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nicotine urin test?

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I would have to agree with everyone on the forum. Telling your parents is the best way to go. I have just become a parent myself, and I know it would hurt me more if my daughter lied to me about something she is doing that she is not supposed to. Give you parents the benefit of the doubt, u never know they might understand.

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I don't have kids, but if I did, I'm not quite sure how I'd raise them.

"Strict parents raise the best liars." Kind of true for me. My parents were really strict. As a result, I became a sneaky little kid. I did a lot of stuff I'll probably never tell my family about.
But the OP has strict parent on a different level. I'm sorry, but getting in trouble for having a vape at the age of 18? I could understand catching some **** for cigarettes, but a vape!? Even for cigarettes, nicotine tests? What?
Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with the author's actions at all.

In fact, his post makes me kind of suspicious. I can't see why he'd have any problems owning up and talking with them about it...
unless... he's a minor.


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