 2.2 ohms and battery at 4.3 volts. So yummy.
  25. just got my new order in from Vape dudes. Strawberry honey, Belgian blue, Blue honey (30ml), and blueberry lemonade. Love the blue honey! Sweet! Love the Strawberry honey! Sweet also. Belgian blue is sweet but a little different. Not so sure about it-but it is slowly growing on me. Have not tried the BB Lemonade yet. Today is the first day I could vape since whenever it was last week. Was down but am back up now. Did I mention Blue Honey is the bomb? Multi layered top blueberry and bottom sweet honey. It works so well.
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