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Posts posted by Rixter

  1. I've been using double-punched 510 XL 3Ω single coil tank cartos from Crystal Clear Vaping as well as from Sure Vapes. The ones from CCV are labeled as being manufactured by SmokTech, but I'm not sure about the ones from Sure Vapes. They look identical and both are double-punched, but the ones from CCV have one hole about 3/16" higher than the other on opposite sides...the holes on the ones from Sure Vapes are both the same distance from the bottom, also on opposite sides.


    CCV's double-punched 510 XL 3Ω single coil tank cartos...note the staggered holes.

    Only one carto out of a five-pack from CCV started gurgling and leaking juice, so I tossed it and grabbed the next one in the box...no others from that package leaked. Unfortunately, the first one out of the five-pack from Sure Vapes is gurgling and leaking, but I haven't opened another one from that pack to see what happens yet. I'll post how the others behave once I use up the rest of the package.

    My first experience with carto tanks was only recently with a Boge F-16 that I got from Sure Vapes, and it remains my favorite. I, too, am in search of the ultimate tank carto, and I look forward to finding out what others here are having success with. I've been completely blown away with the performance of these devices, and with the exception of two leaking cartos, I haven't found any other delivery gadget that even comes close to providing the amount of vapor and flavor that get from my carto tanks.

  2. Merry Christmas, homies! :santa:

    I have a little down-time during the holidays, so I thought I'd share a picture of some of my gear from the "Everyday Use" category with you. These are the guys who see non-stop action regularly.

    From left to right:

    1. eGo 1100 mAh 3.7v passthrough battery with Boge 2Ω XL cartomizer, black plastic drip shield (I'm outta threaded eGo cones), and black ceramic drip tip
    2. Unknown 510 manual 3.7v e-cig battery with Boge 2Ω cartomizer, black shorty metal drip tip, and pen clip
    3. eGo 650 mAh VV (3-6v) battery with Empire Mods Premium LR 1.5Ω Bridgeless Atomizer, Spiral eGo Drip Shield, and chrome drip tip
    4. Cig-2-0 Automatic 3.7v e-cig battery with CCV's 1.7Ω Resurrector carto and pen clip
    5. eGo C-Twist 650 mAh (3.2-4.8v) battery with Smoktech 3.5 ml tank, 3Ω Smoktech SC tank cartomizer (double-punched), and silicon Comfort Tip
    6. Sigelei Zmax VV/VP with Boge F-16 4 ml carto tank, 3Ω Smoktech SC tank cartomizer (double-punched), and tank filler tip

    I've shown you mine...now lemme see yours. :dribble:

  3. Does anyone know where I can buy replacement tubing for a SmokTech 3.5 ml. carto tank?


    I got the tank pictured above in the mail today and it has a small crack in it, but I can't seem to locate just the tubing (minus the end-caps) anywhere online. I don't see the need in replacing the whole tank if replacement tubing is available.

  4. Rixter, what size spacer do you think i should get from that link you posted?

    It really depends on how much jiggle (or giggle :laughing: ) you've got going on with your 18650, but I think that since there is a spring in the bottom cap, you'll have a little room for error in the exact thickness of the spacer needed.

    Just how loose is it ("sort of rattly" / "the battery bounces up and down inside" / "you could drive a Mack truck through there")?

    BTW - CCV has Rare Earth Magnets (baggy of 10) for $5.65 shipped, and I found this deal at DealExtreme, but I don't know anything about the company.

    Rare Earth magnets are supposedly really strong so there shouldn't be any issue with them moving on you once they're attached. If one's not enough to stop the battery from moving, put one on the top and one on the bottom. Their most common use is to convert flat-top batteries to button top batteries.

  5. I've bought from this supplier many times without issue but will not be doing so again as my very first encounter with cusomter service was a huge pain. I'd reccomend you avoid them.

    I'd shoot an email to Rob Davis <smokteksales@gmail.com> and let him know what happened. He's been very helpful in dealing with any questions I've had in the past.

    In fact, I ordered a SmokTech brand eGo 900 mAh passthrough from them once and they were out of stock on them, so he contacted me and told me he was sending me the 1100 mAh for the same price. He seems like a good guy and I'm sure he'd want to know about customer service not taking care of customers properly.

    I agree that they should either send you a magnetic spacer for the 18650, or if they don't have any, at least credit you what it'll cost you to pick up one somewhere else. He may not even know about the loose 18650 issue.

  6. As far as wicking atty tanks go, I've used the Vision V2 eGo Clearomizer ($4.95 + shipping), the Vision V3 (replaceable atty) eGo Clearomizer ($6.95 + shipping), and the Vision ViVi Nova Tank ($10.99 shipped), but my favorite tank system by far is the Boge F-16 Carto Tank ($5.95 shipped)

    I made a side-by-side comparison using a Vision ViVi Nova with a 1.8Ω Nova atty, a Boge F-16 Carto Tank with a 1.8Ω F-16 SC tank carto, and two VV eGo batteries set at 3.8v to provide 8 watts. I checked both tank setups with a multimeter to confirm the resistance.

    The F-16 produced so much more V/T/F that I kinda felt bad for the Nova (my first tank system of any type). No leaks or gurgles with either setup, which is more than I can say for the Vision V2/V3s, which are a crap-shoot at best when it comes to leaks.

    BTW, I'm a pretty heavy vaper, but I've not had a carto clog up or pop yet. I did have one gurgle after about a week of use, but I replaced it with a Smoktech 3Ω double-punched tank carto from CCV (5-pack for $9.95 shipped), set my VV eGo to 4.9v for 8 watts, and I've had no gurgles since. (They also carry 1.7Ω, 2Ω, SC, DC, single-punched, and double-punched versions available at around the same price here.)

    If you haven't tried a Boge F-16 for yourself, spend the $5.95 and find out for yourself.


    Vision ViVi Nova


    Boge F-16


    Vision V3 Clearomizer...one with no leaks.

  7. I have found that people who are really not interested in vaping seem to do that a lot.

    You know, I never thought about it before, but you're right. It's almost like they're saying, "yeah...no thanks...smoking is better for me".

    I have seen people take one really tiny pull, go into an extremely exaggerated coughing fit, and hand it back shaking their head at me with a look on their face like I'm crazy for doing it. Some others tell me that they saw on "The News" how dangerous "Those Things" are and flatly refuse to try it.

    By contrast, I haven't had a coughing fit since April 8, 2012...the day my first PV arrived in the mail. Haven't had a single cold since that day, either. :thumbup: Coincidence...I think not.

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