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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/2016 in Posts

  1. I tend to agree with you. I don't think this is the end of vaping as we know it. I am optimistic that most of us, who have been doing it a while, will be able to continue, at least for the next 2 years. I am also optimistic because a lot can change in 2 years. I think with support of vaping organizations we could possibly see some changes. The groups I am concerned about are people who are just starting to vape, or those who are still smoking, who want to quit. The regulations could severely hamper their ability to keep/start vaping. I am also concerned for small businesses like @Compenstine 's He will virtually be put out of business overnight just because it will be cost prohibitive for him to supply us with great products. ( I do think his DIY advice and services can survive, as he would be providing no actual vape products) I personally will not be affected greatly by the regulations as I have enough supplies to keep me going for many years. I will not have my normal juice, but I can DIY something that is vapable (with Comp's help). I will also continue to purchase mods, tanks, replacement boards, 510 connectors, wire, etc. I would have probably bought most of them anyway since I am an overpreparer, with shinyitus....
    1 point
  2. Tam

    Need To Start vaping soon..

    It's Memorial Day and a three day holiday for many. I think people might be sleeping in so they're not on the computer yet. By my time zone it's now 6:28 am (MDT). You time stamp shows your original post was at 3:30 am my time when I was still asleep. Give people time to wake up, have some coffee, and turn on their PCs before they start getting ready for their holiday preparations with family and friends. I'm sure others will be along shortly but I wouldn't expect a lot of responses today -- it'll probably be slow coming in. That said, do you have any specific questions you want to ask? "How vaping can help me out? Please guide.. " doesn't give us much to go on. While I'm not a medical professional or a scientist, I can't say how taking in nicotine in any form can be healthy for your baby. Vaping is probably less harmful than traditional cigarettes that carry more than 4000 carcinogens though. After trying nearly every smoking cessation aid on the market and by prescription, vaping has been the only method that got me off the analogs (cigarettes) and I'm over four years smoke-free.
    1 point
  3. mwenmenm

