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Im chris from Adamsville AL. and Im new to vaping and the forum I didn't realize how big the vaping community is and its great especially on this forum there is a lot of good people on here offering help and support and its very appreciated.

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howdy chris! welcome! feel free to ask any questions you might have. we all started from ground zero at one point. some of us are still trying equipment out finding our favorites... other have tried a ton and have found what they like so they can give you an opinion either way!

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howdy chris! welcome! feel free to ask any questions you might have. we all started from ground zero at one point. some of us are still trying equipment out finding our favorites... other have tried a ton and have found what they like so they can give you an opinion either way!

That's me lol, i've owned a Provari, a Silver Bullet, a plethera of different 808 sticks, eGo's, vv eGo's, etc.....

Direct dripping, carto's, clearo's, tanks, carts+atty's etc....

I've just finally realized that a lr ce4 on a standard eGo is about as good as vaping gets for me. Simplicity at it's finest :)

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