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Didn't Realize How Bad I Smelled.

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I'm on the bus on the way to work after not smoking for 9 days - YES! 9 days! lol Two guys get on the bus and OMG, they reeked. I didn't realize how awful the smell was on people until I quit. It almost was bad enough to make me ill. It's also in my apartment and furniture. I'm glad I'm moving to a smoke free house in 11 days because I can't stand it anymore. I don't want to become one of "those" people but I might already be one!

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What you can smell once you start with the ecigs is pretty amazing. I found one draw back of sorts. I'm very allergic to perfumes, colognes, scented... anything, and now I can smell them so much better. Lol!

You're doing good, Suzi. Keep it up! But if you feel the need for an analog every once in a while, don't beat yourself up over it, just get back to vaping when ready. ;)

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I can't stand cigarette smoke either now. I'p made the full switch a couple weeks ago. I rented a carpet cleaner and then washed everything in my place that could be put in the washer. They always say, the worst non-smoker is an ex-smoker. I avoid tobacco smoke as much as I can...,cigar smoke is the worst for me..,.I actually turn green if I breath it for too long...that's how sick it makes me.

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like Mcquinn.....hate the smell of old smoke and reek, but I really do like the smell of a freshly lit cigarette. doen't make me want one, just like the smell....then again, I like the smell of gasoline fumes too.....might explain the brain damage !

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  • 2 weeks later...

OMG yes! The smell is horrible!

I am an EMT with the ambulance service in my county, and now, when I get in the back with a patient who smokes, or have to go into a house where a patient smokes, it literally makes me nauseous!

It's just this awful putrid smell that actually burns my nose, I am appalled to realize that is how I use to smell.

My lovely sweet husband told me recently that he never would say anything about the smell (he's a non-smoker) but that he is so glad I quit because he says I smell awsome now. He says even my hair smelled that way! Gross! I notice, now, he will come up and put his nose in my hair and hug me....quite often. Something he never use to do.

The e-cig has not just given me my life and health back, it has given me special things in my marriage that have brought he and I closer. I tear up when I think or talk about it what I missed out on.

If smokers only KNEW what it's like to NOT be imprisoned by those cancer sticks! And how wonderfully tasty the e-cig is! Wish I could convert them all! Im trying, one by one, starting with those close to me.

I recently was able to convert my best friend and my mother! Im so proud of them both!

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It's so strange to know that we've all smelled like that once upon a time. I absolutely hate the smell of cigarette smoke, but I've smoked them for four years. I can't wait for a cleaner, happier lifestyle. And I love that I can smoke inside now with my e-cig. Because of the horrible smell, I couldn't smoke inside my own apartment.

I'm just so thankful to switch over.

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