    Buying Vape Again

    Thanks for the recommendations. My friend bought VTC mini but I wanted to out do him Ha! But than VTC keeps coming up for me. I will check out the Kanger. Yes, mouth to lung. (They should call regular smoking lung to mouth, HA) Thanks!
    1 point
  4. I think you are somewhat miss guided in your thoughts. It will cost me 8.5 billion to register every juice I have with all the variants. I'm just a small company with 49 flavors. The industry as a whole only brought in 5-6 billion for 2015. The numbers are facts and if just my one company needs more than the whole industry took in last year, then it will close 99% of them down. It is going to cost around 1 million per flavor per variant to apply for the PMTA and there is not a guarantee that it will even pass. Since 2009 only 1 product has passed the PMTA process and that was a Snus product. Big Tobacco are the only ones with the labs in place and money to push through the PMTA process. Cost For PMTA on 1 of my Flavors Broke Down: Hydra's Delight 0 mg PG 100/0 VG Cost 1 million 0 mg PG 90/10 VG Cost 1 million 0 mg PG 80/20 VG Cost 1 million 0 mg PG 70/30 VG Cost 1 million 0 mg PG 60/40 VG Cost 1 million 0 mg PG 55/45 VG Cost 1 million 0 mg PG 50/50 VG Cost 1 million 0 mg PG 45/55 VG Cost 1 million 0 mg PG 40/60 VG Cost 1 million 0 mg PG 30/70 VG Cost 1 million 0 mg PG 20/80 VG Cost 1 million 0 mg Max VG Cost 1 million 2 mg PG 100/0 VG Cost 1 million 2 mg PG 90/10 VG Cost 1 million 2 mg PG 80/20 VG Cost 1 million 2 mg PG 70/30 VG Cost 1 million 2 mg PG 60/40 VG Cost 1 million 2 mg PG 55/45 VG Cost 1 million 2 mg PG 50/50 VG Cost 1 million 2 mg PG 45/55 VG Cost 1 million 2 mg PG 40/60 VG Cost 1 million 2 mg PG 30/70 VG Cost 1 million 2 mg PG 20/80 VG Cost 1 million 2 mg Max VG Cost 1 million 4 mg PG 100/0 VG Cost 1 million 4 mg PG 90/10 VG Cost 1 million 4 mg PG 80/20 VG Cost 1 million 4 mg PG 70/30 VG Cost 1 million 4 mg PG 60/40 VG Cost 1 million 4 mg PG 55/45 VG Cost 1 million 4 mg PG 50/50 VG Cost 1 million 4 mg PG 45/55 VG Cost 1 million 4 mg PG 40/60 VG Cost 1 million 4 mg PG 30/70 VG Cost 1 million 4 mg PG 20/80 VG Cost 1 million 4 mg Max VG Cost 1 million 6 mg PG 100/0 VG Cost 1 million 6 mg PG 90/10 VG Cost 1 million 6 mg PG 80/20 VG Cost 1 million 6 mg PG 70/30 VG Cost 1 million 6 mg PG 60/40 VG Cost 1 million 6 mg PG 55/45 VG Cost 1 million 6 mg PG 50/50 VG Cost 1 million 6 mg PG 45/55 VG Cost 1 million 6 mg PG 40/60 VG Cost 1 million 6 mg PG 30/70 VG Cost 1 million 6 mg PG 20/80 VG Cost 1 million 6 mg Max VG Cost 1 million 8 mg PG 100/0 VG Cost 1 million 8 mg PG 90/10 VG Cost 1 million 8 mg PG 80/20 VG Cost 1 million 8 mg PG 70/30 VG Cost 1 million 8 mg PG 60/40 VG Cost 1 million 8 mg PG 55/45 VG Cost 1 million 8 mg PG 50/50 VG Cost 1 million 8 mg PG 45/55 VG Cost 1 million 8 mg PG 40/60 VG Cost 1 million 8 mg PG 30/70 VG Cost 1 million 8 mg PG 20/80 VG Cost 1 million 8 mg Max VG Cost 1 million 10 mg PG 100/0 VG Cost 1 million 10 mg PG 90/10 VG Cost 1 million 10 mg PG 80/20 VG Cost 1 million 10 mg PG 70/30 VG Cost 1 million 10 mg PG 60/40 VG Cost 1 million 10 mg PG 55/45 VG Cost 1 million 10 mg PG 50/50 VG Cost 1 million 10 mg PG 45/55 VG Cost 1 million 10 mg PG 40/60 VG Cost 1 million 10 mg PG 30/70 VG Cost 1 million 10 mg PG 20/80 VG Cost 1 million 10 mg Max VG Cost 1 million 12 mg PG 100/0 VG Cost 1 million 12 mg PG 90/10 VG Cost 1 million 12 mg PG 80/20 VG Cost 1 million 12 mg PG 70/30 VG Cost 1 million 12 mg PG 60/40 VG Cost 1 million 12 mg PG 55/45 VG Cost 1 million 12 mg PG 50/50 VG Cost 1 million 12 mg PG 45/55 VG Cost 1 million 12 mg PG 40/60 VG Cost 1 million 12 mg PG 30/70 VG Cost 1 million 12 mg PG 20/80 VG Cost 1 million 12 mg Max VG Cost 1 million 14 mg PG 100/0 VG Cost 1 million 14 mg PG 90/10 VG Cost 1 million 14 mg PG 80/20 VG Cost 1 million 14 mg PG 70/30 VG Cost 1 million 14 mg PG 60/40 VG Cost 1 million 14 mg PG 55/45 VG Cost 1 million 14 mg PG 50/50 VG Cost 1 million 14 mg PG 45/55 VG Cost 1 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Cost 1 million 20 mg PG 70/30 VG Cost 1 million 20 mg PG 60/40 VG Cost 1 million 20 mg PG 55/45 VG Cost 1 million 20 mg PG 50/50 VG Cost 1 million 20 mg PG 45/55 VG Cost 1 million 20 mg PG 40/60 VG Cost 1 million 20 mg PG 30/70 VG Cost 1 million 20 mg PG 20/80 VG Cost 1 million 20 mg Max VG Cost 1 million 24 mg PG 100/0 VG Cost 1 million 24 mg PG 90/10 VG Cost 1 million 24 mg PG 80/20 VG Cost 1 million 24 mg PG 70/30 VG Cost 1 million 24 mg PG 60/40 VG Cost 1 million 24 mg PG 55/45 VG Cost 1 million 24 mg PG 50/50 VG Cost 1 million 24 mg PG 45/55 VG Cost 1 million 24 mg PG 40/60 VG Cost 1 million 24 mg PG 30/70 VG Cost 1 million 24 mg PG 20/80 VG Cost 1 million 24 mg Max VG Cost 1 million 28 mg PG 100/0 VG Cost 1 million 28 mg PG 90/10 VG Cost 1 million 28 mg PG 80/20 VG Cost 1 million 28 mg PG 70/30 VG Cost 1 million 28 mg PG 60/40 VG Cost 1 million 28 mg PG 55/45 VG Cost 1 million 28 mg PG 50/50 VG Cost 1 million 28 mg PG 45/55 VG Cost 1 million 28 mg PG 40/60 VG Cost 1 million 28 mg PG 30/70 VG Cost 1 million 28 mg PG 20/80 VG Cost 1 million 28 mg Max VG Cost 1 million 32 mg PG 100/0 VG Cost 1 million 32 mg PG 90/10 VG Cost 1 million 32 mg PG 80/20 VG Cost 1 million 32 mg PG 70/30 VG Cost 1 million 32 mg PG 60/40 VG Cost 1 million 32 mg PG 55/45 VG Cost 1 million 32 mg PG 50/50 VG Cost 1 million 32 mg PG 45/55 VG Cost 1 million 32 mg PG 40/60 VG Cost 1 million 32 mg PG 30/70 VG Cost 1 million 32 mg PG 20/80 VG Cost 1 million 32 mg Max VG Cost 1 million Grand Total $168,000,000.00 Just for 1 flavor, 1 bottle size. and all the variants. This does not include the other 3 bottle sizes or the options for extra flavor or sweetener. The truth is in the math and given at a Min cost of $300,000.00 per flavor and variant the cost is $50,400,000.00 Sorry about the table below I can't delete it...
    1 point
  5. I think you are missing the main point. I agree that the FDA is not planning on banning vaping. In fact, the regulations are poised to allow big tobacco to take over the industry. That is the point. Aside from a couple of large vaping manufacturers, nearly everybody else will be wiped out, paving the way for big tobacco to market their cig-a-likes, and opening the doors back up to regaining the "sin taxes". The fact that we will be able to keep our vaping gear and it doesn't mean a whole lot of changes for those of us who are established vapers, doesn't change the fact that new vapers will have very little choice in products and I predict that the success rate of people using vaping to quit smoking will plummet. i don't mean to be doom and gloom. Vaping will survive. But bottom line, I think it is going to be less effective with regard to quitting cigarettes and all cost advantages will be removed thereby severely reducing it's efficacy.
    1 point
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