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Possible vapers tongue?

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I have 2 bottles of the greatest juice I have ever had. When i first started vaping them it was delicious. Now for some reason i cant taste anything at all. It seems like my sense of taste is dead. I drink a ton of water which is about 10 bottles a day. I brush and use mouthwash twice a day. I just cant seem to figure this out out. I will drain a tank of one flavor then switch to the other one. I am not quite sure what is going on here. These juices have flavor like a champ, i just cant taste them for some reason. Anyone have this problem, or maybe have a solution? Thanks

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Yep. Vapors tongue.

The only reliable solution I have besides what you have mentioned is to switch out unlike flavors. Change between a fruit and a coffee, for example. You have to bounce around a little.

If you think about it, the same thing is true for just about anything you eat.

And I have found, for me, brushing teeth and mouthwash destroys a vape for some time, so I don't brush my teeth anymore :)

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I will drain a tank of one flavor then switch to the other one.

Well, there's one problem right here. You're vaping one flavor too long. I'll go at most an hour per flavor before switching to something else. You also don't mention what flavors you're vaping. If they're too close together -- say two bakery flavors or two fruit flavors -- you need to make a change like go bakery then go fruit then go to something like mint, peppermint, just anything that's drastically different. That should help out.

Do you brush your tongue? I find that also helps if you get the plaque off. If you're going to use mouthwash, get the one without alcohol. That tingly feeling it leaves? It's wreaking havoc on your taste buds.

Last but not least: you're still healing from the cigars and such. Give yourself a break. Things are going to be changing for you for some time. This is why you see veteran vapers talking about different juices and different flavors from various vendors. Our taste buds change and flavors we loved at first just don't do it for us anymore. Or we can't taste them as well as we did when we first "discovered" the best flavor ever! After some time has passed we might go back to it, but we're all constantly on the look-out for our new favorite juice.

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