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One Month Analog Free

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Today marks my first month analog free in over 27 years! This vaping thing has been an adventure. Started with NJoy disposables to a cheap yet expensive generic "mall kit" to an EGO T Starter kit 1000mah and now to Vision Spinner 1300mah. It was an adventure to find my favorite flavor (Traditional Tobacco from Sweet-Vapes) as well as my favorite tank (Kanger T2) and have found my suppliers of each.

Thing is, I am not so sure I feel like I have "quit smoking" as much as shifted to a healthier alternative but I can smell and taste things I never tasted and smelled before (like what I smelled like when I smoked), I no longer have the same anxiety and sinus issues I had before, and even with everything I tried through trial and error I have still spent less than I would have in a normal month of 2 pack a day smoking and now the cost will go down even more since the trial and error phase is over. I have my set up now, and am sticking with what I have. Not into the style aspect of "mods" and am very happy with my equipment.

My wife and I are doing this together. We were buying 3 cartons of smokes a week at around $150 making it $600 a month to smoke. I am about half that in liquids and all equipment and am set up for at least another month without needing to reorder anything. I have refined it down to about a $20 per week cost for each of us making it about $160 per month for liquid and coil replacements. So in addition to my health, smell, taste, lack of need of anxiety and sinus meds, less Dr appointments, and not having to leave my desk 30 times a day to run outside and fire up an analog I estimate around a $6500 per year savings short term and I am certain the long term health costs would be exponentially higher.

I appreciate all the advice and help I get on here, and finally feel sufficiently educated to help others that are where I was a month ago. This forum is awesome!

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The first couple of months are the hardest. Make sure you have good equipment and lots of juice that you enjoy. Your taste for vaping juice will change with time. The tobacco flavors got me started and then I migrated around to some different flavors. After 3 years all I vape now is vanilla....I never saw that coming!


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Congratulations! Its nice to know you are not alone. My wife and I have a nearly identical story and today marks 6 weeks for us.

Here's to sticking with it and much success to you and your wife!

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